Tag Archives: George Stanley


Jack Spicer’s J ran for eight issues: Nos. 1–5 were edited by Spicer in North Beach where contributions were left in a box marked “J” in The Place, a bar on Grant Avenue in San Francisco; Nos. 6 and 7 (an Apparition of the late J) were edited by George Stanley in San Francisco and New York City respectively while no. 8 was edited by Harold Dull in Rome. Spicer believed that poetry was for poets and the magazine had a small circulation but cast a long shadow. Contributors included: Robin Blaser, Richard Brautigan, Bruce Boyd, Kay Johnson, Robert Duncan, Joe Dunn, Ron Loewinsohn, Joanne Kyger, Helen Adam, and others. Covers (sometimes hand-embellished) were by Fran Herndon (Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5), Russell FitzGerald (No. 3), and George Stanley (Nos. 6, 7).

1. J, No. 1, edited by Jack Spicer
mags_j01San Francisco: J, 1959
First edition, corner-stapled sheets in printed cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 38 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover by Fran Herndon.

  • Contents:
    1. James Alexander – “The Jack Rabbit Poem”
      Ebbe Borregaard – “Ballad for S A D”
      Ebbe Borregaard – “Ballad of Billy Swan”
      Robin Blaser – “Two Astronomers with Notebooks”
      Jack Spicer – “Hokkus”
      Joe Dunn – “Love”
      Richard Brautigan – “The Fever Monument”
      Sam the Tenor Man – “The Radio said Giants Cinch Loop Flag”
      Bois Burk – “Ode to Pierre”
      Bruce Boyd – “After Midnight”
      Roland March – [untitled] “Mister Brustein…”
      Damon Beard – [untitled] “Adverse repercussionless…”
      Kay Johnson – [untitled] “My soul is the absurdity…”
      Kay Johnson – [untitled] “The door in the dream…”
      Robert Duncan – “Dream Data”
      Sagen – “Dear Sprach” [pseuds. Borregaard and Spicer]
      Harvey Harmon – “A Soldier and His Shadow”
      Tony Richards – “Summer”

2. J, No. 2, edited by Jack Spicer 
San Francisco: J, 1959
First edition, corner-stapled sheets in printed cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 36 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover by Fran Herndon.

  • Contents:
    1. George Stanley – “Tete Rouge”
      Fran Herndon – untitled illustration
      Jess Collins – “I Ups to My Self And”
      Harvey Harmon – [untitled] “More paths…”
      Jack Spicer – [untitled] “Down to new beaches…”
      Robert Duncan – “Dear Carpenter”
      Harvey Harmon – “A New Estate”
      William Morris – “Dear Senior Poet”
      Stan Persky – [untitled] “but it was a moment…”
      Mary Murphy – “In-”
      Will Holther – ” Lament for Otto de Fey”
      Jack Spicer – “Epilog for Jim”
      J.P. Shark – [untitled] “On account of changing tidal conditions…”

3. J, No. 3, edited by Jack Spicer
San Francisco: J, 1959
First edition, corner-stapled sheets in printed and hand-painted cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 38 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover by Russell FitzGerald.

  • Contents:
    1. Bruce Boyd – “Introduction”
      Bruce Boyd – “Toward Morning”
      Bruce Boyd – “War”
      R.H. Blyth – “Letters to the Editor”
      Rueban – “Q”
      Mary Murphy – [untitled] “The skull is not the bones…”
      Leo Krikorian – [untitled] “1. No drinking on duty…”
      Ron Loewinsohn – “Entangling Alliances”
      George Stanley – “Tete Rouge (continued)”
      Jack Spicer – [untitled] “The slobby sea where you float…”
      Damon Beard – [untitled] “Even —…”
      Jack Spicer – “Last Hokku”
      JBH [James Herndon?] – [untitled] “I don’t know how many…”

4. J, No. 4, edited by Jack Spicer
mags_j04San Francisco: J, 1959
First edition, corner-stapled sheets in printed and hand-painted cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 36 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover by Fran Herndon.

  • Contents:
    1. Robert Duncan – “A Sequence of Poems…”
      Richard Brautigan – “The Pumpkin Tide”
      Richard Brautigan – “The Sidney Greenstreet Blues”
      Richard Brautigan – “Surprise”
      Garln – “Garln to His Friend”
      Joanne Kyger – “Tapestry #3”
      Josef Elias – “Joetry”
      Donald Allen – “for Barbara”
      John Ryan – “Pecadillo”
      Jack Spicer – “Jacob”
      George Stanley – “Tete Rouge (continued)”
      Wallace Allen Healey – “Politics”

5. J, No. 5, edited by Jack Spicer
mags_j05San Francisco: J, 1959
First edition, corner-stapled sheets in printed and hand-painted cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 34 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover by Fran Herndon.

  • Contents:
    1. L. Frank Baum – “from Sky Island”
      Larry Eigner – “Front”
      Jess Collins – “The Poets Corner” [comic strip]
      Richard Brautigan – “1942”
      Mary Murphy – [untitled] “Lack of oxygen…”
      D.D. – “Fishing on Saturday”
      Kay Johnson – “The Space is Too Wide”
      Ron Loewinsohn – “WIBC Poems”
      George Stanley – “Tete Rouge (continued)”
      Robert Duncan – “The Song of the River to its Shores”
      Richard Duerden – “Right Now”
      Sheila Roche Harmon – [untitled] “A young devil sat…”
      Jack Spicer – “Fifth Elegy”
      William Berryman – “On the Composition of Bones”
      William R. Allen – “Letter”

6. J, No. 6, edited by George Stanley
San Francisco: J, 1959
First edition, corner-stapled sheets in printed cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 38 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover by George Stanley.

  • Contents:
    1. Helen Adam – “Scenes from San Francisco’s Burning”
      Paul Goodman – “I Love You, Necessary–”
      Joanne Kyger – “Pan as the Son of Penelope”
      Lucio Manisco – “Un Misto di Boheme Mistica e Letteraria”
      William A. Berryman – [untitled] “in the after hours…”

7. J, No. 7, edited by George Stanley
New York: J, 1960
Corner-stapled sheets in printed cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 32 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover by George Stanley.

All contents are anonymous.

8. J, No. 8, 1961, edited by Harold Dull *
Rome: J, 1961
Contributors: Harold Dull, Stan Persky.

[*not in archive]

online excerpt from A Secret Location on the Lower East Side (Granary Books, 1998):

“In many ways the most beautiful of all the mimeo magazines, J had an eight-issue run. The first five issues were edited from North Beach bars by Jack Spicer with Fran Herndon as art editor. Spicer, who embodied the spirit of poetry in the Bay area, collected pieces for his magazine from a box marked “J” in The Place, a bar at 1546 Grant Avenue in San Francisco. A refugee from Los Angeles with two degrees from Berkeley, he had been a student of Josephine Miles there in the mid-1940s. They became close friends, and Spicer participated in the Friday afternoon poetry readings in Wheeler Hall during the late 1940s as well as the readings organized with Rockefeller money by Ruth Witt-Diamant at the new Poetry Center at San Francisco State. Into the cauldron of poetic politics surrounding Miles, Kenneth Rexroth, Robert Duncan, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and others, Spicer introduced his freest of spirits, sometimes more Caliban than Ariel. Spicer lived for words (even making his living as a research assistant on a lexicographical project at Berkeley). He could be found most evenings in one of the North Beach bars or coffeehouses leading the discussion on poetry, poetics, myth, linguistics, and other mysteries. Like Blake and Yeats (with the help of Mrs. Yeats), Spicer attempted to clear his mind and open himself to “dictation” from other sources, which he devotedly pursued. Spicer also believed wholeheartedly in the necessity of human beings’ helping each other through communication, which he confronted in the editorship of J, a little newsletter of the poetic spirit. Donald Allen acted as J’s distributor in New York (“New York Contributions are not forbidden. But quotaed”), selling copies for Spicer to the Wilentz brothers of the Eighth Street Book Shop. In an early letter to Spicer, Allen eagerly wondered “what your editorial policy may be. Seduction by print.””

Further Reading:

Mimeo Mimeo on J


The Spicer Circle magazine M appeared in 1962 in the period after J and before Open Space. Edited by poets Lew Ellingham and Stan Persky, the magazine published John Allen Ryan, George Stanley, Heinrich von Kleist (translated by Jim Herndon), Robin Blaser, William McNeill, Jack Moore, Gail Chugg, Bob Conner, David Melville and the editors. Ellingham spent years researching a biography of Spicer, which was eventually co-authored with poet Kevin Killian as Poet Be Like God (Wesleyan, 1998).

M, No. 1, edited by Lew Ellingham and Stan Persky
mags_m01San Francisco: M, Spring 1962
First edition, side-stapled illustrated wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 64 pages, mimeograph printed.

“Contributions may be sent to 4 Harwood Alley of c/o ‘M’ at Gino & Carlo’s Bar, 548 Green Street, San Francisco 11. There is a box in the bar to receive contributions, and the bartender will hold any too large to be placed in the box.”

  • Contents:
    1. George Stanley – [untitled] “Not speaking in human speech…”
      Lewis Ellingham – “Essays on Six Subjects”
      Gail Chugg – “The Avenging Angel”
      anonymous – “The River Bed”
      Stan Persky – “Orpheus Under the Golden Gate Bridge”
      George Stanley – “The Death of Orpheus”
      Gail Chugg – “A Romantical Poem for Leigh Hunt”
      Stan Persky – “Lake”
      Gail Chugg – “The Spell Binders”
      George Stanley – “The Great Wall of Canada”
      anonymous – “The Eagle & The Sperm Whale”
      anonymous – “Alaska, The Beautiful”
      anonymous – “Change”
      Stan Persky – “Twenty Years After”
      Bob Conner – “To an Archaic Apollo”
      anonymous – “The Commendatory”
      anonymous – “The Guardians”
      anonymous – “The Stone Statue”
      Gail Chugg – “A Poem of Granite for Lew”
      Stan Persky – “The Western Buildings”
      Robin Blaser – “The Faerie Queene”
      George Stanley – “The Crazy Bartender”
      John Allen Ryan – “Fresco IV”
      Jack Moore – [untitled] “I try at times…”
      Wm McNeill – “Unyielding Demands”
      Wm McNeill – “Kyoto: A Dream on the Banks of Two Rivers”
      Bill McNeil – “By Heian’s Gate”
      John Allen Ryan – “Convict Creek”
      John Allen Ryan – “Second Annie Poem”
      Heinrich von Kleist, trans. Jim Herndon – “On The Marionette Theatre”
      David Melville – “Dop Dop Dop”

M, No. 2, edited by Lew Ellingham
mags_m02San Francisco: M, 1962
First edition, side-stapled illustrated wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 48 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover illustration by Paul Alexander.

“This is the second issue, published on a summer holiday.”

  • Contents:
    1. Bill Roberts – “The Dwarf’s Handshake”
      Jim Alexander – [untitled] “Promytheus wd hav askd…”
      Larry Fagin – [untitled] “Though we come back…”
      Helen Adam – “Memory”
      Jack Flynn – “Jed”
      Ruben Dario, trans. John Allen Ryan – “Cleopompa and Heliodemus”
      Stan Persky – “The Astronomer”
      Larry Fagin – “For Bill”
      Ebbe Borregaard – “October Seventh Poem”
      Jim Alexander – “Melody of Triumverates”
      Bill Roberts – “The Tower and the Cross”
      John Allen Ryan – “The Gleaners”
      Tony Sherrod – [untitled] “Beneath one thigh…”
      Parker Hodges – “Irresistably, the Birds”
      Lewis Ellingham – “Poem for S.”
      Larry Fagin – [untitled] “No don’t dead hide my dying giving…”

White Rabbit Press

IMG_3062From 1957 to 1968, the White Rabbit Press published sixty-three books and ten broadsides. It was the primary publisher of the work of Jack Spicer, Robin Blaser, and Robert Duncan—the three central figures of the literary movement first known as the Berkeley Renaissance, and later as the San Francisco Renaissance. Founded by Joe Dunn in 1957 to print the poetry of the Jack Spicer Circle, the first ten books were printed surreptitiously on a multilith at the Greyhound Bus offices on 7th street in San Francisco. These early books were illustrated by Jess, Robert Duncan, and Kenn Davis.

After a four-year hiatus, the imprint was revived in 1962 by Graham Mackintosh with Spicer’s LAMENT FOR THE MAKERS, which was published in a small edition of less than 100 copies and illustrated by Mackintosh. The press, in this second series, continued to publish through the 1980s.

Section A:
Books and Chapbooks

jonas_loveFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, November 1957
Hand-sewn in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 12 pages, 200 numbered copies, multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Cover illustration by Jess Collins. (Johnston A1)

A2. Spicer, Jack. AFTER LORCA
spicer_lorcaa. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, November-December 1957
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 76 pages, 474 copies, multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Jack Spicer’s first book of poetry. Cover illustration by Jess Collins. Introduction by Federico Garcia Lorca. (Johnston A2)

b. First edition, lettered and signed copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, November-December 1957
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 76 pages, 26 copies lettered and signed with a drawing by the author, multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Jack Spicer’s first book of poetry. Cover illustration by Jess Collins. Introduction by Federico Garcia Lorca. (Johnston A2)

c. First edition, second issue:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, November-December 1957
Unbound with out wrappers issued in mailing envelope, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 76 pages, 20 copies, multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Jack Spicer’s first book of poetry. Cover illustration by Jess Collins. Introduction by Federico Garcia Lorca. (Johnston A2)

A3. Levertov, Denise. FIVE POEMS
levertov_fiveFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, January 1958
Hand-sewn and glued into illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 12 pages, (200 copies), multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Cover illustration by Jess Collins. (Johnston A3)

A4. Borregaard, Ebbe. THE WAPITIS
borregaard_wapitisFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, January 1958
Hand-sewn in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 12 pages, (200 copies), multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Ebbe Borregaard’s first book. Cover illustration by Robert Duncan. (Johnston A4)

A5. Stanley, George. THE LOVE ROOT
stanley_loveFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, January 1958
Hand-sewn in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 12 pages, (200 copies), multilith printed by Joe Dunn. George Stanley’s first book. Cover illustration by Robert Duncan. (Johnston A5)

A6. Duncan, Robert. FAUST FOUTU ACT 1
duncan_faustFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, March 1958
Hand-sewn in printed wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 20 pages, 300 copies, multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Illustrated by Robert Duncan. (Johnston A6, Bertholf A7b)

Note: This is part one of four parts of the dramatic reading originally presented at King Ubu Gallery.

A7. Dull, Harold. THE BIRD POEMS
dull_birdFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, May 1958
Hand-sewn in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 16 pages, 200 copies, multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Harold Dull’s first book. Cover illustration by Nugent. (Johnston A7)

A8. Brautigan, Richard. THE GALILEE HITCH-HIKER
brautigan_galileeFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, May 1958
Hand-sewn in printed and illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 6 pages, 200 copies, multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Cover illustration by Kenn Davis.
(Johnston A8)

adam_queenFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1958
Hand-sewn in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 20 pages, (200 copies), multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Cover illustration by Jess Collins. (Johnston A9)

A10. Olson, Charles. O’RYAN 2 4 6 8 10
olson_oryanFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, September 1958
Hand-sewn in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 16 pages, 300 copies, multilith printed by Joe Dunn. Cover illustration by Jess Collins. (Johnston A10)

spicer_lamentFirst edition:
Oakland: White Rabbit Press, 1962
Hand-sewn and glued into illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 16 pages, 125 copies planned (“probably less than 100 completed”), lithograph printed by Graham Mackintosh. Cover illustration by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A11)

According to Johnston, “Back of title page has a fictitious acknowledgments list (by Graham Mackintosh) taken from Robert Duncan’s The Opening of the Field.”

A12. Andrews, Jr., Lyman. FUGUTIVE VISIONS
andrews_fugitiveFirst edition:
Oakland: White Rabbit Press, 1962
Hand-sewn in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 24 pages, lithograph printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrations by Graham Mackintosh.
(Johnston A12)

dull_woodFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.25″, 12 pages, lithograph printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrations by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A13)

primack_lateFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1963
Side-stapled sheets glued into printed and illustrated wrappers, 6″ x 9″, 32 pages, letterpress and offset printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrated by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A14)

stanley_teteFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1963
Unbound sheets laid into illustrated wrappers, 6″ x 8.25″, 54 pages, lithograph printed by Graham Mackintosh. Cover design by Bill Brodecky, Illustrated by Paul Alexander.
(Johnston A15)

A16. Kearney, Lawrence. FIFTEEN POEMS
First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1964
Saddle-stapled and glued into printed wrappers, 5.75″ x 9″, 20 pages, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Kearney’s first book. (Johnston A16)

A17. Thorman, Janet. THE TAROT SUITE
thorman_tarotFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1964
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 24 pages, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A17)

Note: According to Johnston this books was offered for free as a supplement to OPEN SPACE magazine.

A18. Spicer, Jack and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. DEAR FERLINGHETTI
spicer_ferlingFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1964
Single 8.5″ x 14″ sheet folded once, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A18)

Note: According to Johnston this work arose out of a dispute between Spicer and Ferlinghetti’s City Lights Book Shop.

A19. Spicer, Jack. THE HOLY GRAIL
spicer_holya. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1964
Saddle-stapled and glued into illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 8.5″, 80 pages, lithograph printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrated by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A19)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1964
Hardcover, 6.25″ x 8.5″, 80 pages, 13 copies signed (4 were reportedly destroyed during signing), lithograph printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrated by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A19)

A20. Duncan, Robert. AS TESTIMONY
duncan_testimonya. First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1964
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 6″ x 9.25″, 24 pages, 350 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A20, Bertholf A12a)

a. Second edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1965
Second edition, saddle-stapled printed wrappers, 6″ x 9″, 24 pages, letterpress and offset. (Johnston A31, Bertholf A12b)

A21. Blaser, Robin. THE MOTH POEM
a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Open Space, December 1964
Side-stapled and glued into printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.25″, 32 pages, 288 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A21)

b. First edition, hand-colored copies:
San Francisco: Open Space, December 1964
Side-stapled and glued into printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.25″, 32 pages, 12 copies with hand-colored end papers by the author, letterpress by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A21)

c. Second edition:
San Francisco: Open Space, December 1964
Side-stapled and glued into printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.25″, 32 pages, 288 copies, offset printed in letterpress wrappers by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A23)

A22. Dull, Harold. THE DOOR
First edition:
San Francisco: Open Space, 1964
Side-stapled and glued into collaged wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 58 pages, lithograph printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A22)

A23. Duerden, Richard. THE FORK
duerden_forkFirst edition:
San Francisco: Open Space, 1964
Saddle-stapled sheets glued into printed french-fold wrappers, 6.75″ x 8.5″, 92 pages, 500 copies, errata sheet tipped in, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A24)

A24. Alexander, James. ETERNATURE
alexander_eturnatureFirst edition:
San Francisco: Oannes-Open Space, April 1965
Side-stapled sheets glued into printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers, 7.25″ x 10.25″, 104 pages, 250 copies, lithograph printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrated by Paul Alexander. (Johnston A25)

A25. Olson, Charles. O’RYAN 1-10
olson_oryan02a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, September 1965
Saddle stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 8.75″, 16 pages, 1000 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrated by Jess Collins. (Johnston A26)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, September 1965
Hardcover, 6.25″ x 8.75″, 16 pages, 26 lettered copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrated by Jess Collins (Johnston A26)

A26. Blaser, Robin. LES CHIMERES
a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Open Space, September 1965
Saddle-stapled in printed dust jacket, 5.5″ x 8.25″, 32 pages, 500 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A27)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
San Francisco: Open Space, September 1965
Hardcover in printed dust jacket, 5.5″ x 8.25″, 32 pages, 26 lettered copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A27)

A27. Stanley, George. FLOWERS
stanley_flowersa. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1965
Saddle-stapled printed wrappers, 5.75″ x 8.75″, 32 pages, 500 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A28)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1965
Hardcover, 5.75″ x 8.75″, 32 pages, 26 lettered and signed copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A28)

a. First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1965
This title, after review by the author, was never issued.
(Johnston A29)

A29. Spicer, Jack. LANGUAGE
spicer_languagea. First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, June 1965
Perfect-bound illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 10″, 72 pages, 950 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A30)

b. First edition, second printing:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1970
Perfect-bound illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 10″, 72 pages, 950 copies, offset printed from the first edition. Text added to the colophon: “Second printing 1970”. (Johnston A54)

a. First edition, first printing:
San Francisco: Open Space, December 1965
Side-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.75″ x 9.25″, 28 pages, 500 copies, lithograph printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrated by Robert Duncan. (Johnston A32, Bertholf A17a)

a. First edition, second printing:
San Francisco: Open Space, January 1967
Side-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.75″ x 9″, 28 pages, 500 copies, lithograph printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrated by Robert Duncan. This second printing has no colophon and the title page’s artwork is slightly altered. (Johnston A32, Bertholf A17b)

spicer_magazinea. First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, March 1966
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 7.75″, 56 pages, 1500 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Prepared for publication from the original manuscript by Stan Persky. Illustrated by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A33)

Note: According to Johnston, “The cover is a parody of the cover of Poetry(Chicago). The poems are arranged in groups intended for various little magazines and newspapers, each section printed on a stock appropriate to that publication, so that for example, the poems for Tish are on blue mimeo paper, those for the St. Louis Sporting News on newsprint.”

b. First edition, second printing:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1970
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 7.75″, 56 pages, 1500 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Prepared for publication from the original manuscript by Stan Persky. Illustrated by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A33)

A32. Ryan, John Allen. RUT
First edition:
(San Francisco): Graham Mackintosh, January 1966
Saddle-stapled in printed and blind-stamped wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″,  24 pages, 500 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrated by Knute Stiles. (Johnston A34)

A33. Alexander, James. THE JACK RABBIT POEM
alexander_jacka. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit-Open Space, March 1966
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 9″, 20 pages, 724 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A35)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit-Open Space, March 1966
Hardcover, 5.5″ x 9″, 20 pages, 26 lettered and signed copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A35)

First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1966
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5″ x 7.25″, 16 pages, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Dedication: “for / Jack Spicer”. (Johnston A36)

A35. Stowers, J. Anthony. THE ALIENS
First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1967
Saddle-stapled in printed and photo-illustrated wrappers, 5″ x 7.25″, 32 pages, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A37)

A36. Miles, Josephine. SAVING THE BAY
First edition:
San Francisco: Open Space, 1967
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated French-fold wrappers, 7″ x 10″, 12 pages, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A38)

A37. Dull, Harold. THE STAR YEAR
dull_starFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, October 1967
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 6″ x 9″, 48 pages, 500 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Cover illustration by Fran Herndon. (Johnston A39)

First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1967
Comb-bound in illustrated wrappers, 9.25″ x 12″, 52 pages, 500 copies, lithograph printed by Graham Mackintosh from author’s manuscript. Illustrated by Jess Collins. (Johnston A40)

dunn_betterFirst edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, April 1968
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 6.75″ x 9.25″, 32 pages, 1000 copies. Illustrated with paste-ups by Jess Collins. (Johnston A41)

A40. Stanley, George. BEYOND LOVE
First edition:
San Francisco: Open Space .·. Dariel Press, 1968
Saddle-stapled printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.75″ x 8.5″, 36 pages, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Dedication: “for Harold Dull”. (Johnston A42)

A41. Brautigan, Richard. PLEASE PLANT THIS BOOK
First edition:
San Francisco: Graham Mackintosh, 1968
Folder containing 8 printed seed packets, folder measures 6.25″ x 7″, 6000 copies, letterpress and offset printed by Graham Mackintosh. Photographs by Bill Brach. (Johnston A43)

First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1968
Printed envelope containing 3 printed sheets, sheets measure 8.5″ x 11″, lithograph printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A44)

First edition:
San Francisco: Graham Mackintosh, 1968
Folio sheet folded in quarters with 8-page booklet stapled inside, 6.5″ x 10″. Includes interview with Mackintosh by Robert Hawley (Oyez), the 8-page booklet lists books designed and printed by Mackintosh including titles from White Rabbit, Oyez, and Black Sparrow.  Printed at Dick’s Quick Print Press. (Johnston A45)

A44. Chapson, James. JIM’S BOOK
a. First edition:
White Rabbit Press, 1969
(Johnston A46)

b. Second edition:
Nine Beasts Press, 1969
(Johnston A47)

A45. Spicer, Jack. A BOOK OF MUSIC
a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit, 1969
Saddle-stapled illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 9.25″, 20 pages, 1800 copies designed and printed by Ron and Graham Mackintosh from a typescript made available by Peter Howard. The cover was one decided upon by the author. Illustrated by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A48)

b. First edition, variant copies:
Variant copies include additional printed text on the front leaf: “150 copies printed Christmas, 1969 / for friends of White Rabbit, Oyez, / and the author”. (Johnston A48a)

a. First edition, regular copies:
White Rabbit Press, December 1969
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 9″, 24 pages, 474 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A49)

b. First edition, signed copies:
White Rabbit Press, December 1969
Saddle-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 9″, 24 pages, 26 lettered and signed copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A49)

A47. Dusenbery, Walter. THE STORY OF THE BED
First edition:
Natoma Society, 1970
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 6″ x 6″, 32 pages, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A50)

A48. Ryan, John Allen. UNION ONION
First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1970
(Johnston A51)

A49. Siverley, Bill. DREAMS OF ORPHEUS
First edition:
White Rabbit Press, March 1970
(Johnston A52)

A50. Garcia, Luis. THE MECHANIC
First edition:
White Rabbit Press, 1970
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 6″ x 8.5″, 88 pages, 500 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrated by Walter Dusenberry. (Johnston A53)

A51. Felson, Larry. BODY SONG
a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: Elephant Press, April 1970
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.75″ x 8.5″, 16 pages, 187 copies, letterpress printed by Ronald Mackintosh. (Johnston A55)

b. First edition, signed copies:
San Francisco: Elephant Press, April 1970
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.75″ x 8.5″, 16 pages, 13 signed and lettered copies, letterpress printed by Ronald Mackintosh. (Johnston A55)

Elephant Press was a “subsidiary” of White Rabbit Press.

A52. Scola, Eileen. TO MARY MAGDALENE
First edition:
San Francisco: Elephant Press, 1970
(Johnston A56)

A53. Dorbin, Sandy. THE RUBY WOODS
a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1971
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 5.75″ x 9″, 36 pages, 454 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrated by Chuck Miller. (Johnston A57)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1971
Hardcover, 5.75″ x 9″, 36 pages, 26 numbered and signed copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. Illustrated by Chuck Miller. (Johnston A57)

a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1971
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 6″ x 8.25″, 24 pages, 450 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A58)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1971
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 6″ x 8.25″, 24 pages, 50 copies, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A58)

A55. Kearney, Lawrence. DEAD POEM
First edition;
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1971
(Johnston A59)

First edition:
San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, 1972
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 10″, 16 pages, letterpress printed by Graham Mackintosh. (Johnston A60)

First edition:
Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1975
(Johnston A61)

A58. Farquhar, David. THE BIRTH OF ISRAEL
First edition:
White Rabbit Press, 1976
(Johnston A62)

A59. Spicer, Jack. COLLECTED POEMS, 1945-46
First edition:
Berkeley: Oyez/White Rabbit Press, 1981
Saddle-stapled printed wrappers, 7″ x 9″, 32 pages, lithographed from the author’s typescript. (Johnston A63)

References consulted:

Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1986

Berkeley: Poltroon Press in association with Anacapa Books, 1985