Tag Archives: Auerhahn Press

William S. Burroughs – Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides

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This index includes books, pamphlets, and broadsides (excluding foreign language translations, interviews and some miscellaneous prose) from 1957 to 1973: roughly the period of time covered by the Maynard and Miles Bibliography (ref. M&M).

1. Lee, William. JUNKIE
a. First edition:
New York: Ace Books Inc., 1953
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 4.25” x 6.5”, 320 pages, bound back to back with Maurice Helbrant’s Narcotic Agent. Publisher’s note by Carl Solomon (not credited).
(M&M A1a) *

William Burroughs’ first book, written under the pseudonym ‘William Lee’ (his mother’s maiden name).

According to Beatbooks catalog #92: Ace Books was owned by Carl Solomon’s uncle, A.A. Wyn, a connection made by Allen Ginsberg who was acting as Burroughs’s agent at the time. The publication of Nelson Algren’s novel The Man With The Golden Arm in 1949 inspired a trend for books about junkies, many of them mass-market paperbacks sold in newsagents rather than bookshops, and with commercial success in mind Wyn agreed to publish Burroughs. Though written in a noir-ish hard-boiled style, Junkie is autobiographical (the “Confessions of an Unredeemed Drug Addict”), and lacks the kind of plot that readers of the genre attracted by Al Rossi’s lurid cover art might have expected.

Burroughs’s picaresque and frequently humorous narrative, with its hip talk and junkie jargon, is also told from the detached point of view of the hipster-addict, a neutrality which Wyn sought to counter-balance by yoking it to a reprint of Helbrant’s 1941 account of his “War Against the Dope Menace”. Burroughs was initially appalled at this appendage, but his motivation for writing Junkie was, as he later wrote, money and recognition, though neither were forthcoming at first as the book was largely ignored at the time of publication. More significantly, by mixing an orthodox narrative of drug experiences with occasional forays into set-pieces, or routines, Junkie also paved the way for Naked Lunch.

b. First UK edition:
London: Digit Books, 1957
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 4.5” x 7.25”, 160 pages.
(M&M A1b) *

According to Beatbooks catalog #92: First UK edition, and the first edition of Junkie as a separate item. Front cover art by Al Rossi, based on his earlier artwork for Ace Books. His sensational back cover art depicts a blonde with hypo and rolled-down stocking, and it was probably this, at least in part, that provoked the British censors to suppress the book after publication and order all the remaining copies to be pulped.

a. First edition:
Shrewsbury: British Journal of Addiction, 1957
Side-stapled sheets, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 13 pages,  50 copies.
(see M&M C1) *

An offprint of the Burroughs article appearing in the January 1957 issue of British Journal of Addiction (Vol. 53, No. 2) edited by John Yerbury Dent (M&M C1). This is Burroughs’ first appearance in print under his own name.

3. Burroughs, William S. THE NAKED LUNCH
a. First edition:
Paris: Olympia Press, July 1959
Sewn signatures bound in printed wrappers in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 4.5″ x 7″, 232 pages, 5000 copies. Dust jacket designed by Burroughs. Issued as No. 76 in the Traveller’s Companion Series. Preliminary issue with price on lower wrapper not canceled with over-stamp.
(M&M A2a)

According to Beatbooks catalog #89: Price on lower wrapper not canceled (copies distributed following the revaluation of the Franc in January 1960 had the printed price stamped over).

b. First US edition, revised:
New York City: Grove Press, 1962
Hardcover in paper and cloth-bound boards with gilt-stamped spine in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 5.5″ x 8″, 256 pages, 3500 copies. Printed prospectus issued.
(M&M A2b)

The contents of this edition differ from the Olympia first edition. This Grove Press edition includes as the Introduction, “Deposition: Testimony Concerning a Sickness” [first published in Evergreen Review, Vol. 4, No. 11 (January-February 1960) (M&M C12)] and, as the Appendix,“Letter from a Master Addict to Dangerous Drugs” [first published in The British Journal of Addiction, Vol. 53, No. 2 (January 1957) (M&M C1)].

According to BeatBooks catalog #20, publication of this edition triggered obscenity trials in Los Angeles and Boston.

a. First edition:
San Francisco: Wallace Berman, 1959
Broadside, 4″ x 5″, letterpress printed by Wallace Berman.
(see M&M C11)

This broadside is laid into Semina, No. 4, edited by Wallace Berman (M&M C11).

5. Burroughs, William and Brion Gysin. THE EXTERMINATOR
a. First edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1960
Sewn signatures bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 9.25″, 64 pages, 1000 copies, letterpress printed, designed and printed by Dave L. Haselwood and James F. McIlroy. Illustrated by Brion Gysin. Printed announcement issued.
(M&M A4a)

The first collection of cut-ups, containing material that Burroughs and Gysin completed before Minutes To Go was published.

b. First edition, second printing:
San Francisco: Dave Haselwood Books, 1967
Sewn signatures bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 6″ x 9″, 51 pages, 1000 copies. Illustrated by Brion Gysin.
(M&M A4b)

6. Burroughs, William, Sinclair Beiles, Gregory Corso, and Brion Gysin. MINUTES TO GO
a. First edition:
Paris: Two Cities Editions, April 1960
Sewn signatures bound in illustrated wrappers, 5.25″ x 8.25″, 64 pages, 1000 copies. Cover design by Brion Gysin.
(M&M A3a)

This is the second collection of cut-ups to be published.

b. First US edition:
San Francisco: Beach Books, Texts & Documents, 1968
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.25″ x 8.5″, 66 pages, 1000 copies, distributed by City Lights Books.
(M&M A3b)

This edition is a facsimile of the first edition but for the addition of a Claude Pelieu collage.

7. Burroughs, William. THE SOFT MACHINE
a. First edition:
Paris: The Olympia Press, June 1961
Sewn signatures bound in printed wrappers in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 4.25″ x 7″, 184 pages, 5000 copies. Dust jacket designed by Brion Gysin.
(M&M A5a) *

b. First US edition, revised:
New York City: Grove Press, 1966
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with silver-stamped spine in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 5.5″ x 8″, 184 pages, 18,000 copies. Cover art by Burroughs. Author photo by Charles Henri Ford.
(M&M A5b) *

According to Beat Books catalog #48: Burroughs completely rewrote the text for this edition, partly as a response to criticisms that the first edition had been difficult to read.

According to Am Here catalog #3: This constitutes the revised expanded edition advertised but never published by Olympia.

8. Burroughs, William. THE TICKET THAT EXPLODED
a. First edition:
Paris: Olympia Press, December 1962
Sewn signatures bound in printed wrappers in printed and photo-illustrated dust jacket, 4.25″ x 6.75″, 184 pages, 5000 copies. Dust jacket designed by Ian Sommerville. Illustrated by Brion Gysin.
(M&M A6a)

b. First US edition, revised:
New York City: Grove Press, June 1967
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with black-stamped spine in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 5.25″ x 8″, 218 pages, 10,000 copies. Dust jacket designed by Kuhlman Associates. Author photo by Martha Rocher.
(M&M A6b) *

The Grove Press edition is a second version, a rearrangement of the first Olympia text with additions and expansions, plus “The Invisible Generation”, a piece incorporating two earlier articles from International Times (see M&M C157 and C162).

9. Burroughs, William. DEAD FINGERS TALK
a. First edition:
London: John Calder in association with Olympia Press, November 1963
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with gilt-stamped spine in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 5.25″ x 8″, 220 pages, 4000 copies. Cover photos by Ian Sommerville.
(M&M A7a)

Contains sections from The Naked Lunch, The Soft Machine, and The Ticket That Exploded along with some previously unpublished material.

10. Burroughs, William. and Allen Ginsberg. THE YAGE LETTERS
a. First edition:
San Francisco: City Lights Books, November 1963
Sewn signatures bound in printed and photo-illustrated wrappers, 5″ x 7.25″, 68 pages, 3000 copies, letterpress printed at Villiers Publications.
(M&M A8a) *

According to Beatbooks catalog #89: An “early epistolary novel” by Burroughs, “detailing picaresque incidents of search for telepathic-hallucinogenic-mind-expanding drug Yage” (back cover blurb). The letters date from 1953 and record Burroughs’ journeys through the Amazon jungle. Includes two drawings by Allen Ginsberg and his letters to Burroughs from 1960.

a. First edition:
New York: Fuck You Press, January 1964
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 4.25″ x 5.5″, 24 pages, 500 copies, mimeograph printed by Ed Sanders. Illustrated by Allen Ginsberg.
(M&M A9a)

According to Beatbooks catalog #89: The routine, created by Burroughs and Kells Elvins while students at Harvard and originally intended for inclusion in “The Yage Letters”, was censored by the English printers, and subsequently printed in Floating Bear No. 9 (M&M C33), resulting in its editor LeRoi Jones being jailed.

12. Burroughs, William. THE COLDSPRING NEWS
a. First edition:
Flint: Fenian Head Centre Press, March 1964
Broadside,7.25″ x 12.5″.
(see M&M C124)

This broadside also appears folded and bound into The Spero, Vol. 1, No. 1 edited by Douglas and Kathy Casement (Fenian Head Centre Press, 1965) with the addition of a copyright notice at the bottom. (M&M C124)

a. First edition:
Tangier: Ira Cohen, Spring 1964
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5″ x 8″, 14 pages.
(see M&M C68-C71)

An offprint collecting all the Burroughs appearances in Gnaoua, No. 1, edited by Ira Cohen.

14. Burroughs, William S. NOVA EXPRESS
a. First edition:
New York City: Grove Press, November 1964
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with black-stamped spine in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 5.5″ x 8.25″, 190 pages, 10,000 copies, printed at The Book Press. Foreword Note by Burroughs. Cover design by Roy Kuhlman. Author photograph by Martha Rocher.
(M&M A10a)

According to Burroughs’ Foreword Note: The section called “This Horrible Case” was written in collaboration with Mr. Ian Sommerville, a mathematician—Mr. Sommerville also contributed the technical notes in the section called “Chinese Laundry”—An extension of Brion Gysin’ cut-up method which I call the fold-in method has been used in this book which is consequently a composite of many writers living and dead.

15. Burroughs, William. VALENTINE’S DAY READING
a. First edition:
New York: American Theatre for Poets, February 1965
Side-stapled in printed cover sheet, 8.5″ x 11″, 14 pages, mimeograph printed.
(M&M F12)

Includes “Transcript of Dutch Schultz’s Last Words” and the first column from The Coldspring News, “On The Back Porch of his Farm”.

16. Burroughs, William. TIME
a. First edition:
New York: “C” Press, 1965
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 32 pages, 1000 copies (886 in a trade edition; 100 numbered and signed; 10 lettered A-J, hardbound, with original manuscript page by Burroughs and original drawing by Gysin, signed; and four hardcover numbered copies hors commerce). Cover art by Burroughs. Illustrated by Brion Gysin. Edited by Ted Berrigan, Ron Padgett, and Joe Brainard.
(M&M A11a)

b. Pirate edition:
London: Urgency Press Rip-Off, May 1972
Top-stapled with printed cover sheet, 8″ x 13″, 32 pages, 45 copies. Edited by Roy Pennington. Published on the occasion of the Bickershaw Festival.
(M&M A11b)

17. Burroughs, William S. WILT CAUGHT IN TIME
a. First edition:
New Orleans: Loujon Press, c.1965
Broadside, 6″ x 9″, letterpress printed by Jon Edgar Webb and Gypsy Lou Webb.
(see M&M C46)

An offprint of the Burroughs contribution to The Outsider, No. 2, edited by Jon Edgar Webb and Gypsy Lou Webb (M&M C46).

According to Jeff Weddle in “The Loujon Press: An Historical Analysis”: Burroughs’ submission for issue two originally bore the title, “Cuts from ‘Word Line’ William Burroughs for Hassan i Sabbah.” The piece was done using Burroughs’ distinctive, jumbled, “cut-up” technique and had no easily discernible narrative flow or quickly grasped meaning. Perhaps for these reasons, Webb heavily edited and re-titled the piece, casting it as a poem in The Outsider number two. Burroughs’ manuscript bears a notation, again in Webb’s hand, stating that the piece was “condensed and rearranged into “wilt caught in time,” the title under which it appeared in the magazine. While Webb’s version of Burroughs’ piece bears little resemblance to the author’s original submission, no record has been uncovered showing Burroughs’ response to Webb’s heavy editing of his work.

18. Burroughs, William S. HEALTH BULLETIN: APO-33
a. First edition:
New York: Fuck You Press, 1965
Side-stapled sheets with printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 54 pages, 10-20 copies, mimeograph printed by Ed Sanders.
(M&M A12a) *

According to Sanders “maybe as many as ten or twenty” copies were distributed before he halted publication due to Burroughs’ dissatisfaction with the copy he’d received.

b. Second edition:
San Francisco: Beach Books, Texts, & Documents, 1966
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 24 pages, 3000 copies.
(M&M A12b)

This printing is a photo-offset reproduction of Burroughs’ manuscript and scrapbook pages, featuring the three-column cut-up style, compiled by Mary Beach and Claude Pélieu.

19. Burroughs, William S. THE INVISIBLE GENERATION
a. First edition:
London: Project Sigma, December 1966
Broadside, 11.5″ x 17″, 1000 copies, offset printed.
(see M&M C159)

This item was not given a Sigma index number and no evidence exists to show distribution except by International Times itself which provided the offprints. Reprinted from International Times, No. 3 (November 1966) (M&M C157).

20. Burroughs, William S. THE INVISIBLE GENERATION (continued)
a. First edition:
London: Lovebooks Ltd, December 1966
Broadside, 22.5″ x 30.25″, 200 copies, silk-screened, designed by Michael English so that part of the card could be cut out and assembled to make a word-machine. Published as International Times, No. 5.5.
(see M&M C160) *

21. Burroughs, William S., Claude Pélieu, and Carl Weissner. SO WHO OWNS DEATH TV?
a. First edition:
San Francisco: Beach Books, Texts, & Documents, 1967
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 8.5″ x 5.5″, 12 pages, 3000 copies; there was a variant issue of 200 copies on black paper printed in silver ink.
(M&M A13a)

b. Second edition, expanded:
San Francisco: Beach Books, Texts, & Documents, 1967
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 8.5″ x 5.5″, 20 pages, 3000 copies. This expanded edition includes photo-collages by Jean-Jacques Lebel and Liam O’Gallagher.
(M&M A13b)

22. Burroughs, William S. SCIENTOLOGY REVISITED
a. First edition:
New York: Scientology East, c.1968
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 8 pages.
(not in M&M) *

Reprinted from Mayfair, Vol. 3, No. 1 (January 1968) (M&M C187)

23. Burroughs, William S. THE DEAD STAR
a. First edition:
San Francisco: Nova Broadcast Press, November 1969
Broadside  (8″ x 26.75″), folded and stapled into printed wrappers, 4.74″ x 8″, 2000 copies. Edited by Jan Herman. Published as Nova Broadcast, No. 5
(M&M A14a)

The first US publication of a piece done in Burroughs’ familiar scrapbook, photo-collage 3-column newspaper style, originally published in Jeff Nuttall’s My Own Mag ‘Dutch Schultz’ issue.

a. First edition:
London: Cape Goliard Press,  May 1970
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with red-stamped spine in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 6.25″ x 9.75″, 88 pages. Cover art and illustrations by R.B. Kitaj.
(M&M 17a) *

A film-script inspired by the official transcript of the last words of mobster Dutch Schultz, recorded by a police stenographer as he lay dying in hospital.

25. Burroughs, William S. ALI’S SMILE
a. First edition:
Brighton: Unicorn Books, October 1971
Hardcover in buckram-bound boards with gilt-stamped cover, 6.25″ x 8″, 44 pages, 99 copies numbered and signed, printed by Richard Moseley at Graphic Workshop. Issued in a carton which also contains a 12-inch LP record of Burroughs reading the second draft of the text.
(M&M A19a, G6) *

b. First edition, second printing:
Gottingen: Expanded Media Editions, October 1973
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.75″ x 7.5″, 40 pages. Bilingual edition with German text translated by Carl Weissner. Photographs of the author by Udo Breger. Published as Expanded Media Editions, No. 12.
(M&M D28)

26. Burroughs, William S. THE WILD BOYS: A BOOK OF THE DEAD
a. First edition:
New York: Grove Press, 1971
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with gilt-stamped spine and blind-stamped front cover in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 5.5″ x 8.25″, 184 pages.
(M&M A20a) *

27. Burroughs, William S. ELECTRONIC REVOLUTION 1970-71
a. First edition:
Cambridge: Blackmoor Head Press, October 1971
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 8″ x 10.25″, 76 pages, 500 copies. Printed for Henri Chopin and his Collection OU by Ian Ormiston at the Blackmoor Head Press. Cover art by Brion Gysin. Text in English and French; French translation by Jean Chopin. Published as Collection OU, No. 2.
(M&M A21a)

28. Burroughs, William S., Brion Gysin, and Ian Sommerville. LET THE MICE IN, edited by Jan Herman
a. First edition:
West Glover, Vt.: Something Else Press, February 1973
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with silver-stamped spine and front cover in printed dust jacket, 6.25″ x 9.25″, 74 pages, 500 copies (plus 1000 copies in wrappers), designed and printed by Graham Mackintosh at Noel Young Press in Santa Barbara.
(M&M A22a-b)

Includes texts and cut-ups by Burroughs (“The Invisible Generation”, “Word Authority More Habit Forming Than Heroin”, and “Parenthetically 7 Hertz”), and Ian Sommerville, plus several sepia photographs of the authors, the Dream Machine, etc.

29. Burroughs, William S. EXTERMINATOR! A NOVEL
a. First edition:
New York: Viking Press, August 1973
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with white-stamped spine and black-stamped front cover in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 5.25″ x 8″, 170 pages, 7500 copies.
(M&M A23a) *

Note: A collection of short routines and other material, mostly from The Wild Boys.

30. Burroughs, William S. WHITE SUBWAY
a. First edition:
London: Aloes Books, September 1973
Perfect-bound in printed and photo-illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 8.25″, 74 pages, 1000 copies (25 of which are numbered and signed).
(M&M A24a)

A collection of various pieces, its title taken from a section of The Soft Machine, including cut-up and three-column style texts (“Who Is the 3rd…?”, “The Last Post Danger Ahead”, and “From a Distant Hand Lifted”), originally published in little literary magazines such as Gnaoua, Spero, Underground Telegram, Kulchur, Arcade, Lines, Bulletin from Nothing, and Birmingham Bulletin. Also includes a piece by Alan Ansen, and Paul Bowles’s essay, “Burroughs In Tangier”.

31. Burroughs, William S. MAYFAIR ACADAMY SERIES MORE OR LESS, edited by Roy Pennington
a. First edition:
Brighton: Urgency Press Rip-Off, 1973
Saddle-stapled in printed and photo-illustrated wrappers, 5″ x 8.25″, 104 pages, 650 pages. Printed on different colour papers, stapled and trimmed at the press operated by Bill Butler’s partner, Mike Hughes, above the Unicorn bookshop in Brighton.
(M&M A25a)

Note: Reprints ten of the Burroughs ‘Academy Bulletins’ from Mayfair magazine (there were 21 in the series all together), along with other articles he wrote for them, together with an essay on Burroughs “originally presented as an M.A. thesis in Philosophy” by the book’s publisher, Roy Pennington.

[* not in archive]

David Meltzer – Books and Broadsides

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This index includes books, chapbooks, pamphlets, and broadsides; all contents are poems unless otherwise noted.

First edition:
Los Angeles: Wallace Berman, 1956
Broadside, 3.5″ x  6″, letterpress printed by Wallace Berman. Laid into Semina, No. 1.

Contents: “An Unpublished Letter to Some Lost Relatives” [uncollected]

Note: see also C2.

2. Meltzer, David. POEMS 
First edition:
San Francisco: Donald and Alice Shenker, [1957]
Side-stapled sheets in printed and illustrated wrappers with library tape binding, 5.75″ x 8.75″, 16 pages, 25 copies, offprint of David Meltzer / Donald Shenker book comprising only the Meltzer section. Cover art by Tina Meltzer.

Contents: “Poem”, “Journey”, “Now for instance the Idiot”, “Oration at the Funeral of a Chinese Youth”, “Erratum: A Poem for Idell”, “On a Popular Song for Namiko”, “The Approach to Her Body”, “I Have Taken You out of the Wind’s Sound”, Highsung Song for Baza”, “Prophecy: Requiem Blues”, “Less of a More Greatness fo W. & S. & T. Berman”, “Poem”, “All in Pure Death”, “For Wallace Berman, Poet-Maker”, “Tired of Being Tired”, “Today was so Large to Live in”, “Love Story”

Note: See also B1.

3. Meltzer, David. 24TH RAGA / FOR TINA *
First edition:
New Haven: Penny Poems, 1959
Broadside, 8.5″ x 11″, offset printed. Published as Penny Poems, No. 27

Contents: “24th Raga/ For Tina” [collected in Ragas]

4. Meltzer, David. THE PROPHET
First edition:
New Haven: Penny Poems, 1959
Broadside, 7″ x 10″, offset printed. Published as Penny Poems, No. 54

Contents: “The Prophet” [collected in Ragas]

First edition:
New Haven: Penny Poems, 1959
Broadside, 7″ x 10″, offset printed. Published as Penny Poems, No. 69

Contents: “From: The Clown, Book II/ Air & Interim” [collected in Ragas]

6. Meltzer, David. MORNING POEM
First edition:
New Haven: Penny Poems, 1959
Broadside, 7″ x 10″, offset printed. Published as Penny Poems, No. 83

Contents: “Morning Poem” [uncollected]

7. Meltzer, David. RAGAS 
First edition:
San Francisco: Discovery Books, 1959
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 52 pages, (1500 copies), printed at the Troubador Press. Cover design by Peter LeBlanc.

Contents: “30th/ June:59”, “Vision”, “Mexico”, “2nd Raga: The Woods”, “Revelation”, “from: The Hollywood Poem”, “Love Poem”, “from: Night Before Morning”, “from: The Clown / Book II”, “Two Poems for Joey Loewinsohn…”, “12th Raga / for John Wieners”, “14th Raga / for Donald Schenker”, “15th Raga / for Bela Lugosi”, “23rd Raga / for Tina”, “24th Raga / The Birds”, “The Dance”, “The Mechanikons”, “Poem for Tuolumne’s First & Last Artist Investigator of Truth”, “Home Life of the Gods”, “6th Raga / for Bob Alexander”, The Prophet”, “Ward Poem”, “Filbert Street”, “The Last Word”

8. Meltzer, David. SAMPSON AGONISTES
First edition:
San Francisco: Wallace Berman, 1959
Broadside, 3.5″ x 5.5″, letterpress printed by Wallace Berman. Laid into Semina, No. 4.

Contents: “Sampson Agonistes” [uncollected]

Note: see also C5.

9. Meltzer, David. TODOS SANTOS. VILLA
First edition:
Larkspur: Wallace Berman, 1959
Broadside, 3.5″ x 5.5″, letterpress printed by Wallace Berman. Laid into Semina, No. 5.

Contents: “Todos Santos. Villa” [uncollected]

Note: see also C10.

10. Meltzer, David. THE CLOWN
First edition:
Larkspur: Semina, 1960
Printed sheets laid into printed folder, 335 copies, letterpress printed by Wallace Berman. Published as Semina, No. 6.

Contents: “The Clown” [uncollected]

First edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1962
Saddle-stapled illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 8.5″, 12 pages, 750 copies, letterpress printed by Dave Haselwood. Published as Auerhahn Pamphlet No. 2.  (Auerhahn 19)

Contents: “Patchen” [essay], “Summa”, “A Recognition”, “So good to know…”, “I went to the shore…”

12. Meltzer, David. BAZASCOPE MOTHER
First edition:
Los Angeles: Drekfesser Press, [1964]
Single sheet folded once to make four pages, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 250 copies (approximately 150 copies were supposedly destroyed). Cover collage by I.E. Alexander, rear photograph by Zack Walsh.

Contents: “BazaScope”

13. Meltzer, David. STATION *
First edition:
San Francisco: San Francisco Arts Festival Commission, 1964
Broadside, 13″ x 20″, 300 copies, printed by East Wind Printers. Illustrated by Peter Bailey. Laid into portfolio entitled A Poetry Folio 1964.

Contents: “Station” [uncollected]

14. Meltzer, David. THE BLACKEST ROSE
First edition:
Berkeley: Oyez, 1964
First edition, broadside, 11″ x 17.5″, 350 copies, letterpress printed by Dave Haselwood. Published as Oyez 6.

Contents: “The Blackest Rose” [uncollected]

15. Meltzer, David. THE PROCESS
a. First edition, regular copies:
Berkeley: Oyez, 1965
Saddle-stapled illustrated french-fold wrappers, 44 pages, 500 copies, printed by Graham Mackintosh, designed by Dave Haselwood. Cover illustration by  Peter LeBlanc. This is the first Oyez book.

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Berkeley: Oyez, 1965
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with illustrated dust jacket, 44 pages, 25 numbered and signed copies, printed by Graham Mackintosh, designed by Dave Haselwood. Cover illustration by  Peter LeBlanc. This is the first Oyez book.

16. Meltzer, David. OYEZ! *
First edition:
[Berkeley]: Oyez Press, [1965]
Single sheet folded once to make four pages, 6″ x 9″, 250 copies. Cover illustration by Meltzer.

Contents: “In Hope I Offer A Fire-wheel”

17. Meltzer, David. THE DARK CONTINENT *
a. First edition,  regular copies:
Berkeley: Oyez, 1967
Perfect-bound in illustrated and printed wrappers, 94 pages, 1000 copies, printed by Graham Mackintosh. Cover design by Peter LeBlanc.

b. First edition, lettered and signed copies:
Berkeley: Oyez, 1967
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards without dust jacket as issued, 94 pages, 26 lettered and signed copies, printed by Graham Mackintosh.

18. Meltzer, David. NATURE POEM *
First edition:
Santa Barbara: Unicorn Book Shop, 1967
Broadside, 13″ x 18.25″, 200 copies printed by Noel Young. Illustrated with an engraving by Janeen Vanden Berg.

Contents: “Nature Poem” [uncollected]

Note: published on the occasion of David Meltzer’s reading at the Unicorn Bookshop, Nov. 18, 1967

19. Meltzer, David. JOURNAL OF THE BIRTH *
First edition:
Berkeley: Oyez, 1967
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.75″ x 9″, 24 pages, 1000 copies.

Contents: “Journal of the Birth” [prose] [previously published in Journal for the Protection of All Beings, No. 1 (City Lights, 1961)]

20. Meltzer, David. ORF *
Hollywood: Essex House, 1968

21. Meltzer, David. THE AGENT *
Hollywood: Essex House, 1968

22. Meltzer, David. HOW MANY BLOCKS IN THE PILE? *
Hollywood: Essex House, 1968

23. Meltzer, David. ROUND THE POEM BOX *
a. First edition, regular copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1969
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 8.5″ x 5.5″, 32 pages, 300 copies. Illustrated by David Meltzer. (Morrow & Cooney 60a)

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1969
Hardcover in paper-bound boards and cloth backstrip with printed paper label in acetate dust jacket, 32 pages, 125 numbered and signed copies. Illustrated by David Meltzer. (Morrow & Cooney 60b)

c. First edition, lettered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1969
Hardcover in leather-bound boards in acetate dust jacket, 32 pages, 26 lettered and signed copies. Illustrated by David Meltzer. (Morrow & Cooney 60c)

24. Meltzer, David. YESOD *
a. First edition, regular copies:
London: Trigram Press, 1969
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 61 pages. Illustrated by David Meltzer.

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
London: Trigram Press, 1969
Hardcover in gilt-stamped cloth-bound boards in acetate dust jacket, 61 pages, 100 numbered and signed copies. Illustrated by David Meltzer.

25. Meltzer, David. LOVELY *
North Hollywood: Essex House, 1969

26. Meltzer, David. HEALER *
North Hollywood: Essex House, 1969

27. Meltzer, David. THE MARTYR *
North Hollywood: Essex House, 1969

28. Meltzer, David. GLUE FACTORY *
North Hollywood: Essex House, 1969

29. Meltzer, David. OUT *
North Hollywood: Essex House, 1969

30. Meltzer, David. FROM EDEN BOOK *
First edition:
San Francisco: Maya, 1969
Hand-sewn in plain wrappers with printed paper label, 7.5″ x 10″, 12 pages, 300 copies, letterpress printed by Clifford Burke. Published as Maya Quarto Four.

31. Meltzer, David. ABULAFIA SONG *
a. First edition, regular copies:
Santa Barbara: Unicorn Press, 1969
Folded broadside tipped into printed folder, 950 copies, letterpress printed by Noel Young, designed by Alan Brilliant. Illustrated by David Meltzer.

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Santa Barbara: Unicorn Press, 1969
Folded broadside tipped into printed folder, 50 numbered and signed, letterpress printed by Noel Young, designed by Alan Brilliant. Illustrated by David Meltzer.

Contents: “Abulafia Song” [uncollected]

32. Meltzer, David. BRONX LIL. *
First edition:
Portland: Yes! Press, 1970
Broadside, 4.25″ x 11″, 125 copies, letterpress printed.

Contents: [untitled] “Bronx lil…” [uncollected]

33. Meltzer, David. FOR RAYMOND CHANDLER *
First edition:
Santa Barbara: Unicorn Press, 1970
Broadside, 12.5″ x 19″, letterpress printed. Published as Unicorn Broadsheet No. 5.

Contents: “For Raymond Chandler” [uncollected]

34. Meltzer, David. STAR *
North Hollywood: Essex House, 1970

35. Meltzer, David. ISLA VISTA NOTES *
Santa Barbara: Christopher Books, 1970
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 14 pages, 1000 copies.

36. Meltzer, David. LUNA
a. First edition, regular copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, July 1970
Perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 82 pages, 1000 copies, printed by Noel Young. Cover illustration by Wallace Berman. (Morrow & Cooney 88a)

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, July 1970
Hardcover bound in printed paper-covered boards in acetate dust jacket as issued , 16 pages, 200 numbered and signed copies, printed by Noel Young. Cover illustration by Wallace Berman. (Morrow & Cooney 88b)

c. First edition, lettered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, July 1970
Hardcover bound in printed paper-covered boards in acetate dust jacket as issued, 16 pages, 26 lettered and signed copies, printed by Noel Young. Frontispiece illustration by David Meltzer. Cover illustration by Wallace Berman. (Morrow & Cooney 88c)

37. Meltzer, David. GREENSPEECH *
a. First edition, regular copies:
Goleta: Christopher Books, 1970
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 16 pages, 950 copies, letterpress printed by Noel Young.

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Goleta: Christopher Books, 1970
Hardcover in printed and illustrated paper-bound boards with cloth backstrip , 16 pages, 50 numbered and signed copies, letterpress printed by Noel Young.

38. Meltzer, David. 32 BEAMS OF LIGHT *
Portland: Yes! Press, 1970
Broadside, 100 copies.

39. Meltzer, David. KNOTS *
Bolinas: Tree Books, 1971
Wrappers, 500 copies

40. Meltzer, David. IT’S SIMPLE *
Seattle: Michael Wiater, 1971

41. Meltzer, David. ON A LEASH *
San Francisco: Panjandrum Press, 1972

42. Meltzer, David. BARK, A POLEMIC *
a. First edition, regular copies:
Santa Barbara: Capra Press, February 1973
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 42 pages, 75 numbered and signed copies. Published as Yes! Capra Chapbook Number 6.

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Santa Barbara: Capra Press, February 1973
Hardcover bound in printed paper-covered boards, 42 pages, 75 numbered and signed copies. Published as Yes! Capra Chapbook Number 6.

43. Meltzer, David. HERO/LIL
a. First edition, regular copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1973

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1973
Hardcover bound in printed paper-covered boards in acetate dust jacket as issued, 175 numbered and signed copies.

c. First edition, lettered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1973
Hardcover bound in printed paper-covered boards in acetate dust jacket and slipcase as issued, 26 lettered and signed copies. Original illustration by David Meltzer bound in.

44. Meltzer, David. UNTITLED and FROM THE WORDBOOK *
East Lansing: East Lansing Arts Workshop Press, 1973
Broadside featuring two poems, 8.5″ x 11.5″

Note: printed for the 1973 National Poetry Festival at Thomas Jefferson College.

45. Meltzer, David. WHAT DO I KNOW OF JOURNEY *
London: Trigram Press, 1973
Broadside, 75 signed copies. Illustrated by Pip Benveniste

46. Meltzer, David. TENS *
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973

47. Meltzer, David. FRENCH BROOM *
Berkeley: Oyez, 1973

48. Meltzer, David. THE EYES, THE BLOOD *
San Francisco: Mudra, 1973
Hand-sewn plain white wrappers in printed dust jacket, 20 pages, 500 copies printed at the Cranium Press.

San Francisco: privately printed, 1974
Wrappers, 26 copies

50. Meltzer, David. AMULET *
Cambridge: Pomegranate Press, 1974
Broadside, 180 copies

51. Meltzer, David. BLUE RAGS *
Berkeley: Oyez, 1974

52. Meltzer, David. HARPS *
Berkeley: Oyez, 1975

53. Meltzer, David. SIX *
Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1976

54. Meltzer, David. TWO-WAY MIRROR *
Berkeley: Oyez, 1977

55. Meltzer, David. ARROWS: SELECTED POETRY, 1957-1992 *
Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1994

56. Meltzer, David. NO EYES: LESTER YOUNG *
Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow, 2000

57. Meltzer, David. DAVID’S COPY *
New York: Penguin Group Press, 2005

58. Meltzer, David. WHEN I WAS A POET *
San Francisco: City Lights, June 2011

[*not in archive]

Jack Spicer – Books

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Section A:
This index collects books, chapbooks, and pamphlets

1. Spicer, Jack. AFTER LORCA
spicer_lorcaa. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, November-December 1957
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 76 pages, 474 copies, multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Jack Spicer’s first book of poetry. Cover illustration by Jess Collins. Introduction by Federico Garcia Lorca.
(Johnston A2)

b. First edition, lettered and signed copies: 
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, November-December 1957
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 76 pages, 26 copies lettered and signed with a drawing by the author, multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Jack Spicer’s first book of poetry. Cover illustration by Jess Collins. Introduction by Federico Garcia Lorca.
(Johnston A2)

c. First edition, second issue:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, November-December 1957
Unbound (but collated and folded) without wrappers issued in mailing envelope at a later date.
(Johnston A2)

d. First UK edition:
London: Aloes Books, 1969

e. Second edition:
n.p.: Marco Polio, 1974

2. Spicer, Jack. HOMAGE TO CREELEY 
spicer_homageFirst edition:
Annapolis: Harold and Dore Dull, Summer 1959
Side-stapled in printed covers, 8.5″ x 11″, 33 pages, 100 copies, spirit-mimeo printed. Incorporated into A4.

3. Spicer, Jack. BILLY THE KID
spicer_billya. First edition, first state:
Stinson Beach: Enkidu Surrogate, October 1959
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 16 pages, 750 copies, offset printed.  Illustrations by Jess Collins.

b. First edition, second state:
The second state includes holograph corrections to text on page 8; holograph addition of ‘Face’ at end of section VI.

c. Second edition:
Dublin: New Writers’ Press, 1969

d. Third edition
n.p.: Oyster Press, March 1975

spicer_headsa. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1962
Perfect-bound in illustrated  and printed wrappers, 4.75″ x 6.75″, 109 pages, 750 copies, letterpress printed by Dave Haselwood. Illustrated by Fran Herndon.
(Auerhahn 21)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1962
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards, 4.75″ x 7.25″, 109 pages, 50 copies signed by the author and artist, with an original drawing by Spicer, letterpress printed by Dave Haselwood, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Illustrated by Fran Herndon.
(Auerhahn 21)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

spicer_lamenta. First edition:
Oakland: White Rabbit Press, 1962
Hand-sewn in illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 16 pages, 100 copies, offset printed. Illustrated by Graham Mackintosh.
(Johnston A11)

Note: According to Johnston, “Back of title page has a fictitious acknowledgments list (by Graham Mackintosh) taken from Robert Duncan’s The Opening of the Field.”

b. First UK edition:
London: Aloes, 1971

6. Spicer, Jack. THE HOLY GRAIL
spicer_holya. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1964
Saddle-stapled and glued into illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 8.5″, 80 pages, offset printed. Illustrated by Graham Mackintosh.
(Johnston A19)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1964
Hardcover, 6.25″ x 8.5″, 80 pages, 13 copies signed (4 were reportedly destroyed during signing), offset printed. Illustrated by Graham Mackintosh.
(Johnston A19)

spicer_holy2c. Second, Pirated edition:
Berkeley: Jolly Roger Press, February 1969
Side-stapled printed and illustrated sheets, 8.5″ x 11″, 20 pages, 500 copies. Published anonymously by Richard Krech and John Oliver Simon at the Undermine Press.

Pirate’s Note: “I only heard Jack Spicer read once, at the the Berkeley poetry conference in july 65. an hour after he read THE HOLY GRAIL, the last copy was gone from the avenue bookstores… this free pirate edition is distributed to make the poem available to those who need it.”

d. Third edition:
Watertown: Augtwofive, 1970

e. Fourth edition:
Portland: Timeworn (Poor Claudia at Revolution Publishing), 2014

7. Spicer, Jack. LANGUAGE
spicer_languagea. First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, June 1965
Perfect-bound illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 10″, 72 pages, 950 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh.
(Johnston A30)

Note: Most of these poems first appeared in OPEN SPACE.

b. First edition, second printing:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1970
Perfect-bound illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 10″, 72 pages, 950 copies, offset printed from the first edition. Text added to the colophon: “Second printing 1970”.
(Johnston A54)

spicer_magazinea. First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1966
Perfect-bound printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 7.75″, 56 pages, 1500 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Prepared for publication from the original manuscript by Stan Persky. Illustrated by Graham Mackintosh.
(Johnston A33)

According to Johnston, “The cover is a parody of the cover of Poetry (Chicago). The poems are arranged in groups intended for various little magazines and newspapers, each section printed on a stock appropriate to that publication, so that for example, the poems for Tish are on blue mimeo paper, those for the St. Louis Sporting News on newsprint.”

b. First edition, second printing
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1970
Perfect-bound printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 7.75″, 56 pages, 1500 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Prepared for publication from the original manuscript by Stan Persky. Illustrated by Graham Mackintosh.
(Johnston A33)

9. Spicer, Jack. A BOOK OF MUSIC
spicer_musica. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit, 1969
Saddle-stapled illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 9.25″, 20 pages, 1800 copies designed and printed by Ron and Graham Mackintosh from a typescript made available by Peter Howard. The cover was one decided upon by the author. Illustrated by Graham Mackintosh.
(Johnston A48)

b. First edition, variant copies:
Variant copies include additional printed text on the front leaf: “150 copies printed Christmas, 1969 / for friends of White Rabbit, Oyez, / and the author”.
(Johnston A48a)

a. First edition, regular copies:
Berkeley: Arif Press, June 1971
Hand-sewn printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 5.5″, 24 pages, 475 copies, letterpress printed. Illustrated by  Wesley Tanner. Printed by Wesley Tanner at Cranium Press.

b. First edition, numbered copies:
Berkeley: Arif Press, June 1971
Hand-sewn printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 5.5″, 24 pages, 25 copies with hand-colored frontispiece, signed by the illustrator, letterpress printed. Illustrated by  Wesley Tanner. Printed by Wesley Tanner at Cranium Press.

Note: Printed announcement issued.

First edition:
Verona: Plain Wrapper Press, 1972
Wrappers, 6.5″ x 10.25″, 11 pages, 91 numbered copies, printed letterpress. Introduction by Richard Rummonds. Linocut by Miroslav Zahradka.

12. Spicer, Jack. ADMONITIONS
First edition:
New York: Adventures in Poetry, 1974
Side-stapled printed wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 44 pages, mimeograph printed.

13. Spicer, Jack. QUARTUS 1: A LOST POEM
First edition:
Verona: Plain Wrapper Press, 1974
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards, 9.5″ x 11.5″, 8 pages, 114 numbered copies signed by the artist, letterpress printed. Postscript by Richard-Gabriel Rummonds. Illustrated with two etchings by Ariel Parkinson.

First edition:
South San Francisco: Manroot, September 1974
Saddle-stapled printed and illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 16 pages, offset printed.

Note: This poem first appeared in Beatitude, No. 3 (San Francisco, May 1959)

a. First edition, paperback copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, May 1975
Perfect-bound printed wrappers, 6.25″ x 8.75″, 382 pages including bibliography of first editions, 1000 copies. Edited and with commentary by Robin Blaser. Typography by Graham Mackintosh/White Rabbit.

b. First edition, hardcover copies: 
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, May 1975
Hardcover in acetate dust jacket, 6.5″ x 9″, 382 pages including bibliography of first editions, 1000 copies. Edited and with commentary by Robin Blaser. Typography by Graham Mackintosh/White Rabbit.

c. First edition, hardcover, numbered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, May 1975
Hardcover in acetate dust jacket and slipcase, 6.5″ x 9″, 382 pages including bibliography of first editions, 100 copies, numbered and signed by Robin Blaser. Edited and with commentary by Robin Blaser. Typography by Graham Mackintosh/White Rabbit.

First edition:
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press, 1980
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards without dust jacket as issued, 98 pages. Edited by Donald Allen. Preface by Robert Duncan.

17. Spicer, Jack. COLLECTED POEMS, 1945-46
First edition:
Berkeley: Oyez/White Rabbit Press, 1981
Saddle-stapled printed wrappers, 7″ x 9″, 32 pages, lithographed from the author’s typescript.

18. Spicer, Jack. THE TOWER OF BABEL
First edition:
Hoboken, N.J: Talisman House, 1994
Perfect-bound photo-illustrated wrappers, 170 pages. Chapter one of Jack Spicer’s Detective Novel, edited by Ed Foster and Kevin Killian.

Described by Lewis Ellingham and Kevin Killian as “a satiric look at the private world of poetry gone public in the wake of the Six Gallery HOWL reading of October, 1955.”

19. Spicer, Jack. TRAIN OF THOUGHT
First edition:
Gran Canaria: Zasterle Press, 1994
Perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 62 pages, 300 numbered copies. Edited with an introduction by Lewis Ellingham and Kevin Killian.
Chapter three of Jack Spicer’s unpublished detective novel

20. Spicer, Jack. MAP POEMS
First edition:
Berkeley: The Bancroft Library Press, 2005
Thirty-five copies printed: bound in brown paper wrappers. Introduction by Kevin Killian and Peter Gizzi

Michael McClure: Books and Broadsides

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Section A:
This index includes books and broadsides, and focuses primarily on the entries found in the Clements bibliography.

1. McClure, Michael. PASSAGE
mcclure_passageFirst edition:
Big Sur: Jonathan Williams – Publisher, June 1956
Hand-sewn in printed wrappers, 7.25″ x 10.75″, 12 pages, 200 copies, letterpress printed by the Windhover Press. Cover by Jonathan Williams. Published as Jargon 20.
(Clements A1)

2. McClure, Michael. PEYOTE POEM
First edition:
(San Francisco): Wallace Berman, 1958.
Broadside folded and tipped into printed and  photo-illustrated folder, 9″ x 12″, (200 copies), printed by Wallace Berman. Published as Semina 3.
(Clements A2)

3. McClure, Michael. FOR ARTAUD
mcclure_forartaudFirst edition:
New York: Totem Press, June 1959
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 12 pages, (750 copies). Published as Blue Plate #2.
(Clements A3)

First edition:
(San Francisco): (Wallace Berman), (1959)
Broadside, 3.5″ x 4.25″, letterpress printed by Wallace Berman. Laid into Semina 4.
(Clements C14)

mcclure_hymnsFirst edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, October 1959
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 7.25″ x 10″, 62 pages, (950 copies), letterpress printed by Dave Haselwood. Cover illustration by McClure.
(Clements A4, Auerhahn 4)

6. McClure, Michael. FUCK DEATH *
First edition:
(San Francisco): privately printed, (1959)
Folded card, 5″ x 3.5″.
(Clements A5)

7. McClure, Michael. !THE FEAST!
First edition:
San Francisco: The Batman Gallery, 1960
Side-stapled printed sheets, 8.5″ x 11″, 14 pages, mimeograph [?] printed. A working script of the play performed at The Batman Gallery on Thursday, December 22, 1960.
(Clements A6)

8. McClure. Michael. WE ARE IMPERVIOUS…
First edition:
(Los Angeles): (Wallace Berman), (1960)
Broadside, 4″ x 6.25″, letterpress printed by Wallace Berman. Laid into Semina 5.
(Clements C17)

First edition:
New York: Grove Press, August 1961
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 64 pages, (4,000 copies). Photo of McClure on rear wrapper by Wallace Berman.
(Clements A7)

10. McClure, Michael. PILLOW *
First edition:
New York: New York Poets Theatre, October 1961
Side-stapled in printed wrapper, 8.5″ x 11″, 7 pages, photocopy printed. A working script of the play produced by the New York Poets Theatre at the Off-Bowery Gallery in New York City in October and November 1961.
(Clements A8)

First edition:
(New Orleans): (Loujon Press), (Fall 1961)
Broadside, 5.75″ x 9″, letterpress printed by Jon and Louise Webb. An offprint from The Outsider, Vol. 1, No.1.
(not in Clements)

12. McClure, Michael. DARK BROWN
mcclure_darkbrowna. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, Winter 1961
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 6″x 9″, 56 pages, 725 copies, letterpress printed by Dave Haselwood and Andrew Hoyem.
(Clements A9, Auerhahn 13)

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, Winter 1961
Hardcover in gilt-stamped cloth-bound boards, 6″ x 9″, 56 pages, 25 numbered and signed copies, letterpress printed by Dave Haselwood and Andrew Hoyem, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. (Clements A9, Auerhahn 13)

c. Prospectus:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press,  (1961)
Postcard announcement, 6″ x 3.25″, letterpress printed.
(not in Clements)

13. McClure, Michael. MEAT SCIENCE ESSAYS
First edition:
San Francisco: City Lights Books, June 1963
Perfect-bound in printed and photo-illustrated wrappers, 84 pages, (3,000 copies).  Author photo by Ettore Sotsass.
(Clements A10, Cook 41)

14. McClure, Michael. GRAHHR SHEET
First edition:
(San Francisco): privately printed, (1963)
Broadside, 6.25″ x 2″, letterpress printed.
(Clements A11)

Note: according to Clements, copies were given away by the author as tickets at readings in San Francisco and at the University of California at Berkeley. [These were used as tickets for the performance of ¡The Feast! at the Batman Gallery in 1960.]

15. McClure, Michael. TWO FOR BRUCE CONNER
First edition:
(San Francisco): Oyez Press, 1964
Broadside, 12″ x 17.5″, 500 copies, letterpress printed by Dave Haselwood at the Auerhahn Press. Published as Oyez #1.
(Clements A12)

First edition:
(Los Angeles): privately printed, 1964
Broadside, 8.5″ x 5.5″. Photograph of McClure by Wallace Berman; make-up by Robert LaVigne. Beneath the photo is a statement by McClure beginning “Poetry is a muscular principle…”
(Clements A13)

17. McClure, Michael. BLUE-BLACK... *
First edition:
(Los Angeles): privately printed, (Summer 1964)
Broadside, 7.5″ x 2.5″. Contains one-line poem: “BLUE-BLACK SPACE RAINBOW GRAHHR”.
(Clements A14)

mcclure_blossomFirst edition:
New York: American Theatre for Poets, 1964
Side-stapled sheets in printed cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 26 pages, mimeograph printed. A working script of the play.
(Clements A15)

19. McClure, Michael. GHOST TANTRAS
a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco:  privately printed, 1964
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 108 pages, 1480 copies, cover photo of McClure by Wallace Berman.
(Clements A16)

b. First edition, signed copies: 
Hardcover in gilt-stamped cloth-bound boards in illustrated dust jacket, 109 pages, 20 numbered and signed copies, cover photo of McClure by Wallace Berman.
(Clements A16)

First edition:
(Los Angeles): (Wallace Berman), 1964
Broadside, 3″ x 4.75″, (200 copies). Contained in a small manila envelope bearing an altered photograph of Jack Ruby at the point of murdering Lee Harvey Oswald. Published as Semina 9.
(Clements A17)

21. McClure, Michael. LOVE LION, LIONESS *
a. First edition, poster:
(San Francisco):  privately printed, (1964)
Poster, 28″ x 22″, 350 copies printed in the style of a boxing poster.
(Clements A18)

b. First edition, flyer:
(San Francisco):  privately printed, (1964)
Flyer, 11″ x 8.5″, 70 copies printed in black in the style of a boxing poster.
(Clements A18)

c. First edition, tickets:
(San Francisco):  privately printed, (1964)
Tickets, 5.5″ x 2.25″, printed in the style of theater tickets for the fictitious event.
(Clements A18)

22. McClure, Michael. 13 MAD SONNETS
mcclure_13madFirst edition:
Milan: East 128, 1964
Saddle-stapled and tipped in to printed dust jacket, 8.5″ x 11″, 28 pages, 299 numbered copies (plus 16 for the author’s use). Author photo by Ettore Sotsass Jr.
(Clements A19)

23. McClure, Michael. THE BEARD
First edition:
(San Francisco):  privately printed, April 1965
Perfect-bound in printed and photo-illustrated wrappers, 8.5″ x 13″, 71 pages, 350 copies planned, 330 produced (only 75 for sale).
(Clements A20)

24. McClure, Michael. POISONED WHEAT
mcclure_poisoneda. First edition, regular copies:
(San Francisco):  (Oyez Press), April 1965
Saddle-stapled in printed and photo-illustrated wrappers, 5.75″ x 7.75″, 16 pages, 576 copies.
(Clements A21)

b. First edition, signed copies:
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards in photo-illustrated dust jacket, 5.75″ x 7.75″, 16 pages, 24 copies lettered alpha through omega and signed by the author. Bound by Dorothy Hawley.
(Clements A21)

25. McClure, Michael. UNTO CAESAR
mcclure_untoFirst edition:
(San Francisco): (Dave Haselwood), (1965)
Hand-sewn in printed and collaged wrappers, 6.5″ x 4″,  24 pages, (60 copies), letterpress printed by Dave Haselwood.
(Haselwood 1)

26. McClure, Michael. DREAM TABLE
First edition:
San Francisco: Dave Haselwood, 1965
Thirty double-sided printed and illustrated cards, 2.5″ x 3.5″, 200 sets (30 signed), letterpress printed. Each card is illustrated with a Lion and a Tree on one side and two words on the other.
(Haselwood 5)

First edition:
(San Francisco): (Dave Haselwood), (1966)
Twenty-four printed and illustrated cards in printed envelope, cards measure 2″ x 2″, envelope measures 4.5″ x 5.75″. Each card is printed with  four words one side and a “hallucinogram” by Bruce Conner on the other.
(Haselwood 10)

28. McClure, Michael and Bruce Conner. MANDALAS
First edition:
San Francisco: Dave Haselwood, 1966
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 10″ x 10″, 32 pages, 1200 copies. Illustrated by Bruce Conner. Printed announcement issued.
(Haselwood 11)

29. McClure, Michael. LOVE LION BOOK
a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Four Seasons Foundation, 1966
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 21 pages, 1000 copies. Published as Writing 11.

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
San Francisco: Four Seasons Foundation, 1966
Hardcover in printed paper-bound boards with gilt-stamped cloth backstrip, 6″ x 9″, 21 pages, 40 numbered and signed copies.
Published as Writing 11.

30. McClure, Michael. POISONED WHEAT
mcclure_poisonedFirst edition, second printing:
San Francisco:  Coyote, 1966
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers. 5.75″ x 7.75″, 16 pages, 5000 copies. Distributed by City Lights Books.

31. McClure, Michael. MEAT SCIENCE ESSAYS
Second expanded edition:
San Francisco: City Lights Books, June 1966
Perfect-bound in printed and photo-illustrated wrappers, 120 pages.
(not in Cook)

Note: This expanded edition contains three essays not found in the 1963 publication: “Phi Upsilon Kappa”, “Defense of Jayne Mansfield”, and “Reason”.

32. McClure, Michael. THE BEARD *
a. First Coyote edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Coyote, 1967
Perfect-bound in printed and photo-illustrated wrappers, 82 pages,  4960 copies, cover art by Wes Wilson, introduction by Norman Mailer.

b. First Coyote edition, numbered and signed copies:
Specially-bound, 82 pages,  40 numbered and signed copies, cover art by Wes Wilson, introduction by Norman Mailer.

33. McClure, Michael. THE BEARD *
First Grove Press edition:
New York: Grove Press/Black Cat, 1967
Perfect-bound in printed and photo-illustrated wrappers, 96 pages.

Note: two different covers were issued.

34. McClure, Michael. WAR IS DECOR IN MY CAVERN CAVE *
First edition:
San Francisco: Communication Company, 1967
Broadside, 8.5″ x 11″, mimeograph printed.

35. McClure, Michael. THE BLOSSOM, OR BILLY THE KID *
First edition:
Milwaukee: Great Lakes Books, 1967
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 32 pages, 500 numbered copies (the first 10 signed).

36. McClure, Michael. FREEWHEELIN FRANK
First edition:
New York: Grove Press, 1967
Hardcover in gilt-stamped cloth bound board in illustrated dust jacket, 7.75″ x 9.75″, 160 pages.

Note: First hand account of the Hell’s Angels as told by their secretary Frank Reynolds.

37. McClure, Michael. HAIL THEE WHO PLAY *
a. First edition, regular copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, August 1968
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 233 numbered and signed copies.

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, August 1968
Hardcover in printed paper-bound boards with cloth backstrip with printed paper label, 75 numbered and signed copies, each with an original drawing by the author.

38. McClure, Michael. LITTLE ODES: Jan – March 1961 *
First edition:
New York: Poets Press, 1968
Hand-sewn in printed and illustrated wrappers, 150 numbered and signed copies.

a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Four Seasons Foundation with Dave Haselwood Books, 1968
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 6″ x 9.25″, 24 pages, 1200 copies, letterpress printed by Dave Haselwood.
(Haselwood 17)

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
San Francisco: Four Seasons Foundation with Dave Haselwood Hardcover in printed paper-bound boards, 6″ x 9.25″, 24 pages, 50 copies signed.
(Haselwood 17)

40. McClure, Michael. MUSCLED APPLE SWIFT
First edition:
Los Angeles: Love Press, 1968
Hand-sewn in illustrated wrappers, 16 pages, 150 copies (63 of which are numbered and signed), cover art by George Herms.

First edition:
(Buffalo): (Gallery Upstairs Press), (1968)
Broadside, 28.5″ x 21.25″, offset lithography printed.

42. McClure, Michael. GREETINGS
First edition:
London: Cape Goliard Press, 1968
Broadside, 11″ x 12″.

43. McClure, Michael. HYMNS TO ST. GERYON & DARK BROWN
a. First edition, regular copies:
London: Cape Goliard, 1969
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers.

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
London: Cape Goliard, 1969
Hardcover in gilt-stamped cloth-bound boards in illustrated dust jacket.

Note: two titles previously published by Auerhahn Press, published here dos-a-dos. Illustrated and with cover art by Wallace Berman.

a. First edition, regular copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press,  March 1969
Perfect-bound illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 9.25″, 43 pages, 1000 copies.

b. First edition, numbered copies:
Hardcover in paper-covered boards with cloth backstrip and paper label, 6.75″ x 9.5″, 43 pages, 200 copies numbered and signed.

c. First edition, lettered copies:
Hardcover in gold stamped leather-bound boards, 6.75″ x 9.5″, 43 pages, 26 copies lettered and signed with each with an original drawing by the author.

45. McClure, Michael. THE SURGE *
Columbus, OH: Frontier Press, 1969

46. McClure, Michael. LION FIGHT *
New York: Pierrepont Press, 1969

47. McClure, Michael. GHOST TANTRAS
San Francisco: Four Seasons Foundation, 1969

48. McClure, Michael. PLANE POMES *
New York: Phoenix Book Shop, 1969

49. McClure, Michael. THE SHELL *
London: Cape Goliard, 1969

50. McClure, Michael. MUSCLED APPLE SWIFT *
Sacramento: Runcible Spoon, 1969

51. McClure, Michael. TO JAMES B. RECTOR *
San Francisco: Privately Published, 1969

52. McClure, Michael. LIBERATION *
Oakland: Mills College Tape Music Center, 1969

[* not in archive]

Auerhahn Press: Commissioned Publications

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Section C:
This index collects commissioned publications printed by Auerhahn Press for various publishers and private parties from 1961 through 1965.

patchen_tributeFirst edition:
San Francisco: (Auerhahn Press), 1961
Hand-sewn in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 8 pages, printed at the Auerhahn Press. Program for memorial service, includes illustrated Patchen poem. (Auerhahn 9)

2. Pomeroy, Ralph. STILLS & MOVIES
pomeroy_stillsFirst edition:
San Francisco: Gesture Press, 1961
Perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 9″, 41 pages, 500 copies printed at the Auerhahn Press. Cover art by Harold Bruder. (Auerhahn 11)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

3. Suffin, Arnold. RESURRECTION
suffin_resurrectionFirst edition:
San Francisco: Arnold Suffin, 1961
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.25″ x 8″, 40 pages, 200 copies, printed at the Auerhan Press. (Auerhahn 12)

4. Racine, Jean. BRITTANICUS
racine_britannicusFirst edition:
San Francisco: Folio 1, 1962
Hardcover in cloth-covered boards, 6.25″ x 8.25″, 87 pages, 300 numbered copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Block prints by Tanya Lohman. (Auerhahn 16)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

5. Magistretti, Paul. NOTES OF WHAT I CAN’T BE, OF WHAT I AM
magistretti_notesFirst edition:
San Francisco: The New Gnu Press, 1962
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 4.25″ x 7″, 40 pages, 400 numbered copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 25)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

6. Hillsborough Garden Club. PLANTS FOR PICKING
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1963
(Auerhahn 26)

7. Magowan, Robin. VOYAGE NOIR
magowan_voyageFirst edition:
Seattle: Robin Magowan, 1962
Hand-sewn in printed wrappers, 6″ x 8.5″, 36 pages, 500 copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press. Cover illustration by Hervé Télémaque. (Auerhahn 27)

8. Powell, Roxie. DREAMS OF STRAW
powell_dreamsFirst edition:
San Francisco: Roxie Powell,1963
Hand-sewn printed wrappers, 4.5″ x 6.75″, 16 pages, 250 copies, printed by Dave Haselwood and Charles Plymell at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 28)

First edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1963
Hand-sewn in printed wrappers, 4.75″ x 6.5″, 8 pages, 100 copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 29)

elvin_drawingsFirst edition:
San Francisco: Batman Gallery, (1963)
Printed envelope containing 8 sheets printed with line cuts (one tinted), 9″ x 11″, printed at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 30)

11. Blackley, R. John. BEYOND DUST
blackley_beyondFirst edition:
San Francisco: n.p., 1964
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 8″ x 10.25″, 64 pages, 175 numbered and signed copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 31)

First edition:
San Francisco: Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts, 1964
Perfect-bound wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 42 pages, (750 copies), printed at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 32)

13. Corrington, John William. THE ANATOMY OF LOVE…
corrington_anatomya. First edition, regular copies:
Fort Lauderdale: Roman Books, 1964
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 6.5″ x 9″, 86 pages, 1000 copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press. Introduction by Richard Whittington. (Auerhahn 33)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
Fort Lauderdale: Roman Books, 1964
Hardcover in paper-covered boards with cloth spine, 6.5″ x 9″, 86 pages, 50 numbered and signed copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Introduction by Richard Whittington. (Auerhahn 33)

williams_linesa. First edition, regular copies:
Fort Lauderdale: Roman Books, 1964
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 6.25″ x 9″, 27 pages, 750 copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press. Illustrated by Barry Hall. Foreword by John Wain. (Auerhahn 34)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
Fort Lauderdale: Roman Books, 1964
Hardcover in paper-covered boards with cloth spine, 6.25″ x 9″, 27 pages, 50 numbered and signed copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Illustrated by Barry Hall. Foreword by John Wain. (Auerhahn 34)

15. Johnson, Ronald. A LINE OF POETRY, A ROW OF TREES
johnson_linea. First edition, regular copies:
Highlands: The Nantahala Foundation, 1964
Perfect-bound in illustrated french-fold wrappers in glassine dust jacket,  6.5″ x 10″, 80 pages, 500 copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press, errata slip noting the omitted dedication to Olson laid in. Illustrated by Thomas George. The author’s first book. Published as Jargon 42. (Auerhahn 35)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
Highlands: The Nantahala Foundation, 1964
Hardcover in cloth-covered boards in unprinted dust jacket, 6.5″ x 10″, 80 pages, 50 numbered and signed copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Illustrated by Thomas George. The author’s first book. Published as Jargon 42.
(Auerhahn 35)

nexus_catalogFirst edition:
La Jolla: The Nexus, 1964-65
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 4″ x 8.75″, 16 pages, printed at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 36)

Auerhahn Press: Books & Pamphlets

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Section A:
This index collects Auerhahn Press publications from 1958 through 1965: from Dave Haselwood’s first publishing venture through the dissolution of his partnership with Andrew Hoyem and the end of Auerhahn Press.

First edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1958
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 7.75″, 20 pages, circa 500 copies. Printed (and edited without prior notice to Dave Haselwood) by East West Printers. Cover photo by Jerry Burchard. Illustration by Robert La Vigne. (Auerhahn 1)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

Second revised edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1959
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 7.75″, 20 pages, 500 copies. Cover photo by Jerry Burchard. Illustration by Robert La Vigne. (Auerhahn 2)

Note: this edition has the original text restored.

3. Lamantia, Philip. EKSTASIS
lamantia_ekstasisFirst edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1959
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 5.75″ x 7″48 pages, circa 950 copies. Titling by Robert La Vigne. (Auerhahn 3)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

4. McClure, Michael. HYMNS TO ST. GERYON…
mcclure_hymnsFirst edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1959
Perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 7.25″ x 10″, 62 pages, 950 copies. Cover illustration by McClure. (Auerhahn 4)

5. Lamantia, Philip and Antonin Artaud. NARCOTICA
First edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1959
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 8.5″, 16 pages, 750 copies. Cover photographs by Wallace Berman. Published as “Auerhahn Pamphlet No. 1”. (Auerhahn 5)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

whalen_memoirsa. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1960
Perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 8.75″ x 11.25″, 64 pages, (1250 copies). Cover illustration by Robert La Vigne. (Auerhahn 6)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1960
Hardcover in printed paper-covered boards with leather spine, 8.75″ x 11.25″, 64 pages,  60 copies with 25 signed and another 15 signed with holograph poem and illustration, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Cover illustration by Robert La Vigne. (Auerhahn 6)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

7. Welch, Lew. WOBBLY ROCK
lew_wobblyFirst edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1960
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 6″ x 8″, 12 pages, 500 copies, illustrated by Robert LaVigne. (Auerhahn 7)

Note: Dedication: “for Gary Snyder / ‘I think I’ll be the Buddha of this place’ / and sat himself / down”

8. Burroughs, William S. and Brion Gysin. THE EXTERMINATOR
First edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1960
Perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 9.25″, 64 pages, (1000 copies). Illustrated by Brion Gysin. (Auerhahn 8)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

9. Marshall, Edward. HELLAN, HELLAN
marshall_hellanFirst edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1960
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6″ x 8.75″, 24 pages, (750 copies). Illustrated by Robert Ronnie Branaman. (Auerhahn 10)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

10. McClure, Michael. DARK BROWN
mcclure_darkbrowna. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1961
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 6″x 9″, 56 pages, 725 copies. (Auerhahn 13)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1961
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards, 6″ x 9″, 56 pages, 25 numbered and signed copies, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. (Auerhahn 13)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

11. Olson, Charles. MAXIMUS FROM DOGTOWN
olson_maximusFirst edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1961
Hand-sewn in printed wrappers, 9″ x 11.25″, 12 pages, 500 copies. Foreword by Michael McClure. (Auerhahn 14)

a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1961
Japanese binding, 8.5″ x 11″, 84 pages, (1000 copies). (Auerhahn 15)

b. First edition, signed copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1961
Japanese binding, 8.5″ x 11″, 84 pages, (50 copies in slipcase), signed. (Auerhahn 15)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

auerhahn_catalogueFirst edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1962
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 4″x 5″, 16 pages includes poems by Wieners and Meltzer.
(Auerhahn 17)

14. Lamantia, Philip. DESTROYED WORKS
lamantia_destroyeda. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1962
Perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 7″ x 8.75″, 48 pages, 1250 copies. (Auerhahn 18)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1962
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards, 7″ x 8.75″, 48 pages, 50 numbered and signed copies, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. (Auerhahn 18)

meltzer_weFirst edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1962
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 8.5″, 12 pages, 750 copies. Published as “Auerhahn Pamphlet No. 2”. (Auerhahn 19)

16. Williams, Jonathan. IN ENGLAND’S GREEN &
williams_englandsFirst edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1962
Hand-sewn in printed wrappers, 6.5″ x 9.25″, 20 pages, 750 copies. Illustrated by Philip Van Aver.
(Auerhahn 20)

spicer_headsa. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1962
Perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 4.75″ x 6.75″, 109 pages, 750 copies. Illustrated by Fran Herndon. (Auerhahn 21)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1962
Hardcover in cloth-covered boards with leather spine, 4.75″ x 7.25″, 109 pages, 50 copies signed by the author and artist, with an original drawing, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Illustrated by Fran Herndon. (Auerhahn 21)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

18. Hoyem, Andrew. THE WAKE
hoyem_wakeba. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1963
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 6″ x 8.5″, 30 pages, 750 copies. (Auerhahn 22)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1963
Hardcover in paper-covered boards and leather spine, 6″ x 9″, 30 pages, 35 copies signed, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. (Auerhahn 22)

Note: Three printed announcements issued.

diprima_newa. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1963
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 5.25″ x 7.5″, 48 pages, 1000 copies. (Auerhahn 23)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1963
Hardcover in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine, 6″ x 9″, 30 pages, 30 copies signed, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. (Auerhahn 23)

20. Brother Antoninus. THE POET IS DEAD
antoninus_poetFirst edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1964
Hardcover in paper-covered boards with leather spine with paper label in plain paper dust jacket, 8.25″ x 10.5″, 28 pages, 205 copies signed. Bound by Jane Grabhorn and Sally Hoyem. (Auerhahn 24)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

21. Deemer, Bill. POEMS
deemer_poemsba. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1964
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 9.25″, 20 pages, 500 copies. Introduction by Andrew Hoyem. (Auerhahn 37)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1964
Hardcover in printed paper-covered boards with leather spine, 6.5″ x 9.25″, 20 pages, 25 copies signed, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Introduction by Andrew Hoyem. (Auerhahn 37)

Printed announcement issued.

22. Davis, William. JANUS
davis_janusFirst edition:
San Francisco: The Auerhahn Society, Spring 1965
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 6.5″ x 9.75″, 64 pages,  750 copies. (Auerhahn 38)

23. Van Buskirk, Alden. LAMI
First edition:
San Francisco: The Auerhahn Society, 1965
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 7.75″ x 9.75″, 91 pages, 1000 copies. (Auerhahn 39)

olson_humanFirst edition:
San Francisco: The Auerhahn Society, 1965
Hardcover in silk-screened cloth-covered boards with leather spine, 7.75″ x 11″, 160 pages, 250 copies, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Cover art by Robert La Vigne. Author photo by Kenneth Irby. Edited by Donald Allen. (Auerhahn 40)

David Meltzer

Wallace Berman, Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag, 1964

David Meltzer was born in Rochester, New York, and raised in Brooklyn. He began his literary career during the San Francisco Beat and Berkeley Renaissance period in California, and his work was included in the anthology, The New American Poetry 1945-1960. At the age of 20 he recorded his poetry with jazz musicians in Los Angeles and also became a singer-songwriter and guitarist for several bands during the 1960s, including The Serpent Power. He is the author of over 40 volumes of poetry, and has also published fiction and essays, and has edited numerous anthologies and collections of interviews.

David Meltzer Checklist:

Section A: Books and Broadsides
Section B: Contributions to Books and Other Publications
Section C: Contributions to Periodicals
Section D: Publications Edited and Published

Meltzer taught in the humanities and poetics programs at the New College of California in San Francisco for 30 years. In 2008, he received the Foundation for Contemporary Arts Grants to Artists Award. He was also given the Bay Area Guardian’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and in 2012 was nominated for the Northern California Book Award in Poetry.

Diane di Prima has said, “David Meltzer is a hidden adept, one of the secret treasures on our planet. Great poet, musician, comic; mystic unsurpassed, performer with few peers.”

References Consulted:

Berkeley: n.p., 1997

Berkeley: Poltroon Press, 1976

Berkeley: Oyez, 1965

Berkeley: Serendipity Books, 1976

Morrow, Bradford and Seamus Cooney. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE BLACK SPARROW PRESS, 1966-1978
Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1981

Online Resources:

· Big Bridge – tribute to David Meltzer

Wallace Berman – Cover and Book Art

>> return to WALLACE BERMAN main page >>

This index collects book and periodical contributions, often in the form of cover art or photography

Lamantia, Philip and Antonin Artaud. NARCOTICA
lamantia_narcoticaSan Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1959
Cover photographs by Wallace Berman.

New York: Grove Press/Evergreen Original, 1961
Author photograph on rear cover by  Wallace Berman.

McClure, Michael. GHOST TANTRAS
San Francisco: City Lights, 1964
Cover photograph of author by Wallace Berman.

Heliczer, Piero. THE SOAP OPERA
ph_soapoperaLondon: Trigram Press, 1967
Two verifax images by Wallace Berman.

Hirschman, Jack. BLACK ALEPHS 
blackalephshcLondon: Trigram Press, 1969
Cover photo-collage and chapter verifax images by Wallace Berman.

THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 37, edited by Diane di Prima
floatingbear37New York: The Floating Bear, 1969
Cover art by Wallace Berman.

FRUIT CUP, No. ZERO, edited by Mary Beach
fruitcupfSan Francisco: Beach Books, 1969
Two verifax images by Wallace Berman.

London: Cape Goliard Press, 1969
Cover art by Wallace Berman.

CATERPILLAR, No. 14, edited by Clayton Eshelman
caterpillar14New York & Sherman Oaks: Caterpillar, 1970
Cover art “Topanga Seed” by Wallace Berman.

Meltzer, David. LUNA
lunaLos Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1970
Cover art by Wallace Berman.
[printed prospectus reproduces moon image]

CATERPILLAR 17, edited by Clayton Eshelman
caterpillar_17Berkeley & Sherman Oaks: Caterpillar, 1971
Cover art by Wallace Berman.

Perkoff, Stuart Z. ALPHABET
alphabetLos Angeles: The Red Hill Press, 1973
Cover art by Wallace Berman.

Meltzer, David. HERO/LIL
hero_lil_hcLos Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1973
Cover art by Wallace Berman.

Mallarmé, Stéphane. IGITUR [translation by Jack Hirschman]
igiturLos Angeles: Press of the Pegacycle Lady, 1974
Cover photograph by  Wallace Berman.
[printed prospectus reproduces image]

Rothernberg, Jerome. ABULAFIA’S CIRCLE  [published as Tree No. 6]
abulafiaMilwaukee: Membrane Press, 1979
Cover art by Wallace Berman.

McClure, Michael. REBEL LIONS 
New York: New Directions, 1991
Cover art by Wallace Berman.

Poet as Crystal Radio Set

Although known primarily among a coterie of poets in the San Francisco Bay Area at the time of his death in 1965, Jack Spicer has slowly become a towering figure in American poetry. He was born in Los Angeles in 1925 to midwestern parents and raised in a Calvinist jack-spicerhome. While attending college at the University of California-Berkeley, Spicer met fellow poets Robin Blaser and Robert Duncan. The friendship among these three poets would develop into what they referred to as “The Berkeley Renaissance,” which would in turn become the San Francisco Renaissance after Spicer, Blaser and Duncan moved to San Francisco in the 1950s.

In 1954, he co-founded the Six Gallery in San Francisco, which soon became famous as the scene of the October 1955 Six Gallery reading that launched the West Coast Beat movement. In 1955, Spicer moved to New York and then to Boston, where he worked for a time in the Rare Book Room of Boston Public Library. Blaser was also in Boston at this time, and the pair made contact with a number of local poets, including John Wieners, Stephen Jonas, and Joe Dunn.

Spicer returned to San Francisco in 1956 and started working on After Lorca. This book represented a major change in direction for two reasons. Firstly, he came to the conclusion that stand-alone poems (which Spicer referred to as his one-night stands) were unsatisfactory and that henceforth he would compose serial poems. In fact, he wrote to Blaser that ‘all my stuff from the past (except the Elegies and Troilus) looks foul to me.’ Secondly, in writing After Lorca, he began to practice what he called “poetry as dictation”.

In 1957, Spicer ran a workshop called Poetry as Magic at San Francisco State College, which was attended by Duncan, Helen Adam, James Broughton, Joe Dunn, Jack Gilbert, and George Stanley. He also participated in, and sometimes hosted, Blabbermouth Night at a literary bar called The Place. This was a kind of contest of improvised poetry and encouraged Spicer’s view of poetry as being dictated to the poet. (more…)