My Own Mag

My Own Mag was produced by Jeff Nuttall, a larger than life figure in the history of the British counterculture, who edited it while working as a secondary school art teacher. Many prominent underground, Beat and related writers of a usually modest reputation, but not always, contributed to it. These included Anselm Hollo, Alan Brownjohn, Charles Plymell, Jim Haynes, William Wantling, Doug Blazek, Bill Butler, Carl Weissner, Claude Pélieu, Criton Tomazos, Robert Creeley, and Allen Ginsberg.

William S. Burroughs was the most prolific and important of these contributors, the publication is a rich treasure trove of his writings and thoughts on art, society, sexuality, deviance, literature and drugs. It is astonishing and laudable that Burroughs was publishing his most cutting edge work in a scruffy little zine that was self published and edited by a schoolteacher when he was a feted and notorious writer at the height of his fame after publishing Naked Lunch in 1959. My Own Mag was a ‘sandbox’ for Burroughs to play in and experiment with, primarily by publishing his own meta or sub-zines such as ‘The Moving Times’ and ‘The Burrough’. The first appearance of the former was in No. 5 the ‘Special Tangier Edition’, the front cover depicts a naively line-drawn Burroughs in a fez, smoking a cigarette. The free-for-all ethos of My Own Mag allowed Burroughs to introduce his cut ups directly into the text in a facsimile format, as with the 32 grid cut up manuscript entitled “Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning” in No. 5. My Own Mag was also where he began his long-lasting and fruitful collaborations with the aforementioned Claude Pélieu and Carl Weissner.

1. MY OWN MAG, No. 1, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, November 1963

First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 4 pages, mimeograph printed.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Keith Musgrove.

Note: according to Iain Sinclair Books, list 28, this issue was duplicated by “the French Teacher” at Nuttall’s school: Bob Cobbing.

2. MY OWN MAG, No. 2, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, December 1963

First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 4 pages, 50 copies, mimeograph printed.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Anselm Hollo, William S. Burroughs [“From H. B. William S. Burroughs” (M&M C93) (BS C57)].

3. MY OWN MAG, No. 3, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, February 1964

First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 6 pages, mimeograph printed.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Anselm Hollo, Keith Musgrove, Ray Gosling.

4. MY OWN MAG, No. 4, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap, March 1964

First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 8 pages plus insert, mimeograph printed.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, William S. Burroughs [“Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning” (M&M C94) (BS C84)], Alan Brownjohn, Anselm Hollo, John MacCarthy, Peter Currell Brown.

5. MY OWN MAG, No. 5, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, May 1964

First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 8 pages, mimeograph printed. Published as the Tangiers Special Issue.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, William S. Burroughs [“The Moving Times” [No. 1] (M&M C100 [see also M&M C232]) (BS C81, C85)].

Note: The Moving Times [No. 1] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 3 and 4 of My Own Mag, No. 5, and containing three columns: “February 10, 1964. ‘We Will Travel Not Only in Space But in Time As Well.’”, “January 17, 1947. English Made Easy for Beginners. It Revolves Flexible Formula.”, “September 17, 1899. Last Gun Post Erased in a Small Town Newspaper, September 17, 1899.”

6. MY OWN MAG, No. 6, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, July 1964
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 10 pages, mimeograph printed.

Contributors: Keith Musgrove, Jeff Nuttall, Islwyn Watkins, Bob Knapp, Geoffrey Hyman, Ray Gosling, Anselm Hollo, B.S. Johnson, Bartholomew & Wilcox, John McCarthy, Peter Currell Brown, John Rowan, William S. Burroughs [“The Burrough” [No. 1] (M&M C95) (BS C67, C86)].

Note: The Burrough [No. 1] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 3 and 4 of My Own Mag, No. 6, and containing “Afternoon Ticker Tape”.

7. MY OWN MAG, No. 7, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, July 1964

First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 8 pages, mimeograph printed.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Joanna, John Lowton, Peter Scott, Alden Van Buskirk, William S. Burroughs [“Bring Your Problems to Lady Sutton Fix”, “The Moving Times” [No. 2]
(M&M C97, C98) (BS C82, C87).

Note: The Moving Times [No. 2] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 7 and 8 of My Own Mag, No. 7, and containing “Over the Last Skyscrapers a Silent Kite”.

8. MY OWN MAG, No. 8, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, August 1964

First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 10 pages, mimeograph printed. Published as the Edinburgh Festival special.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Alexander Trocchi, Bill Butler, Alden Van Buskirk, Malcolm Bandtock, E.J. Moore, Tom McGrath, Dennis J. Winnie, William S. Burroughs [“The Burrough” [No. 2]
(M&M C99) (BS C68, C88)].

Note: The Burrough [No. 2] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 9 and 10 of My Own Mag, No. 8, and containing “What in Horton Hotel Rue Vernet…”.

9. MY OWN MAG, No. 9, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Homosap Inc, November 1964

First edition, top-stapled in illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 12 pages, mimeograph printed. Published as the Special Post-Election issue.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Arthur Moyse, Pete Barry, Dick Wilcocks, Joanna, Allen Ginsberg, Robert Creeley, Alden Van Buskirk, Tom McGrath, Pete Barry, Dennis J. Winnie, John Latham, William S. Burroughs [“The Moving Times” [No. 3] (M&M C101, C102) (BS C83, C89)].

Note: The Moving Times [No. 3] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 11 and 12 of My Own Mag, No. 9, and containing “Extracts from Letter to Homosap”, “Personals Special to The Moving Times”.

10. MY OWN MAG, No. 10, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: My Own Mag, December 1964

First edition, side-stapled in illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 10 pages, mimeograph printed. Published as the All British Number.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Tonk, Tom McGrath, Dick Wilcocks, Lionel Kearns, Bill Butler, Bob Knapp, Gary Lundberg, Joanna, Dave Cunliffe, Pete Barry.

11. MY OWN MAG, No. 11, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: My Own Mag, February 1965

First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 12 pages plus insert, mimeograph printed.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Dick Wilcocks, Tonk, Anselm Hollo, Michael McClure, William S. Burroughs [“Item that appeared in the Sunday Times…”, “The Moving Times” [No. 4] (M&M C105-C108) (BS C110, C113)].

Note: The Moving Times [No. 4] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 13 and 14 of My Own Mag, No. 11, and containing “Tomorrow’s News Today, December 28”, “December 29, Tuesday Was the Last Day for Singing Years”.

12. MY OWN MAG, No. 12, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: My Own Mag, May 1965

First edition, top-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 14 pages plus inserts, mimeograph printed.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Peter Currell Brown, Carl Weissner, Anthony Edkins, Tony Nuttall, Martin Bax, Dave Rogers, William S. Burroughs [“The Last Words of Dutch Schultz, Found and Transcripted with Intersection Points Underlined”, “The Apomorphine Times” [No. 1] (M&M C112, C113) (BS C96, C114)].

Note: The Apomorphine Times, [No. 1] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 17 and 18 of My Own Mag, No. 12, and containing “Letter to Sunday Times”.

13. MY OWN MAG, No. 13, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: My Own Mag, August 1965

First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 9” x 11.5”, 14 pages, 500 numbered copies, mimeograph printed. Published as the Dutch Schultz Special issue.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Andrew Lloyd, Donatella Manganotti, George Dowden, George MacBeth, Cavan McCarthy, Miles, John Moore, Keith Musgrove, Phil Cohen, Carl Weissner, William S. Burroughs [“The Dead Star” (M&M C122) (BS C115)].

Note: prints facsimile of Burroughs’ three-column layout manuscript.

14. MY OWN MAG, No. 14, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Jeff Nuttall, December 1965

First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 12 pages plus cover booklet, mimeograph printed.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Brian Patten, Lea Klaus, Mike Kustow, Peter Currell Brown, Islwyn Watkins, Carl Weissner, Tom McGrath, Charles Plymell, Bill Butler, Charles Marowitz, Cole, Tonk, Phil Cohen, Dick Wilcocks, John Keys, William S. Burroughs [“The Moving Times” [No. 6]
(M&M C131) (BS C112, C116)]

Note: The Moving Times [No. 6] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 22-24 of My Own Mag, No. 14, and containing material by Carl Weissner.

15. MY OWN MAG, No. 15, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: My Own Mag, April 1966

First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 20 pages, mimeograph printed.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Bill Butler, John Moore, J.J. Crodforel, Roger Kettle, Nick Snow, John Keys, Renee Mion, William S. Burroughs [“The Moving Times” [No. 7] (M&M C137-C140) (BS C141-C142)], Claude Pelieu.

Note: The Moving Times [No. 7] is a broadsheet edited by Burroughs, appearing as pages 9-14 of My Own Mag, No. 15, and containing “Nut Note on the Column Cutup Thing”, “WB Talking”, “Quantities of the Gas Girls”, [untitled] “There I Was in the Corpse Finger…”.

16. MY OWN MAG, No. 16, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: My Own Mag, May 1966

First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 8 pages plus insert, mimeograph printed.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Bernard Marzalek, Carl Weissner.

17. MY OWN MAG, No. 17, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: My Own Mag, September 1966

First edition, top-stapled in printed and illustrated cover sheet, 8” x 13”, 20 pages, mimeograph printed.

Contributors: Jeff Nuttall, Bernard Marzalek, Carl Weissner, Dan Georgakas, Jim Haynes, Morgan Gibson, Phil Cohen, Eli Wiegal, Klaus Lea, Steve M. Ryan, Dick Wilcocks, Douglas Blazek, George Dowden, Renee Mion, Claude Pelieu, William Wantling.

References consulted:

Maynard, Joe and Barry Miles. William S. Burroughs: A Bibliography, 1953-73: Unlocking Inspector Lee’s Word Hoard
Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1978. (ref. M&M)

Schottlaender, Brian E. C. Anything But Routine: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography of William S. Burroughs
San Diego: UC San Diego Libraries, 2012 (ref. BS)

Online resources:

· Reality Studio – My Own Mag
· Schottlaender Bibliography