Tag Archives: Kenneth Patchen

The Eight Pager

1. THE EIGHT PAGER, Series 1, Part 1, edited by D.r. Wagner
Niagara Falls: press : today : niagara, 1966
First edition, top-stapled, 8.5” x 11”, 12 leaves printed recto only, mimeograph printed.

“this publication is not to be taken internally except as an aphrodisiac”

  • Contents:
    1. D.r. Wagner – “Orange Satori II”
      rjs – [untitled] “so you know a girl…”
      rjs – [untitled] “snake-eyes always jumps tomorrow…”
      d.a. levy – “Segment from a Destroyed Journal”
      d.a. levy – “from The North American Book of the Dead”
      Dave Rasey – “T.V. Western”
      d.a. levy – “from Hate Rays Cleveland”
      E.R. Baxter – [letter]
      D.r. Wagner – “Orange Satori III”
      D.r. Wagner – [book reviews]

2. THE EIGHT PAGER, Series 1, Part 2, edited by D.r. Wagner
Niagara Falls: press : today : niagara, 1966
First edition, top-stapled, 8.5” x 11”, 11 leaves printed recto only, mimeograph printed.

“this publication may be chopped up burned cooked on a spoon and mainlined and is recommended as a real aphrodisiac”

  • Contents:
    1. John Montgomery – “Parable”
      John Montgomery – “Bang”
      Kent Taylor – [untitled] “memories crushing my eyes…”
      Kent Taylor – “January 10, 1966”
      Kent Taylor – “Feb. 10, 1966”
      Doug Blazek – “The Atoms in My Life”
      Doug Blazek – “Birth”
      Antonin Artaud – [untitled] “Masterpieces of the past…”
      Doug Blazek – “Snow Fever”
      Tuli Kupferberg – [untitled] “I sit by the window early…”

3. THE EIGHT PAGER, Series 1, Part 3, edited by D.r. Wagner
Niagara Falls: press : today : niagara, 1966
First edition, top-stapled, 8.5” x 11”, 13 leaves printed recto only, mimeograph printed.

“this publication is excellent mixed with gin and tonic and is an excellent aphrodisiac”

  • Contents:
    1. Margaret Randall – “The Called Shots”
      Margaret Randall – “The Strike”
      Charles Bukowski – “The Stupid Are Best At The Cruelties:”
      Charles Bukowski – “The Sex-Obsessed Ladies Walking By Me After Work”
      Charles Bukowski – [untitled] “the way to stay alive…”
      Gene Fowler – “Glimpses of a Cold Night”
      Gene Fowler – “The Descent”
      Grace Butcher – “Trip”
      Grace Butcher – “Excerpt from a Letter”
      D.r. Wagner – [book reviews]
      author unknown – “A Special Note on Richmond and his Poetry”

4. THE EIGHT PAGER, Series 1, Part 4, edited by D.r. Wagner
Niagara Falls: press : today : niagara, 1966
First edition, top-stapled, 8.5” x 11”, 12 leaves printed recto only, mimeograph printed.

“by this time I’d bet you expected this space to say something about how ‘8’ is an aphrodisiac”

  • Contents:
    1. Erik Kiviat – “Treaty”
      Erik Kiviat – “Letter to Marcia”
      Carl Larsen – “Telethong”
      Walter Lowenfels – “Motherfucker Time”
      Russell Salamon – [untitled] “she is out of the seashell…”
      Sid Rufus – “The Homo Sapien Waltz”
      Jacob Leed – “Version Z”
      Sid Rufus – “Hobby Utmostess”
      Mel Buffington – “Musicman”
      Mel Buffington – “Decapitation”
      Douglas Blazek – “Earth”
      Kenneth Patchen – “from See You in the Morning”
      Steve Richmond – “A Selection of Poems”
      Steve Richmond – “My Cock”
      E.R. Baxter – “A Public Service Announcement”
      D.r. Wagner – [book reviews]

Pocket Poets Series

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This index collects the books published as part of The Pocket Poets Series

1. Ferlinghetti, Lawrence. PICTURES OF THE GONE WORLD
a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: City Lights Pocket Bookshop, November 1955
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers with printed wrap-around label tipped on, 5″ x 6″, 44 pages, 500 copies, letterpress printed by David Ruff. Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 1.
(Cook 1)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
San Francisco: City Lights Pocket Bookshop, 1955
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with printed label tipped on, 5.25″ x 6.25″, 44 pages, 25 copies, letterpress printed by David Ruff, bound by the Cardoza bindery. Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 1.
(Cook 1)

Note: from the rear cover: “Pictures of the Gone World is the first volume in the Pocket Poets Series, in which it is planned to make available, in inexpensive form, work by such well known poets as e.e. cummings, Kenneth Patchen, Kenneth Rexroth, and William Carlos Williams, as well as poetry by younger less known writers who are also doing significant work in the modern idiom, whether it be ‘in the American grain’ or against it.”

2. Rexroth, Kenneth (translator). THIRTY SPANISH POEMS OF LOVE AND EXILE
a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: City Lights Pocket Bookshop, 1956
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers with printed wrap-around label tipped on, 4.75″ x 6″, 40 pages, 950 copies, letterpress printed. Designed by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Published as The Pocket Poets Series,  No 2.
(Cook 2)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
San Francisco: City Lights Pocket Bookshop, 1956
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with printed label tipped on, 5″ x 6.25″, 40 pages, 50 numbered and signed copies, letterpress printed. Designed by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Published as The Pocket Poets Series,  No 2.
(Cook 2)

3. Patchen, Kenneth. POEMS OF HUMOR & PROTEST
a. First edition, regular copies:
San Francisco: City Lights Pocket Bookshop, July 1956
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers with printed wrap-around label tipped on, 5″ x 6″, 48 pages, 1000 copies, letterpress printed by Villiers Publications in London. Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 3
(Cook 3)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
San Francisco: City Lights Pocket Bookshop, 1956
Hardcover in cloth-bound boards with printed label tipped on, 5.25″ x 6.25″, 48 pages, 25 copies, letterpress printed by Villiers Publications in London, bound by the Cardoza Bindery. Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 3
(Cook 3)

Note: this collection gathers 32 short poems from seven of Patchen’s earlier books, published during the 1940s and early 1950s.

4. Ginsberg, Allen. HOWL AND OTHER POEMS
First edition:
San Francisco: City Lights Pocket Bookshop, October 1956
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers with printed wrap-around label tipped on, 5″ x 6″, 44 pages, 1000 copies, letterpress printed at Villiers Publications in London. Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 4
(Cook 4)

Note: The first printing lists Lucien Carr’s name on the dedication page. Later printings do not list his name, removed at his request. The hand-pasted wraparound paper label is only present on the first and second printings.

Ginsberg first read part of the poem at the Six Gallery reading on October 7, 1955. The second printing of Howl and Other Poems was seized by the U.S. Customs Office and shortly afterwards Ferlinghetti and Shigeyoshi Murao, manager of City Lights Bookshop, were arrested for selling and publishing obscene literature. Defended by the ACLU, the case was highly publicized and covered by established publications such as Time and Life, adding to the attention of this small press and Howl. Judge Clayton Horn found the book to be not obscene and this landmark decision helped launch City Lights and Ginsberg’s poems into the public arena.

5. Ponsot, Marie. TRUE MINDS
First edition:
San Francisco: City Lights Pocket Bookshop, January 1957
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers with printed wrap-around label tipped on, 5″ x 6″, 32 pages, 500 copies, letterpress printed at Villiers Publications in London. Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 5
(Cook 5)

Note: the title of this collection of love poems was taken from Shakespeare’s 116th Sonnet. It would be 24 years later when she would publish her second volume of poems and borrow the title from the next line of the sonnet: “Avoid Impediment”.

6. Levertov, Denise. HERE AND NOW
First edition:
San Francisco: City Lights Pocket Bookshop, January 1957
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers with printed wrap-around label tipped on, 5″ x 6″, 32 pages, 500 copies, letterpress printed at Villiers Publications in London. Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 6
(Cook 6)

7. Williams, William Carlos. KORA IN HELL: IMPROVISATIONS
First edition:
San Francisco: City Lights Books, August 1957
Sewn and bound in printed wrappers, 5″ x 6.25″, 84 pages, 1500 copies, letterpress printed at Villiers Publications in London. Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 7
(Cook 7)

Note: from the rear cover: “William Carlos Williams, at 74, has some claim to be called Poet Laureate of America, being the author of almost forty books, and having won most of the important poetry awards in this country. He is a man known for his enthusiasms, a constant defender of poets and poetry.”

8. Corso, Gregory. GASOLINE
First edition:
San Francisco: City Lights Books, February 1958
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 5″ x 6.25″, 48 pages, 1500 copies, letterpress printed by the Pinchpenny Press in Berkeley. Introduction by Allen Ginsberg. Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 8
(Cook 8)

First edition:
San Francisco: City Lights Books, July 1958
Sewn and bound in printed wrappers, 5″ x 6.5″, 72 pages, 1500 copies, letterpress printed at Villiers Publications in London. Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 9
(Cook 10)

Note: from the rear cover: “In the years immediately following World War II, Jacques Prévert spoke more directly to and for the French who had come of age under the Occupation than any other contemporary poet, if enormous success of Paroles is any indication. First published in 1946, it was almost immediately reprinted, and by 1952 there were 200,000 copies in print.”

10. Duncan, Robert. SELECTED POEMS
First edition:
San Francisco: City Lights Books, January 1959
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5″ x 6.25″, 80 pages, 1500 copies, letterpress printed at Villiers Publications in London. Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 10
(Cook 14)

Note: Selected Poems gathers poems written between 1942 and 1950. From the publisher’s statement: “In making this selection from his first four books, together with certain other poems of the same period, Duncan feels he has given his work as a whole a focus that amounts to a new definition of his poetic intent.”

11. Rothenberg, Jerome (translator). NEW YOUNG GERMAN POETS
First edition:
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1959
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 11
(Cook 16)

Note: This collection, edited and translated by Jerome Rothenberg, introduces ten German poets who were born between the First World War and the first years of the Nazi rise to power. The collection includes the first English appearances of Paul Celan, Ingeborg Bachmann and Gunter Grass.

12. Parra, Nicanor. ANTI-POEMS
First edition:
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1960
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 12

Note: These poems are taken from Parra’s Poemas y Antipoemas originally published in 1954. This is the first appearance in English, translated by painter and critic Jorge Elliott.

San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1961
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 13

14. Ginsberg, Allen. KADDISH AND OTHER POEMS
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1961
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 14

Note: This is the long anticipated volume of poems following the highly successful Howl and Other Poems. It presents the long title poem on the death of his mother and fifteen other poems. Kaddish is the name of the Hebrew prayer for the dead.

San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1962
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 15

16. Hollo, Anselm (translator). RED CATS
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1962
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 16

Note: In his introduction Hollo writes, “In the middle 50’s a number of Soviet writers started what became known as ‘The Thaw’: a movement towards freedom and personal literary and critical expression…” Yevgeni Yevtushenko and Andrei Voznesensky were in their twenties at the time Red Cats was published.

San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1962
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 17

Note: from the back cover: “This is the first comprehensive collection of Lowry’s poetry, including most of those strange Mexican verses closely related to his novel, Under the Volcano.
Edited by Lowry’s good friend, Earle Birney, with the assistance of the author’s widow, this book brings into perspective the many poems from various periods which have appeared in magazines, as well as others never before published.”

18. Ginsberg, Allen. REALITY SANDWICHES, 1953-1960
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1963
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 18

Note: Reality Sandwiches collects poems written by Ginsberg between 1953 and 1960, thus presenting his early work prior to his groundbreaking poem Howl in 1956

19. O’Hara, Frank. LUNCH POEMS
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1964
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 19

20. Lamantia, Philip. SELECTED POEMS, 1943-1966
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1967
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 20

Note: this volume collects poems of his youth, travels and time in San Francisco: Revelations of a Surreal Youth (1943-1945), Trance Ports (1948-1961), and Secret Freedom (1963-1966).

21. Kaufman, Bob. GOLDEN SARDINE
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1967
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 21

22. Pommy-Vega, Janine. POEMS TO FERNANDO
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1968
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 22

23. Ginsberg, Allen. PLANET NEWS, 1961-1967
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1968
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 23

24. Upton, Charles. PANIC GRASS
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1968
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 24

25. Picasso, Pablo. HUNK OF SKIN
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1968
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 25

San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1970
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 26

San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1971
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 27

Note: Revolutionary Letters was published in a number of earlier versions by underground presses. The first City Lights edition collects letters 1-43 and other poems. Later printings include additional letters.

28. Kerouac, Jack. SCATTERED POEMS
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1971
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 28

Note: Scattered Poems is a collection of poems published posthumously and compiled by Ann Charters, one of Kerouac’s earliest biographers. The poems included were written as early as 1945. The cover is a reproduction of a photograph of Kerouac
taken by William S. Burroughs in Tangier in 1957.

San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1972
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 29

30. Ginsberg, Allen. THE FALL OF AMERICA: POEMS OF THESE STATES, 1965-1971
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1972
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 30

Note: this collection continues Ginsberg’s chronicle of travels across America. He dedicates the volume to Whitman and includes on the dedication page a long quote from Whitman’s Democratic Vistas,
1871. Barry Miles, Ginsberg’s biographer, relates that Ginsberg was living near Kenneth Patchen on Telegraph Hill. Patchen introduced Ginsberg to the Dos Passos translation of Blaise Cendrars’ Trans-Siberian Voyage, which served as a model for Ginsberg’s travelogue-style work, The Fall of America.

San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1973
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 31

32. Norse, Harold. HOTEL NIRVANA
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1974
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 32

33. Waldman, Anne. FAST SPEAKING WOMAN
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1975
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 33

34. Hirschman, Jack. LYRIPOL
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1976
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 34

35. Ginsberg, Allen. MIND BREATHS: POEMS 1972-1977
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1977
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 35

Note: This collection presents poems written by Ginsberg from 1972 to 1977. Ginsberg dedicated this volume to Chögyum Trungpa, the poet and philosopher who named Ginsberg the “Lion of Dharma” in 1972.

36. Brecht, Stefan. POEMS
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1978
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 36

Note: A collection of poems by the son of German playwright and poet Bertolt Brecht . It was privately published two years earlier by the poet. The cover photograph is by Arthur Tress.

San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1978
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 37

38. Antler [Brad Burdick]. FACTORY
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1980
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 38

39. Lamantia, Philip. BECOMING VISIBLE
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1981
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 39

40. Ginsberg, Allen. PLUTONIAN ODE: POEMS 1977-1980
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1982
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 40

41. Pasolini, Pier Paolo. ROMAN POEMS
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1986
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 41

San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1982
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 42

43. Cardenal, Ernesto. FROM NICARAGUA WITH LOVE
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1986
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 43

San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1987
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 44

45. Cornford, Adam. ANIMATIONS
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1988
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 45

San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1989
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 46

47. Mayakovsky, Vladimir. LISTEN
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1991
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 47

48. Kerouac, Jack. POEMS ALL SIZES
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1992
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 48

49. Zamora, Daisy. RIVERBED OF MEMORY
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1992
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 49

50. Murillo, Rosario. ANGEL IN THE DELUGE
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1993
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 50

San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1994
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 51

52. Blanco, Alberto. DAWN OF THE SENSES
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1995
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 52

53. Cortázar, Julio. SAVE TWILIGHT
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1997
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 53

54. Campana, Dino. ORPHIC SONGS
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1998
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 54

55. Hirschman, Jack. FRONT LINES
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 2002
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 55

56. Mehmedinovic, Semezdin. NINE ALEXANDRIAS
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 2003
Published as The Pocket Poets Series, No. 56

Auerhahn Press: Commissioned Publications

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Section C:
This index collects commissioned publications printed by Auerhahn Press for various publishers and private parties from 1961 through 1965.

patchen_tributeFirst edition:
San Francisco: (Auerhahn Press), 1961
Hand-sewn in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 8 pages, printed at the Auerhahn Press. Program for memorial service, includes illustrated Patchen poem. (Auerhahn 9)

2. Pomeroy, Ralph. STILLS & MOVIES
pomeroy_stillsFirst edition:
San Francisco: Gesture Press, 1961
Perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 9″, 41 pages, 500 copies printed at the Auerhahn Press. Cover art by Harold Bruder. (Auerhahn 11)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

3. Suffin, Arnold. RESURRECTION
suffin_resurrectionFirst edition:
San Francisco: Arnold Suffin, 1961
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.25″ x 8″, 40 pages, 200 copies, printed at the Auerhan Press. (Auerhahn 12)

4. Racine, Jean. BRITTANICUS
racine_britannicusFirst edition:
San Francisco: Folio 1, 1962
Hardcover in cloth-covered boards, 6.25″ x 8.25″, 87 pages, 300 numbered copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Block prints by Tanya Lohman. (Auerhahn 16)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

5. Magistretti, Paul. NOTES OF WHAT I CAN’T BE, OF WHAT I AM
magistretti_notesFirst edition:
San Francisco: The New Gnu Press, 1962
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 4.25″ x 7″, 40 pages, 400 numbered copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 25)

Note: Printed announcement issued.

6. Hillsborough Garden Club. PLANTS FOR PICKING
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1963
(Auerhahn 26)

7. Magowan, Robin. VOYAGE NOIR
magowan_voyageFirst edition:
Seattle: Robin Magowan, 1962
Hand-sewn in printed wrappers, 6″ x 8.5″, 36 pages, 500 copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press. Cover illustration by Hervé Télémaque. (Auerhahn 27)

8. Powell, Roxie. DREAMS OF STRAW
powell_dreamsFirst edition:
San Francisco: Roxie Powell,1963
Hand-sewn printed wrappers, 4.5″ x 6.75″, 16 pages, 250 copies, printed by Dave Haselwood and Charles Plymell at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 28)

First edition:
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1963
Hand-sewn in printed wrappers, 4.75″ x 6.5″, 8 pages, 100 copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 29)

elvin_drawingsFirst edition:
San Francisco: Batman Gallery, (1963)
Printed envelope containing 8 sheets printed with line cuts (one tinted), 9″ x 11″, printed at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 30)

11. Blackley, R. John. BEYOND DUST
blackley_beyondFirst edition:
San Francisco: n.p., 1964
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 8″ x 10.25″, 64 pages, 175 numbered and signed copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 31)

First edition:
San Francisco: Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts, 1964
Perfect-bound wrappers, 6.5″ x 8.5″, 42 pages, (750 copies), printed at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 32)

13. Corrington, John William. THE ANATOMY OF LOVE…
corrington_anatomya. First edition, regular copies:
Fort Lauderdale: Roman Books, 1964
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 6.5″ x 9″, 86 pages, 1000 copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press. Introduction by Richard Whittington. (Auerhahn 33)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
Fort Lauderdale: Roman Books, 1964
Hardcover in paper-covered boards with cloth spine, 6.5″ x 9″, 86 pages, 50 numbered and signed copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Introduction by Richard Whittington. (Auerhahn 33)

williams_linesa. First edition, regular copies:
Fort Lauderdale: Roman Books, 1964
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 6.25″ x 9″, 27 pages, 750 copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press. Illustrated by Barry Hall. Foreword by John Wain. (Auerhahn 34)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
Fort Lauderdale: Roman Books, 1964
Hardcover in paper-covered boards with cloth spine, 6.25″ x 9″, 27 pages, 50 numbered and signed copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Illustrated by Barry Hall. Foreword by John Wain. (Auerhahn 34)

15. Johnson, Ronald. A LINE OF POETRY, A ROW OF TREES
johnson_linea. First edition, regular copies:
Highlands: The Nantahala Foundation, 1964
Perfect-bound in illustrated french-fold wrappers in glassine dust jacket,  6.5″ x 10″, 80 pages, 500 copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press, errata slip noting the omitted dedication to Olson laid in. Illustrated by Thomas George. The author’s first book. Published as Jargon 42. (Auerhahn 35)

b. First edition, hardcover, signed copies:
Highlands: The Nantahala Foundation, 1964
Hardcover in cloth-covered boards in unprinted dust jacket, 6.5″ x 10″, 80 pages, 50 numbered and signed copies, printed at the Auerhahn Press, bound by the Schuberth Bindery. Illustrated by Thomas George. The author’s first book. Published as Jargon 42.
(Auerhahn 35)

nexus_catalogFirst edition:
La Jolla: The Nexus, 1964-65
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 4″ x 8.75″, 16 pages, printed at the Auerhahn Press. (Auerhahn 36)

The Jargon Society

Jargon’s first publication, which contained a poem by Jonathan Williams and an engraving by David Ruff, was published in San Francisco in 1951. The press blossomed at Black Mountain College where its peripatetic director moved to study photography with Harry Callahan and Aaron Siskind. Jargon’s second publication was a poem by Joel Oppenheimer (“The Dancer”) with a drawing by Robert Rauschenberg. Over the next several years the press would publish Kenneth Patchen, Robert Creeley, The Maximus Poems by Charles Olson, more work by Williams, Louis Zukofsky, Denise Levertov, Michael McClure, Mina Loy, Robert Duncan, Fielding Dawson, Irving Layton, Guy Davenport, Paul Metcalf—the list goes on and on.

When asked why he published what he had, Williams replied, “For pleasure surely. I am a stubborn, mountaineer Celt with an orphic, priapic, sybaritic streak that must have come to me, along with H. P. Lovecraft, from Outer Cosmic Infinity. Or maybe Flash Gordon brought it from Mongo? Jargon has allowed me to fill my shelves with books I cared for as passionately as I cared for the beloved books of childhood—which I still have: Oz, The Hobbit, The Wind in the Willows, Dr. Doolittle, Ransome, Kipling, et al.”

— Steve Clay and Rodney Phillips in A SECRET LOCATION ON THE LOWER EAST SIDE (Granary Books, 1998)

First edition:
San Francisco: Jargon, June 1951
Broadside measuring 4″ x 13″ folded twice to make a 4″ x 5″ leaflet, 50 copies, letterpress printed by David Ruff at The Print Workshop. Engraving by David Ruff Published as Jargon 1. (Jaffe A4)

2. Oppenheimer, Joel. THE DANCER
jargon_dancerFirst edition:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1951
Single sheet measuring 10″ x 7″ folded once to make a 4-page booklet, 5.75″ x 7″, 150 copies. Illustration by Robert Rauschenberg. Printed at the The Sad Devil Press by Joel Oppenheimer at Black Mountain College. Published as Jargon 2. (Butterick A1)

3. Williams, Jonathan. RED / GRAY 
a. First edition, regular issue:
Black Mountain: Jonathan Williams, January 1952
Folio sheet folded three times to make a 12-page gate-fold booklet, 8.5″ x 10″ (when folded), 100 copies. Drawings by Paul Ellsworth tipped in. Printed at the The Sad Devil Press by Joel Oppenheimer at Black Mountain College. Published as Jargon 3. Printed announcement. (Jaffe A7)

b. First edition, signed issue:
Black Mountain: Jonathan Williams, January 1952
Folio sheet folded three times to make a 12-page gate-fold booklet, 8.5″ x 10″ (when folded), 50 copies signed by the writer and illustrator. Drawings by Paul Ellsworth tipped in. Printed at the The Sad Devil Press by Joel Oppenheimer at Black Mountain College. Published as Jargon 3. (Jaffe A7)

Black Mountain, 1952
Drawings by Dan Rice, 25 copies.

First edition:
Stuttgart: Jonathan Williams, 1953
Folio sheet measuring 40″ x 15″ folded three times to make eight panels in envelope with Williams’ printed military return address, 200 copies. Drawings by Charles Oscar. Published as Jargon 5. (Jaffe A8)

6. Patchen, Kenneth. FABLES & OTHER LITTLE TALES
a. First edition, regular issue:
Karlsruhe-Baden: Jonathan Williams · Publisher, Summer 1953
Perfect-bound in printed dust jacket, 6.5″ x 9.25″, 130 pages, 450 copies. Published as Jargon 6. (Morgan A21a)

b. First edition, “author’s edition”:
Karlsruhe-Baden: Jonathan Williams · Publisher, Summer 1953
Perfect-bound in hand-painted dust jacket, 6.5″ x 9.25″, 130 pages, 50 copies. Published as Jargon 6. (Morgan A21b)

7. Olson, Charles. THE MAXIMUS POEMS / 1-10
a. First edition, regular issue:
Stuttgart: Jonathan Williams · Publisher, Summer 1953
Hand-sewn in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 9.25 x 12″, 46 pages plus Foreword by Creeley, 300 copies. Calligraphy by Jonathan Williams. (Butterick & Glover A8)

b. First edition, “donor’s edition”:
Stuttgart: Jonathan Williams · Publisher, Summer 1953
Hand-sewn in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 9.25 x 12″, 46 pages plus Foreword by Creeley, 50 signed copies on special paper and boxed. Calligraphy by Jonathan Williams. (Butterick & Glover A8)

First edition:
Karlsruhe-Durlach: Jonathan Williams, Autumn 1953
String-bound in illustrated wrappers, 9″ x 6.5″, 16 pages, 200 copies. Illustrated by René Laubiès. Printed by Verlagsdruckerei Gebr. Tron KG. Published as Jargon 8. (Novik A3)

9. Olson, Charles. THE MAXIMUS POEMS / 11-22
a. First edition, regular issue:
Suttgart: Jonathan Williams, Spring 1956
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 9.25 x 12″, 52 pages, 350 copies, letterpress printed by Dr. Cantz’sche Druckerei in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. Calligraphy by Jonathan Williams. Published as Jargon 9. (Butterick & Glover A11)

b. First edition, “patron’s edition”:
Suttgart: Jonathan Williams · Publisher, Spring 1956
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 9.25 x 12″, 52 pages, 25 signed copies on special paper and boxed, letterpress printed by Dr. Cantz’sche Druckerei in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt.. Calligraphy by Jonathan Williams. Published as Jargon 9. (Butterick & Glover A11)

10. Creeley, Robert. ALL THAT IS LOVELY IN MEN
jargon_allthatFirst edition: 
Asheville: Jonathan Williams, 1955
Perfect bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 6″ x 8″, 44 pages, 200 copies. Drawings by Dan Rice, photograph by Jonathan Williams. Signed by Creeley and Rice on the colophon page. Printed by the Biltmore Press in Asheville. Published as Jargon 10. (Novik A6)

11. Patchen, Kenneth. POEM-SCAPES
a. First edition, regular issue:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, January 1958
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 5″ x 8″, 42 pages, 325 copies, printed by The Stephens Press in Asheville. Cover photograph by Harry Redl. Published as Jargon 11. (Morgan A28d)

b. First edition, painted issue:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, January 1958
Hardcover in hand-painted dust jacket, 5″ x 8″, 42 pages, 75 numbered and signed copies, printed by The Stephens Press in Asheville. Published as Jargon 11. (Morgan A28c)

c. First edition, “gold and gray edition”:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, January 1958
Hardcover in hand-painted dust jacket, 5″ x 8″, 42 pages, 42 numbered and signed copies with a manuscript poem, printed by The Stephens Press in Asheville. Published as Jargon 11. (Morgan A28b)

12. Zukofsky, Louis. A TEST OF POETRY
Second edition:
New York: Jargon / Corinth Books, 1964
Perfect-bound in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 166 pages. Published as Jargon 11.

13a. Williams, Jonathan. AMEN / HUZZA / SELAH
a. First edition, regular issue:
Black Mountain: Jargon, Summer 1960
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 44 pages, 700 copies. Preface by Louis Zukofsky. Photographs by Jonathan Williams. Published as Jargon 13a. (Jaffe A15)

b. First edition, special issue:
Black Mountain: Jargon, Summer 1960
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 44 pages, 50 copies. Preface by Louis Zukofsky. Photographs by Jonathan Williams. Published as Jargon 13a. (Jaffe A15)

13b. Williams, Jonathan. ELEGIES AND CELEBRATIONS 
a. First edition, regular issue:
Highlands: Jargon, Summer 1962
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 48 pages, 700 copies. Preface by Robert Duncan. Photographs by Aaron Siskind and Jonathan Williams. Published as Jargon 13b. (Jaffe A22)

b. First edition, special issue:
Highlands: Jargon, Summer 1962
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 48 pages, 50 copies. Preface by Robert Duncan. Photographs by Aaron Siskind and Jonathan Williams. Published as Jargon 13b. (Jaffe A22)

13c. Williams, Jonathan. JAMMIN’ THE GREEK SCENE 
Note by Charles Olson. Drawings by Fielding Dawson. James Jaffe notes, “Approximately 4 proof copies were produced for a projected edition of 300 copies, but the book, with a cover designed by Fielding Dawson, was never published.” Karlsruhe, 1959. (Jaffe A16)

14. Duncan, Robert. LETTERS: POEMS 1953-1956
a. First edition, regular copies:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1958
Bound in marbled wrappers, 6.75″ x 10″, 450 numbered and signed copies. Drawings by Robert Duncan. Printed by Claude Fredericks. Published as Jargon 14. (Bertholf A9a)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1958
Hardcover, 6.75″ x 10″, 60 numbered and signed copies. Drawings by Robert Duncan. Printed by Claude Fredericks. Published as Jargon 14. (Bertholf A9b)

15. Zukofsky, Louis. SOME TIME
a. First edition, regular issue:
Sutgart: Jonathan Williams, Autumn 1956
Hand-sewn with coptic binding in printed and illustrated cover, 6″ x 10″, 35 pages, 300 copies, letterpress printed by Dr. Cantz’sche Druckerei in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. A song setting on the cover by Celia Zukofsky. Published as Jargon 15.

b. First edition, “author’s edition”:
Sutgart: Jonathan Williams, 1956
Hand-sewn with coptic binding in printed and illustrated cover, 6″ x 10″, 35 pages, 50 copies, letterpress printed by Dr. Cantz’sche Druckerei in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. A song setting on the cover by Celia Zukofsky.

16. Oppenheimer, Joel. THE DUTIFUL SON
a. First edition, regular issue:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1956
Hand-sewn and bound into french-fold wrappers with printed label tipped on, 6.5″ x 10″, 36 pages, 200 copies, letterpress printed and bound by the Windhover Press in Short Hills. Frontispiece by Joseph Fiore. Printed announcement. Published as Jargon 16. (Butterick A3)

b. First edition, “author’s edition”:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1956
Hand-sewn and bound into french-fold lithographed wrappers, 6.5″ x 10″, 36 pages, 30 copies, letterpress printed and bound by the Windhover Press in Short Hills. Frontispiece and cover art by Joseph Fiore. Printed announcement. Published as Jargon 16. (Butterick A3)

17. Perkoff, Stuart Z. THE SUICIDE ROOM 
a. First edition, regular issue:
Karlsruhe: Jonathan Williams, 1956
Bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 7.25″ x 9″, 200 copies. Drawing by Fielding Dawson. Photograph by Charles Kessler. Published as Jargon 17.

b. First edition, hardcover issue:
Karlsruhe: Jonathan Williams, 1956
Bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 7.25″ x 9″, 25 numbered and signed copies. Drawing by Fielding Dawson. Photograph by Charles Kessler. Published as Jargon 17.

a. First edition:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, Autumn 1956
Perfect-bound in printed and photo-illustrated French-fold wrappers, 6″ x 9″, 112 pages, 500 copies. Introduction by William Carlos Williams. Printed by the Stephens Press in Asheville. Published as Jargon 18. (Bennett & Polson A12)

b. Second edition:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, Winter 1957
Perfect-bound in printed and photo-illustrated French-fold wrappers, 6″ x 9″, 144 pages, 1000 copies. Introduction by William Carlos Williams. Printed by the Stephens Press in Asheville. This second edition adds 30 poems and features a different photo on the cover. (Bennett & Polson A13)

19. Denise Levertov. OVERLAND TO THE ISLANDS
a. First edition, regular copies:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1958
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 6″ x 9.75″, 450 copies. Illustrated by Al Kresch. Calligraphy by Jonathan Williams. Printed by Heritage Printers in Charlotte. Published as Jargon 19. (Wilson A4a)

b. First edition, “author’s edition”:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, Spring 1964
Perfect-bound in printed and marbled dust jacket, 6″ x 9.75″, 50 numbered and signed copies. Illustrated by Al Kresch. Printed by Heritage Printers in Charlotte. Published as Jargon 19. (Wilson A4b)

20. Michael McClure. PASSAGE
mcclure_passageFirst edition:
Big Sur: Jonathan Williams, 1956
Hand-sewn in printed wrappers, 7.25″ x 10.75″, 12 pages, 200 copies. Cover by Jonathan Williams. Printed by the Windhover Press. Published as Jargon 20.  (Clements A1)

21. Kenneth Patchen. HURRAH FOR ANYTHING
a. First edition, regular issue:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1957
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 5.5″ x 8.25″, 62 pages, 2500 copies, Drawings by Kenneth Patchen. Published as Jargon 21. (Morgan A26a)

b. First edition, painted issue:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1957
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 5.5″ x 8.25″, 62 pages, 100 copies, Drawings by Kenneth Patchen. Published as Jargon 21. (Morgan A26b)

22. Henry Miller. THE RED NOTEBOOK
First edition:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams|Jargon Books, 1958
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 92 pages, 2000 copies. Facsimile of one of two notebooks which Miller kept during his Air-Conditioned Nightmare tour across America in the early 1940’s. Author photograph by Wynn Bullock. Published as Jargon 22.

a. First edition, regular issue:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1958
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated dust jacket, 5.5″ x 9.75″, 82 pages, 450 copies. Forewords by William Carlos Williams, Kenneth Rexroth, and Denise Levertov. Illustrated by Emerson Woelffer. Published as Jargon 23.

b. First edition, “author’s edition”:
Cloth-covered boards in acetate dust jacket, 5.5″ x 9.75″, 82 pages, 50 numbered and signed copies. Forewords by William Carlos Williams, Kenneth Rexroth, and Denise Levertov. Illustrated by Emerson Woelffer. Published as Jargon 23.

24. Charles Olson. THE MAXIMUS POEMS
a. First edition, regular issue:
New York: Jargon|Corinth Books, November 1960
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 6″ x 9″, 160 pages, 1893 copies, Photograph by Frederick Sommer. Published in association with Corinth Books. Published as Jargon 24. (Butterick & Glover A14)

b. First edition, numbered issue:
New York: Jargon|Corinth Books, November 1960
Hardcover, 6″ x 9″, 160 pages, 75 numbered copies, Photograph by Frederick Sommer. Published in association with Corinth Books. Published as Jargon 24. (Butterick & Glover A14)

c. First edition, lettered and signed issue:
New York: Jargon|Corinth Books, November 1960
Hardcover, 6″ x 9″, 160 pages, 26 lettered and signed copies, Photograph by Frederick Sommer. Published in association with Corinth Books. Published as Jargon 24. (Butterick & Glover A14)

25. Paul C. Metcalf. WILL WEST
Asheville, 1956.
500 copies

26. Robert Creeley. THE WHIP
a. First edition, regular copies:
Worchester: Migrant Books, Summer 1957
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5″ x 6.75″, 49 pages, 500 copies. Cover design by René Laubiès. Printed by Mossén Alcover in Palma de Mallorca. Published as Jargon 26 (Novik A8)

a. First edition, hardcover copies:
Worchester: Migrant Books, Summer 1957
Cloth-covered boards with printed spine, 5″ x 6.75″, 49 pages, 100 copies.  Printed by Mossén Alcover in Palma de Mallorca. Illustrated by Kirsten Hoeck. Published as Jargon 26 (Novik A8)

27. Peyton Houston. SONNET VARIATIONS
Highlands, 1962
Photograph by Henry Holmes Smith.

28. Irving Layton. A LAUGHTER IN THE MIND
First edition:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1958
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 58 pages, 1000 copies. Cover photograph by Frederick Sommer. Published as Jargon 28. (Bennett & Polson A14)

29. Bob Brown. 1450-1950
First edition:
New York, Jargon|Corinth, 1959
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 70 pages, 2000 copies. Cover photograph by Jonathan Williams. Printed by Heritage Printers in Charlotte. Published as Jargon 29.

30. Jonathan Williams. THE EMPIRE FINALS AT VERONA
First edition:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, September 1959
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated French-fold wrappers, 8″ x 10.75″, 32 pages, 1000 copies. Drawings and collage by Fielding Dawson. Published as Jargon 30. (Jaffe A12)

31. Williams, Jonathan ed. 14 POETS, 1 ARTIST 
First edition:
New York: Jonathan Williams, 1958
Unbound printed wrappers containing 14 printed pages, 5.75″ x 9″, 1000 copies. Drawings by Fielding Dawson. Contributors include Paul Blackburn, Bob Brown, Edward Dahlberg, Max Finstein, Allen Ginsberg, Paul Goodman, Denise Levertov, Walter Lowenfels, Edward Marshall, E.A. Navaretta, Joel Oppenheimer, Gilbert Sorrentino, Jonathan Williams and Louis Zukofsky. Published as Jargon 31.

32. Walter Lowenfels. SOME DEATHS
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, Summer 1964
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 6.25″ x 9″, 112 pages, 1500 copies, printed by Heritage Printers in Charlotte. Introduction by Jonathan Williams. Photographs by Robert Schiller and African news sources. Published as Jargon 32.

33. Robert Creeley. A FORM OF WOMEN
First edition:
New York: Jargon Books|Corinth Books, 1959
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 64 pages, 2000 copies. Cover photograph by Robert Schiller. Printed by Heritage Printers in Charlotte. Published as Jargon 33. (Novik A9)

Introduction by Kay Boyle. Drawing by Reuben Nakian. Jargon 34 was projected but never published.

35. Irving Layton. A RED CARPET FOR THE SUN
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1959
1000 copies. Photograph by Harry Callahan. (Bennett & Polson A17)

36. Larry Eigner. ON MY EYES
Highlands, 1960
500 copies. Introduction by Denise Levertov. Photographs by Harry Callahan.

37. Russell Edson. WHAT A MAN CAN SEE
First edition:
Penland: The Jargon Society, 1969
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers and unprinted glassine dust jacket, 7.5″ x 10″, 86 pages, 1000 copies. Drawings by Ray Johnson. Printed by Heritage Printers in Charlotte. Published as Jargon 37.

38. Giuseppe Gioachino Belli. THE ROMAN SONNETS
Highlands, 1960
2000 copies. Translated by Harold Norse. Preface by William Carlos Williams. Introduction by Alberto Moravia. Cover by Ray Johnson. Collage by Jean-Jacques Lebel.

39. Jonathan Williams. LORD! LORD! LORD!
First edition:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1959
Folding card, 5.5″ x 4.5″, 200 copies, handset and printed “for the friends of the Jargon Press” by Igal Roodenko. Published as Jargon 39. (Jaffe A13)

40. Gilbert Sorrentino. THE DARKNESS SURROUNDS US
First edition:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, October 1960
Saddle stapled in printed and photo-illustrated dust jacket, 6″ x 9″, 48 pages, 1000 copies, printed by Heritage Printers in Charlotte. Introduction by Joel Oppenheimer. Collage and drawings by Fielding Dawson. Published as Jargon 40 [?](McPheron A1)

First edition:
Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1960
Hand-sewn in wrappers, 5.5″ x 4″, 4 pages, 200 copies. Published as Jargon 41.

42. Ronald Johnson. A LINE OF POETRY, A ROW OF TREES
a. First edition, regular copies:
Highlands: The Nantahala Foundation, 1964
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers and glassine dust jacket, 6.5″ x 10″, 80 pages, 500 copies with errata slip noting the omitted dedication to Olson laid in. Illustrated by Thomas George. Printed at the Auerhahn Press in San Francisco. The author’s first book. Published as Jargon 42. (Auerhahn 35)

b. First edition, hardcover copies:
Highlands: The Nantahala Foundation, 1964
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers and glassine dust jacket, 6.5″ x 10″, 80 pages, 50 numbered and signed copies with errata slip noting the omitted dedication to Olson laid in. Illustrated by Thomas George. Printed at the Auerhahn Press in San Francisco. The author’s first book. Published as Jargon 42.  (Auerhahn 35)

Highlands, 1965
Iconography by Jonathan Williams.

a. First edition, regular issue:
Highlands: The Nantahala Foundation, 1962
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers and printed glassine dust jacket, 5″ x 7.5″, 227 pages, 2000 copies. Introduction by Russell Davenport. Printed by Heritage Printers in Charlotte. Published as Jargon 44.

a. First edition, numbered and signed issue:
Highlands: The Nantahala Foundation, 1962
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers and printed glassine dust jacket, 5″ x 7.5″, 227 pages, 100 copies. Introduction by Russell Davenport. Printed by Heritage Printers in Charlotte. Published as Jargon 44.

45. Sherwood Anderson. SIX MID-AMERICAN CHANTS
Highlands, 1964
Photographs by Art Sinsabaugh. Preface by Edward Dahlberg. Postface by Frederick Eckman

46. Guy Davenport. FLOWERS AND LEAVES
First edition:
Highlands: The Nantahala Foundation, 1966
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated french-fold wrappers, 6.25″ x 9.5″, 114 pages. Cover photograph by Ralph Eugene Meatyard. Designed and printed by Andrew Hoyem in San Francisco. Published as Jargon 46.

47. Merle Hoyleman. Letters to Christopher
Introduction by George Marion O’Donnell. Jargon 47 was projected but never published.

48. Lorine Niedecker. TENDERNESS & GRISTLE: THE COLLECTED POEMS (1936-1966)
First edition:
Penland: The Jargon Society, 1968
Perfect-bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 6″ x 10″, 2000 copies. Plant prints by A. Doyle Moore. Printed by the Falcon Press in Philadelphia. Published as Jargon 48.

49. Alfred Hamilton Starr. POEMS
Penland, 1970
Introduction by Geof Hewitt. Drawings by Philip Van Aver. Photograph by Simpson Kalisher.

Penland, 1971
Introduction by John Jacob Nies. Preface by Jonathan Williams.

[n.b. notes have not been made about inclusion of items in archive]

Online Resources:

Jacket Magazine

The Jargon Society

References Consulted:

Bell, Millicent. THE JARGON IDEA
Providence: Brown University, 1963

Bennett, Joy and James Polson. IRVING LAYTON: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 1935-1977
Montreal: Concordia University Libraries, 1979

Butterick, George F. and Albert Glover. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS BY CHARLES OLSON
New York: The Phoenix Book Shop, 1967

Haverford: James S. Jaffe Rare Books, 1989

Elmwood Park: Dalkey Archive Press, 1991

Mamaroneck: Paul P. Appel – Publisher, 1978

Williams, Jonathan. JARGON AT FORTY: 1951-1991
Buffalo: State University of New York, 1991

Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1969