Charles Bukowski: Contributions to Books and Anthologies

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This index includes contributions to books and anthologies featuring poems and stories from  the 1960’s: from Bukowski’s first book appearance to roughly the time that his work started being published in collected volumes by John Martin’s Black Sparrow Press; the period of time covered by Sanford Dorbin’s Bibliography.

1. TODAY THE STARS, edited by Lilith Lorraine
mags_todayAlpine: Different Press, 1960
Bukowski contribution: “All I Know” [poem]
(Dorbin C78)

2. THE LIGHT YEAR, edited by Miles Payne *
San Diego: Light Year Press, Autumn 1961
Bukowski contribution: “Side Of The Sun” [poem]
(Dorbin C108)

3. BORESTONE MOUNTAIN POETRY AWARDS, No. 16, edited by Lionel Stevenson *
Palo Alto: Pacific Books, 1964
Bukowski contribution: “The House” [poem], “The Singular Self” [poem]
[see Dorbin C189, C194]

4. BORESTONE MOUNTAIN POETRY AWARDS, edited by Lionel Stevenson *
Palo Alto: Pacific Books, 1965
Bukowski contribution: “Practice” [poem]

5. AMPERSAND, edited by Richard Wolter & T. L. Kryss
mags_ampersandSan Francisco: Ampersand, March 1969
Bukowski contribution: “Confessions Of A Misanthrope” [poem]
(Dorbin C416)

6. ACID, edited by R. D. Brinkmann *
Darmstadt, Marz Verlag, Summer 1969
Bukowski contribution: “At The End Of Feet The Blackbird Walks” [poem], “Lillies In My Brain” [poem]
(Dorbin C435-C436)

7. PANAMA GOLD, edited by T.L. Kryss
mags_panamagoldSan Francisco: Zero Publications, July 1969
Bukowski contribution: “The Hollywood Swimming Pool Life” [poem]
(not in Dorbin)

buk_peaceSan Francisco: Nevada/Tattoo Press, 1969
Bukowski contribution: “The Nature of the Threat and What to Do” [poem]
(Krumhansl 33)

[* not in archive]