Cut-Up Method

The cut-up technique (or découpé in French) is an aleatory literary technique in which a text is cut up and rearranged to create a new text. The concept can be traced to at least the Dadaists of the 1920s, but was popularized in the late 1950s and early 1960s by writer William S. Burroughs…

The following is a select and incomplete checklist


ARCADE, Nos. 1-5, edited by Martin Leman
London: Arcade, 1964-1966
Contributors include: William S. Burroughs, David Cripps, David Kozubei, Stan Peskett, Ron Sandford, Rufus Segar, Georges Sheridan. Issue No.1 is Special Burroughs issue (Maynard & Miles C84-86).

BULLETIN FROM NOTHING, Nos. 1-2, edited by Mary Beach and Claude Pélieu
San Francisco: Beach Books, 1965
Contributors include: Chano Pozo, Mary Beach, William S. Burroughs, Claude Pélieu, Bob Kaufman

FRUIT CUP, No. 0, edited by Mary Beach and Claude Pélieu
New York: Beach Books, 1969
Contributors include: Allen Ginsberg, Wallace Berman, William S. Burroughs, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Claude Pélieu, Edward Sanders, Jan Jacques Lebel, Mary Beach, Tuli Kupferberg, Peter Orlovsky, Albert Hoffman, Rochelle Owens

GINGER SNAPS, edited by Michael Gibbs and Hammond Guthrie
Exeter: Kontexts, March 1972
Contributors include Williams S. Burroughs (“Abstract”), Harold Norse, Allen Ginsberg, Mary Beach, Jan Herman, Carl Weissner, Jürgen Ploog, Claude Pélieu, Bob Kaufman, Tuli Kupferberg, Charles Plymell, Tom Phillips, John Giorno, Jochen Gerz

GNAOUA, No. 1, edited by Ira Cohen
Tangier: Gnaoua Press, 1964
Contributors include: William S. Burroughs, Ian Sommerville, Brion Gysin, Harold Norse, Allen Ginsberg, Michael McClure, J. Sheeper, Jack Smith, Marc Shleifer, Mohammed Ben Abdullah Yussufi (translated by Irving Rosenthal), J. Weir, Stuart Gordon, Tatiana, Alfred Jarry, (translated by George Andrews), Jabouna Min Soudan (translated by Christopher Wanklyn)

GROWING HAND, edited by Vincent J. Cresciman
San Francisco: Growing Hand, 1967
Contributors include: Irving Rosenthal, Ira Cohen, Alphonse Bouguereau, Fielding Dawson, Peter Birnbaum, Harold Norse, Melvin Clay, Susan Sherman, Piero Heliczer, Vincent Cresciman, John Foret, Maya Andrews.

THE INSECT TRUST GAZETTE, Nos. 1-3, edited by Leonard Belasco, Jed Irwin, Robert Basara, and Bill Levy
Philadelphia and San Francisco: Insect Trust Gazette, 1964-1968
Contributors include: Stewart Paley, Thomas Jackrell, William Levy, Michael Benedikt, Jed Irwin, William S. Burroughs, Leonard Belasco, Robert Basara, Stuart Gordon, Jackson Mac Low, Brion Gysin, Conrad A. Belano, Carol Bergé, Max Ernst & Paul Eluard, Paul Klee, Hans Arp, Antonin Artaud, Jean Genet.

Intrepid, edited by Allen DeLoach (Buffalo, 1969) [No. 14/15, Special Burroughs issue].

Klacto 23, edited by Carl Weissner (Heidleberg, New York, Frankfurt, 1965-1969).

The Last Times, edited by Charles Plymell and Claude Pélieu (San Francisco, 1967).

The Moving Times, edited by William S. Burroughs and Alex Trocchi (London 1963).

My Own Mag, edited by Jeff Nuttall (London 1963-1967).

Notes from Underground, edited by John Bryan (San Francisco, 1970) [No. 3].

Residu, edited by Daniel Richter (Athens and London, 1965-1966).

The San Francisco Earthquake, edited by Jan Herman (San Francisco, 1967-1969)

UFO, edited by Jurgen Ploog, Jorg Fauser, Carl Weissner (Frankfurt, 1971-1972).


The Braille Film. Carl Weissner, William S. Burroughs (San Francisco: Nova Broadcast Press, 1970)

Brion Gysin Let The Mice In, edited by Jan Herman with texts by William Burroughs and Ian Sommerville (West Glover: Something Else Press 1973).

The Exterminator. Brion Gysin and William Burroughs (San Francisco: Auerhahn Press/Dave Haselwood Books, 1960, 1967).

Minutes to Go. Brion Gysin, William S. Burroughs, Gregory Corso and Sinclair
Belles (Paris: Two Cities Editions, 1960; San Francisco: Beach Books,

Oeuvre Croisee (The Third Mind). Brion Gysin and William S. Burroughs (Paris: Flammarion, 1976; New York: Viking Press, 1978; London: John
Calder, 1979).

So Who Owns Death TV? William S. Burroughs, Claude Pélieu, Carl Weissner (San Francisco: Beach Books, Texts & Documents, 1967).


Electric Banana (Darmstadt: Melzer Verlag, 1970).


The Soft Machine (Paris: Olympia Press, 1959; New York: Grove Press, 1963).

The Ticket That Exploded (Paris: Olympia Press, 1962; New York: Grove Press, 1967).

Nova Express (New York: Grove Press, 1964) The final part of the cut-up trilogy. (Maynard & Miles A10a)


The Process (New York: Doubleday, 1969; London: Jonathan Cape,

… and more to come with Claude Pélieu, Harold Norse, others…

Souce, in part: AQ14 CUT UP, 1973.