Tag Archives: Evergreen Review

Joel Oppenheimer: Contributions to Periodicals

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Section C:
Contributions to Periodicals

[excluding reviews, letters, miscellaneous prose]

1. THE BLACK MOUNTAIN COLLEGE REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by M.C Richards, A. Kemeny, and H. Larsen

Black Mountain:Black Mountain Review, June 1951
(Butterick C1)
[not in archive]

2. ORIGIN, No. 14, edited by Cid Corman
Ashland: Origin Press, Autumn 1954
“Lovesong” [collected in A3], “An Approach to Le Bain” [collected in A3]
(Butterick C2-C3)

3. BLACK MOUNTAIN REVIEW, No. 4, edited by Robert Creeley
Black Mountain: Black Mountain College, Winter 1954
“The Gardner” [collected in A3], “Provence” [collected in A3]
(Butterick C4-C5)

4. BLACK MOUNTAIN REVIEW, No. 5, edited by Robert Creeley
Black Mountain: Black Mountain College, Summer 1955
“The Rain” [collected in A3]
(Butterick C6)

5. BLACK MOUNTAIN REVIEW, No. 6, edited by Robert Creeley
Black Mountain: Black Mountain College, Spring 1956
“Today an Ophelia”, “A” [collected in A3]
(Butterick C7-C8)

6. HEARSE, No. 1, edited by E.V. Griffith
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1957
“The Chart” [collected in A4], “The Charivari”, “The Anybody Blues” [collected in A4], “The Young Bloods” [collected in A4]
(Butterick C9-C12)

7. BLACK MOUNTAIN REVIEW, No. 7, edited by Robert Creeley
Black Mountain: Black Mountain College, Autumn 1957
“Young Mother Blues” [collected in A4], “Formal Verse, Father of Seventy-three” [collected in A4]
(Butterick C13-C14]

8. HEARSE, No. 2, edited by E.V. Griffith
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1958
“Lilies and Roses All Sorts of”, “The Plan” [collected in A4], “Eve”, “The Love Bit” [collected in A4]
(Butterick C15-C18)

9. CHICAGO REVIEW, Vol. 12, No. 3, edited by Irving Rosenthal
Chicago: University of Chicago, Autumn 1958
“Mare Nostrum” [collected in A4]
(Butterick C19)

10. HEARSE, No. 5, edited by E.V. Griffith
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1959
“Ah, These Ungenerous Lovers”, “To a Friend” [collected in A4]
(Butterick C20-C21)

11. NEON, No. 4, edited by Gilbert Sorrentino
Brooklyn: Neon Magazine, 1959
“Cartogtraphy” [collected in A4], “The Breadwinner” [collected in A4]
(Butterick C22-C23)

12. YUGEN, No. 4, edited by LeRoi Jones
New York: Totem Press, 1959
“In the Clutch”, “Fugue”
(Butterick C24-C25)

13. YUGEN, No. 5, edited by LeRoi Jones
New York: Totem Press, 1959
“The Issue at Hand” [collected in A4]
(Butterick C26)

14. THE NATION, No. 188
New York, April 1959
“April Fool” [collected in A4]
(Butterick C27)

15. THE GALLEY SAIL REVIEW, Vol. 2, No. 1, edited by Stanley McNail
San Francisco: The Galley Sail Review, Winter 1959-1960
“The Torn Nightgown” [collected in A4], “Mid-Passage” [collected in A4]
(Butterick C28-C29)

16. THE HASTY PAPERS: A ONE-SHOT REVIEW, edited by Alfred Leslie
New York: Hasty Papers, 1960
“A Fable”
(Butterick C30)

17. KULCHUR, No. 2, edited by Marc Schleifer
New York: Kulchur Press, 1960
“A View of the Trinity” [prose]
(Butterick C31)

18. NEON OBIT, edited by Gilbert Sorrentino
Brooklyn: Neon, 1960
“Romance is a Eulogy for the Dead Past”
(Butterick C32)

19. NOMAD, No. 5-6, edited by Donald Factor and Anthony Linick
Culver City: Nomad, Winter-Spring I960
“A Love Poem”, “Statement”, “New Blues for the Moon”
(Butterick C33-C35)

20. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 4, edited by Diane Di Prima and Leroi Jones
New York: The Floating Bear, 1961
“A Grace for Painters”, “Statement for Paterson Society” [prose]
(Butterick C36-C37)

21. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 5, edited by Diane Di Prima and Leroi Jones
New York: The Floating Bear, April 1961
“New Flick in Town” [prose]
(Butterick C38)

22. PROVINCETOWN REVIEW, No. 4, edited by Bill Ward
New York: Provincetown Review, Summer 1961
“Shenandoah” [prose] [collected in A13]
(Butterick C39)

21. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 8, edited by Diane Di Prima and Leroi Jones
New York: The Floating Bear, 1961
“America 17-18 Apr.” [reprinted separately as A10, collected in A9]
(Butterick C40)

22. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 17, edited by Diane Di Prima and Leroi Jones
New York: The Floating Bear, 1961
“A Treatise” [reprinted in Pa’lante (New York, 1962), seaparately as A5, collected in A9]
(Butterick C41)

23. KULCHUR, No. 3, edited by Marc Schleifer
New York: Kulchur Press, 1961
“Not Even Important” [prose], “You Two Go That Way…” [prose]
(Butterick C42-C43)

24. KULCHUR, No. 4, edited by Marc Schleifer
New York: Kulchur Press, 1961
“Given Other Necessities” [review of The Newly Fallen by Edward Dorn]
(Butterick C44)

25. YUGEN, No. 7, edited by LeRoi Jones
New York: Totem Press, 1961
“Letter to LeRoi Jones”, “Morning Song”
(Butterick C45-C46)

25. PERISKOP, No. 3, edited by Wolfgang Hake
Cologne: Periskop, 1962
“The Lover”, “The Answer”, “The God” [translated into German by Anselm Hollo]
(Butterick C47-C49)

26. TROBAR, No. 4, edited by George Economou, Joan Kelly, and Robert Kelly
New York: Trobar, 1962
“Mathematics” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C50)

27. KULCHUR, Vol. 2, No. 5, edited by Marc Schleifer
New York: Kulchur Press, Spring 1962
Review of Come and Join the Dance by Joyce Glassman [signed “jacob hammer”], Review of For Love by Robert Creeley [signed “Tom White”]
(Butterick C51-C52)

28. THE NATION, Vol. 194, No. 5, edited by W.S. Merwin
New York: The Nation Company, May 1962
(Butterick C53)

29. THE OUTSIDER, No. 2, edited by Gypsy Lou and Jon Webb
New Orleans: The Outsider, Summer 1962
“A Long Way” [collected in A9], “The Present” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C54-C55)

30. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 21, edited by Diane Di Prima and Leroi Jones
New York: The Floating Bear,  August 1962
“Best Reading Test” [book reviews]
(Butterick C56)

31. NOMAD, No. 10/11, edited by edited by Donald Factor and Anthony Linick
Culver City: Nomad, Autumn 1962
“La Revolucion”
(Butterick C57)

32. FUCK YOU / A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 1, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Fuck You Press, December 1962
“A Little Mayan Head”
(Butterick C58)

33. ECO CONTEMPORANEO, No. 5, edited by Miguel Grinberg
Buenos Aires: Miguel Grinberg, 1963
“Poema a la Muerte de William Carlos Williams” [collected A9]
(Butterick C59)
[not in archive]

34. FUCK YOU / A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 4, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Fuck You Press, Summer 1963
“Poem in Praise of Perseverance” [collected A9], “Public Affairs”
(Butterick C60-61)

35. JUDSON REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Al Carmines, and Don Katzman
New York: Judson Review, May 1963
“Christmas Text”
(Butterick C62)

36. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 7, No. 28, edited by Barney Rosset
New York: Evergreen Review, January-February 1963
“Un bel di” [story] [collected in A13]
(Butterick C63)

37. FUCK YOU / A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 3, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Fuck You Press, May 1963
“A Long Testament”
(Butterick C64)

38. SIGNAL, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Bret Rohmer
New York: The Brownstone Press, Fall 1963
“The Brushes” [collected in A9], “African Memories” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C65-C66)

39. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 21, edited by Diane Di Prima and Leroi Jones
New York: The Floating Bear, November 1963
“RIP” [prose] [signed “Aquarian”]
(Butterick C67)

40. KULCHUR, Vol. 3. No. 12, edited by Lita Hornick
New York: Kulchur Press, Winter 1963
“Some of My Best Peers” [prose]
(Butterick C68)

41. SIGNAL, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Bret Rohmer
New York: The Brownstone Press, 1964
“Mexican Standoff” [story]
(Butterick C69)

42. FUCK YOU / A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 6, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Fuck You Press, April 1964
“Fragments of a Letter from New York to San Francisco”, “Lesson I for Charles Olson”, “Balso/s Blues” [collected in A11], “For our Cousins”, “Where Are My Glasses”
(Butterick C70-C74)

43. WILD DOG, No. 7, edited by Drew Wagnon and Gino Clays
Pocatello: Wild Dog, April 1964
“Progress Report”, “Grown Alba” [collected in A9], “The Surgeon in Spite of Himself” [collected in A9], “Thirty Days, Next Case” [collected in A9], “The Three and a Half Minute Mile” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C75-C79)

44. JOGLARS, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Clark Coolidge and Michael Palmer
Providence: Joglars, Spring 1964
“The Riddle” [collected in A9], “The Title Repeats” [collected in A9], “Old Story” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C80-C82)

45. WILD DOG, No. 8, edited by Drew Wagnon and Gino Clays
Pocatello: Wild Dog, April 1964
“The World of Sports” [signed “Jay Oh”]
(Butterick C83)

46. THE NATION, No. 199
New York, September 1964
“Mythology” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C84)

47. ISLAND, No. 2, edited by Victor Coleman
Toronto: Island, December 1964
“The Recipe” [collected in A9], “The Cop-Out” [collected in A9], “Found Art” [collected in A9], “Sunday Morning” [collected in A9], “A Note” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C85-C89)

48. DAMASCUS ROAD No. 1, edited by Charles Hanna
Allentown: Damascus Road, 1965
“Nature Boy”, “Terror Coddler” [collected in A11], “A Five Act Play”
(Butterick C90-C92)

49. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 10, No. 39, edited by Barney Rosset
New York: Evergreen Review, June 1967
“Poem for the One-Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C93)

50. THE PARIS REVIEW, No. 36, edited by George A. Plimpton
Paris: The Paris Review, Winter 1966
“The New Nightgown” [collected in A11]
(Butterick C94)

51. CUCHULAIN, No. 1, edited by M. G. Stephens
New York: Cuchulain, 1967
“The Morning After” [collected in A11]
(Butterick C95)

Detroit, January 1967
“The Perfect Detonator: Scene 3”
(Butterick C96)

53. NEW MEASURE, No. 6
Oxford, Summer 1967
“The Travellers” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C97)

54. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 11, No. 47, edited by Barney Rosset
New York: Evergreen Review, June 1967
“The Three and a Half Minute Mile”
(Butterick C79)

New York, June 1967
“Life Poem” [collected in A9], “Poem in Defense of Children” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C98-C99)

56. THE WORLD, No. 7
New York, October 1967
“Wrong Again” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C100)

57. INTREPID, No. 9, edited by Allen De Loach
New York: Intrepid, December 1967
“Fragment from the Works of Anacreon Recently Discovered in a Caern by the river Meander”
(Butterick C101)

“A Magazine” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C102)

59. THE WORLD, No. 10
New York, February 1968
“A Valentine” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C103)

60. NOOSE, No. 2
New York, March 1968
“A Foreword for an As Yet Unwritten Novel”, “A Postscript to the Same Novel”
(Butterick C104-C105)

61. THE WORLD, No. 11
New York, April 1968
[untitled] “it is a long time / since we have talked…” [collected as “Poem for LeRoi” in A9]
(Butterick C106)

62. THE WORLD, No. 12
New York, June 1968
“In the Beginning” [collected in A9], “The Clash” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C107-C108)

63. FRIENDLY LOCAL PRESS, Vol. 1, No. 2-3
New York, June 1968
“Old Story” [collected in A9], “Hah-Hah” [collected in A9], “Pat  & Mike” [collected in A9], “The Great American Novel” [collected in A9]
(Butterick C109-112)

64. NOOSE, No. 17
New York, 12 July 1969
“A Poem for Children” [collected in A11] (Butterick C118)

65. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 13, No. 70
New York, September 1969
“Six-day and ball-bearing” [collected in A9] (Butterick C119)

66. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 13, No. 73
New York, December 1969
“A quiet Sunday at home” [story] [collected in A13] (Butterick C122)


Michael McClure: Contributions to Periodicals

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Section C:
This index includes contributions to periodicals, and focuses primarily on the entries found in the Clements bibliography.

1. POETRY, Vol. 87, No. 4, edited by Henry Rago
mags_poetry8704Chicago: Poetry, January 1956

McClure contribution: “2 for Theodore Roetheke: Premonition”
(Clements C1)

Note: This is McClure’s first appearance in print.

2. SEMINA, No. 2, edited by Wallace Berman
Los Angeles: Wallace Berman, December 1957

McClure contribution: “I Wanted to Turn to Electricity”
(Clements C2)

3. ARK II / MOBY I, edited by Michael McClure and James Harmon
mags_ark2San Francisco: Ark, 1956-57

McClure contribution: “Canoe: Explication”, “Logos: Knout”
(Clements C3)

4. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Barney Rosset and Donald Allen
mags_evergreen0102New York: Grove Press, 1957

McClure contribution: “Night Words: The Ravishing”, “Cat’s Air”, “The Rug”, “The”, “Note”, “The Robe”
(Clements C5)

5. BLACK MOUNTAIN REVIEW, No. 7, edited by Robert Creeley
mags_blackmtn7Black Mountain: Black Mountain College, Autumn 1957

McClure contribution: “Poem”
(Clements C6)

6. MEASURE, No. 2, edited by John Wieners
mags_measure2San Francisco: Measure, Winter 1958

McClure contribution: “The Magazine Cover”, “One & Two”
(Clements C7)

7. CHICAGO REVIEW, Vol. 12, No. 1, edited by Irving Rosenthal
mags_chicagoreview1201Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Spring 1958

McClure contribution: “The Mess”, “7/26/57”, “Less Than Vanity”, “The Breech”
(Clements C8)

8. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 2, No. 6, edited by Barney Rosset and Donald Allen *
New York: Grove Press, Autumn 1958

McClure contribution: “Ode to Jackson Pollock”
(Clements C9)

9. YUGEN, No. 4, edited by LeRoi Jones and Hettie Cohen 
mags_yugen4New York: Yugen, 1959

McClure contribution: “The Chamber”
(Clements C11)

10. JABBERWOCK, American Issue, edited by Alex Neish
mags_jabberwockEdinburgh: University Renaissance Society, 1959

McClure contribution: “For Artaud”, “A Fantasy and Courtly Poem”, “Ode for Soft Voice, for Jo Ann”
(Clements C12)

11. YUGEN, No. 5, edited by LeRoi Jones and Hettie Cohen 
mags_yugen5New York: Yugen, 1959

McClure contribution: “Rant Block”
(Clements C13)

12. SEMINA, No. 4, edited by Wallace Berman
San Francisco: Wallace Berman, 1959

McClure contribution: “We’re in the Middle of a Deep Cloud”
(Clements C14)

13. BEATITUDE, No. 5, edited by John Kelly
San Francisco: John Kelly, June 1959

McClure contribution: “Lines from a Peyote Depression”
(not in Clements)

14. SEMINA, No. 5, edited by Wallace Berman
Larkspur: Wallace Berman, 1959

McClure contribution: “We are Impervious as the Skin of our Dreams”
(Clements C17)

15. THE GALLEY SAIL REVIEW, Vol. 2, No. 1, Issue No. 5, edited by David Rafael Wang
mags_galleysail5San Francisco: Galley Sail Publications, Winter 1959-1960

McClure contribution: “L’Etoile”
(Clements C15)

16. SIDEWALK, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Alex Neish
Edinburgh: Sidewalk, 1960

McClure contribution: “The Flower of Politics”
(Clements C16)

17. BIG TABLE, Vol. 1, No. 4, edited by Paul Carroll
mags_bigtable14Chicago: Big Table, Spring 1960

McClure contribution: “Two Poems from A Small Secret Book”
(Clements C18)

18. YUGEN, No. 6, edited by LeRoi Jones and Hettie Cohen 
mags_yugen6New York: Yugen, 1960

McClure contribution: “The Column”
(Clements C19)

19. BEATITUDE, No. 17, edited by Bob Kaufman
mags_beatitude17San Francisco: City Lights, Oct-Nov 1960

McClure contribution: “Oh Why Oh Why The Blasted Love The Huge Shape Change?” (from Dark Brown)
(Clements C20)

20. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 1, edited by Diane Di Prima and LeRoi Jones *
New York: The Floating Bear, February 1961

McClure contribution: “The Smile shall not be More Mutable than the Final Extinction of Meat”
(Clements C21)

21. NOMAD, No. 9, edited by Donald Factor and Anthony Linick
mags_nomad9Culver City: Nomad, Summer 1961

McClure contribution: “High”, “From a Notebook”
(Clements C22)

22. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 14, edited by Diane Di Prima and LeRoi Jones
New York: The Floating Bear, October 1961

McClure contribution: “!The Feast!”
(Clements C24)

23. THE OUTSIDER, No. 1, edited by Gypsy Lou and Jon Webb 
mags_outsider01New Orleans: Loujon Press, Fall 1961

McClure contribution: “Spontaneous Hymn to Kundalini”
(Clements C25)

24. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 5, No. 20, edited by Barney Rosset *
New York: Evergreen Review, Sep-Oct 1961

McClure contribution: “On Seeing Through Shelley’s Eyes The Medusa”
(Clements C26)

25. JOURNAL FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL BEINGS, No. 1,  edited by Michael McClure, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and David Meltzer
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1961

McClure contribution: “Revolt”
(Clements C27)

26. KULCHUR, Vol. 2, No. 8, edited by Lita Hornick
mags_kulchur8New York: Kulchur Press, Winter 1962

McClure contribution: “Phi Upsilon Kappa”
(Clements C28)

27. FOOT, No. 2, edited by Richard Duerden and William Brown
mags_foot2San Francisco: Foot, 1962

McClure contribution: “The Surge”
(Clements C29)

28. PA’LANTE, No. 1, edited by Howard Schulman
New York: The League of Militant Poets, May 1962

McClure contribution: “Fidelio”, “Twigs”
(Clements C30)

29. EL CORNO EMPLUMADO, No. 3, edited by Sergio Mondragón and Margaret Randall
Mexico City: El Corno Emplumado, July 1962

McClure contribution: “Dear Jane”, “Drunk Writing”
(Clements C31)

30. ORIGIN, Second Series, No. 6, edited by Cid Corman
mags_origin26Kyoto: Cid Corman, July 1962

McClure contribution: “The Held Back Pain”
(Clements C32)

31. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 6, No. 25, edited by Barney Rosset
New York: Evergreen Review, Jul-Aug 1962

McClure contribution: “Drug Notes”
(Clements C33)

32. FUCK YOU / A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 4, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Fuck You Press, August 1962

McClure contribution: “The Mind Pain Comes Over Me and I Am Blunked”
(Clements C34)

33. TISH, No. 12, edited by Frank Davey
Vancouver: TISH, August 1962

McClure contribution: “Mad Sonnet”
(not in Clements)

34. THE NATION, Vol. 196, No. 3, edited by Carey McWilliams *
New York: The Nation, Jan 1963

McClure contribution: “The Human Face”
(Clements C35)

35. SEMINA, No. 8, edited by Wallace Berman
Los Angeles: Wallace Berman, 1963

McClure contribution: “Ghost Tantra (No. 14)”
(Clements C36)

36. THE OUTSIDER, No. 3, edited by Gypsy Lou and Jon Webb 
mags_outsider03New Orleans: Loujon Press, Spring 1963

McClure contribution: “Three Mad Sonnets”
(Clements C37)

37. POETRY, Vol. 102, No. 3,  edited by Henry Rago
Chicago: Poetry, June 1963

McClure contribution: “The Child”, “Mad Sonnet”, “Mad Sonnet”
(Clements C38)

38. ARTFORUM, Vol II, No. 1, edited by John Irwin *
San Francisco: John Irwin, July 1963

McClure contribution: “Dog Star Man” [prose]
(Clements C39)

39. CITY LIGHTS JOURNAL, No. 1, edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti *
San Francisco:  City Lights Books, 1963

McClure contribution: “Notes on a Miniature Drama”
(Clements C40)

40. NORTHWEST REVIEW, Vol. 6, No. 4, , edited by Edward Van Aelstyn
Eugene: University of Oregon, Fall 1963

McClure contribution: “Artaud: Peace Chief”
(Clements C41)

41. FUCK YOU / A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 4, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Fuck You Press, c.1963

McClure contribution: “Fuck Essay”
(Clements C42)

42. NOW, No. 1, edited by Charles Plymell
mags_nowSan Francisco: Now, 1963

McClure contribution: “I, Michael McClure”, “Black and Yellow: Pansy”
(Clements C43)

43. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 8, No. 32, edited by Barney Rosset *
New York: Grove Press, Apr-May 1964

McClure contribution: “The Growl”
(Clements C44)

44. JOGLARS, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Clark Coolidge and George Palmer
mags_joglars11Providence: Joglars, Spring 1964

McClure contribution: “Sanza 13” from Love Lion Book
(Clements C46)

45. FILM CULTURE, No. 32, edited by Jonas Mekas
New York: Film Culture, Spring 1964

McClure contribution: “Defense of Jayne Mansfield”
(Clements C47)

46. GNAOUA, No. 1, edited by Ira Cohen
mags_gnaoua1Tangier: Gnaoua, Spring 1964

McClure contribution: “The Beast Sound: Nine Poems”
(Clements C48)

47. CLEFT, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Bill McArthur
mags_cleft12Edinburgh: Cleft, May 1964

McClure contribution: “Ghost Tantra 50”
(Clements C49)

48. KULCHUR, Vol. 4, No. 14, edited by Lita Hornick
New York: Kulchur Press, Summer 1964

McClure contribution: “Reason”
(Clements C50)

49. IMAGO, No. 1, edited by George Bowering
Alberta: Imago, 1964

McClure contribution: “Three Poems from The Beast Sound”
(Clements C51)

50. FUCK YOU / A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 7, edited by Ed Sanders 
New York: Fuck You Press, Sep 1964

McClure contribution: “Airs from a Forgotten Book”
(Clements C52)

51. NOW NOW, [Now, No. 2], edited by Charles Plymell
San Francisco: Ari Publications, 1965

McClure contribution: “Love Lion, Lioness”
(Clements C53)

52. DIMAS, No. 3,  edited by Alan Jay Arikian
Elmhurst: Dimas, Feb 1965

McClure contribution: “For Me”, “For a Drawing by Bruce Conner”, “Only Simplicity”, “The Convertible”
(Clements C54)

53. THE SAN FRANCISCO KEEPER’S VOICE, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Alexander Weiss
San Francisco: Alexander Weiss, Feb 1965

McClure contribution: “Ghost Tantra 15”
(Clements C55)

54. MY OWN MAG, No. 11, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Jeff Nuttall, Feb 1965

McClure contribution: “Dream Tables, No. 1 & 2”
(Clements C56)

55. C, A JOURNAL OF POETRY, Vol. 1, No. 10, edited by Ted Berrigan
New York, Feb 1965

McClure contribution: “Ghost Tantra #9”
(Clements C57)

56. FUCK YOU / A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 8, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Fuck You Press, March 1965

McClure contribution: “Poem Cards”
(Clements C58)

57. FUX!, No. 1, edited by Robert Branaman
San Francisco: Ari Publications, Spring 1965

McClure contribution: “Wondersmitten! Trancelike! Profound!”
(Clements C60)

58. SIGMA PORTFOLIO, No. 21, edited by Alexander Trocchi
London, 1965

McClure contribution: “Revolt”
(Clements C61)


[* not in archive]