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This index includes contributions to periodicals (excluding foreign language translations, interviews and some miscellaneous prose) from 1957 to 1973: roughly the period of time covered by the Maynard and Miles Bibliography (ref. M&M).
1. THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION, Vol. 53, No. 2, edited by John Yerbury Dent
Shrewsbury: Society for the Study of Addiction, January 1957
Burroughs contribution: “Letter from a Master Addict to Dangerous Drugs”
(M&M C1) *
2. THE BLACK MOUNTAIN REVIEW, No. 7, edited by Robert Creeley
Black Mountain: Black Mountain College, Autumn 1957
Burroughs contribution: “from Naked Lunch, Book III: In Search of Yage”
(M&M C2)
Note: published under the pseudonym William Lee.
3. YUGEN, No. 3, edited by LeRoi Jones
New York City: Totem Press, Spring 1958
Burroughs contribution: “Have You Seen Pantapon Rose?”
(M&M C3)
Note: excerpt from Naked Lunch.
4. CHICAGO REVIEW, Vol. 12, No. 1, edited by Irving Rosenthal
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Spring 1958
Burroughs contribution: “Excerpt: Naked Lunch”
(M&M C4)
5. CHICAGO REVIEW, Vol. 12, No. 3, edited by Irving Rosenthal
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Autumn 1958
Burroughs contribution: “Chapter 2 of Naked Lunch”
(M&M C5)
Note: The printing of this excerpt from Naked Lunch caused the next issue of Chicago Review to be suppressed, as a result, the editor, Irving Rosenthal, started Big Table.
6. BIG TABLE, No. 1, edited by Irving Rosenthal
Chicago: Big Table, Spring 1959
Burroughs contribution: “Ten Episodes from Naked Lunch”
(M&M C6)
Note: Episodes 2 and 5 reprinted from Chicago Review, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Spring 1958) [see (M&M C4)].
New York City: Candar Publishing Company, June 1959
Burroughs contribution: “The Amazing Truth About a Junkie”
(Not in M&M) *
Note: published under the pseudonym William Lee.
8. BIG TABLE, No. 2, edited by Paul Carroll
Chicago: Big Table, Summer 1959
Burroughs contribution: “In Quest of Yage”
(M&M C7)
9. NEW DEPARTURES, No. 1, edited by Michael Horovitz
Oxford: New Departures, Summer 1959
Burroughs contribution: “Two Scenes: The Exterminator Does a Good Job, Coke Bugs”
(M&M C8)
Note: excerpts from Naked Lunch.
10. JABBERWOCK, edited by Alex Neish
Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 1959
Burroughs contribution: “And Start West”
(M&M C9)
Note: excerpt from Naked Lunch.
11. NOMAD, Nos. 5/6, edited by Donald Factor and Anthony Linick
Culver City: Nomad, Winter 1959
Burroughs contribution: “Open Letter to Life Magazine” [co-authored with Brion Gysin, Sinclair Beiles, and Gregory Corso]
(M&M C10)
12. SEMINA, No. 4, edited by Wallace Berman
San Francisco: Semina, 1959
Burroughs contribution: “excerpt from Pantapon Rose”
(M&M C11)
Note: excerpt from Naked Lunch.
13. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 4, No. 11, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, January-February 1960
Burroughs contribution: “Deposition: Testimony Concerning a Sickness”, “Newspeak Précis”
(M&M C12, C14) *
14. MADEMOISELLE, Vol. 50, No. 3, edited by Betsy Blackwell
New York City: Conde Nast, January 1960
Burroughs contribution: “Quo Vadis?”
(M&M C15) *
15. BIG TABLE, Vol. 1, No. 4, edited by Paul Carroll
Chicago: Big Table, Spring 1960
Burroughs contribution: “But Is All Back Seat of Dreaming”
(M&M C16)
16. KULCHUR, No. 1, edited by Marc D. Schleifer
New York City: Kulchur, Spring 1960
Burroughs contribution: “The Conspiracy”
(M&M C19)
Note: a section from the original manuscript of Naked Lunch; it does not appear in the otherwise complete edition of Naked Lunch, published by Olympia Press, Paris, 1959.
17. BETWEEN WORLDS, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Dr. Gilbert Neiman
San German: Inter American University, Summer 1960
Burroughs contribution: “Ten Age Future Time”
(M&M C17) *
Note: excerpt from Minutes to Go.
18. SIDEWALK, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Alex Neish
Edinburgh: Sidewalk, 1960
Burroughs contribution: “Have You Seen Slotless City?”
(M&M C20)
19. BIRTH, No. 3, edited by Tuli Kupferberg
New York City: Birth Press, Autumn 1960
Burroughs contribution: miscellaneous quotes
(M&M C21-C23) *
Note: excerpts from British Journal of Addiction, and The Naked Lunch.
20. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 5, No. 16, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, January-February 1961
Burroughs contribution: “Meeting of International Conference of Technological Psychiatry”, “The Country Clerk”, “Interzone”
(M&M C24)
Note: excerpt from Naked Lunch
21. METRONOME, Vol. 78, No. 5, edited by David Solomon
New York City: Metronome, May 1961
Burroughs contribution: “No Bueno, from The Soft Machine”
(M&M C25) *
22. LOCUS SOLUS, No. 2, edited by Kenneth Koch
Lans-en-Vercors: Locus Solus, Summer 1961
Burroughs contribution: “Everywhere March Your Head”, “Sons of Your In”
(M&M C26-C27)
Note: cut-ups of Arthur Rimbaud’s “To a Reason”; arranged by Burroughs and Gregory Corso.
23. TWO CITIES, No. 6, edited by Jean Fanchette
Paris: Mistral Bookshop, Summer 1961
Burroughs contribution: “Transitional Period”
(M&M C28) *
24. METRONOME, Vol. 78, No. 8, edited by David Solomon
New York City: Metronome, August 1961
Burroughs contribution: “This Is the Time of the Assassins”
(M&M C29) *
25. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 5, No. 20, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, September-October 1961
Burroughs contribution: “Comments on ‘The Night Before Thinking’”
(M&M C30)
Note: commentary by Burroughs on Ahmed Yacoubi’s “The Night Before Thinking”, included in the same issue.
26. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 5, edited by Diane Di Prima and LeRoi Jones
New York City: The Floating Bear, April 1961
Burroughs contribution: “Out Show Window and We’re Proud of It”, “Dear Allen: There is no thing to fear. . . .” [letter dated 21 June 1960]
(M&M C31-C32)
27. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 9, edited by Diane Di Prima and LeRoi Jones
New York City: The Floating Bear, June 1961
Burroughs contribution: “Routine: Roosevelt After Inauguration”
(M&M C33)
According to Maynard & Miles: An obscenity case resulted from the publication of this item in this issue of [The] Floating Bear, and the same piece was also censored by the Villiers Press in London when they printed The Yage Letters for City Lights Books. It was eventually published separately by Ed Sanders.
28. SWANK, Vol. 8, No. 3, edited by Jonathan Starr
New York City: Royal Publications, July 1961
Burroughs contribution: “The Word”
(M&M C34) *
Note: excerpt from Naked Lunch.
29. THE OUTSIDER, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Jon Edgar Webb and Gypsy Lou Webb
New Orleans: Loujon Press, Fall 1961
Burroughs contribution: “Operation: ‘Soft Machine’/Cut”
(M&M C35)
30. KULCHUR, No. 3, edited by Marc Schleifer
New York City: Kulchur Press, 1961
Burroughs contribution: “In Search of Yage”
(M&M C36)
31. OLYMPIA, No. 1, edited by Maurice Girodias and Iris Owens
Paris: Olympia, December 1961
Burroughs contribution: “Ten Episodes from The Soft Machine”
(M&M C37) *
32. RHINOZEROS, No. 5, edited by Rolf and Gunter Dienst
Itzehoe: Rhinozeros, 1961
Burroughs contribution: “Wind Hand Caught in the Door”
(M&M C38)
Note: excerpt from The Soft Machine; text in English and German with German translation by Anselm Hollo.
33. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 6, No. 22, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, January-February 1962
Burroughs contribution: “Introduction to Naked Lunch, The Soft Machine, Novia Express”, “Episodes from Novia Express”
(M&M C39)
34. THE SECOND COMING MAGAZINE, Vol. 1, No. 3, edited by Samuel Pitts Edwards
New York City: The Second Coming Magazine, March 1962
Burroughs contribution: “One Chapter from The Novia Express”
(M&M C42) *
35. RHINOZEROS, No. 6, edited by Rolf and Gunter Dienst
Itzehoe: Rhinozeros, July 1962
Burroughs contribution: “Novia Express”
(M&M C43)
36. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 6, No. 25, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, July-August 1962
Burroughs contribution: “Outskirts of the City”
(M&M C44)
Note: excerpt from Novia Express.
37. RHINOZEROS, No. 7, edited by Rolf and Gunter Dienst
Itzehoe: Rhinozeros, 1962
Burroughs contribution: untitled [“Be cheerful sir, our revels touching circumstance…”]
(M&M C45)
38. THE OUTSIDER, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Jon Edgar Webb and Gypsy Lou Webb
New Orleans: Loujon Press, Summer 1962
Burroughs contribution: “Wilt Caught in Time.”
(M&M C46)
39. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 24, edited by Diane Di Prima and LeRoi Jones
New York City: The Floating Bear, September-October 1962
Burroughs contribution: “Spain & 42 St.”, “Dead Whistle Stop Already End”, “Where Flesh Circulates”
(M&M C47-C49)
40. YUGEN, No. 8, edited by LeRoi Jones
New York City: Totem Press, 1962
Burroughs contribution: “The Cut-Up Method of Brion Gysin”
(M&M C50)
41. TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW, No. 11, edited by J.F. McCrindle
London: Transatlantic Review, Winter 1962
Burroughs contribution: “Censorship”, “The Future of the Novel”, “Notes on These Pages”, “Nova Police Besieged McEwan Hall”
(M&M C51) *
42. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 7, No. 29, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, March–April 1963
Burroughs contribution: “Two Episodes from Nova Express”
(M&M C53)
43. OLYMPIA, No. 4, edited by Maurice Girodias
Paris: Olympia, April 1963
Burroughs contribution: “The Ticket That Exploded”
(M&M C54) *
44. THE YALE LITERARY MAGAZINE, Vol. 131, Nos. 3-4, edited by Michael S. Gill
New Haven: Yale Literary Society, April 1963
Burroughs contribution: “Call the Old Doctor Twice?”
(M&M C55) *
45. THE OUTSIDER, Vol. 1, No. 3, edited by Jon Edgar & Gypsy Lou Webb
New Orleans: Loujon Press, Spring 1963
Burroughs contribution: “Take It to Cut City U.S.A.”
(M&M C57)
46. GAMBIT: THE NEW UNIVERSITY REVIEW, edited by Bill McArthur
Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh, Spring 1963
Burroughs contribution: “The Mayan Caper”
(M&M C58)
47. THE HARVARD ADVOCATE, Vol. 97, No. 3, edited by Donald Bloch
Cambridge: Harvard Advocate, Spring 1963
Burroughs contribution: “Who Him? Don’t Let Him Out There”
(M&M C59) *
48. CLEFT, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Bill McArthur
Edinburgh: Cleft, June 1963
Burroughs contribution: “Martin’s Folly”
(M&M C60) *
49. BIRMINGHAM BULLETIN, No. 2, edited by James Dunlop
Birmingham: Birmingham Artists and Writers Publishing Co. Ltd., Autumn 1963
Burroughs contribution: “Unfinished Cigarette.”
(M&M C63) *
50. TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW, No. 14, edited by J.F. McCrindle
London: Transatlantic Review, Autumn 1963
Burroughs contribution: “The Beginning Is Also the End”
(M&M C64) *
51. FILM, No.37, edited by Peter Armitage
London: Federation of Film Societies, Autumn 1963
Burroughs contribution: “Towers Open Fire!”
(M&M C65)
52. CITY LIGHTS JOURNAL, No. 1, edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
San Francisco: City Lights, 1963
Burroughs contribution: “I Am Dying, Meester?”
(M&M C66) *
Note: excerpt from The Yage Letters.
53. MY OWN MAG, No. 2, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, December 1963
Burroughs contribution: “From H. B. William S. Burroughs”
(M&M C93) *
London: Oxford University Press, January 1964
Burroughs contribution: “Sir,—It seems to me that any author/ …” [Letter to the Editor]
(M&M C67) *
55. GNAOUA, No. 1, edited by Ira Cohen
Tangier: Gnaoua Press, Spring 1964
Burroughs contribution: “Pry Yourself Loose and Listen”, “Notes on Page One”, “Ancient Face Gone Out”, “Just So Long and Long Enough”
(M&M C68-C71)
56. TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW, No. 15, edited by J.F. McCrindle
London: Transatlantic Review, Spring 1964
Burroughs contribution: “From ‘A Distant Hand Lifted’”
(M&M C72) *
57. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 8, No. 32, edited by Barney Rosset

New York City: Evergreen Review, April–May 1964
Burroughs contribution: “They Just Fade Away”
(M&M C73) *
58. CLEFT, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Bill McArthur
Edinburgh: Cleft, May 1964
Burroughs contribution: “A Distant Hand Lifted”
(M&M C74)
59. C: A JOURNAL OF POETRY, Vol. 1, No. 9, edited by Ted Berrigan
New York City: C Press, Summer 1964
Burroughs contribution: “Giver of Winds Is My Name”, “Intersections Shifts and Scanning from ‘Literary Days’ by Tom Veitch”
(M&M C75-C76) *
60.THE INSECT TRUST GAZETTE, No. 1, edited by Leonard Belasco, Jed Irwin, Robert Basara, and Bill Levy
Philadelphia: Insect Trust Gazette, Summer 1964
Burroughs contribution: “Burning Heavens, Idiot”, “Grids”
(M&M C78-C79) *
61. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 7, edited by Edward Sanders
New York City: Fuck You Press, September 1964
Burroughs contribution: “Fluck You Fluck You Fluck You”
(M&M C80)
Note: a three-column style layout dated March 31, 1964, in Tangier.
London: Oxford University Press, August 1964
Burroughs contribution: “The Literary Techniques of Lady Sutton-Smith.”
(M&M C81) *
63. ART AND LITERATURE, No. 2, edited by John Ashbery, Anne Dunn and Rodrigo Moynihan
Paris: Art and Literature: Summer 1964
Burroughs contribution: “Who Is the Third That Walks Beside You?”
(M&M C82) *
Note: a three-column style layout.
64. ESQUIRE, Vol. 62, No. 3, Issue 370, edited by Harold Hayes
New York City: Esquire, Inc., September 1964
Burroughs contribution: “Photo-Optical, Cartographical, & Literary Footnotes to a Survey of the American Socio-Intellectual Enclave in the City of Tangier”
(M&M C83) *
65. ARCADE, No. 1, edited by Martin Leman
London: Arcade, 1964
Burroughs contribution: “The Border City”, “The Danish Operation”, “The Cut”
(M&M C84-C86)
66. SIGNALS: NEWSBULLETIN OF SIGNALS, LONDON, Vol. 1, Nos. 3-4, edited by David Medalla
London: Signals, October–November 1964)
Burroughs contribution: “Takis”
(M&M C87) *
67. MOTHER, No. 3, edited by David Moberg and Jeff Giles
Northfield: Mother, November-December 1964
Burroughs contribution: “We Called Her ‘Mother.’ Wouldn’t You?”
(M&M C88) *
Note: a three-column style manuscript reproduced in three-color facsimile and accompanied by it’s covering note.
68. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 8, No. 34, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, December 1964
Burroughs contribution: “Points of Distinction Between Sedative and Consciousness-Expanding Drugs”
(M&M C89) *
69. RHINOZEROS, No. 9, edited by Rolf and Gunter Dienst
Itzehoe: Rhinozeros, 1964
Burroughs contribution: “Text”
(M&M C90)
Note: Text of Burroughs’ remarks on his literary methods, delivered at the 1962 International Writers Conference held in Edinburgh; text in English and German with German translation by Anselm Hollo.
70. CHICAGO REVIEW, Vol. 17, No. 1, Issue 54, edited by Peter Michelson
Chicago: Chicago Review, 1964
Burroughs contribution: “The Boys Magazine: Gone Away. Back When.”
(M&M C91) *
Note: three-column style layout.
71. AMBIT, No. 20, edited by Martin Bax
London: Ambit, 1964
Burroughs contribution: “Martin’s Mag”
(M&M C92)
Note: a three-column style layout.
72. MY OWN MAG, No. 4, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap, March 1964
Burroughs contribution: “Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning.”
(M&M C94)
Note: a 32-square-grid manuscript.
73. MY OWN MAG, No. 5, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, May 1964
Burroughs contribution: “The Moving Times” [No. 1]
(M&M C100 [see also M&M C232])
Note: The Moving Times [No. 1] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 3 and 4 of My Own Mag, No. 5, and containing three columns: “February 10, 1964. ‘We Will Travel Not Only in Space But in Time As Well.’”, “January 17, 1947. English Made Easy for Beginners. It Revolves Flexible Formula.”, “September 17, 1899. Last Gun Post Erased in a Small Town Newspaper, September 17, 1899.”
74. MY OWN MAG, No. 6, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, July 1964
Burroughs contribution: “The Burrough” [No. 1]
(M&M C95)
Note: The Burrough [No. 1] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 3 and 4 of My Own Mag, No. 6, and containing “Afternoon Ticker Tape”.
75. EX, No. 3, edited by William S. Burroughs
Tangier, Ex, 1964
Burroughs contribution: “The Burrough” [No. 1]
(M&M C96) *
Note: over run copies of The Burrough [No. 1] containing “Afternoon Ticker Tape” from My Own Mag, No. 6 were sent to Burroughs in Tangier, issued in a folder with a variety of other loose and stapled items.
76. MY OWN MAG, No. 7, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, July 1964
Burroughs contribution: “Bring Your Problems to Lady Sutton Fix”, “The Moving Times” [No. 2]
(M&M C97-C98)
Note: The Moving Times [No. 2] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 7 and 8 of My Own Mag, No. 7, and containing “Over the Last Skyscrapers a Silent Kite”.
77. MY OWN MAG, No. 8, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, August 1964
Burroughs contribution: “The Burrough” [No. 2]
(M&M C99)
Note: The Burrough [No. 2] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 9 and 10 of My Own Mag, No. 8, and containing “What in Horton Hotel Rue Vernet…”.
78. MY OWN MAG, No. 9, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, November 1964
Burroughs contribution: “The Moving Times” [No. 3]
(M&M C101-C102)
Note: The Moving Times [No. 3] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 11 and 12 of My Own Mag, No. 9, and containing “Extracts from Letter to Homosap”, “Personals Special to The Moving Times”.
79. THE MARIJUANA NEWSLETTER, No. 1, edited by Edward Sanders
New York City: Lemar, January 1965
Burroughs contribution: “William Burroughs Speaks!”
(M&M C103) *
Note: mimeographed at the Peace Eye Bookstore.
80. C: A JOURNAL OF POETRY, Vol. 1, No. 10, edited by Ted Berrigan
New York City: C Press, February 1965
Burroughs contribution: “Fits of Nerves With a Fix”
(M&M C104)
81. MY OWN MAG, No. 11, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: My Own Mag, February 1965
Burroughs contribution: “Item that appeared in the Sunday Times…”, “The Moving Times” [No. 4].
(M&M C105-C108)
Note: The Moving Times [No. 4] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 13 and 14 of My Own Mag, No. 11, and containing “Tomorrow’s News Today, December 28”, “December 29, Tuesday Was the Last Day for Singing Years”.
82. PROJECT SIGMA, No. 1, edited by Alexander Trocchi
London: Project Sigma, 1965
Burroughs contribution: “Martin’s Folly”
(M&M C109)
Note: The Moving Times [No. 5] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, presented as a single-sided poster, and containing “Martin’s Folly”.
83. THE MARIJUANA NEWSLETTER, No. 2, edited by Edward Sanders
New York City: Lemar, March 1965
Burroughs contribution: “William Burroughs Answers Jim Bishop!”
(M&M C110) *
Note: a cut-up of a Jim Bishop article.
84. INTREPID, No. 5, edited by Allen De Loach
New York City: Intrepid Press, March 1965
Burroughs contribution: “Last Awning Flaps on the Pier”
(M&M C111)
Note: two-column style layout.
85. MY OWN MAG, No. 12, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: My Own Mag, May 1965
Burroughs contribution: “The Last Words of Dutch Schultz”, “The Apomorphine Times” [No. 1]
(M&M C112-C113)
Note: The Apomorphine Times, [No. 1] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 17 and 18 of My Own Mag, No. 12, and containing “Letter to Sunday Times”.
86. LINES, No. 5, edited by Aram Saroyan
New York City: Lines, May 1965
Burroughs contribution: “Chlorhydrate D’Apomorphine Chambre”, “Rex Morgan M.D.”
(M&M C114)
Note: Facsimile manuscript in three- and two-column style layout, including collaged graphic and photographic material.
‘s-Hertogenbosch: Krea Kritiek, May 1965
Burroughs contribution: “Transcript of Dutch Schultz’ Last Words”
(M&M C115) *
Note: reprinted from Valentine’s Day Reading; text in English.
88. BROWN PAPER, edited by Daniel Lauffer
Philadelphia: Brown Paper, 1965
Burroughs contribution: “If You Take Baloney and Cut It Yup, You Get Baloney. This is Gestalt Spelled Backwards…”
(M&M C116) *
Note: This is a parody of Burroughs’ The Exterminator, generally putting down the cut-up method, which [Daniel] Lauffer sent to William Burroughs as a lost manuscript. Burroughs enjoyed the put-down and promptly produced this cut-up of the put-down.
89. BULLETIN FROM NOTHING, No. 1, edited by Claude Pelieu and Mary Beach
San Francisco: Beach Books, 1965
Burroughs contribution: “Composite Text”
(M&M C117)
90. NOW NOW, edited by Charles Plymell
San Francisco: Charles Plymell, 1965
Burroughs contribution: “Boards Syndicates Governments of the earth …”
(M&M C119)
Note: excerpt from Nova Express.
91. MOTHER, No. 5, edited by David Moberg and Jeff Giles
Galesburg: Mother, Summer 1965
Burroughs contribution: “Pieces”
(M&M C120) *
Note: includes three pages of facsimile manuscripts; co-authored with Brion Gysin.
92. THE INSECT TRUST GAZETTE, No. 2, edited by Robert Basara, Leonard Belasco, Jed Irwin, and Bill Levy
Philadelphia: The Insect Trust Gazette, Summer 1965
Burroughs contribution: “File Ticker Tape”
(M&M C121)
93. MY OWN MAG, No. 13, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: My Own Mag, August 1965
Burroughs contribution: “The Dead Star”
(M&M C122)
Note: prints facsimile of Burroughs’ three-column layout manuscript.
94. BULLETIN FROM NOTHING, No. 2, edited by Claude Pelieu and Mary Beach
San Francisco: Beach Books, 1965
Burroughs contribution: “Palm Sunday Tape”
(M&M C123)
Note: two-column style layout.
95. THE SPERO, Vol. 1, No. 1 edited by Douglas and Kathy Casement
Flint: Fenian Head Centre Press, 1965
Burroughs contribution: “The Coldspring News”
(M&M C124)
Note: also issued separately as a broadside.
96. ICARUS, No. 46, edited by Cecil Jenkins, Rosalind Brett-Jones, and Peter Devlin
Dublin: Trinity College, May 1965
Burroughs contribution: “A Short Piece”
(M&M C125) *
97. THE PARIS REVIEW, Vol. 9, No. 35, edited by George Plimpton
Paris: The Paris Review, Fall 1965
Burroughs contribution: “St. Louis Return.”
(M&M C127) *
Note: includes one facsimile manuscript page from Burroughs’ journals.
98. LINES, No. 6, edited by Aram Saroyan
New York City: Lines Pres, November 1965
Burroughs contribution: “The Last Post: Danger Ahead”
(M&M C128)
Note: a three-column style layout containing collaged photographic material, reproduced in facsimile.
99. NOW NOW NOW, edited by Charles Plymell
San Francisco: Charles Plymell, 1965
Burroughs contribution: “Method Text”
(M&M C129)
Note: a three-column newspaper style layout, reproduced in facsimile.
100. MY OWN MAG, No. 14, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Jeff Nuttall, December 1965
Burroughs contribution: “The Moving Times” [No. 6]
(M&M C131)
Note: The Moving Times [No. 6] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 22-24 of My Own Mag, No. 14, and containing quotes by Burroughs and collaged material by Carl Weissner.
101. EAST SIDE REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Shepard Sherbell
New York City: East Side Press. Inc., January-February 1966
Burroughs contribution: “Fun & Games, What?”
(M&M C132) *
102. NEW STATESMAN, Vol. 71, No. 1825, edited by Paul Johnson
London: The Statesman & Nation Publishing Co. Ltd, March 1966
Burroughs contribution: “The Death of Opium Jones”
(M&M C134) *
103. NEW STATESMAN, Vol. 71, No. 1826, edited by Paul Johnson
London: The Statesman & Nation Publishing Co. Ltd, March 1966
Burroughs contribution: “Literature and Drugs”
(M&M C135) *
Note: a letter to the editor.
104. ROYAL’S WORLD COUNTDOWN, Vol. 2, No. 6, edited by Charles Royal
Hollywood: Royal’s World Countdown, March 1966
Burroughs contribution: “Chappaqua, a Film by Conrad Rooks”
(M&M C136) *
105. MY OWN MAG, No. 15, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: My Own Mag, April 1966
Burroughs contribution: “The Moving Times” [No. 7]
(M&M C137-C140)
Note: The Moving Times [No. 7] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 9-14 of My Own Mag, No. 15, and containing “Nut Note on the Column Cutup Thing”, “WB Talking”, “Quantities of the Gas Girls”, [untitled] “There I Was in the Corpse Finger…”.
106. RESIDU, No. 2, edited by Daniel Richter
London: Trigram Press, Spring 1966
Burroughs contribution: “Martin’s Folly”
(M&M C141)
Note: reprinted from Project Sigma, No. 1.
107. GORILLA, No. 1, edited by Torsten Ekbom, Mats G. Bengtsson, Leif Nylén, and Torkel Rasmusson
Stockholm: Bonniers, 1966
Burroughs contribution: “Substitute Flesh”
(M&M C142) *
Note: excerpt from The Ticket That Exploded; text in English, the rest of the magazine is in Swedish.
108. ESQUIRE, Vol. 65, No. 5, Issue 390, edited by Harold Hayes
New York City: Esquire, May 1966
Burroughs contribution: “They Do Not Always Remember”
(M&M C143) *
109. KLACTOVEEDSEDSTEEN, No. 3, edited by Carl Weissner
Heidelberg: Panic Press, May 1966
Burroughs contribution: “A Tape Recorder Experiment”, [untitled quote]
(M&M C144-C145) *
Note: limited to 120 hand-printed and numbered copies; 1–40 with original serigraph by Vilmos K. Last.
110. TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW, No. 21, edited by J.F. McCrindle
London: Transatlantic Review, Summer 1966
Burroughs contribution: “‘Speaking Clock’ Speaking in Present Time, June 18, 1964. 12.45 p.m.”
(not in M&M) *
111. INTREPID, No. 6, edited by Allen De Loach
Buffalo: Intrepid Press, March 1965
Burroughs contribution: “Salt Chunk Mary”
(M&M C146)
112. OLE, No. 5, edited by Douglas Blazek
Bensenville: Open Skull Press, 1966
Burroughs contribution: “From William S. Burroughs, Writing of Norse’s Exhibition in Paris of Cosmographs… ”
(M&M C147)
Note: reprinted from the exhibition leaflet entitled Harold Norse Exhibition held in Paris at Cave de la Librarie Anglais.
113. KING: THE MAN’S MAGAZINE, edited by Edward Simon
London: Europress, July 1966
Burroughs contribution: “Exterminator!”
(M&M C148) *
114. VENTURE, Vol. 3, No. 4, edited by Gardner Cowles
New York City: Venture, August-September 1966
Burroughs contribution: “Wish I Were There”
(M&M C149) *
115. GRIST, No. 10, edited by John Fowler
Lawrence: Abington Book Shop, 1966
Burroughs contribution: “Afterbirth of Dream Now”
(M&M C150)
Note: reprint of “Method Text” from Now, No.3
116. KLACTOVEEDSEDSTEEN, No. 4, edited by Carl Weissner
Heidelberg: Panic Press, Fall/Winter [November] 1966
Burroughs contribution: “Tape Recorder Mutations”
(M&M C151) *
Note: co-authored with Claude Pélieu and Carl Weissner.
117. IT: THE INTERNATIONAL TIMES, No. 2, edited by Tom McGrath
London: Lovebooks Ltd, 31 October- 13 November 1966
Burroughs contribution: “Towers Open Fire!”
(M&M C155) *
Note: commentary by William Burroughs for the film Towers Open Fire, in which he appears.
118. BOOKS AND BOOKMEN, Vol. 12, No. 2, edited by Philip Dossé
London: Hansom Books, November 1966
Burroughs contribution: “Anti-Junk”
(M&M C156) *
119. IT: THE INTERNATIONAL TIMES, No. 3, edited by Tom McGrath
London: Lovebooks Ltd, November 1966
Burroughs contribution: “The Invisible Generation”
(M&M C157) *
120. LOS ANGELES FREE PRESS, Vol. 3, No. 49, Issue 125, edited by Art Kunkin
Los Angeles: New Way Enterprises, December 1966
Burroughs contribution: “The Invisible Generation”
(M&M C158) *
Note: reprinted from The International Times, No. 3
121. PROJECT SIGMA, edited by Alexander Trocchi
London: Project Sigma, December 1966
Burroughs contribution: “The Invisible Generation”
(M&M C159)
Note: reprinted from The International Times, No. 3, but apparently never distributed.
122. THE INTERNATIONAL TIMES, No. 5.5, edited by Tom McGrath
London: Lovebooks Ltd, December 1966
Burroughs contribution: “The Invisible Generation (Continued)”
(M&M C160) *
Note: poster on stiff card, designed so that part of card could be cut out and assembled to make a word-machine.
123. THE INTERNATIONAL TIMES, No. 6, edited by Tom McGrath
London: Lovebooks Ltd., 16-29 January 1967
Burroughs contribution: “The Invisible Generation (Continued)”
(M&M C162) *
Note: reprint of the text issued as The International Times, No. 5.5 (1966)
124. ARGOSY, Vol. 28, No. 3, edited by John Pudney
London: Fleetway Publications Ltd., March 1967
Burroughs contribution: “They Do Not Always Remember”
(M&M C163) *
Note: reprint from Esquire (1966)
125. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 11, No. 46, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, April 1967
Burroughs contribution: “Exterminator!”
(M&M C164) *
London: The Daily Telegraph Ltd., 14 April 1967
Burroughs contribution: “The ‘Priest’ They Called Him”
(M&M C165) *
Note: a section of The Daily Telegraph, No. 34825.
127. INTERNATIONAL TIMES, No. 12, edited by Tom McGrath
London: Lovebooks Ltd., 28 April-12 May 1967
Burroughs contribution: “Cut me up, Brion Gysin, cut me up …”
(not in M&M) *
Note: excerpt from Minutes To Go, together with Gregory Corso, Brion Gysin, and Sinclair Beiles.
128. RENAISSANCE, No. 1, edited by John Bryan
Los Angeles: Open City, May-June 1967
Burroughs contribution: “Old Fashioned Books”
(M&M C166)
Note: distributed as a supplement to Open City, No. 52.
129. THE TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW, No. 25, edited by J.F. McCrindle
London: Transatlantic Review, Summer 1967
Burroughs contribution: “23 Skidoo”
(M&M C167) *
130. THE GREAT SOCIETY, No. 1, edited by Robert J. Richkin
New York City: Tompkins Square Books, 1966 June 1967
Burroughs contribution: “Adios of Saturn”
(M&M C168)
Note: a cut-up of a poem by his son.
131. THE VILLAGE VOICE, Vol. 12, No. 38, edited by Daniel Wolf
New York City: The Village Voice Inc., 6 July 1967
Burroughs contribution: “Academy 23: A Deconditioning”
(M&M C169) *
132. HARPER’S MAGAZINE, Vol. 235, No. 1406, edited by Willie Morris
New York City: Harper’s Magazine, July 1967
Burroughs contribution: “Kicking Drugs: A Very Personal Story”
(M&M C170) *
133. EVERGREEN CLUB NEWS, No. 2, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, July 1967
Burroughs contribution: “A Sample Section from The Ticket That Exploded”
(M&M C171) *
Note: prints an excerpt from the Grove Press edition of The Ticket That Exploded.
134. THE INTERNATIONAL TIMES, No. 18, edited by Bill Levy
London: Lovebooks Ltd., 31 August-13 September 1967
Burroughs contribution: “23 Skidoo Eristic Elite”
(M&M C172) *
135. HARPER’S BAZAAR, No. 3069, edited by Nancy White
New York City: Harper’s Bazaar, August 1967
Burroughs contribution: “The Third Mind”
(M&M C173) *
Note: four-page facsimile manuscript in three-column style; written in Tangier.
136. KLACTO/23 SPECIAL, edited by Carl Weissner
Heidelberg: Panic Press, September 1967
Burroughs contribution: “Parenthetically 7 Hertz”
(M&M C174)
137. THE SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Jan Herman and Gail Dusenbery
San Francisco: The San Francisco Earthquake, Fall 1967
Burroughs contribution: “Word Authority More Habit Forming than Heroin”
(M&M C175)
138. THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO ORACLE, Vol. 1, No. 10, edited by Allen Cohen
San Francisco: Oracle Co-operative Publishing Co., October 1967
Burroughs contribution: “Academy 23: A Deconditioning”
(M&M C176) *
Note: reprinted from Village Voice (1967)
139. ASPEN, Nos. 5-6, edited by Brian O’Doherty
New York City: Roaring Fork Press, Fall-Winter 1967
Burroughs contribution: “Nova Express / Excerpts”
(M&M C177) *
Note: recording on 7” flexi disc; taken from Call Me Burroughs album (M&M G1).
140. MAYFAIR, Vol. 2, No. 10, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., October 1967
Burroughs contribution: “The Future of Sex and Drugs”
(M&M C178) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 1.
141. MAYFAIR, Vol. 2, No. 11, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., November 1967
Burroughs contribution: “The Engram Theory”
(M&M C179) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 2.
142. MAYFAIR, Vol. 2, No. 12, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., December 1967
Burroughs contribution: “Where’s Our Killer Whistle?”
(M&M C180) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 3.
143. THE LAST TIMES, No. 1, edited by Charles Plymell
San Francisco: Vortex Printers, Fall 1967
Burroughs contribution: “Day the Records Went Up”
(M&M C185) *
144. THE LONDON MAGAZINE, NEW SERIES, Vol. 7, No. 9 , edited by Alan Ross
London: The London Magazine, December 1967
Burroughs contribution: “The Perfect Servant”
(M&M C186) *
145. THE RAT: SUBTERRANEAN NEWS, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Jeff Shero, Alice Embree and Gary Thiher
New York City: The Rat, 13 December 1967-2 January 1968
Burroughs contribution: “On Scientific Suppression”
(not in M&M) *
146. MAYFAIR, Vol. 3, No. 1, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., January 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Scientology Revisited”
(M&M C187) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 4.
147. ASYLUM, No. 3, edited by Tony Dash and Brian Wake
Bootle: Asylum Publications, January 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Une Poeme Moderne”
(M&M C188) *
148. MAYFAIR, Vol. 3, No. 2, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., February 1968
Burroughs contribution: “The Last Broadcast”
(M&M C189) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 5.
149. MAYFAIR, Vol. 3, No. 3, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., March 1968
Burroughs contribution: “By Far the Most Efficient and Precise Language We Possess Is the Common Cold”
(M&M C190) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 6.
150. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 12, No. 52, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, March 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Johnny 23 / Story”
(M&M C191) *
151. ORPHEUS MAGAZINE, Vol. 1, No. 3, edited by Charlie Adrian
Phoenix: Orpheus, 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Academy Twenty Three: A Deconditioning”
(M&M C192) *
Note: reprinted from Village Voice (1967).
152. MAYFAIR, Vol. 3, No. 4, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., April 1968
Burroughs contribution: “The Fire Breaks Out”
(M&M C193) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 7.
153. WARREN-FOREST SUN, No. 7, edited by John Sinclair
Detroit: Artists Workshop Press, 19 April-2 May 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Academy 23: A Deconditioning”
(M&M C194) *
Note: reprinted from Village Voice (1967)
154. MAYFAIR, Vol. 3, No. 5, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., May 1968
Burroughs contribution: “In That Year of 1969, Astonished Motorists Were Hustled at Random Into the Death Cells for Parking Offences”
(M&M C196) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 8.
155. MAYFAIR, Vol. 3, No. 6, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., June 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Switch On and Be Your Own Hero”
(M&M C198) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 9.
156. AMBIT, No. 37, edited by Martin Bax
London: Ambit, 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Johnny 23”
(M&M C199) *
157. MAYFAIR, Vol. 3, No. 7, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., July 1968
Burroughs contribution: “The Academy’s Ultimate Offer—Immunity to Death”
(M&M C200) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 10.
158. MAYFAIR, Vol. 3, No. 8, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., August 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Do You Remember Tomorrow?”
(M&M C201) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 11.
159. ESQUIRE, Vol. 70, No. 2, Issue 417, edited by Harold Hayes
New York City: Esquire, August 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Wind Die. You Die. We Die.”
(not in M&M) *
160. GEORGIA STRAIGHT, Vol. 2, No. 24, edited by Dan McLeod
Vancouver: Georgia Straight, 9-22 August 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Parenthetically 7 Hertz”
(M&M C203) *
Note: reprinted from Klacto / 23 Special (1967).
161. MAYFAIR, Vol. 3, No. 9, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., September 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Oh God, Get Me Out of This!”
(M&M C204) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 12.
162. THE RAT: SUBTERRANEAN NEWS, Vol. 1, No. 16, edited by Jeff Shero, Alice Embree and Gary Thiher
New York City: The Rat, 6-19 September 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Writer’s Report”
(M&M C207) *
Note: a report on the Democratic Convention in Chicago, printed alongside reports by Allen Ginsberg, Jean Genet, and Terry Southern.
163. NEW YORK FREE PRESS, Vol. 1, No. 35, edited by S. Edwards
New York City: Jack Banning, 5-12 September 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Writer’s Report”
(M&M C208) *
Note: reprinted from The Rat: Subterranean News (1968).
164. THE SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE, Vol. 1, No. 4, edited by Jan Herman
San Francisco: The San Francisco Earthquake, Summer-Fall 1968
Burroughs contribution: “The Coldspring News”
(M&M C209) *
Note: reprinted from The Spero (1965).
165. THE VILLAGE VOICE, Vol. 13, No. 48, edited by Daniel Wolf
New York City: The Village Voice, 12 September 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Astronaut’s Return”
(M&M C210) *
166. MAYFAIR, Vol. 3, No. 10, edited by Brian Fisk
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., October 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Wind Die You Die We Die”
(M&M C211) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 13.
167. CAVALIER, Vol. 18, No. 12, edited by Douglas Allen
New York: Dugent Publishing Corp., October 1968
Burroughs contribution: “The Perfect Servant”
(M&M C212) *
168. ESQUIRE, Vol. 70, No. 5, Issue 420, edited by Harold Hayes
New York City: Esquire, November 1968
Burroughs contribution: “The Coming of the Purple Better One”
(M&M C214) *
169. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 12, No. 60, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, November 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Day the Records Went Up”
(M&M C215) *
170. GEORGIA STRAIGHT, Vol. 2, No. 38, edited by Dan McLeod
Vancouver: Georgia Straight, 22–28 November 1968
Burroughs contribution: “The Burroughs Academy: Bulletin 4 – Scientology Revisited”
(M&M C216) *
Note: reprint from Mayfair (January 1968)
171. THE SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Jan Herman
San Francisco: The San Francisco Earthquake, Winter 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Salt Chunk Mary”, “Last Awning Flaps on the Pier”
(M&M C217-C218) *
Note: reprinted from Intrepid (1966, 1965).
172. GLEBE, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by John R. Morris
Greenfield: Glebe, December 1968
Burroughs contribution: “The Literary Techniques of Lady Sutton-Smith”
(not in M&M) *
173. MAYFAIR, Vol. 3, No. 12, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., December 1968
Burroughs contribution: “Man, You Voted for a Goddam Ape”
(M&M C219) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 14.
174. THE RAT: SUBTERRANEAN NEWS, Vol. 1, No. 23, edited by Jeff Shero, Alice Embree and Gary Thiher
New York City: The Rat, 13 December 1968 – 2 January 1969
Burroughs contribution: “Suppressed Discoveries”
(M&M C220 & E23) *
Note: reprint from Mayfair (December 1967).
175. MAYFAIR, Vol. 4, No. 1, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., January 1969
Burroughs contribution: “Rally Round the Secrets, Boys”
(M&M C221) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 15.
176. MAYFAIR, Vol. 4, No. 2, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., February 1969
Burroughs contribution: “Infiltration”
(M&M C222) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 16.
177. MAYFAIR, Vol. 4, No. 4, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., April 1969
Burroughs contribution: “The Brain Grinders”
(M&M C223) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 17.
178. MAYFAIR, Vol. 4, No. 5, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., May 1969
Burroughs contribution: “I’m Scared, I’m Scared, I’m Not”
(M&M C224) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 18.
179. MAYFAIR, Vol. 4, No. 6, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., June 1969
Burroughs contribution: “The Final Crusade of the Veteran Warriors”
(M&M C226) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 19.
180. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 13, No. 67, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, June 1969
Burroughs contribution: “My Mother and I Would Like to Know”
(M&M C227) *
181. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Vol. 223, No. 6, edited by Robert Manning
Concord: The Rumford Press, June 1969
Burroughs contribution: “The Last Words of Dutch Schultz”
(M&M C228) *
182. THE SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE, No. 5, edited by Jan Herman and Norman Mustill
San Francisco: The Nova Broadcast Press, 1969
Burroughs contribution: “The Moving Times”
(M&M C232)
183. MAYFAIR, Vol. 4, No. 8, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., October 1969
Burroughs contribution: “The Voracious Aliens”
(M&M C234) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 20.
184. MAYFAIR, Vol. 4, No. 9, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., November 1969
Burroughs contribution: “Days of Grand Luxury Are Coming Back: Hire Me a Bodyguard for When the Poor Find Out”
(M&M C237) *
Note: published as The Burroughs Academy, Bulletin 21.
185. MIKROKOSMOS, No. 14
Wichita: Wichita State University, 1969
Burroughs contribution: “Abstract”
(M&M C238) *
186. THE RAT: SUBTERRANEAN NEWS, Vol. 2, No. 18, edited by Jeff Shero, Alice Embree and Gary Thiher
New York City: The Rat, 10–23 September 1969
Burroughs contribution: “Disconnect Notice”
(M&M 239) *
187. KLACTO/23 INTERNATIONAL, No. 1, edited by Carl Weissner
Heidelberg: Panic Press, 17 September 1899 [sic; i.e. 1969]
Burroughs contribution: “Abstract”, “The Invisible Generation”
(M&M 240-241) *
Note: according to M&M this is a postscript to “The Invisible Generation (Continued)”, which appeared in The International Times, No. 5.5 (M&M C160).
188. FRUIT CUP, No. 0, edited by Mary Beach
San Francisco: Beach Books, 1969
Burroughs contribution: “Abstract”, “Post Script to ‘The Invisible Generation’”
(M&M C243-C244)
189. BEST & COMPANY, No. 1, edited by Bill Berkson
Williamstown: Chapel Press, 1969
Burroughs contribution: “Abstract”
(M&M C246) *
190. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 9, No. 4, Issue 36, edited by Marvin Malone
Stockton: The Wormwood Review, 1969
Burroughs contribution: “Academy 23”, “Postscript to Academy 23”
(M&M C247)
191. PPHOO69 INTERCONTINENTAL, edited by Pradip Choudhuri
Calcutta: Subhas Ghose, 1969
Burroughs contribution: “So Who Owns Death TV?”
(M&M C248) *
Note: contains a facsimile of the Beach Books edition of So Who Owns Death TV?; published in an edition of 3000 copies.
192. THE RAT: SUBTERRANEAN NEWS, Vol. 2, No. 21, edited by Jeff Shero, Alice Embree and Gary Thiher
New York City: The Rat, 29 October–12 November 1969.
Burroughs contribution: “Burroughs: Woodstock”
(M&M C250) *
193. LIP, No. 1, edited by Jerry Youdelman
East Palo Alto: Lip, Fall 1969
Burroughs contribution: “Two Abstracts”
(M&M C251) *
194. NOLA EXPRESS, No. 42, edited by Robert Head and Darlene Fife
New Orleans: Southern Louisiana Media Corp., 7–20 November 1969
Burroughs contribution: “Abstract”
(M&M C253) *
195. THE RAT: SUBTERRANEAN NEWS, Vol. 2, No. 24, edited by Jeff Shero, Alice Embree and Gary Thiher
New York City: The Rat, 25 December 1969–7 January 1970.
Burroughs contribution: “Uncle Bill Burroughs (alias Technical Tilly) on Scientology”
(M&M C255) *
Note: reprinted from Mayfair (1968)
196. INTREPID, No. 14/15, edited by Alan De Loach
Buffalo: Intrepid Press, Fall/Winter 1969/1970
Burroughs contribution: “The Coldspring News” [reprinted from The Spero (1965)], “Transcript of Dutch Schultz’s Last Words” [reprinted from the Valentine’s Day Reading program], “Roosevelt After Inauguration” [reprinted from The Floating Bear (1961)], “Abstract”, “Letter to Allen Ginsberg”, “Salt Chunk Mary” [reprinted from Intrepid (1966)], “Last Awning Flaps on the Pier” [reprinted from Intrepid (1965)], “On the E Meter”, “Note on Alfred Chester”
(M&M C256–C264)
Note: “Special Burroughs Issue” Entire issue devoted to writings about and by Burroughs.
197. MAYFAIR, Vol. 5, No. 1, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., January 1970
Burroughs contribution: “I, William Burroughs, Challenge You, L. Ron Hubbard”
(not in M&M) *
198. GEORGIA STRAIGHT, Vol. 4, No. 91, edited by Dan McLeod
Vancouver: Georgia Straight, 7–14 January 1970
Burroughs contribution: “Woodstock”
(M&M C265) *
Note: reprinted from The Rat: Subterranean News (1969).
199. PLAYBOY, Vol. 17, No. 2, edited by Hugh M. Hefner
Chicago: Playboy Enterprises, February 1970
Burroughs contribution: “Playboy Panel: The Drug Revolution”
(M&M C266) *
Note: a panel discussion [though questions were asked and answered by mail] amongst William S. Burroughs, Harry Anslinger, James Coburn, Baba Ram Dass,Leslie Fiedler, John Finlator, Joel Fort, Joseph Oteri, and Alan Watts.
200. MAYFAIR, Vol. 5, No. 2, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., February 1970
Burroughs contribution: “The Transplant Apocalypse”
(M&M C267) *
201. THE RAT: SUBTERRANEAN NEWS, Vol. 2, edited by Jeff Shero, Alice Embree and Gary Thiher
New York City: The Rat, February 1970
Burroughs contribution: “Mind Control”
(M&M C268) *
202. IT: THE INTERNATIONAL TIMES, No. 74, edited by Tom McGrath
London: Lovebooks Ltd, 27 February–13 March 1970
Burroughs contribution: “Mind Control”
(M&M C269) *
Note: reprinted from The Rat: Subterranean News (1970).
203. CORPUS, Vol. 1, No. 5, edited by Pierre Joris
New York City, Corpus, 18 February1970
Burroughs contribution: “Postscript—The Invisible Generation”
(M&M C271) *
Note: reprinted from Klacto/23 International (1969).
204. LOS ANGELES FREE PRESS, Vol. 7, No. 10, Issue 294, edited by Art Kunkin
Los Angeles: Los Angeles Free Press, 6–12 March 1970
Burroughs contribution: “Burroughs on Scientology”
(M&M C272) *
Note: reprinted from Mayfair (1968).
205. MAYFAIR, Vol. 5, No. 6, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., June 1970
Burroughs contribution: “And a Final Word from William Burroughs”
(M&M C276) *
Note: the last Burroughs contribution to the controversial exchange concerning Scientology in Mayfair.
206. LOS ANGELES FREE PRESS, Vol. 7, No. 26, Issue 310, edited by Art Kunkin
Los Angeles: Los Angeles Free Press, 26 June–2 July1970
Burroughs contribution: “Cut Ups as Underground Weapons”
(M&M C278) *
Note: reprinted from Friends (1970) where it was published under the title “Storm the Reality Studios”.
207. MAYFAIR, Vol. 5, No. 7, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., July 1970
Burroughs contribution: “D.E. My Super-Efficiency System”
(M&M C279) *
208. CONTACT, No. 1, edited by James Tyson
London: Contact, July 1970
Burroughs contribution: “MOB”
(M&M C280) *
Note: “MOB” is short for My Own Business, a column co-edited by Burroughs and Alexander Trocchi.
209. CYCLOPS, No. 1, edited by Graham Keen
London: Innocence & Experience Publishers Ltd., July 1970
Burroughs contribution: “The Unspeakable Mr. Hart (Part One)”
(M&M C281) *
Note: a collaboration with illustrator Malcolm McNeill.
210. CRAWDADDY, Vol. 4, No. 10, edited by Peter Knobler
New York: Crawdaddy Publishing Company, 6 July 1970
Burroughs contribution: “Cut Ups as Underground Weapons”
(M&M C283) *
Note: reprinted from the Los Angeles Free Press (1970), where it was reprinted from Friends (1970) where it was published under the title “Storm the Reality Studios”.
211. SIGMA PORTFOLIO, No. 37, edited by Alexander Trocchi
London: Project Sigma, 1970
Burroughs contribution: “M.O.B.”
(M&M C284) *
Note: reprinted from Contact (1970).
212. THE EAST VILLAGE OTHER, Vol. 5, No. 32, edited by John Wilcock and Allan Katzman
New York City: The East Village Other, 7 July 1970
Burroughs contribution: “M.O.B.”, “Open Letter to Mister Gorden [sic] Mustain”
(M&M C285-C286) *
Note: “M.O.B.” reprinted from Contact (1970).
213. FRIENDS, No. 9, edited by Alan Marcuson
London, The T.F. Much Company, 10 July 1970
Burroughs contribution: “Storm the Reality Studios”
(M&M C287) *
214. THE INTERNATIONAL TIMES, No. 83, edited by Tom McGrath
London: Lovebooks Ltd., 17 July 1970
Burroughs contribution: “Scrambles”
(M&M C288) *
215. CYCLOPS, No. 2, edited by Graham Keen
London: Innocence & Experience Publishers Ltd., August 1970
Burroughs contribution: “The Unspeakable Mr. Hart (Part Two)”
(M&M C290) *
Note: a collaboration with illustrator Malcolm McNeill.
216. THE EAST VILLAGE OTHER, Vol. 5, No. 36, edited by John Wilcock and Allan Katzman
New York City: The East Village Other, 4 August 1970
Burroughs contribution: “Storm the Reality Studios”
(not in M&M) *
Note: reprinted from Friends (1970).
217. NOLA EXPRESS, No. 62, edited by Robert Head and Darlene Fife
New Orleans: Southern Louisiana Media Corp., 21 August–3 September1970
Burroughs contribution: “Storm the Reality Studios”
(M&M C291) *
Note: reprinted from Friends (1970)
218. LOS ANGELES FREE PRESS, Vol. 7, No. 34, Issue 318, edited by Art Kunkin
Los Angeles: Los Angeles Free Press, 21–27August 1970
Burroughs contribution: “This Man Has Been Scrambled”
(M&M C292) *
Note: reprint of “Scrambles” from The International Times (1970).
219. NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND, No. 3, edited by John Bryan
San Francisco: Notes from Underground, June 1970
Burroughs contribution: “After the Inauguration”
(M&M C293)
Note: according to the editor’s note: “…originally called ‘Roosevelt After Inauguration’… we took the liberty of substituting ‘The President’ for Burroughs’ original ‘Roosevelt’ and altering the names of the more prominent Roosevelt Era figures…”.
220. CYCLOPS, No. 3, edited by Graham Keen
London: Innocence & Experience Publishers Ltd., September 1970
Burroughs contribution: “The Unspeakable Mr. Hart (Part Three)”
(M&M C294) *
Note: a collaboration with illustrator Malcolm McNeill.
221. CYCLOPS, No. 4, edited by Graham Keen
London: Innocence & Experience Publishers Ltd., October 1970
Burroughs contribution: “The Unspeakable Mr. Hart (Part Four)”
(M&M C295) *
Note: a collaboration with illustrator Malcolm McNeill.
222. ROLLING STONE, No. 69, edited by Jan Wenner
San Francisco: Straight Arrow Publishers Inc., 29 October 1970
Burroughs contribution: “The Discipline of DE”
(M&M C296) *
Note: a chapter excerpted from the forthcoming novel, The Revised Boy Scout Manual, a version of which was published in 1973 under the title Exterminator!.
223. CRAWDADDY, Vol. 5, No. 1, edited by Peter Knobler
New York: Crawdaddy Publishing Company, 22 November 1970
Burroughs contribution: “The Unspeakable Mr. Hart (Part One)”
(M&M C298) *
Note: reprinted from Cyclops (1970).
224. MAYFAIR, Vol. 5, No. 12, edited by Kenneth Bound
London: Fisk Publishing Company Ltd., December 1970
Burroughs contribution: “Twilight’s Last Gleamings”
(M&M C299) *
225. THE MARIJUANA REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 6, edited by Mike Aldrich and Ed Sanders
Mill Valley: The Marijuana Review, January 1971
Burroughs contribution: “Carrion Road”
(M&M C300) *
Note: Illustrated by Kim Deitch.
Menlo Park: Whole Earth Catalog, March 1971
Burroughs contribution: “Prisoners, Come Out”
(M&M C303) *
Note: an excerpt from Nova Express.
227 ANTAEUS, No. 2, edited by Daniel Halpern
Tangier: Antaeus, Spring 1971
Burroughs contribution: “Pages from Chaos”
(M&M C304) *
228. EAST VILLAGE OTHER, edited by John Wilcock and Allan Katzman
New York City: The East Village Other, 1971
Burroughs contribution: “Who Is the Third That Walks Beside You?”
(M&M C313) *
229. RENAISSANCE, No. 8, edited by John Bryan
San Francisco: Renaissance Publications, 1971
Burroughs contribution: “Who Is the Third That Walks Beside You?”
(M&M C314) *
Note: This periodical also constitutes Notes from Underground, No. 4; reprinted from East Village Other (1971).
230 ORGAN, No. 9, edited by Gerard van der Leun
Berkeley: Himalayan Watershed Properties, July 1971
Burroughs contribution: “Who Is the Third that Walks Beside You?”
(M&M C315) *
231. SUCK, No. 5, edited by Bill Levy, Germaine Greer, and Heathcote Williams
Amsterdam: Joy Publications, Summer 1971
Burroughs contribution: “The Penny Arcade Peep Show / The Wild Boys Smile”
(M&M C316) *
Note: excerpt from The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead.
232. INK, No. 19, edited by Richard Neville
London: Ink, 5 October 1971
Burroughs contribution: “The Writer”
(M&M C318) *
233. SUCK, No. 6, edited by Bill Levy, Germaine Greer, and Heathcote Williams
Amsterdam: Joy Publications, 1971
Burroughs contribution: “William S. Burroughs Takes a New Look at Sex Films.” “Blue Movie/Who Are These Boys?”
(M&M C319-C320) *
234. Evergreen Review, Vol.15, No.94, edited by Barney Rosset
New York City: Evergreen Review, December 1971
Burroughs contribution: “The Dead Child”
(M&M C321) *
Note: an excerpt from The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead.
235. UNMUZZLED OX, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Michael Andre
New York City: Unmuzzled Ox, February 1972
Burroughs contribution: “Statement on Claude Pélieu”
(M&M C322) *
Note: According to M&M, the piece is dated January 23, 1968 and was intended as an introduction to one of Claude Pélieu’s books.
236. OUT OF SIGHT, No. 44, edited by James Mecham
Wichita: Out of Sight, 14 February 1972
Burroughs contribution: “Abstract”
(M&M C323) *
237. GINGER SNAPS, No. 1, edited by Michael Gibbs and Hammond Guthrie
Exeter: Kontexts Publications, March 1972
Burroughs contribution: “Abstract”
(M&M C324) *
238. ADVENTURES IN POETRY, No. 9, edited by Larry Fagin
New York: The Poetry Project, Spring 1972
Burroughs contribution: “Distant Heels”
(M&M C327)
239. BASTARD ANGEL, No. 1, edited by Harold Norse
Oakland & San Francisco: Printed by Acharnian Press & Panjandrum Press, Spring 1972
Burroughs contribution: “Do Not Disturb the Mongrels”
(M&M C329) *
Paris: Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 8 June 1972
Burroughs contribution: “Page from Burroughs’ St. Louis Journal”
(M&M C330) *
Note: three full-page reproductions of collaged manuscript pages
241. SHANTIH INTERNATIONAL WRITINGS, Vol. 2, No. 2, edited by Irving Gottesman and John Friedman
Brooklyn: Shantih, Summer 1972
Burroughs contribution: “Tickertape”
(M&M C332) *
Note: reprinted from the anthology Cut Up or Shut Up (1972)
242. HARD, No.1
Cambridge: Hard, Summer 1972
Burroughs contribution: “Lie, Lie, Lie”
(M&M C333) *
243. ANTAEUS, No. 6, edited by Daniel Halpern
New York: Ecco Press, Summer 1972
Burroughs contribution: “Electricals”
(M&M C334) *
244. SIXPACK, No.2, edited by Pierre Joris
London: Lame Duck Press, August 1972
Burroughs contribution: “Ali’s Smile”
(M&M C337) *
Note: reprinted complete from Ali’s Smile.
245. FERVENT VALLEY, No.2, edited by Stephen Rodefer, Bill Pearlman, and Larry Goodell
Placitas: Duende Press, Summer 1972
Burroughs contribution: “Soldier’s Pay”
(M&M C338) *
246. ANTAEUS, No.8, edited by Daniel Halpern
New York: Ecco Press, Winter 1973
Burroughs contribution: “Your Name My Face”
(M&M C343) *
247. SECOND AEON, No.16/17, edited by Peter Finch
Cardiff: Second Aeon Publications, 1973
Burroughs contribution: “My Legs Señor”
(M&M C345) *
248. OUI, Vol.2, No.8, edited by Jon Carroll
Chicago: Playboy Publications, August 1973
Burroughs contribution: “Face to Face With the Goat God”
(M&M C348) *
249. SOFT NEED, No.8, edited by Udo Breger and Chris Kolonah
Göttingen: Expanded Media Editions, September 1973
Burroughs contribution: “Kerouac”
(M&M C349) *
Note: First English-language version of “Épitaphe pour un Beatnik” published in Le Nouvel Observateur (1969).
250. AQ, No.14, edited by Udo Breger Silke Paull, and Erwin Stegentritt
Frankfurt: AQ, Autumn 1973).
Burroughs contribution: “Cut/up of Ezra Pound Made in 1959 Using Only the Very Own Words of Ezra Pound”, “Cut/up Made in 1973 Using the Words of William Burroughs and Arthur Rimbaud”
(M&M C351-C352)
251. HARPER’S MAGAZINE, Vol.247, No.1482
New York City: Harper’s Magazine, November 1973
Burroughs contribution: “Playback from Eden to Watergate”
(M&M C353) *
Glasgow: Glasgow University, December 1973
Burroughs contribution: “M.O.B.”
(M&M C354) *
Note: reprinted from Contact (1970).
253. ADVENTURES IN POETRY, No.10, edited by Larry Fagin
New York: The Poetry Project, 1973
Burroughs contribution: “Fits of Nerves with a Fix”
(M&M C355)
Note: reprinted from C: A Journal of Poetry (1965).
254. VIA: STRUCTURES IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT, Vol 2, edited by James Bryan and Rolf Sauer
Philadelphia: Graduate School of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania, 1973
Burroughs contribution: “Abstract”
(M&M C356) *
255. SIXPACK, No.6, edited by Pierre Joris
London: Lame Duck Press, Winter 1973/74
Burroughs contribution: “Pershing Avenue St. Louis Missouri in the 1920s…”
(M&M C357)
[* not in archive]