Russell Atkins – Books

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This index includes books, chapbooks, booklets, and other separate publications

1. Atkins, Russell. A PODIUM PRESENTATION *
First edition:
Brooklyn Heights: The Poetry Seminar Press, 1960
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 4.5″ x 8.5″, 8 pages, mimeograph printed.

Note: Atkins’ first book. The book’s opening poem previously appeared in the Seattle magazine Experiment: A Quarterly Of New Poetry (Vol IV, no. 1 [1951]). Back cover lists three of Atkins’ previous publications: “The Hypothetical Arbitrary Constant of Inhibition” (see The Free Lance 8:2 [1964]); “A Psychovisual Perspective for ‘Musical’ Composition” (see The Free Lance 3:2 [1955] and 5:1 [1958]); and “The Invalidity of Dominant Group Educational Forms” (see The Free Lance 7:2 [1963]).

2. Atkins, Russell. PHENOMENA
First edition:
Wilberforce: The Free Lance Poets and Prose Workshop and Wilberforce University Press, 1961
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 4.5″ x 8.5″, 79 pages.

3. Atkins, Russell. OBJECTS
First edition:
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1961
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 20 pages, 200 copies, offset printed. Cover illustration by Ben Tibbs. Published as the 16th Hearse Press Chapbook edited by E.V. Griffith.

First edition:
Cleveland: Free Lance, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers,  5.5″ x 8.5″, 40 pages. “Two poetic dramas to be set to music”.

Note: Two By Atkins: The Abortionist and The Corpse: Two Poetic Dramas To Be Set To Music was published by The Free Lance Press, a division of the Free Lance Poets and Prose Workshop, under the auspices of Caspar LeRoy Jordan. Both texts had originally been published in 1954, The Abortionist in The Free Lance: a magazine of poetry and prose and The Corpse in the Western Review (Iowa State University). Name on cover as “Rvssyll Atkyns.”

5. Atkins, Russell. OBJECTS 2
a. First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5” x 8.5”, 28 pages, 100 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by d.a. levy. This Renegade Press edition includes three poems that appear in OBJECTS (Eureka: Hearse Press, 1960) but is otherwise a different collection. (T&H P-07)

b. Second edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5” x 8.5”, 20 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Second Renegade Press printing with sequence of poems changed from first printing, plus one added poem. (T&H P-17)

levy_polluted01First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 4.25″ x 6″, 12 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-43)

7. Atkins, Russell. SPYRYTUAL
levy_spyrytualFirst edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled sheets bound in to printed wrappers, 4.25″ x 8.25″, 4 pages, 200 copies, letterpress and mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-112)

8. Atkins, Russell. OBJECTS FOR PIANO *
First edition:
Cleveland: Free Lance, 1967
Saddle-stapled in wrappers, 16 pages. Musical score. There is a short afterword in which the author’s interest in modern music is described.

Note:  Dedicated to the memory of the co-founder of Free Lance Press, Adelaide Simon. Objects for Piano is the third in a series of chapbooks which included Objects and Objects 2. The decorative cover design adapts and incorporates a figure from one of Atkins’ essay on composition [“Psychovisual Perspective for ‘Musical’ Composition,” The Free Lance, Vol. 5, No. 1 (1958)].

9. Atkins, Russell. HERETOFORE
First edition:
London: Paul Breman Ltd, 1968
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 32 pages, offset printed. Published as Volume 7 in the Heritage Series.

10. Atkins, Russell. THE NAIL
First edition:
Cleveland: Free Lance Press, 1970
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 90 pages.

Note: The Nail was based on the eponymous story by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón and written in 1957 at the suggestion of composer Hale Smith. It is meant to be set to music for performance.

11. Atkins, Russell. HERE IN THE
First edition:
Cleveland: Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 1976
Perfect bound in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 52 pages, offset printed. Published as Cleveland Poets Series No. 13.

12. Atkins, Russell. WHICHEVER
First edition:
Cleveland: Free Lance Press, 1978
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 24 pages, offset printed.

13. Atkins, Russell. MALEFICIUM
First edition:
Cleveland: Free Lance Press, 1971
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″,  72 pages, offset and xerography printed.

14. Atkins, Russell. JUXTAPOSITIONS *
First edition:
Cleveland: privately printed, 1991
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 11″, 28 pages, offset and xerography printed.

[* not in archive]