David Meltzer – Books and Broadsides

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This index includes books, chapbooks, pamphlets, and broadsides; all contents are poems unless otherwise noted.

First edition:
Los Angeles: Wallace Berman, 1956
Broadside, 3.5″ x  6″, letterpress printed by Wallace Berman. Laid into Semina, No. 1.

Contents: “An Unpublished Letter to Some Lost Relatives” [uncollected]

Note: see also C2.

2. Meltzer, David. POEMS 
First edition:
San Francisco: Donald and Alice Shenker, [1957]
Side-stapled sheets in printed and illustrated wrappers with library tape binding, 5.75″ x 8.75″, 16 pages, 25 copies, offprint of David Meltzer / Donald Shenker book comprising only the Meltzer section. Cover art by Tina Meltzer.

Contents: “Poem”, “Journey”, “Now for instance the Idiot”, “Oration at the Funeral of a Chinese Youth”, “Erratum: A Poem for Idell”, “On a Popular Song for Namiko”, “The Approach to Her Body”, “I Have Taken You out of the Wind’s Sound”, Highsung Song for Baza”, “Prophecy: Requiem Blues”, “Less of a More Greatness fo W. & S. & T. Berman”, “Poem”, “All in Pure Death”, “For Wallace Berman, Poet-Maker”, “Tired of Being Tired”, “Today was so Large to Live in”, “Love Story”

Note: See also B1.

3. Meltzer, David. 24TH RAGA / FOR TINA *
First edition:
New Haven: Penny Poems, 1959
Broadside, 8.5″ x 11″, offset printed. Published as Penny Poems, No. 27

Contents: “24th Raga/ For Tina” [collected in Ragas]

4. Meltzer, David. THE PROPHET
First edition:
New Haven: Penny Poems, 1959
Broadside, 7″ x 10″, offset printed. Published as Penny Poems, No. 54

Contents: “The Prophet” [collected in Ragas]

First edition:
New Haven: Penny Poems, 1959
Broadside, 7″ x 10″, offset printed. Published as Penny Poems, No. 69

Contents: “From: The Clown, Book II/ Air & Interim” [collected in Ragas]

6. Meltzer, David. MORNING POEM
First edition:
New Haven: Penny Poems, 1959
Broadside, 7″ x 10″, offset printed. Published as Penny Poems, No. 83

Contents: “Morning Poem” [uncollected]

7. Meltzer, David. RAGAS 
First edition:
San Francisco: Discovery Books, 1959
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 52 pages, (1500 copies), printed at the Troubador Press. Cover design by Peter LeBlanc.

Contents: “30th/ June:59”, “Vision”, “Mexico”, “2nd Raga: The Woods”, “Revelation”, “from: The Hollywood Poem”, “Love Poem”, “from: Night Before Morning”, “from: The Clown / Book II”, “Two Poems for Joey Loewinsohn…”, “12th Raga / for John Wieners”, “14th Raga / for Donald Schenker”, “15th Raga / for Bela Lugosi”, “23rd Raga / for Tina”, “24th Raga / The Birds”, “The Dance”, “The Mechanikons”, “Poem for Tuolumne’s First & Last Artist Investigator of Truth”, “Home Life of the Gods”, “6th Raga / for Bob Alexander”, The Prophet”, “Ward Poem”, “Filbert Street”, “The Last Word”

8. Meltzer, David. SAMPSON AGONISTES
First edition:
San Francisco: Wallace Berman, 1959
Broadside, 3.5″ x 5.5″, letterpress printed by Wallace Berman. Laid into Semina, No. 4.

Contents: “Sampson Agonistes” [uncollected]

Note: see also C5.

9. Meltzer, David. TODOS SANTOS. VILLA
First edition:
Larkspur: Wallace Berman, 1959
Broadside, 3.5″ x 5.5″, letterpress printed by Wallace Berman. Laid into Semina, No. 5.

Contents: “Todos Santos. Villa” [uncollected]

Note: see also C10.

10. Meltzer, David. THE CLOWN
First edition:
Larkspur: Semina, 1960
Printed sheets laid into printed folder, 335 copies, letterpress printed by Wallace Berman. Published as Semina, No. 6.

Contents: “The Clown” [uncollected]

First edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1962
Saddle-stapled illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 8.5″, 12 pages, 750 copies, letterpress printed by Dave Haselwood. Published as Auerhahn Pamphlet No. 2.  (Auerhahn 19)

Contents: “Patchen” [essay], “Summa”, “A Recognition”, “So good to know…”, “I went to the shore…”

12. Meltzer, David. BAZASCOPE MOTHER
First edition:
Los Angeles: Drekfesser Press, [1964]
Single sheet folded once to make four pages, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 250 copies (approximately 150 copies were supposedly destroyed). Cover collage by I.E. Alexander, rear photograph by Zack Walsh.

Contents: “BazaScope”

13. Meltzer, David. STATION *
First edition:
San Francisco: San Francisco Arts Festival Commission, 1964
Broadside, 13″ x 20″, 300 copies, printed by East Wind Printers. Illustrated by Peter Bailey. Laid into portfolio entitled A Poetry Folio 1964.

Contents: “Station” [uncollected]

14. Meltzer, David. THE BLACKEST ROSE
First edition:
Berkeley: Oyez, 1964
First edition, broadside, 11″ x 17.5″, 350 copies, letterpress printed by Dave Haselwood. Published as Oyez 6.

Contents: “The Blackest Rose” [uncollected]

15. Meltzer, David. THE PROCESS
a. First edition, regular copies:
Berkeley: Oyez, 1965
Saddle-stapled illustrated french-fold wrappers, 44 pages, 500 copies, printed by Graham Mackintosh, designed by Dave Haselwood. Cover illustration by  Peter LeBlanc. This is the first Oyez book.

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Berkeley: Oyez, 1965
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with illustrated dust jacket, 44 pages, 25 numbered and signed copies, printed by Graham Mackintosh, designed by Dave Haselwood. Cover illustration by  Peter LeBlanc. This is the first Oyez book.

16. Meltzer, David. OYEZ! *
First edition:
[Berkeley]: Oyez Press, [1965]
Single sheet folded once to make four pages, 6″ x 9″, 250 copies. Cover illustration by Meltzer.

Contents: “In Hope I Offer A Fire-wheel”

17. Meltzer, David. THE DARK CONTINENT *
a. First edition,  regular copies:
Berkeley: Oyez, 1967
Perfect-bound in illustrated and printed wrappers, 94 pages, 1000 copies, printed by Graham Mackintosh. Cover design by Peter LeBlanc.

b. First edition, lettered and signed copies:
Berkeley: Oyez, 1967
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards without dust jacket as issued, 94 pages, 26 lettered and signed copies, printed by Graham Mackintosh.

18. Meltzer, David. NATURE POEM *
First edition:
Santa Barbara: Unicorn Book Shop, 1967
Broadside, 13″ x 18.25″, 200 copies printed by Noel Young. Illustrated with an engraving by Janeen Vanden Berg.

Contents: “Nature Poem” [uncollected]

Note: published on the occasion of David Meltzer’s reading at the Unicorn Bookshop, Nov. 18, 1967

19. Meltzer, David. JOURNAL OF THE BIRTH *
First edition:
Berkeley: Oyez, 1967
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.75″ x 9″, 24 pages, 1000 copies.

Contents: “Journal of the Birth” [prose] [previously published in Journal for the Protection of All Beings, No. 1 (City Lights, 1961)]

20. Meltzer, David. ORF *
Hollywood: Essex House, 1968

21. Meltzer, David. THE AGENT *
Hollywood: Essex House, 1968

22. Meltzer, David. HOW MANY BLOCKS IN THE PILE? *
Hollywood: Essex House, 1968

23. Meltzer, David. ROUND THE POEM BOX *
a. First edition, regular copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1969
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 8.5″ x 5.5″, 32 pages, 300 copies. Illustrated by David Meltzer. (Morrow & Cooney 60a)

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1969
Hardcover in paper-bound boards and cloth backstrip with printed paper label in acetate dust jacket, 32 pages, 125 numbered and signed copies. Illustrated by David Meltzer. (Morrow & Cooney 60b)

c. First edition, lettered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1969
Hardcover in leather-bound boards in acetate dust jacket, 32 pages, 26 lettered and signed copies. Illustrated by David Meltzer. (Morrow & Cooney 60c)

24. Meltzer, David. YESOD *
a. First edition, regular copies:
London: Trigram Press, 1969
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 61 pages. Illustrated by David Meltzer.

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
London: Trigram Press, 1969
Hardcover in gilt-stamped cloth-bound boards in acetate dust jacket, 61 pages, 100 numbered and signed copies. Illustrated by David Meltzer.

25. Meltzer, David. LOVELY *
North Hollywood: Essex House, 1969

26. Meltzer, David. HEALER *
North Hollywood: Essex House, 1969

27. Meltzer, David. THE MARTYR *
North Hollywood: Essex House, 1969

28. Meltzer, David. GLUE FACTORY *
North Hollywood: Essex House, 1969

29. Meltzer, David. OUT *
North Hollywood: Essex House, 1969

30. Meltzer, David. FROM EDEN BOOK *
First edition:
San Francisco: Maya, 1969
Hand-sewn in plain wrappers with printed paper label, 7.5″ x 10″, 12 pages, 300 copies, letterpress printed by Clifford Burke. Published as Maya Quarto Four.

31. Meltzer, David. ABULAFIA SONG *
a. First edition, regular copies:
Santa Barbara: Unicorn Press, 1969
Folded broadside tipped into printed folder, 950 copies, letterpress printed by Noel Young, designed by Alan Brilliant. Illustrated by David Meltzer.

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Santa Barbara: Unicorn Press, 1969
Folded broadside tipped into printed folder, 50 numbered and signed, letterpress printed by Noel Young, designed by Alan Brilliant. Illustrated by David Meltzer.

Contents: “Abulafia Song” [uncollected]

32. Meltzer, David. BRONX LIL. *
First edition:
Portland: Yes! Press, 1970
Broadside, 4.25″ x 11″, 125 copies, letterpress printed.

Contents: [untitled] “Bronx lil…” [uncollected]

33. Meltzer, David. FOR RAYMOND CHANDLER *
First edition:
Santa Barbara: Unicorn Press, 1970
Broadside, 12.5″ x 19″, letterpress printed. Published as Unicorn Broadsheet No. 5.

Contents: “For Raymond Chandler” [uncollected]

34. Meltzer, David. STAR *
North Hollywood: Essex House, 1970

35. Meltzer, David. ISLA VISTA NOTES *
Santa Barbara: Christopher Books, 1970
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 14 pages, 1000 copies.

36. Meltzer, David. LUNA
a. First edition, regular copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, July 1970
Perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 82 pages, 1000 copies, printed by Noel Young. Cover illustration by Wallace Berman. (Morrow & Cooney 88a)

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, July 1970
Hardcover bound in printed paper-covered boards in acetate dust jacket as issued , 16 pages, 200 numbered and signed copies, printed by Noel Young. Cover illustration by Wallace Berman. (Morrow & Cooney 88b)

c. First edition, lettered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, July 1970
Hardcover bound in printed paper-covered boards in acetate dust jacket as issued, 16 pages, 26 lettered and signed copies, printed by Noel Young. Frontispiece illustration by David Meltzer. Cover illustration by Wallace Berman. (Morrow & Cooney 88c)

37. Meltzer, David. GREENSPEECH *
a. First edition, regular copies:
Goleta: Christopher Books, 1970
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 16 pages, 950 copies, letterpress printed by Noel Young.

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Goleta: Christopher Books, 1970
Hardcover in printed and illustrated paper-bound boards with cloth backstrip , 16 pages, 50 numbered and signed copies, letterpress printed by Noel Young.

38. Meltzer, David. 32 BEAMS OF LIGHT *
Portland: Yes! Press, 1970
Broadside, 100 copies.

39. Meltzer, David. KNOTS *
Bolinas: Tree Books, 1971
Wrappers, 500 copies

40. Meltzer, David. IT’S SIMPLE *
Seattle: Michael Wiater, 1971

41. Meltzer, David. ON A LEASH *
San Francisco: Panjandrum Press, 1972

42. Meltzer, David. BARK, A POLEMIC *
a. First edition, regular copies:
Santa Barbara: Capra Press, February 1973
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 42 pages, 75 numbered and signed copies. Published as Yes! Capra Chapbook Number 6.

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Santa Barbara: Capra Press, February 1973
Hardcover bound in printed paper-covered boards, 42 pages, 75 numbered and signed copies. Published as Yes! Capra Chapbook Number 6.

43. Meltzer, David. HERO/LIL
a. First edition, regular copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1973

b. First edition, numbered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1973
Hardcover bound in printed paper-covered boards in acetate dust jacket as issued, 175 numbered and signed copies.

c. First edition, lettered and signed copies:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1973
Hardcover bound in printed paper-covered boards in acetate dust jacket and slipcase as issued, 26 lettered and signed copies. Original illustration by David Meltzer bound in.

44. Meltzer, David. UNTITLED and FROM THE WORDBOOK *
East Lansing: East Lansing Arts Workshop Press, 1973
Broadside featuring two poems, 8.5″ x 11.5″

Note: printed for the 1973 National Poetry Festival at Thomas Jefferson College.

45. Meltzer, David. WHAT DO I KNOW OF JOURNEY *
London: Trigram Press, 1973
Broadside, 75 signed copies. Illustrated by Pip Benveniste

46. Meltzer, David. TENS *
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973

47. Meltzer, David. FRENCH BROOM *
Berkeley: Oyez, 1973

48. Meltzer, David. THE EYES, THE BLOOD *
San Francisco: Mudra, 1973
Hand-sewn plain white wrappers in printed dust jacket, 20 pages, 500 copies printed at the Cranium Press.

San Francisco: privately printed, 1974
Wrappers, 26 copies

50. Meltzer, David. AMULET *
Cambridge: Pomegranate Press, 1974
Broadside, 180 copies

51. Meltzer, David. BLUE RAGS *
Berkeley: Oyez, 1974

52. Meltzer, David. HARPS *
Berkeley: Oyez, 1975

53. Meltzer, David. SIX *
Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1976

54. Meltzer, David. TWO-WAY MIRROR *
Berkeley: Oyez, 1977

55. Meltzer, David. ARROWS: SELECTED POETRY, 1957-1992 *
Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1994

56. Meltzer, David. NO EYES: LESTER YOUNG *
Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow, 2000

57. Meltzer, David. DAVID’S COPY *
New York: Penguin Group Press, 2005

58. Meltzer, David. WHEN I WAS A POET *
San Francisco: City Lights, June 2011

[*not in archive]