Carl Larsen – Contributions to Periodicals

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This index includes contributions to periodicals; entries within years are listed alphabetically


1. NEW ATHENAEUM, No. 1, edited by Will Tullos
Lake Como: New Athenaeum Press, Summer 1956
Larsen contribution: “I Heard a Woman Weeping” [poem]

2. THE ARCHER, Vol. 6, No. 3, edited by Wilfred Brown and Elinor Henry Brown *
North Hollywood: The Archer, Autumn/Winter (Dec) 1956
Larsen contribution: “I Walked with the Rain” [poem]

3. COASTLINES, Vol. 2, No. 2, Issue 6, edited by Mel Weisburd
Los Angeles: Coastlines, Winter 1956
Larsen contribution: “Auto Da Fe” [poem]

4. EPOS, Vol. 8, No. 2, edited by Evelyn Thorne and Will Tullos
mags_epos0802Lake Como: Epos, Winter 1956
Larsen contribution: “I Cannot Live” [poem]


5. ARK, No. 3, edited by James Harmon
San Francisco: Ark, Winter 1957
Larsen contribution: “The Work of Hands: 8” [poem], “The Work of Hands: 11” [poem]

6. COASTLINES, Vol. 3, No. 1, Issue 9, edited by Mel Weisburd
Hollywood: Coastlines, Winter 1957-58
Larsen contribution: “Letter to Clarence Major” [prose]

7. DANSE MACABRE, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by R.T. Baylor *
Manhattan Beach: Danse Macabre, 1957
Larsen contribution: “The Children Are Watching” [poem]

8. EMERGENT, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by James M. Singer Jr.
Gardena: Henny Penny Press, Winter 1957
Larsen contribution: “An Account to the Best of My Memory of the Strange and Interesting Events Which Took Place on October 7” [prose]

9. THE FREE LANCE, Vol. 4, No. 2, edited by Adelaide Simon
Cleveland: The Free Lance, Last Half 1957
Larsen contribution: “The Right to Stand in Line” [poem], “Eating Subgum War Mein” [poem]

10. HEARSE, No. 1, edited by E. V. Griffith
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1957
Larsen contribution: “Prelude to the Big Blast” [poem]

11. THE NAKED EAR, No. 2, edited by Judson Crews
Ranches of Taos: The Naked Ear, (1957)
Larsen contribution: “Summer Song #2” [poem], “Song to Be Sung to the Tuna” [poem]

12. THE NAKED EAR, No. 5, edited by Judson Crews
Ranches of Taos: The Naked Ear, (1957)
Larsen contribution: “Patterns on a Sea Wall #32” [poem]

13. THE NAKED EAR, No. 8, edited by Judson Crews
Ranches of Taos: The Naked Ear, (1957)
Larsen contribution: “The Work of Hands: 7” [poem]

14. NEON, No. 3, edited by Gilbert Sorrentino
Brooklyn: Neon Magazine, 1957
Larsen contribution: “Three Rather Obvious Images from the Penultimate Morning” [poem], “Not Us We Love the Dirty ‘…’s”, ” [poem], “Pastels in Smoke and Liquid” [poem], “The Big Hoop-Hoop at 38th Street” [prose]

15. SIMBOLICA, No. 15, edited by Ignace Ingianni
San Francisco: Simbolica, (1957)
Larsen contribution: “Rondeau #3” [poem], “Rondeau #5” [poem], “Rondeau #7” [poem], “Rondeau #9” [poem]


16. THE COERCION REVIEW, No. 1, edited by Clarence Major
Chicago: Coercion, Summer 1958
Larsen contribution: “I Lay My Dying Children” [poem]

17. EPOS, Vol. 9, No. 4, edited by Evelyn Thorne and Will Tullos
Lake Como: Epos, Winter 1958
Larsen contribution: “Mss. Found in a Baby” [poem]

18. HEARSE, No. 3, edited by E. V. Griffith
mags_hearse03Eureka: Hearse Press, 1958
Larsen contribution: “Contemporary Silence” [poem]

19. THE MISCELLANEOUS MAN, No. 14, edited by William J. Margolis
San Francisco: The Miscellaneous Man, 1958
Larsen contribution: “Square Like The World” [prose], “Contemporary Impression No. 1” [poem], “Contemporary Impression No. 6” [poem],  “Contemporary Impression No. 9” [poem]

20. WHETSTONE, Vol. 3, No. 1, edited by Jack Lindeman *
Philadelphia: Whetstone, 1958
Larsen contribution: “Salvation” [poem]


21. THE COERCION REVIEW, No. 2, edited by Clarence Major
Chicago: Coercion, Spring 1959
Larsen contribution: “Ode to a Model 403 IBM Accounting Machine” [poem]

22. EPOS, Vol. 11, No. 1, edited by Evelyn Thorne and Will Tullos
Crescent City: Epos, Fall 1959
Larsen contribution: “The Transient Heart” [poem]

23. GALLOWS, No. 1, Jon T. Griffith
mags_gallows01Eureka, Octo­ber 1959
Larsen contribution: “Contemporary Impression #4” [poem]

24. WHITE DOVE REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 3, edited by Ron Padgett
Tulsa: White Dove Press, 1959
Larsen contribution: “Crap and Cauliflower” [poem]


25. COASTLINES, Vol. 4, Nos. 2-3, Issue 14-15, edited by Gene Frumkin
mags_coastlines1415Los Angeles: Coastlines, Spring 1960
Larsen contribution: “Memo from an Untidy Little Universe: 1” [poem], “Memo from an Untidy Little Universe: 2” [poem]

26. ELEMENT, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Robert Vaughan
Glendora: Element, 1960
Larsen contribution: “Suspend This Instant” [poem]

27. IMPETUS, No. 4, edited by Guy Owen and William E. Taylor
Deland: Stetson University, Summer 1960
Larsen contribution: “Needle”  [poem], “And Weeping with the Sea” [poem]

28. INLAND, Vol. 3, No. 3, edited by John Rackham
Salt Lake City: Inland, Winter 1960
Larsen contribution: “Death of a Single Thing” [poem]

29. NOMAD, No. 5-6, edited by Donald Factor and Anthony Linick
Culver City: Nomad, Winter-Spring 1960
Larsen contribution: “A Modest Proposal or Nabokov’s Folly” [prose], “The Death of Johnny Peyote, from a novel-in-progress” [prose]

30. NOMAD, No. 7, edited by Donald Factor and Anthony Linick
Culver City: Nomad, Summer 1960
Larsen contribution: “This End of the Sky: 5” [poem]

31. QUICKSILVER, Vol. 13, No. 1, edited by Grace Ross and Mabel M. Kuykendall
Fort Worth : Quicksilver, Spring 1960
Larsen contribution: “I Ask to Lay My Soul” [poem]

32. QUICKSILVER, Vol. 13, No. 3, edited by Grace Ross and Mabel M. Kuykendall
Fort Worth, Autumn 1960
Larsen contribution: “We Climb to Blank the Stars” [poem]

33. SAN FRANCISCO REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 4, edited by R. H. Miller *
San Francisco: San Francisco Review, March 1960
Larsen contribution: “This End of the Sky: 3” [poem], “In Memory of Civilization” [poem]

34. SIMBOLICA, No. 18, edited by Ignace Ingianni
San Francisco: Simbolica, (1960)
Larsen contribution: “To the Negro Castrated for Looking at Scarlet O’Hara”

35. WHITE DOVE REVIEW, Vol. 2, No. 5 , edited by Ron Padgett
Tulsa: White Dove Press, Summer 1960
Larsen contribution: “An Age of Winter” [poem]


36. BEATITUDE/EAST, No. 17, edited by C.V.J. Anderson
New York: Beatitude Press, 1961
Larsen contribution: “Patterns on a Sea Wall: 13” [poem],  “Patterns on a Sea Wall: 14” [poem], “Patterns on a Sea Wall: 15” [poem], “Patterns on a Sea Wall: 16” [poem], “Patterns on a Sea Wall: 17” [poem], “Patterns on a Sea Wall: 18” [poem], “Patterns on a Sea Wall: 19” [poem], “Patterns on a Sea Wall: 21” [poem]

37. THE BELOIT POETRY JOURNAL, Vol. 11, No. 3, edited Chad Walsh *
Beloit: The Beloit Poetry Journal, Spring 1961
Larsen contribution: “Attack of the Giant Gnats” [poem]

38. THE FIDDLEHEAD, No. 47, edited by A.G. Bailey *
Fredericton: The Fiddlehead, Winter 1961
Larsen contribution: “The Work of Hands” [poem]

39. THE FREE LANCE, Vol. 6, No. 2, edited by Casper L. Jordan
Cleveland: The Free Lance, 1961
Larsen contribution: “God-love-country-mother-home” [poem]

40. THE GALLEY SAIL REVIEW, Vol. 3, No. 2, edited by Stanley McNail *
San Francisco: The Galley Sail Review, Fall 1961
Larsen contribution: “After the First Bombing” [poem]

41. LOST WORLD, No. 2, edited by Lorenzo Thomas
New York: Lost World, 1961
Larsen contribution: “The Sea at Times” [poem], “The Descent of Solomon” [poem]

42. MIDWEST, No. 2, edited by R.R. Cuscaden
mags_midwest02Chicago: Midwest, Summer 1961
Larsen contribution: “Contemporary Impression: 11” [poem]

43. MUTINY, Vol. 3, No. 3, edited by Jane Esty and Paul Lett
Northport: Mutiny Press, Summer 1961
Larsen contribution: “From our Far-Flung Agents”

44. QUICKSILVER, Vol. 13, No. 3, edited by Grace Ross and Mabel M. Kuykendall
Fort Worth, Autumn 1961
Larsen contribution: “The Moral Observations of Edward Reed: 6” [poem]

45. SIMBOLICA, No. 20, edited by Ignace Ingianni
Tiburon: Simbolica, (1961)
Larsen contribution: “Notes for the Beginning of Things: 1” [poem]

46. SUN, No. 1, edited by Tracy Thompson
mags_sun01San Francisco: Sun, 1961
Larsen contribution: “The Sky Desterted” [poem]

47. TARGETS, No. 5, edited by W.L. Garner
Albuquerque, April 1961
Larsen contribution: “Bill, Feat Not Halitosis” [poem]

48. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 4, Issue 4, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1961
Larsen contribution: “There is a Little Balloon Coming out of My Head” [poem], “On a Hill Far Away Stood an Old Rugged Cha-Cha-Cha” [poem]


49. BRAND X, No. 7, edited by Carl Larsen
New York: 7 Poets Press, July 1962
Larsen contribution: “In Unscheduled Ascent” [poem]

50. BRAND X, No. 10, edited by Carl Larsen
New York: 7 Poets Press, October 1962
Larsen contribution: “Poem Entitled October’s Bright Blue Weather” [poem], “The Good Folks Come to Burn Thee” [poem]

51. COASTLINES, Vol. 5, No. 3, Issue 19, edited by Curtis Zahn
Santa Monica: Coastlines, 1962
Larsen contribution: “O The Moon Shines Bright, It’s Radioactive” [poem]

52. LIBERATION, Vol. 6, No. 11, edited by Dave Dellinger
New York: Libertarian Press, January 1962
Larsen contribution: “The Work of Hands: 3” [poem]

53. OUTCRY, No. 1, edited by Lee Hollane and C.P. Galle
mags_outcry010Washington D.C.: Poet’s Press, July 1962
Larsen contribution: “excerpts from The Book of Eric Hammerscoffer”

54. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 2, No. 3, Issue 7, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, October 1962
Larsen contribution: “How I Got to Be 28 Years Old and All My Friends are a Success Except Me”, “Larsen’s Decameron”, “Clyde and Martha”


55. BLACK CAT REVIEW, No. 2, , edited by Neeli Cherry
San Bernardino: The Cherry Press, March 1963
Larsen contribution: “Fugue for Tracy Thompson” [poem]

56. SCIAMACHY, No. 5, edited by Millea Levin
mags_sciamachy05Winnetka: Sciamachy, 1963
Larsen contribution: “An Apology, a Face for Granted” [poem] 

57. SCIMITAR AND SONG, Vol. 26, No. 4, edited by Lura Thomas McNair
Sanford: Scimitar and Song, October 1963
Larsen contribution: “Let Us Believe Together This” [poem]

58. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 3, No. 1, Issue 9, edited by Marvin Malone 
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1963
Larsen contribution: “How I Discovered The Secrets of Nature and Met My Sad End Alas” [poem], “The Giant Gnats at the Hungry I” [poem]

59. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 3, No. 3, Issue 11, edited by Marvin Malone 
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1963
Larsen contribution: special center-section titled Carl Larsen’s The Stainless Steel Incubus, in two parts: “Advertisement for an Android” [poem], “Leah” [poem]

60. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 3, No. 4, Issue 12, edited by Marvin Malone 
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1963
Larsen contribution: “Anonymous  Note, Among Camellias” [poem]


61. COFFIN, No. 1, edited by E.V. Griffith
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1964
Larsen contribution: “Notes for The Beginning of Things: 4” [poem]

62. FERMENT, No. 4, edited by Joel Climenhaga *
Canton: Transient Press, July 1964
Larsen contribution: “Clyde and Martha (The Aging Beatniks)” [poem]

63. FERMENT, No. 5, edited by Joel Climenhaga *
Canton: Transient Press, October 1964
Larsen contribution: “Notes from Ground Zero” [poem]

64. JACARANDA, No. 4, edited by Joel Climenhaga *
Canton: Transient Press, December 1964
Larsen contribution: “The Toad King” [poem], “And no Concentric Crumbling Pyramid” [poem], “Upon Entering a Coffee House…” [poem], “Clyde and Martha (The Aging Beatniks)” [poem], “In Defense of the Senate Bill…” [poem]

65. GRIST, No. 4, edited by Robert Rusk and John Fowler
Lawrence: Abington Book Shop, December 1964
Larsen contribution: “Stand Back, Fellas; Let Me Beat That Poor Dead Horse Awhile” [poem]

66. KAURI, No. 5, edited by Will Inman
New York: Kauri, November- December 1964
Larsen contribution: “Life Cycle and Economy” [poem], “Theme Song Cheer Chant for July 4th 1964” [poem], “The Shelter” [poem]

67. THE MARRAHWANNA QUARTERLY, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by d.a. levy
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Larsen contribution: “Clyde and Martha” [poem], “Slumscapes: 4” [poem]

68. OLE, No.1, edited by Douglas Blazek
Bensenville: The Mimeo Press, 1964
Larsen contribution: “Mss. Found Attached to a Harp-String Hanging from the Sky” [prose]

69. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 4, No. 1, Issue 13, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1964
Larsen contribution: “Homage to Yevtushenko” [poem]

70. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 4, No. 3, Issue 15, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1964
Larsen contribution: “The Way to a Woman’s Heart: An Exploratory Operation” [poem]


71. BLACK CAT REVIEW, No. 3, edited by Neeli Cherry *
San Bernardino: The Cherry Press, June 1965
Larsen contribution: “Dock Dialogue” [poem]

72. INPUT, Vol. 2, No. 1, Issue 5, edited by Peter Salmansohn and Frank Roth
Valley Stream: Input, Spring 1965
Larsen contribution: “A River, Running to The Sea” [poem]

73. KAURI, No. 11, edited by Will Inman
New York: November-December, 1965
Larsen contribution: “Addenda to a Subway Sign” [poem]

74. SIMBOLICA, No. 24, edited by Ignace Ingianni
Tiburon: Simbolica, (1965)
Larsen contribution: “The Big Little White Bug Caper of Yesterday Afternoon” [prose], “The Red and the Black” [poem], “Open Letter to Provincetown, Mass.” [poem]

75. THE SPERO, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Douglas and Kathy Casement
Chicago: Fenian Head Centre Press, 1965
Larsen contribution: “Meet Miss Subways” [prose]

76. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 5, No. 2, Issue No. 18, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1965
Larsen contribution: “The Memoirs of the Most Successful 30 Year Old Model Boat Builder in the Whole Universe” [prose]

77. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 5, No. 3, Issue No. 19, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1965
Larsen contribution: “A Little Play on Words Which I Have Modestly Entitled: Hamlet Prince of Denmark” [prose], “Memo to Bukowski” [poem], “Poem Entitled Untitled Poem” [poem]


78. THE EIGHT PAGER, Series One, Part Four, edited by D.r. Wagner
Niagara Falls: Press Today Niagara, 1966
Larsen contribution: “Telethong” [poem]

79. ENTRAILS, No. 1, edited by Gene Bloom
New York: Whisper Shit Press, July 1966
Larsen contribution: “Dick and Jane at the Seashore, or Confessions of an Eternal Compulsion Engine” [prose]

80. HIKA, Vol. 28, No. 3, edited by Michael K. Berryhill and Michael Kirchberger
Gambier: Kenyon College, Spring-Summer 1966
Larsen contribution: “Wild Animals Couldn’t Keep Me Away from Africa: The Life and Hard Times of a Poem-Writer” [prose], “Tide Rising” [poem]

81. KAURI, No. 12, edited by Will Inman
New York: January-February, 1966
Larsen contribution: “Unwinding Walls” [poem]

82. KAURI, No. 15, edited by Will Inman
New York: Kauri, July-August 1966
Larsen contribution: “Text of the President’s Christmas Message as Reprinted from The New York Times, Dec. 25, 1995” [prose]

83. KAURI, No. 16, edited by Will Inman
New York: Kauri, Sep – Oct 1966
Larsen contribution: “Memo: Commit Suicide & See Pg. 1 of Notes” [prose]

84. THE MARY JANE QUARTERLY, Vol. 2, No. 1, edited by d.a. levy
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1966
Larsen contribution: “Fractions of Light and Water, Fractions of Flesh” [poem]

85. THE SPERO, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Douglas and Kathy Casement
Chicago: Fenian Head Centre Press, 1966
Larsen contribution: “The World is Made of Snow” [prose]

86. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 6, No. 4, Issue No. 24, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1966
Larsen contribution: “Eddie Reed and His Radio Rangers” [poem]


87. CONGRESS, No.2, edited by Sam Seiffer
New York: Congress, 1967
Larsen contribution: “From This Familiar Room” [poem]


88. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 12, No. 3, Issue 47, edited by Marvin Malone
Stockton: The Wormwood Review, 1972
Larsen contribution: “Red Cross” [poem], “Third Rail” [poem]


89. SAMISDAT, Vol. 6 No. 4, Issue 15, edited by Merritt Clifton
Berkeley: Samisdat, Autumn 1975
Larsen contribution: “Idols” [prose]

90. SMALL PRESS REVIEW, Vol. 7, Nos. 10-11, Issue 34-35, edited by Len Fulton *
Paradise: Dust Books, Nov-Dec 1975

91. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 15, No. 2, Issue 58, edited by Marvin Malone
Stockton: The Wormwood Review, 1975
Larsen contribution: “Love Among The Silverware” [poem], “Road to Mecca” [poem]


92. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 17, Nos. 1-2, Issues 65-66, edited by Marvin Malone
Stockton: The Wormwood Review, 1977
Larsen contribution: “Sands of Sorrow” [play]


93. CENTER, No. 12, edited by Carol Bergé
Albuquerque: Center, 1979
Larsen contribution: “from: In The Museum of Oddities” [prose]

[* not in archive]