Tag Archives: Ganglia

d.a. levy: Contributions to Periodicals

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Section C:
This index includes contributions to periodicals
(Note: sequence within years is alphabetical by title)


1. THE FREE LANCE, Vol. 7, No. 2, edited by Casper LeRoy Jordan
mags_freelancev7n2Cleveland: The Free Lance, 1963

levy contribution: “And Sappho’s Kiss”, [untitled] “They brought the dawn down…”, [untitled] “This strange little bird…”

Note: cover art by d.a. levy


2. THE AMERICAN WEAVE, Vol. 28, No. 1, edited by Loring and Alice Crane Williams
Cleveland: American Weave Press, Spring and Summer 1964

levy contribution: “Centiparty”, “A Square Lady”

3. DIAMOND SANGHA, Vol. 4, No. 5 *
Honolulu: Koka An, September 1964

levy contribution: [untitled] “The sun crashes through…”, [untitled] “Hundreds of sparrows…”, [untitled] “I walked to the end…”

4. THE FREE LANCE, Vol. 8, No. 1, edited by Casper LeRoy Jordan
mags_freelancev8n1Cleveland: The Free Lance, 1964

levy contribution: [untitled] “Sun bleached desert skin…”

Note: cover art by d.a. levy

5. THE FREE LANCE, Vol. 8, No. 2, edited by Casper LeRoy Jordan
mags_freelancev8n2Cleveland: The Free Lance, 1964

levy contribution: “Ode to a Non-Union Truckdriver passing through Northeastern Ohio”

Note: cover art by d.a. levy

6. INPUT, Vol. 1, No. 4, edited by Peter Salmansohn and Frank Roth*
mags_inputv1n4New York: Input, December 1964

levy contribution: “How to be a Poet and Influence People”

7. KAURI, No. 4, edited by Will Inman
New York: Kauri, August-September 1964

levy contribution: “Freedom”

8. KAURI, No. 5, edited by Will Inman
New York: Kauri, November-December 1964

levy contribution: “Surrealist Scene”

9. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 4, No. 3, Issue 15, edited by Marvin Malone
Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1964

levy contribution: “Aleatoric Poem for the New Dominant”, “No Gamekeeper Shot a Luminous Owl”


10. 15¢, No. 1, edited by Susan and John Cornillon *
Cleveland: n.p., n.d. [1965]

levy contribution: “The Suburban Prophets (for R.D.)”

11. BLITZ, No. 2, edited by Bobby Watson and Mel Buffington
La Grande: Blitz/Mad Virgin, 1965

levy contribution: “I Tell Myself a Story because I am Bored – Part 2 (from The Journal of Ugly Sundown)”

12. BORDER, Vol. 1, No. 3, edited by Wayne Philpott
Fort Smith: Border Press, July 1965

levy contribution: “Flamenca”

13. COERCION, No. 4, edited by Clarence Major
mags_coercionOmaha: Winter 1965

levy contribution: “Vaginal Visionaries”

Note: includes Clarence Major essay on the renegade press, “Another One of the Biggest Little Prospects”

14. EL CORNO EMPLUMADO, No. 15, edited by Sergio Mondragón and Margaret Randall
Mexico City: El Corno Emplumado, July 1965

levy contribution: “Van Gogh”

Note: includes one levy illustration

15. EARTH, No. 1, edited by Steve Richmond
mags_earth1Santa Monica: Earth Books & Gallery, 1965

levy contribution: “‘Dith”

16. THE FENN LITERARY OMNIBUS, Vol. 3, edited by Keith M. Davie*
mags_fennliteraryCleveland: Fenn College Writers’ Club, 1965

levy contribution: “Lady A”, “Necropolis”

Note: cover art by d.a. levy

17. THE FREE LANCE, Vol. 9, No. 1, edited by Casper LeRoy Jordan
Cleveland: The Free Lance, 1965

levy contribution: “Cleveland Undercovers #7”

Note: cover art by d.a. levy

18. THE FREE LANCE, Vol. 9, No. 2, edited by Casper LeRoy Jordan
Cleveland: The Free Lance, 1965

levy contribution: cover art by d.a. levy

19. GOOSEBERRY, No. 2, edited by John Cornillon and Susan Koppelman Cornillon
mags_gooseberry2Cleveland: Gooseberry Publications, n.d. [c.1965]

levy contribution: “from The Destroyed Journal”

20. HEAD SECOND, edited by Erik Kiviat
mags_headsecondStaatsburg: Head, n.p. [c.1965]

levy contribution: cover and illustrations by d.a. levy

21. INPUT, Vol. 2, No. 1, Issue 5, edited by Peter Salmansohn and Frank Roth
mags_input5New York: Input, Spring 1965

levy contribution: “Cock Suck Poem”

22. KAURI, No. 7, edited by Will Inman
New York: Kauri, March-April 1965

levy contribution: “Poem for the Day I Decided I Would Rather be d.a. levy than a Great Poet”

23. MAGAZINE, No. 2, edited by Kirby Congdon
New York: Crank Books, 1965

levy contribution: “The Wandering White”

Note: includes a history and manifesto of the renegade press by d.a. levy.

24. OLE, No. 2, edited by Douglas Blazek
Bensenville: Open Skull Press, 1965

levy contribution: “Bourgeoisie Chant”

25. REGION, No. 4, edited by David Morton *
mags_region4Minneapolis: Region Magazine, 1965

levy contribution: “Tantric Frontiers”, “Dark Moon”

26. TRACE, Vol. 6, No. 6, edited by James Boyer May
mags_tracev6n6London: Villiers Publications, May 1965

levy contribution: “Fleuf Fiejd”, “Metropolis Complex Areolex”, “Rain is a Wild Horse” 

Tampa: Poetry Review, 1965

levy contribution: “Sunpoem”, “Bukowski Drinks a Lot”


28. BLEW OINTMENT, Vol. 4, No. 1, edited by Bill Bissett *
Vancouver: blewointment press, 1966

levy contribution: “Visualized Prayer to the American God #2”, “Visualized Prayer to the American God #4”

29. DO-IT!, No. 1, edited by Matt Shulman
Omaha: Do-It, 1966

levy contribution: “The Suburban Prophets”, “Light on, The Old Test (for Charles Olson)”,  “The Ballad of No Berets”

Note: cover art by d.a. levy

30. DO-IT!, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Matt Shulman
Omaha: Do-It, August 15, 1966

levy contribution: “A Mantra to Protect One from the Viet Cong (North and South)”, “A Non of Viet Nam Gothic for the Alamo”

31. DUST, No. 8, edited by Len Fulton
El Cerrito: Dust Books, Spring-Summer 1966

levy contribution: “Cleveland Undercovers #10”

mags_eightpagers1p1New York: press : today : niagara, 1966

levy contribution: “segment from A Destroyed Journal”, “from The North American Book of the Dead”, [untitled] “I always thought people…”

33. GANGLIA, No. 3, edited by David Aylward and BP Nichol *
mags_ganglia3Toronto: Ganglia Press, January 1966

levy contribution: “To Jim Lowells Goldfish”, No-Rooms (for Carol Bergé)”,  “Haiku & Senryu”

34. GRIST, No. 8, edited by John E. Fowler and George Kimball
mags_grist8Lawrence: Abington Book Shop, 1966

levy contribution: “Himeros”, “For a Rainy Day”

35. GRIST, No. 9, edited by John E. Fowler and George Kimball
Lawrence: Abington Book Shop, 1966

levy contribution: [untitled] “I am moving…”

36. HIKA, Vol. 28, No. 3, edited by Michael K. Berryhill and Michael Kirchberger
mags_hikav28n3Gambier: Kenyon College, Spring-Summer 1966

levy contribution: “If You Break an Iron Angels Wings”

37. INTREPID, No. 6, edited by Allen De Loach
New York: Intrepid Press, 1966

levy contribution: “Yes, Me Too”

LABRIS, No. 4-5, edited by Max Kazan, et al
mags_labris45Lier: Labris, July 1966

levy contribution: “Bourgeoisie Chant”

38. MAINLY, No. 3, edited by Lyndon Puw and Chrissie Smith
Brecon, Wales: Mainly, May 1966

levy contribution: [untitled] “She smiles quietly…”

39. MAINLY, No. 4 *
Brecon, Wales: Mainly, September 1966

levy contribution: “A Line for the Hawk Faced God who Carried the Sun at Dawn”, “Sappho”

40. MOONSTONES, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by D.r. Wagner *
Niagara Falls: press:today:niagara, 1966

levy contribution: “Iron Cross of the Sun”

Note: back cover art by d.a. levy

41. POETRY NEWSLETTER, No. 9/10, edited by Wally Depew, Mike Perkins, and Linda Bandt 
mags_poetrynews910Sacramento: Poetry Newsletter, 1966

levy contribution: “American Opinion”, “Cleveland on the Picket Line…” [letter]

42. POETRY NEWSLETTER, No. 11, edited by Wally Depew and Linda Bandt
mags_poetrynews11Scranton: Poetry Newsletter, 1966

levy contribution: “Revision #5”, “R.E. Vision #8 for W.E. Wyatt”

43. SPANISH FLEYE, No. 1, edited by David W. Harris
Toronto: Spanish Fleye, 1966

levy contribution: “Beret”, “Visualized Prayer to the American God”, “Hymn & Invocation for the American God”

44. SPERO, Vol. 1, Issue 2, edited by Douglas and Kathy Casement
Chicago: Spero, 1966

levy contribution: “New Ethnic Poem for the Beat Generation in Cleveland”

45. SUM, No. 2, edited by Carl Woideck
Lakewood: Sum, 1966

levy contribution: “They Have Stolen my Dream Time”

46. TLALOC, No. 13, edited by Cavan McCarthy
mags_tlaloc13Leeds: Tlaloc, 1966

levy contribution: “Chalchihuitlicue No.13 (Rain Poem Concrete)”, “Chalchihuitlicue No.14 (Light Rain Poem Concrete)”, “The Para-Concrete Manifesto”

47. VINCENT, No. 1, edited by Frank Murphy
New York: Vincent, 1966

levy contribution: “The Ice Breaker”


48. ASSASSINATORS BROADSHEET, No. 1, edited by Chris Torrance and Bill Wyatt *
Surrey: n.p., March 1967

levy contribution: “Sitting on a Bench Near T Square (for David Meltzer)”, “Poem for our Lady of Songs & Dimensions”, “The Suburban Prophets”

Note: flyer laid-in titled: “Project Bring Cleveland into the 20th Century” describing levy’s indictment written by rjs and appears to be an order form for UCANHAVYRFUKINCITIBAK

49. BLACK MASK, No. 8, edited by Ben Morea and Ron Hahne
New York: Black Mask, October – November 1967

levy contribution: [untitled] “… you see d.r. they are murdering the children we didnt have time to become…”

50. BLEWOINTMENT PRESS, Vol. 5, No. 1 *
Vancouver: blewointment press, January 1967

levy contribution: “Scarab #2”, “2/8/66 from The Book”, “Letter to Lady Bergé”, “The Para-Concrete Manifesto”, “Visualized Prayer to the American God #1”, “Visualized Prayer to the American God #2”, “Visualized Prayer to the American God #3”, “Visualized Prayer to the American God #4”, “Bourgeoisie Chant”

51. CONGRESS, No. 1, edited by Sam Seiffer *
Bronx: Congress, 1967

levy contribution: “Praps (1)”

Note: essay by Sam Seiffer titled, “The First Freedom” discusses the arrest and indictment of Jim Lowell and d.a. levy in Cleveland in 1966-7.

52. CONGRESS, No. 2, edited by Sam Seiffer *
Bronx: Congress, 1967

levy contribution: “Praps 1 (Three)”, “Censorship”, “Levy by Levy”

53. CONGRESS, No. 3, edited by Sam Seiffer
New York: Congress, 1967

levy contribution: “from The Tantric Strobe”, “from Kibbutz in the Sky Book 3”, “Spontaneous Contact in the Mind: Cancelled”

Note: d.a. levy is listed as the Cleveland editor, cover photo of the Be-In at the lagoon in front of the Cleveland Art Museum by Martin Szutter.

54. DIAMOND SANGHA, Vol. 7, Nos. 2 & 3 *
mags_diamondsv7n23Honolulu: Koka An, March – June 1967

levy contribution: [untitled] “On the second trail…” (excerpt from The North American Book of the Dead, Part IV, 1966)

55. ENTRAILS, Vol. 3, edited by Gene Bloom and Mike Berardi
mags_entrails3New York: Whispershit Press, February-March 1967

levy contribution: “R.E. Vision #10”, “Underground Advertisement #3”

56. EUPHORIA (FORMERLY TARGET), No. 5, edited by Paul J. Green 
mags_euphoria5Peterborough: Euphoria, n.d. [c. 1967]

levy contribution: “Prosecutor, as Hired Gunslinger”, “P’er Aps 6 (We Wait for You Return)”

57. FAT FROG, No. 1, edited by Sharon Asselin
mags_fatfrogSan Francisco: Steven Andrews Press, n.d. [c.1967]

levy contribution: “Notes/Variations on a Short Poem”

Note: page of ‘Defense Funds’ lists levy as a spokesman for ‘The Blood-and-Guts-Revolution-no-Nonsense-Poetry’

58. THE FLASH OF PASADENA, No. 5, edited by David Laidig
mags_flash5Pasadena: David Laidig Publishing, 1967

levy contribution: “What Can I Say?”, “Visualized Prayer for the American God #6”

59. FREE LOVE PERIODICALLY, No. 1, edited by RJS
Cleveland: Free Love Press, n.d. [c.1967]

levy contribution: “We are all Putting Out / But No-one is Receiving”, “Poem for Lama Ginsberg”

60. FREE LOVE PERIODICALLY, No. 2, guest-edited by Tom Kryss
Cleveland: Free Love Press, June 1967

levy contribution: “There Seems to be Some Discrepancy or Why is RJS in Jail?”, “What Can I Say?”, “Psychedelic Information Center”, “Visualized Prayer for the American God #5”

Note: cover by Dagmar [cover drawing was also used on the rear cover of Tom Kryss’ 13 Tricks To Set Free The Wind (Ghost Press, Cleveland, 1966)]

61. GRONK, No. 3, edited by David W. Harris, et al
mags_gronk3Toronto: Fleye Press, March 1967

levy contribution: “Unmailed Letters to Ed Pederson and (the Mysterious) Annburgers”

62. HOW-TLALOC, edited by Cavan McCarthy
mags_howtlalocLeeds: Location Press, n.d. [c.1967]

levy contribution: “Chalchihuitlicue (for Carol Berge’.. 1965 & 1966)”

63. THE LAST TIMES, edited by Charles Plymell, Claude Pélieu, et al*
San Francisco: 1967

levy contribution: “Introduction”

64. MATRIX, No. 2, edited by Tony Dash and Brian Wake *
mags_matrix2Bootle: Matrix, November 1967

levy contribution: “The Great Surrealist Dream Happening of the Asphodel & Other Ecstasies that were Still / Born in Cleveland (for Ptah Lowell)”, “Turner”

65. MOONSTONES, No. 3, edited by D.r. Wagner
Sacramento: Runcible Spoon, 1967

levy contribution: “Insulin Shock Letter”

66. OLE, No. 7, edited by Douglas Blazek
mags_ole7Bensenville: Open Skull Press, 1967

levy contribution: “Kaprow!”

67. ONSLAUGHT ’67, No. 1 *
Pepper Pike: Onslaught, April 1967

levy contribution: “The Bells of the Cherokee Ponies”

68. POLEMIC, Vol. 11, No. 2, edited by Walter E. Wadas 
Cleveland: Western Reserve University, Spring 1967

levy contribution: “Road Road Go Away”

69. SUM, No. 3, edited by Carl Woideck
mags_sum3Sacramento: SUM, n.d. [c.1967]

levy contribution: [untitled] “The sunlight shining thru…” 

70. TARGET, No. 3, edited by Paul J. Green *
mags_target3Peterborough: Target, 1967

levy contribution: “Love Poem of a Lion”, “Mar 2 & 3”

71. THE WILLIE, No. 1, edited by William Hageman *
mags_willie1San Francisco: Manic Press, Summer 1967

levy contribution: “Cleveland Uber Alles”, “The Bells of the Cherokee Ponies”

Note: this version of “Cleveland Uber Alles” is different than the one that appears in Kibbutz in The Sky #1.

72. WINE BUTTON, edited by Dave Fraser, Robert Serling, Dick Sweeney
mags_winebuttonHighland Park: Wine Button, n.d. [c.1967]

levy contribution: “The Bells of the Cherokee Ponies”


73. ASYLUM, No. 4, edited by Tony Dash and Brian Wake
mags_asylum4Bootle: Asylum Publications, March 1968

levy contribution: “Praps i/7 (for j.s.)”

74. ASYLUM, No. 6, edited by Tony Dash
mags_asylum6Bootle: Asylum Publications, October 1968

levy contribution: “A Fragment from the Destroyed Journal…”, “To Jim Lowell’s Goldfish”

Note: includes special supplement:  Eleven Cleveland Poets section with an introduction by George Dowden including Dominique, Alex Gildzen, T.L. Kryss, d.a. levy, John Pitts, rjs, John Rose, Jeanne Sonville, Steve Slavik, Tammy, Kent Taylor.

75. AVALANCHE, No. 4, edited by Richard Krech
mags_avalanche4Berkeley: Undermine Press, 1968

levy contribution: “Additions to The North American Book of the Dead”

76. THE FREE LANCE, Vol. 12, Nos. 1 & 2, edited by Casper LeRoy Jordan and Russell Atkins
mags_freelance12Cleveland: Free Lance, 1968

levy contribution: “Ode to a Non-Union Truckdriver Passing through Northeastern Ohio”, “World War III”, [untitled] “Sun bleached desert skin…”

77. INTRANSIT, edited by Gerard Malanga and Andy Warhol
mags_intransitEugene: Toad Press, 1968

levy contribution: “Rebirth Blues”

78. THE MARIJUANA REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Michael Aldrich & Ed Sanders
mags_marijreview1Buffalo: Lemar International, October-December 1968

Note: although there is no content attributed to d.a. levy, he is listed as the Cleveland Correspondent.

79. MOONSTONES, No. 4, edited by D.r. Wagner and Barbara O’Connelly *
mags_moonstones4Sacramento: Runcible Spoon, 1968

levy contribution: untitled illustration by d.a. levy

80. MOTHER, No. 11, edited by Ronald Caplan
mags_mother11Pittsburgh: Mother Press, n.d. [c.1968]

levy contribution: [untitled] “its the way she died…”.

81. NOLA EXPRESS, No. 14
New Orleans: NOLA Express, n.d. [c.1968]

levy contribution: cover collage by d.a. levy.

82. ORPHEUS, Vol. 2 No. 2, edited by Charlie Adrian, et al *
mags_orpheusv2n2Phoenix: Orpheus, n.d. [c.1968]

levy contribution: “Mar 1”

83. RADICAL AMERICA, Vol. 2, No. 5, edited by Paul Buhle
mags_radamv2n5Madison: Students for a Democratic Society, September – October 1968

levy contribution: “Visualized Prayer to the American God #2”

84. RADICAL AMERICA, Vol. 2, No. 6, edited by Paul Buhle
mags_radamv2n6Madison: Students for a Democratic Society, November – December 1968

levy contribution: “Sitting on a Bench Near T Square”, “Suburban Monastery Death Poem, Part Six”, “R.E. Vision #2”

85. RENAISSANCE, OPEN CITY SECTION TWO, edited by Charles Bukowski 
n.p.: Open City, n.d. [c.1968]

levy contribution: “Poem to Michael Solomon”

86. TOUCAN, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by R.L. Carothers and Alex Gildzen *
mags_toucan12Kent: Toucan, Winter 1968

levy contribution: “Warriors Rest”

87. WORDJOCK, Vol. 1, No. 3, edited by Charles Tidler
mags_wordjockv1n3West Layfayette: Wordjock, May 1968

levy contribution: “Egyptian Sunset for D.R.”

88. THE WORMWOOD REVIEW, Vol. 8, No. 4, ISSUE 32, edited by Marvin Malone
mags_wormwoodn32Storrs: The Wormwood Review, 1968

levy contribution: “Hindu Strobe Book #2, Page 1”, “Song #236 by Milarepa”


89. ALDEBARAN REVIEW, No. 6, edited by John Oliver Simon *
mags_aldebarann6Berkeley: Noh Directions Press, August-September 1969

levy contribution: “Green Nettle Soup”, “On the Slaying of the Red Dragon Rock Demon”

90. AND, No. 5, edited by John Rowan and Bob Cobbing *
n.p.: Writers Forum, 1969

levy contribution: “Notice”, “Chalchihuitlice… (for Carol Berge)”,  “Bread Vision”

Cleveland: Outpost, January 1969

levy contribution: “R.E. Vision #2”

92. CAMELS COMING, No. 4, edited by Richard Morris
Reno: Camels Coming, February – March 1969

levy contribution: “Angela”

93. THE DRUNKEN BOAT, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Hugh Knox *
mags_drunkenboatPiscataway, Scrotum Press, 1969

levy contribution: [untitled] “I want to go where…”

94. DUST, Vol. 3, No. 4, Issue 12, edited by Andrew Curry
mags_dust12Paradise, CA: Dustbooks, 1969

levy contribution: “A Non of Vietnam Gothic for The Alamo”, “Praps (1) Two”, “Road Road Go Away”

95. THE FREE LANCE, Vol. 13, Nos. 1 & 2, edited by Casper L. Jordan and Russell Atkins
Cleveland: The Free Lance, 1969

levy contribution: “The Magic Wheel (for Adelaide Simon)”

96. THE GOLIARDS, No. 7, edited by Jerry Burns
mags_goliardsSan Francisco: Goliards Press, June 1969

levy contribution: “The Burning of San Francisco – Summer 1968: ‘An Attempt to Silence the Neon Motherfucker'”

97. THE OUTSIDER, Vol. 2, Nos. 4 & 5, edited by Gypsy Lou and Jon Webb
mags_outsider45New Orleans: Loujon Press, Winter 1968-69

levy contribution: “For the Pigs, Rats & Adorable other Beasts of Saintly Cleveland, O.”

98. PRO-JECT, No. 1, edited by Robert Serling and David Fraser *
mags_project1Detroit: Pro-Ject, Winter-Spring 1969

levy contribution: “To D——“

99. QUIXOTE, Vol. 4, No. 5, edited by Morris Edelson
mags_quixotev4n5Madison: Quixote Press, March 1969

levy contribution: “For George”, “Letter from an Invisible Greek”

Note: mis-numbered issue is Vol. 4, No. 6

100. QUIXOTE, Vol. 4, No. 6a, edited by Morris Edelson
Madison: Quixote Press, January-March 1969

levy contribution: “The Madison Poems”, “Suburban Monastery Death Poem”, “7 Concrete Poems / Concrete Poems / Electric Greek Poems (For Bob Gabriner)”

101. QUIXOTE, Vol. 5, No. 4, edited by Morris Edelson
mags_quixotev5n4Madison: Quixote Press, 1969

levy contribution: two letters

102. RADICAL AMERICA, Vol. 3, No. 4, edited by Paul Buhle and Dale Tomich *
mags_radamv3n4Madison: Students for a Democratic Society, July – August 1969

levy contribution: “R. E. Vivion #8 / part II – for Art Kleps”

103. RUNCIBLE FOLD, No. 3, edited by D.r. Wagner *
Sacramento: Runcible Spoon, n.d. [c.1969]

levy contribution: “Education of a Food Fadist”

104. SATTVAS REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Franklin W.W. Osinski *
mags_sattvas1Cleveland: Sattvas Press, Fall 1969

levy contribution: “from Prose: On Poetry in the Wholesale Education And Culture System”

105. SECOND AEON, No. 7, edited by Peter Finch
mags_secondaeon7Cardiff: Second Aeon, 1969

levy contribution: “Part Zero – Celebration with Rada Drums (from Suburban Monastery Death Poem)”

106. LARVAE DU GOLDEN GATE, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Leon Spiro
mags_starwestSausalito: SB Gazette, n.d. [c. 1969]

levy contribution: “Blind Myth Doing a Death Dance on Ground Zero (for Willie)” [Reprinted from The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle Vol. 2, No. 2, Issue 14 (Cleveland, 1968) (T&H P-164).]

Howrah: Waste Paper, September 1969

levy contribution: “Thinking of Rimbaud (for Thom Szuter)”


108. DAVKA, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Aron Manheimer *
mags_davkaLos Angeles: Davka, November – December 1970

levy contribution: “New Year”

109. FOURTH DIMENSION, No. 7, edited by P.J. Kemp *
mags_4thdimensionRichford: Samisdat, n.d.[c. 1976]

levy contribution: “Tell Me About Yr Level of Consciousness”

Fairfax, CA: Red Hill Press, April 1973

levy contribution: [untitled] “Now, that’s why there are more poets…”

New Orleans: NOLA Express, June 9-22 1972

levy contribution: “North American Book of the Dead, Part I”

112. PHOENIX, No. 3/4, edited by Leopold Reif
Berlin: Phoenix, 1970

levy contribution: “Part Zero – Celebration with Rada Drums (from Suburban Monastery Death Poem)”

113. QUIXOTE, Vol. 7, No. 5, edited by Morris Edelson
Madison: Quixote Press, 1973

levy contribution: “I Found It at the Movies (or) Hummed-Off in a Laundro-Mat (for Franklin Rosemont)”, “Its a Matter of Presentation”

114. QUIXOTE, Vol. 7, No. 69, edited by Morris Edelson *
mags_quixotev7n69Madison: Quixote Press, April 1973

levy contribution: “More Fun… with Your Guns” [collage]

[note cover has Vol.7, No. 96, but masthead reads Vol.7, No.93]

115. QUIXOTE, Vol. 8, No. 3, edited by Morris Edelson *
mags_quixotev8n3Madison: Quixote Press, 1974

levy contribution: “Night People”, “The Result is Always Circular, 2”, “Motion Poem”

116. RESPONSE, No. 8, edited by Bill Novak *
Waltham: Response, Fall 1970

levy contribution: “New Year”

117. RESPONSE, No. 10, edited by Bill Novak *
Waltham: Response, Spring 1971

levy contribution: “Poem to Michael Solomon”

118. THE SERIF, Vol. 8, No. 4, edited by Alex Glidzen and Dean H. Keller
Kent: Kent State University, December 1971

levy contribution: “The Bells of the Cherokee Ponies”

Note: contains Jim Lowell’s A Preliminary Checklist of the Writings of d.a. levy (1942-1968)

119. STONE COUNTRY, Vol. 74, No. 1, edited by Judy Neeld *
Madison: Stone Country Press, 1974

levy contribution: “Shell Stop”

120. VAGABOND, No. 10, edited by John Bennett *
mags_vagabond10San Francisco: Vagabond Press, 1971

levy contribution: “Third Quarter”

121. THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES: REVOLUTIONARY POEMS , CONSUMPTION, Vol. 3, Nos. 1 & 2, edited by Paul Hunter, Patti Parson, and Tom Parson
mags_whiteseyesSeattle: Craft Associates, March 1970

levy contribution: “The Bells of the Cherokee Ponies”, “Bourgeoisie Chant”


122. BOMBAY GIN, Vol. 2, No. 2
mags_bombayginv2n2Boulder: Naropa Institute, Summer 1992

levy contribution: “This Game is Under Way!”

Cleveland Heights: The Coventry Reader, Summer 1988

levy contribution: “Tombstone as a Lonely Charm”

Cleveland Heights: The Coventry Reader, October 1988

levy contribution: “Prose: On Poetry in the Wholesale Education & Culture System”, “The River”, “Road, Road Go Away”, “Lady A-Bourgeoisie Chant”, “Lines for Lady Jane”, “Great Man Sleeping in a Closet”, “The Bells of the Cherokee Ponies”, “Maralien #1”, “Roses That”, “The New Ethnic Folk Poem for the Beat Generation in Cleveland”, “Songs for Dead Children”, “One Death in the Life of Julie, Concrete Poems: Electric Music”, “2 Censorship Poems”, “Impose it on Yourself”, “Visualized Prayer to the American God #3”, “Visualized Prayer to the American God #4”, “Sun Poem”, “Idol of Death”, “Original Light Rock”, “Film Village”

125. MINESHAFT, Number 12
Lewisburg: Mineshaft, October 2003

levy contribution: “She’ll Fight to the End for Dick (from The Madison Collages)”

126. PLANET DETROIT, Vol. 1 No. 1, edited by Kurt Nimmo
mags_planetdetroitDetroit: Planet Detroit, 1984

levy contribution: “Lettre to Cleveland (from Kibbutz in the Sky)”

127. THE TULE REVIEW, Summer 1995, edited by Julia Connor and Mary Zeppa
mags_tulereviewSacramento: The Sacramento Poetry Center, Summer 1995

levy contribution: “Night People”, “Mausoleums of the Ta Tsing Dynasty”, “Black Pony”, “When the Light Went On”, “Ode to David Hume”, “2 Censorship Poems”, “The Meat Rose”, “Sun Poem”, “Guatemala Tourist Commission”, “Logic 21”, “Interior Travel”, “Visualized Prayer To The American God #3”, “Visualized Prayer To The American God #4”

Note: cover art by d.a. levy

128. UNMUZZLED OX, edited by Michael Andre and Erika Rothenberg
mags_unmuzzledoxNew York: Unmuzzled Ox Foundation, 1981

levy contribution: “Maralien 1”, “Maralien 2”, “Maralien 3”

[* not in archive]