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Charles Bukowski: Broadsides

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This index includes broadsides featuring poems and stories from  the 1940’s to the late 1960’s: from Bukowski’s first appearance to roughly the time that his work started being published in collected volumes by John Martin’s Black Sparrow Press; the period of time covered by Sanford Dorbin’s Bibliography.

1. Bukowski, Charles. 20 TANKS FROM KASSELDOWN
First edition:
Washington D.C.: Black Sun Press, Spring 1946
Broadside, 12″ x 16″,  (c. 1000 copies). Published as part of PORTFOLIO AN IN­TERNATIONAL REVIEW, No. 3, edited by Caresse Crosby.
(Dorbin D2, Krumhansl 1)

2. Bukowski, Charles. HIS WIFE, THE PAINTER
buk_hiswifeFirst edition:
Eureka: Hearse Press, June 1960
Broadside, 5″ x 11″, (c. 201 copies), letterpress printed. Published as Hearse Broadside No. 1.
(Dorbin B1 and C248, Krumhansl 2 and 14a)

Note: according to Dorbin [see Dorbin B1], there were variant examples on paper without the blindstamp (Strathmore Artist) of this and three other Bukowski broadsides later assembled as part of Coffin, No.1. He believed that all could have been printed on scrap stock.

Note: according to Krumhansl, “201 copies were published 16 June 1960, 50 of which were distributed to various poets and friends of E.V. Griffith, publisher of Hearse Press. 150 copies were included in Coffin 1 and the remaining copy was used for the offset paste-up of Flower, Fist and Bestial Wail.”

3. Bukowski, Charles. THE PRIEST AND THE MATADOR *
buk_priestFirst edition:
n.p.: privately printed, 1962
Broadside, 8.5″ x 11″, offset printed.
(Dorbin B4, Krumhansl 10)

Note: according to Krumhansl, “Published sometime in 1962. Bukowski believed that this item was produced by students at Northwestern or Purdue. Dorbin could not verify this information but ascertained that it was picked up by some mid-western area students after the publication of Run with the Hunted in 1962.”

First edition:
Storrs: Wormwood Review, 1963
Broadside, 8.5″ x 11″, offset printed.
(not in Dorbin, Krumhansl 11)

Note: an offprint of pages 2 and 3 from The Wormwood Review, Vol. 4, No. 3, Issue 11, edited by Marvin Malone (Storrs: The Wormwood Review, November 1963).

Note: according to Krumhansl, “500 copies, of which 29 were signed and numbered, were issued gratis sometime in 1963”.

5. Bukowski, Charles. THE PAPER ON THE FLOOR
First edition:
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1964
Folded broadside, 7″ x 11″ sheet folded once to make four pages, (151 copies), letterpress printed. Published as part of Coffin, No. 1, edited by E.V. Griffith.
(Dorbin C250, Krumhansl 14b)

Note: according to Krumhansl, “151 copies were published in 1964, 150 of which were laid into the portfolio [Coffin, No. 1] and one used in the offset paste-up of Flower, Fist and Bestial Wail“.

6. Bukowski, Charles. THE OLD MAN ON THE CORNER
First edition:
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1964
Broadside, 4″ x 11″, (150 copies), letterpress printed. Published as part of Coffin, No. 1, edited by E.V. Griffith.
(Dorbin C249, Krumhansl 14c)

7. Bukowski, Charles. WASTE BASKET 
First edition:
Eureka: Hearse Press, 1964
Broadside, 5″ x 6″, (150 copies), letterpress printed. Published as part of Coffin, No. 1, edited by E.V. Griffith.
(Dorbin C251, Krumhansl 14d)

8. Bukowski, Charles. TRUE STORY *
buk_truestory_xFirst edition:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1966
Broadside, 10″ x 14.5″, 30 copies, letterpress printed by Philip Klein.
(Dorbin B6, Krumhansl 18)

Note: according to Krumhansl, “30 signed copies were published April 1966: 27 copies numbered 1-27 plus 3 copies lettered A-C. Designed and printed by Philip Klein.”

9. Bukowski, Charles. ON GOING OUT TO GET THE MAIL *
First edition:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1966
Broadside, 10″ x 14.5″, 30 copies, letterpress printed by Philip Klein.
(Dorbin B7, Krumhansl 19)

Note: according to Krumhansl: “30 signed copies were published May 1966: 27 copies numbered 1-27 plus 3 copies lettered A-C. Designed and printed by Philip Klein.”

10. Bukowski, Charles. TO KISS THE WORMS GOODNIGHT *
buk_tokiss_xFirst edition:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1966
Broadside, 10″ x 14.5″, 30 copies, letterpress printed by Philip Klein.
(Dorbin B8, Krumhansl 20)

Note: according to Krumhansl: “30 signed copies were published June 1966: 27 copies numbered 1-27 plus 3 copies lettered A-C. Designed and printed by Philip Klein.”

11. Bukowski, Charles. THE GIRLS / FOR THE MERCY MONGERS *
buk_thegirls_xFirst edition:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1966
Broadside, 10″ x 14.5″, 30 copies, letterpress printed by Philip Klein.
(Dorbin B9, Krumhansl 22)

Note: according to Krumhansl: “30 signed copies were published July 1966: 27 copies numbered 1-27 plus 3 copies lettered A-C. Designed and printed by Philip Klein.”

12. Bukowski, Charles. THE FLOWER LOVER / I MET A GENIUS *
buk_flowerloverFirst edition:
Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1966
Broadside, 10″ x 14.5″, 30 copies, letterpress printed by Philip Klein.
(Dorbin B6, Krumhansl 24)

Note: according to Krumhansl: “30 signed copies were published October 1966: 27 copies numbered 1-27 plus 3 copies lettered A-C. Designed and printed by Philip Klein.”

First edition:
San Francisco: Nevada/Tattoo Press, 1969
Broadside, 8.5″ x 11″, offset printed. Published as part of  Peace Amongst the Ants
(Krumhansl 33)

[* not in archive]