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This index includes contributions to periodicals; entries within years are listed alphabetically
BERKELEY: A Journal of Modern Culture, No. 4, edited by James Schevill
Berkeley: Bern Porter, 1948
GRYPHON, No. 1, edited by Richard Rubenstein
San Francisco: Gryphon, Spring 1950
“The Asphodel’s Rebuttal”
BELOIT POETRY JOURNAL, edited Chad Walsh and Robert H. Glauber
Beloit: Beloit College, Spring 1951
EPOS, Vol. 3, No. 1, edited by Will and Evelyn Thorne
Branson: Epos, Fall 1951
GOLDEN GOOSE, Vol. 4, No. 5, edited by Richard Wirtz Emerson and Frederick Eckman
Sausalito: Golden Goose Press, October 1952
“Desolate Condor” [poem]
DIFFERENT, Vol. 7, No. 7, edited by Lilith Lorraine
Long Island: Avalon World Arts Academy, Winter 1953
THE ARCHER, Vol. 4, No. 2, edited by Wilfred Brown and Elinor Henry Brown
North Hollywood: Summer (Aug) 1954
“No Weal Like Mighty Adam Gave” [poem]
EMBRYO, No. 1, edited by E. E. Walters
Louisville: Spring 1954
ZEBRA: A Monthly Collection of Original Writing, No. 10
Bristol, November 1954
POETRY, Vol. 83, No. 5, edited by Karl Shapiro
Chicago: Modern Poetry Association, February 1954
CLIMAX, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Robert Cass
New Orleans: The Climax Jazz, Art & Pleasure Society of Lower Bourbon Street, 1955
FLAME, Vol. 2, No. 2, edited by Lilith Lorraine
Alpine: Flame Quarterly, Summer 1955
FLAME, Vol. 2, No. 4, edited by Lilith Lorraine
Alpine: Flame Quarterly, Winter 1955
SHEAF, No. 2, edited by E.V. Griffith
Eureka: Sheaf, November 1955
“Rounding the Horn” [poem], “Econdom Eccle Haine” [poem], “Dan Hatch Once T’Sung” [poem]
UNUSUAL, Vol. 1, No. 3
New York: Sidney E. Porcelain, 1955
WHETSTONE: A Literary Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Jack Lindeman and Edgar H. Schuster
Philadelphia: Whetstone, Spring 1955
POETRY, Vol. 88, No. 1, edited by Henry Rago
Chicago: The Modern Poetry Association, April 1956
EXISTARIA, No. 7, edited by Carl Larsen
Hermosa Beach: Existaria, September-October 1957
“Tital-Tattle-Ation” [poem], “Of the Feather Floating There” [poem]
HEARSE, No. 1, edited by E.V. Griffith
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1957
“Pseudo Pleuronectes Americanus” [poem]
CARAVEL: A Magazine of Verse, edited by Ben Hagglund
Palo Alto, First Quarter 1958
COASTLINES, Vol. 3, No. 3, Issue 11, edited by Gene Frumkin
Hollywood: California Quarterly, Autumn 1958
HEARSE, No. 3, edited by E.V. Griffith
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1958
“Within a High Building Overlooking the Brazos Valley” [poem]
ODYSSEY, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by R.R. Cuscaden and Ronald Offen
Chicago: Odyssey Spring 1958
POETRY, Vol. 93, No. 3, edited by Henry Rago
Chicago: The Modern Poetry Association, December 1958
COERCION, No. 2, edited by Clarence Major
Chicago: Coercion, Spring 1959
“Marina with Orange” [poem]
THE GALLEY SAIL REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Stanley McNail
San Francisco: Galley Sail Publications, Spring 1959
Northampton: The Grecourt Review, February 1959
“The Complexion of Triumph”
VIGIL, Vol. 1 No. 2
Chicago: Roosevelt University, 1959
THE WHITE DOVE REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 3, edited by Ron Padgett
Tulsa: White Dove Press, 1959
“An Unspecial Mirth” [poem], “Spots of Lone West” [poem]
FRESCO, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by William F. Dwyer and Jeorme L. Mazzaro
Detroit: University of Detroit, 1960
INLAND, edited by John Rackham
Salt Lake City: Inland, Autumn 1960
“Aquacade” [poem]
TARGETS, No. 4, edited by W.L. Garner
Sandia Park: Targets, December 1960
“Cut-Throat in Terror Reign” [poem]
HEARSE, No. 6, edited by E.V. Griffith
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1961
“Fair Thoughtful Be Good” [poem], “Leave It In” [poem]
HEARSE, No. 7, edited by E.V. Griffith
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1961
“A Leopard Sleek as Night” [poem]
THE OUTSIDER, No. 1, edited by Jon Edgar and Gypsy Lou Webb
New Orleans: Loujon Press, Fall 1961
“Pastoral” [poem], “Rel Bore Speng Lule” [poem]
TARGETS, No. 5, edited by W.L. Garner
Sandia Park: Targets, April 1961
“A Ribbon of Callow Gain” [poem]
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 3, edited by Marvin Malone and Alexander Taylor
Storrs: Wormwood Review Press, 1961
“Seeker” [poem], “The Mountain Penial” [poem]
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 4, edited by Alexander Taylor and Marvin Malone
Storrs: Wormwood Review Press, 1961
“Love Poem” [poem]
Fall 1962
MICA, No. 6, edited by Helmut Bonheim and Raymond Federman
Santa Barbara: Mica, June 1962
“The Cross Let Captive” [poem]
RENAISSANCE, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by John Bryan
San Francisco: Renaissance Publications, January 1962
“Staid” [poem]
SIGNET, Vol. 4, No. 11, edited by S.T. Friedman
Alamo: Signet, November 1962
TARGETS, No. 10, edited by W.L. Garner
Sandia Park: Targets, June 1962
“Long Lost Precisions” [poem]
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 2, No. 3, Issue 7, edited by Marvin Malone and Alexander Taylor
Storrs: Wormwood Review Press, 1962
“We Have Known” [poem]
THE BLACK CAT REVIEW, No. 2, edited by Neeli Cherry
San Bernardino: The Black Cat Review, March 1963
“Exploratory” [poem], “No Poor Loss Like This” [poem]
EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 7, No. 28, edited by Barney Rosset
New York: Grove Press, 1963
GENESIS WEST, Vol. 1, No. 3, edited by Gordon Lish
Burlingame: Chrysalis West Foundation, Spring 1963
“Of Deathless Law” [poem]
SUM, No. 1, edited by Fred Wah
Albuquerque: Sum, December 1963
“Slade Slatter in a Down-Draft Drizzle” [poem], “Sutter’s Canyon in Half Day Light” [poem]
TARGETS, No. 14, edited by W.L. Garner
Sandia Park: Targets, June 1963
“I Heard Her Song” [poem]
WILD DOG, No. 2, edited by Geoffrey Dunbar
Pocatello: Wild Dog, April 1963
“A Wattle” [poem], “Coast at Clear” [poem], “The Bridal Path” [poem]
WILD DOG, No. 4, edited by John Hoopes
Pocatello: Wild Dog, July 1963
“A Fortification” [poem], “Dorm Dorm the Winter Grain” [poem]
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 3, No. 2, Issue 10, edited by Marvin Malone and Alexander Taylor
Storrs: The Wormwood Review Press, 1963
“Lobotomy” [poem], “The Lash” [poem], “Winter Vacation” [poem]
ANTE, No. 1, edited by William Harris
Los Angeles: Echo Press, Summer 1964
A POETRY NEWSLETTER, No. 2, edited by Richard Morris
Albuquerque: Desert Review Press, 1964
BLUE BEAT, No. 1, edited by George Montgomery and Erik Kiviat
New York: Yowl Publications, March 1964
“Love Without Courage” [poem], “Wake” [poem]
THE DESERT REVIEW, No. 1, edited by Ward Abbott and Bryant Cashion
Albuquerque: The Desert Review Press, Spring 1964
“Concerning Particulars” [poem], “Epithalmia” [poem], “Mountain Winter” [poem], “She Loves Me Not” [poem]
Fredericton: University of New Brunswick, Fall 1964
GRANDE RONDE REVIEW, No. 1, edited by Michael Andrews and Ben L. Hiatt
La Grande: Grande Ronde Review, Fall 1964
“Contemporary Ballad” [poem], “Thing and Essence” [poem]
GRIST, Vol. 1, No. 4, edited by Robert Rusk and John Fowler
Lawrence: Abington Book Shop, December 1964
“Red Cunning and Creme de Minthe” [poem], “The Blood on Our Hands” [poem]
INTREPID, No. 3, edited by Allen De Loach
New York: Intrepid, July 1964
“Spring Betime” [poem]
KAURI, No. 3, edited by Will Inman
New York: Kauri, July-August 1964
“Pastoral” [poem]
KAURI, No. 4, edited by Will Inman
New York: Kauri, August-September 1964
“A Day in the Sun” [poem], “Please Court Dumb” [poem]
KAURI, No. 5, edited by Will Inman
New York: Kauri, November-December 1964
MARRAHWANNAH QUARTERLY, No. 1, edited by d.a. levy
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
“Medical Science” [poem]
OLE, No. 1, edited by Douglas Blazek
Bensenville: The Mimeo Press, 1964
“A Leopard Sleek as Night” [poem], “Abe Went with the Roman Clan” [poem]
POETRY REVIEW, No. 2, edited by Duane Locke
Tampa: University of Tampa, August 1964
“To Put a Rose Upon It” [poem]
POTPOURRI, No. 2, edited by Carlos Reyes
Seattle: Body Press, 1964
THE SILVER CESSPOOL, No. 4, edited by d.a. levy
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
“The Brain in the Weather” [poem], “Thoughts on Returning” [poem]
SUM, No. 2, edited by Fred Wah
Albuquerque: Sum, February 1964
“Fruit Juice” [poem]
THEO, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Frank Murphy and Jonas Kover
New York: Theo Publications, 1964
“Kind, No Winsome Maid Would Question” [poem], “Whisper No Loon is Gear” [poem]
THEO, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Frank Murphy and Jonas Kover
New York: Theo Publications, Fall 1964
“Rime Upon the Runic
WILD DOG, No. 7, edited by Drew Wagnon and Ed Dorn
Pocatello: Wild Dog, April 1964
“Where the Will Resides” [poem], “Wrest Over” [poem]
WILD DOG, No. 8, edited by Drew Wagnon and Ed Dorn
Pocatello: Wild Dog, May 1964
“Reth for Wreath for Ever” [poem]
WILD DOG, No. 11, edited by Gino Clays and Drew Wagnon
Salt Lake City: Wild Dog, October 1964
“Purity” [poem], “The Horse with the Cokleburs in Its Fetlocks” [poem]
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 4, No. 1, Issue 13, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review Press, 1964
“Being Thankless” [poem], “Japenese Garden” [poem]
YOWL, No. 6, edited by George Montgomery and Erik Kiviat
New York: Bluebeat Publications, May 1964
“Shut the Bud Blooming in Holy” [poem]
YOWL, No. 7, edited by George Montgomery and Erik Kiviat
New York: Bluebeat Publications, September 1964
“The Dream” [poem]
THE BLACK CAT REVIEW, No. 3, edited by Neeli Cherry
San Bernardino: The Black Cat Review, June 1965
“Judas: A Funeral Lilt” [poem]
BLITZ, No. 2, edited by Bobby Watson and Mel Buffington
La Grande: Mad Virgin Press,1965
“Millenium” [poem], “Vilely I Have Taken” [poem]
CAMELS COMING, No. 1, edited by Richard Morris
Reno: Camels Coming, August 1965
“Flaunting Eagles, I Beseech You” [poem]
CAMELS COMING, No. 3, edited by Richard Morris
Reno: Camels Coming, October 1965
“Pierre, Submerged and Floating” [poem]
FROM A WINDOW, No. 3, edited by Paul Malanga and Bobby Byrd
Tucson: From a Window, October 1965
“Benadam Hick Pat” [poem], “I Have Sat” [poem], “The Clue of the Motionless Gander” [poem], “To Clean Out a Tunnel” [poem]
THE GOODLY COMPANY, No. 2, edited by G. Russell Morgan
Kalamazoo: Goodly Co, April 1965
“Born-A-Lier Bulltoven” [poem]
THE GOODLY COMPANY, No. 4, edited by G. Russell Morgan
Kalamazoo: Goodly Co, December 1965
“Bulltoven’s Other Brother” [poem], “When Since” [poem]
GRANDE RONDE REVIEW, No. 3, edited by Ben L. Hiatt
La Grande: Grande Ronde Review, Summer 1965
“Concert of Happy Myth” [poem], “Deed Oh Moon Kept Come” [poem], “Lief in Barenfolded Gain” [poem]
GRIST, No. 5, edited by John Fowler
Lawrence: Abington Book Shop, April 1965
“Dirge without Calla Lillies” [poem], “Sprung in Plummet in Plume” [poem], “Time Diversion” [poem]
ILLUMINATIONS, No. 1, edited by Norman Moser
San Francisco: Illimination Press, Summer 1965
JACARANDA, No. 6, edited by Joel Climenhaga
Canton: Transient Press, February 1965
“If But for The Queen” [poem], “Evaporation” [poem], “Mortal Cone in Muddle Brain” [poem], “Sin the Seemly Cannonade” [poem]
MAGAZINE, No. 2, edited by Kirby Congdon
New York: Crank Books, 1965
“The Goddess” [poem]
MOTIVE, Vol. 25, No. 5, edited by B.J. Stiles
February 1965
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 5, No. 2, Issue 18, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review Press, 1965
“Reductio as Absurdum” [poem], “Some Sight of Maybe Moon” [poem]
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 4, No. 3, Issue 19, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review Press, 1965
“A Feather Duster” [poem], “Abiding Time” [poem], “An Asinine Observance” [poem], “An Interlude” [poem], “Cuculiform” [poem], “Did Ever” [poem], “Early Bird” [poem], “Fall Is With Us” [poem], “From the Virgin Islands” [poem], “I Lighted a Fire” [poem], “In My Life” [poem], “Letter to Bill” [poem], “Past a Sunlit Terrace” [poem], “Seeing Suddenly” [poem], “So Her” [poem], “Stated Simply” [poem], “Time for Prayer” [poem]
EARTH, No. 2, edited by Steve Richmond
Santa Monica: Earth Books & Gallery, 1966
“An Evening in December” [poem]
THE GOODLY COMPANY, No. 7, edited by G. Russell Morgan
Kalamazoo: Goodly Co, November 1966
“The Distances” [poem]
GRIST, No. 8, edited by John Fowler
Lawrence: Abington Book Shop,1966
“To Wring Some Water Out” [poem]
INTREPID, No. 6, edited by Allen De Loach
New York: Intrepid, 1966
“Essence” [poem], “Now Beholden” [poem], “Some Family Relations” [poem]
IT, No. 5, edited by J.D. Whitney
Detroit: It, May 1966
“What Are You” [poem]
OUTCAST, No. 1, edited by Jean and Veryl Rosenbaum
Santa Fe: Outcast, 1966
“Perception” [poem]
OUT OF SIGHT, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Gino Clays
San Francisco: Kamikaze Press, 1966
“From Youth” [poem], “Sloe Tree, Bushed and Spangled” [poem]
SHOWCASE, No. 2, edited by James Gove
Barstow: Showcase, November-December 1966
“Withold” [poem], “The Power Engine” [poem]
SHOWCASE, No. 3, edited by James Gove
Barstow: Showcase, July 1966
“Cruel and Any Kind” [poem], “Lemon Mayoley” [poem]
SYMPTOM, edited by David Tammer
University Park: Symptom, Spring 1966
THE GOODLY COMPANY, No. 9, edited by G. Russell Morgan
Kalamazoo: Goodly Co, June 1967
“White” [poem]
THE GOODLY COMPANY, No. 10, edited by G. Russell Morgan
Kalamazoo: Goodly Co, November 1967
“Even If” [poem], “Fiesta Brava” [poem], “Stalemate” [poem]
GRANDE RONDE REVIEW, No. 7, edited by Ben L. Hiatt
La Grande: Grande Ronde Review, 1967
“Cosmic Geography” [poem], “Once and For All” [poem], “The Barber’s Apprentice” [poem]
INTREPID, No. 7, edited by Allen De Loach
New York: Intrepid, March 1967
“A Poet’s Breath” [poem], “Burst Forth” [poem], “Canonical” [poem], “Hope Scape Bish-Bop” [poem], “Muse Over” [poem], “Some Finality or Other” [poem]
LATITUDES, No. 2, edited by Robert Bonazzi
Houston, Summer 1967
THE OTHER, No. 4, edited by Richard Mangelsdorff
Milwaukee: The Other, 1967
“Delayed Voyage” [poem], “To Rid the Stable” [poem]
OUTCAST, No. 4, edited by Jean and Veryl Rosenbaum
Santa Fe: Outcast, January 1967
“I Was Writing” [poem]
RUNCIBLE SPOON, Vol. loud, No. yes!, edited by D.r. Wagner and Barbara O’Connelly
Carmichael: The Runcible Spoon, 1967
“Fairey Islander” [poem]
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 7, Nos. 3-4, Issues 27-28, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1967
“Because Of” [poem], “If God” [poem], “The Naming of Trees” [poem]
ALDEBARAN REVIEW, No. 2, edited by John Oliver Simon
Berkeley: Aldeberan Review, 1968
“Mammoth of Earth” [poem], “Marsh Gut” [poem], “Summer is Over” [poem]
ILLUMINATIONS, No. 4, edited by Norman Moser
San Francisco: Illuminations Press, Winter 1968-69
MOTHER, No. 11, edited by Ronald Caplan
Pittsburgh: Mother Press, 1968
“Pill For” [poem], “The Mortification of Deacons” [poem]
WORDJOCK, No. 4, edited by Charles Tidler
West Layfayette: Wordjock, November 1968
“In Reed of Wound” [poem], “King Haul to Rome” [poem], “Petter Unsane Mal” [poem], “Swabbie Wan Satchel Ayne” [poem], “The Meathodical Sea Nymph”
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 8, No. 3, Issue 31, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1968
“At the Tobacconist” [poem], “Delineation” [poem]
ARX, Vol. 2, No. 11, edited by Bill B. Brooks
Austin: Arx Foundation, August 1969
ATOM MIND, Vol. 1, No. 4, edited by Gregory Smith
Albuquerque: Mother Road Publications, Spring 1969
[untitled] “I too / would cry out…” [poem]
ATOM MIND, Vol. 2, No. 6, edited by Gregory Smith
Albuquerque: Mother Road Publications, Fall 1969
“Well, Anyhow” [poem]
THE GOLIARDS, No. 7, edited by Jerry Burns
San Francisco: Goliards Press, 1969
Burlington, Winter 1969
New Orleans: Southern Louisiana Media Corporation, 1969
“Telegraph Pole” [poem]
OUTCAST, No. 15, edited by Jean and Veryl Rosenbaum
Santa Fe: Outcast, October 1969
“The Wild One” [poem]
QUIXOTE, Vol. 5, No. 4, edited by Morris Edelson
Madison: Quixote, 1969
“I Won’t” [poem], “The Legacy of War” [poem], “Herded” [poem]
SUMAC, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Dan Gerber and Jim Harrison
Fremont: Sumac Press, Winter 1969
“No Ultimate Sacrilege” [poem], “Season of Autumn Light” [poem]
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 9, No. 1, Issue 33, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1969
“Senile” [poem], “She Was Waiting” [poem]
ALDEBARAN REVIEW, No. 8, edited by John Oliver Simon
Berkeley: Aldeberan Review, January 1970
“No Stopping It” [poem]
Berkeley, CA: Mysterious Mountain Press, 1970
DESPERADO, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Kell Robertson
“Cow Pens” [poem], “Faceless” [poem]
FOLIO, Vol 6, No. 1
Summer 1970
THE GOODLY COMPANY, No. 15, edited by G. Russell Morgan
Kalamazoo: Goodly Co, April 1970
“How Often” [poem], “Memory, Memory” [poem], “Pastrover” [poem]
NEW: AMERICAN AND CANADIAN POETRY, No. 12, edited by John Gill
Trumansburg: New: A & C Poetrry, April 1970
QUIXOTE, Vol. 6, No. 1, edited by Mossis Edelson
Lodz: Quixote, 1970
“So” [poem]
THE RAG, Vol. 4, No. 19
Austin, March 1970
“Easter Suite” [poem]
THE STONE, Vol. 3, Nos 1-2, edited by Mike Chervenak, Harvy Cording, and Richard Jorgensen
Pennington, Winter-Summer 1970
ALDEBARAN REVIEW, No. 11, edited by John Oliver Simon
Berkeley: Aldeberan Review, December 1971
“Caged” [poem]
DESPERADO, No. 5, edited by Kell Robertson
June 1971
“Alone, You Say You Are?” [poem], “The Commode’s Weather” [poem]
THE GREENFIELD REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 4, edited by Joseph Bruchac
Greenfield Center: Greenfield Review, 1971
GUM, No. 6, edited by Dave Morice
Iowa City: Gum, September 1971
HEY LADY, Nos. 4-5
Milwaukee: Morgan Press, 1971
THE HUMAN VOICE, Vol. 7, No. 3, edited by D.V. Smith
Homestead: Olivant Press, 1971
INTREPID, No. 18-19, edited by Allen De Loach
New York: Intrepid, Winter 1971
“For Shame in the Shadows” [poem], “The Exit” [poem], “The Returned Mariner” [poem]
LEMMING, No. 1, edited by Jim Gove
San Diego: Lemming, Winter 1971
PENUMBRA, No. 10, edited by Charles Haseloff
New York, Fall 1971
“Postmortem” [poem]
TOOTHPASTE, No. 5, edited by Allan Kornblum
Iowa City: Toothpaste Press, 1971
“Flock” [poem]
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 11, No. 3, Issue 43, edited by Marvin Malone
Stockton: The Wormwood Review Press, 1971
“Bailey I Put” [poem], “Hobert Said” [poem]
ASPHALT, No. 4, edited by Richard Paterson
Yellow Springs: Asphalt, 1972
DESPERADO, No. 7, edited by Kell Robertson
“Goddesses” [poem], “She Had” [poem], “That He Should Live So Long” [poem]
LOCO MOTIVES, edited by Enrique R. Lamadrid and David Teodoro Benedetti
Albuquerque, NM: Peyote Puke Press / Associated Small Presses, 1972
PENUMBRA, No. 11, edited by Charles Haseloff
New York: Penumbra, Fall 1972
“The Lease of Ruin” [poem]
SECOND COMING, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by A. D. Winans
San Francisco: Second Coming Press, Summer 1972
“In Fact” [poem]
ZAHIR, Vol. 1, Nos. 4-5, edited by Diane Kruchkow
Durham: Zahir, 1972
[untitled] “Classic in the deamoned service…” [poem]. “Eyes That” [poem], “I Wanted Even” [poem], “Is This” [poem]
GRANDE RONDE REVIEW, [un-numbered issue], edited by Ben L. Hiatt
Folsom: Grande Ronde Press, Spring 1973
“She Shut” [poem], “The Wager” [poem], “When You Crouch” [poem]
WIND, No. 9, edited by Howard Quentin
Pikeville: Wind, 1973
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 13, No. 2, Issue 50, edited by Marvin Malone
Stockton: The Wormwood Review Press, 1973
“Hard Times” [poem], “The Visitor” [poem], “You Would Like” [poem]
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 13, No. 4, Issue 52, edited by Marvin Malone
Stockton: The Wormwood Review Press, 1973
“As Time Passes” [poem], “As You” [poem], “I Love Jane” [poem]
EVERYMAN, edited by Christopher Franke
Cleveland: Cuyahoga Community College, Summer 1974
STONE COUNTRY, Vol. 74, No. 2, edited by Judy Neeld
Madison: Stone Country Press, 1974
STONE COUNTRY, Vol. 74, No. 3, edited by Judy Neeld
Madison: Stone Country Press, 1974
STONEY LONESOME, No. 4, edited by Richard Pflum, Roger Pfingston, and David Wade
Nosferatu Press 1974
WHITE ARMS MAGAZINE, No. 1, edited by Jim Jordan
Fort Wayne: White Arms Magazine, April 1974
BLACK BEAR REVIEW: A Magazine of the Arts, Vol. 1, No. 3, edited by James Taylor
Taos: Black Bear Review, Fall 1975
THE COLDSPRING JOURNAL, No. 8, edited by Charles Plymell and Pamela Beach Plymell
August-September 1975
“As If All” [poem], “Seeing An” [poem]
SCREE, No. 3, edited by Kirk Robertson and nila northSun
Missoula: Porky Press for Duck Down Press, 1975
STONE COUNTRY, Vol. 75, No. 2, edited by Judy Neeld
Madison: Stone Country Press, 1975
TELEPHONE, No. 10, edited by Maureen Owen
New York: Telephone Books Press, 1975
“San Francisco” [poem]
WINE RINGS, Vol. 1, No. 2
[untitled] “Where / It’s put / together…” [poem]
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 15, No. 2, Issue 58, edited by Marvin Malone
Stockton: The Wormwood Review Press, 1975
“A Mangled” [poem], “As Knotty a Question” [poem], “Because You” [poem], “Bulltoven Once” [poem], “Cats All Day” [poem], “Conned Out” [poem], “Easter Suite” [poem], “Enraptured Nude” [poem], “Epi-Gratis” [poem], “Every Electrical” [poem], “Examining” [poem], “Holed Up Three Days” [poem], “I Haven’t Spoke” [poem], “I Should Not” [poem], “If My Fragmented” [poem], “It Was” [poem], “Jesus Ranch” [poem], “No, 1” [poem], “Open” [poem], “Sand-Blasting” [poem], “So I Know” [poem], “Suppose Tomorrow” [poem], “The Current” [poem], “The Floor Level” [poem], “The Plain Sun” [poem], “The Sins” [poem], “To Breathe” [poem], “Together” [poem], “We Danced Off” [poem], “When I” [poem], “With Remorse” [poem], “Your Cunt” [poem], “Your Existence” [poem]
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 15, No. 4, Issue 60, edited by Marvin Malone
Stockton: The Wormwood Review Press, 1975
“In a Bar” [poem], “These Wheels” [poem], “To Carry” [poem]
LA-BAS, No. 4, edited by Douglas Messerli
College Park: La-Bas, November 1976
“Pebble Barren Gain” [poem], “This Cunt of Yours” [poem], “Two Mangy, Poorly” [poem]
SCREE, No. 5, edited by Kirk Robertson and nila northSun
Missoula: Duck Down Press, 1976
STAR-WEB PAPER, No. 6, edited by Thomas Michael Fisher
Los Cruces: All This & Less Publishers, 1976
THE SUNSET PALMS HOTEL, Vol. 4, No. 7, edited by Colman Andrews, Michael C. Ford, and Bill Yaryan
Mt. Alverno Press, Winter 1976
WINE RINGS, Vol. 1, No. 5
“Bike Tyre” [poem], “If You” [poem], “I’ve Not” [poem], “My Breathing” [poem]
ZAHIR, No. 8, edited by Diane Kruchkow
Durham: Zahir, 1976
“A Long Line” [poem], “Helmets” [poem]
EL COQUI, No. 1, edited by E.W. Northnagel
Carolina, PR: Cíbola Studio, 1978
BOSS, No. 5, edited by Reginald Gay
New York: Boss Books, 1979
SECOND COMING, Vol. 7, No. 1, edited by A.D. Winans
San Francisco: Second Coming Press, 1979
“Your Buck” [poem]
PIG IRON, No. 8, edited by Jim Villani
Youngstown: Pig Iron, December 1980
THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 20, No. 4, Issue 80, edited by Marvin Malone
Stockton: The Wormwood Review Press, 1980
“A Signature” [poem], “Assuming” [poem], ” Dumb, Dear” [poem], “Flowers” [poem], “If I Had” [poem], “If I Took” [poem], “Mad Dog” [poem], “The Place” [poem]
ANOTHER CHICAGO MAGAZINE, Number 6, edited by Lee Webster
Chicago: Thunder Mouth Press, 1981
CENTER, No. 13, edited by Carol Berge
New York: Center, 1981
“Cochise” [prose]
WAVES, Vol. 1, No. 4, edited by Eric Torgersen
Central Michigan University, 1981
LOST AND FOUND TIMES, No. 12, edited by John M. Bennett
Columbus: Luna Bisonte Productions, October 1982
“For Elephant Bamboo” [poem], “The Wall” [poem]
ANOTHER CHICAGO MAGAZINE, Number 9, edited by Lee Webster
Chicago: Thunder Mouth Press, 1983
THE BELOIT POETRY JOURNAL, Vol. 33 No. 3, edited by David M. Stocking
Beloit Poetry Journal, Spring 1983
LUCKY STAR, Vol. 1, No. 3, edited by Henry Kranz
Oak Park: Erie Street Press, April 1983
CENTER, No. 13, Final issue, edited by Carol Berge
New York: Center, 1984
ORO MADRE MAGAZINE, Vol. 2, No. 3-4, edited by Loss and Jan Glazier
Fremont: Ruddy Duck Press, 1984
STAR-WEB PAPER, No. 8, edited by Thomas Michael Fisher
Los Cruces: All This & Less Publishers, 1984
SECOND COMING, Vol. 14, No. 1, edited by A.D. Winans
San Francisco: Second Coming Press, 1986
LACTUCA, No. 12, edited by Mike Selender
Suffern: Lactuca, February 1989
“A Descent into the Depths Would Have Changed” [poem], “The Windows I have Stared Out of Looking” [poem], “Skin or Sheen as it Fails to Coalesce” [poem], “If He Swam at all It Was in a Religion” [poem], “A Black Sash Was All She Had” [poem], “If the Bark Comes off the Sheen of Branch” [poem], “I’ve Seen Worse, as They Say, Without Even” [poem]
LOST AND FOUND TIMES, No. 25, edited by John M. Bennett
Columbus: Luna Bisonte Productions, December 1989
“A Carnation Suggesting You Bruised” [poem]
NEW YORK QUARTERLY, No. 39, edited by William Packard
New York: The National Poetry Foundation, Summer 1989
NEW YORK QUARTERLY, No. 43, edited by William Packard
New York: The National Poetry Foundation, Fall 1990
LACTUCA, No. 14, edited by Mike Selender
Suffern: Lactuca, May 1991
“This Guarded Epiphany That Grabbed Me” [poem], “How Exquisite I Thought Ed Corbet’s” [poem], “Your Platinum Eyes and Bronze” [poem], “If Those Bodies Are Only Objects-” [poem], “If One Should Be Thought a Freak Because Of” [poem], “The Idea” [poem]
NEW YORK QUARTERLY, No. 44, edited by William Packard
New York: The National Poetry Foundation, 1991
NEW YORK QUARTERLY, No. 45, edited by William Packard
New York: The National Poetry Foundation, 1991
PEARL, No. 14, edited by Joan Jobe Smith and Marilyn Johnson
Fountain Valley: Pearl, Fall/Winter 1991
ATOM MIND, Vol. 3, No. 9, edited by Gregory Smith
Albuquerque: Mother Road Publications, 1992
CHIRON REVIEW, Vol. 11, No. 1, edited by Michael Hathaway
St. John: Chiron Review, Spring 1992