Poets at the Gate

The Gate was a coffeehouse located in the basement of Trinity Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio. Poems in the first issue were gathered from the first reading in the series which occurred on March 25, 1966. Poems in the third issue were gathered from the second reading in the series which occurred on April 29, 1966. … Continue reading Poets at the Gate


Edited by Carl Woideck, Sum ran for three issues from 1966 to 1968 and was published out of Lakewood, Ohio 1. SUM, No. 1, edited by Carl Woideck Lakewood: Sum, 1966 First edition, saddle-stapled in collaged and painted wrappers, 4.25” x 5.5”, 22 pages, mimeograph printed. “sum – a time of meeting of spirits” – … Continue reading Sum

The Eight Pager

1. THE EIGHT PAGER, Series 1, Part 1, edited by D.r. Wagner Niagara Falls: press : today : niagara, 1966 First edition, top-stapled, 8.5” x 11”, 12 leaves printed recto only, mimeograph printed. “this publication is not to be taken internally except as an aphrodisiac” Contents: D.r. Wagner – “Orange Satori II” rjs – [untitled] … Continue reading The Eight Pager

Free Love Periodically

1. FREE LOVE PERIODICALLY, No. 1, edited by RJS Cleveland: Free Love Press, 1966 First edition, side-stapled in printed cover, 8.5” x 11”, 26 leaves printed recto only, spirit-duplicator printed. “featuring the poets who read at the fourth open poetry reading at the Gate in Cleveland” Contents: rjs – “Poets at the Gate” [editorial] Don … Continue reading Free Love Periodically

The Silver Cesspool

The first of d.a. levy’s periodicals, five issues of The Silver Cesspool were published between 1963 and 1964. The short-lived periodical was letterpress printed by levy and featured block prints from Lester Czaban Jr., Charlene Levey, Russell Salamon, John Konyecsni, and levy. Contributors over the five issues included Kent Taylor, Russell Atkins, Adelaide Simon, Judson Crews, Kirby … Continue reading The Silver Cesspool

The Marrahwanna Quarterly

Fourteen issues of The Marrahwanna Quarterly were published by d.a. levy’s Renegade Press from 1964 to 1968. Cover art and illustrations were done by d.a. levy, Kent Taylor, Dagmar, T.L. Kryss, and others. Contributors included John Keys, Margaret Randall, Marvin Malone, Carl Larsen, George Montgomery, Judson Crews, Douglas Blazek, Steve Richmond, Charles Bukowski, d.a. levy, … Continue reading The Marrahwanna Quarterly

The Silver Cesspool

The first of d.a. levy’s periodicals, five issues of The Silver Cesspool were published between 1963 and 1964. The short-lived periodical was letterpress printed by levy and featured block prints from Lester Czaban Jr., Charlene Levey, Russell Salamon, John Konyecsni, and levy. Contributors over the five issues included Kent Taylor, Russell Atkins, Adelaide Simon, Judson … Continue reading The Silver Cesspool

Loujon Press

In the Fall of 1961, Jon and Louise “Gypsy Lou” Webb published the first issue of their avant-garde poetry and prose magazine, The Outsider. Handset and letterpress printed, the journal straddled the line between traditional books and modern works of art, and the journal made an outsized impact on the literary world, shining a light … Continue reading Loujon Press

William S. Burroughs – Contributions to Periodicals

>> return to WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS main page >> SECTION C: This index includes contributions to periodicals (excluding foreign language translations, interviews and some miscellaneous prose) from 1957 to 1973: roughly the period of time covered by the Maynard and Miles Bibliography (ref. M&M). 1957 1. THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION, Vol. 53, No. 2, … Continue reading William S. Burroughs – Contributions to Periodicals