My Own Mag was produced by Jeff Nuttall, a larger than life figure in the history of the British counterculture, who edited it while working as a secondary school art teacher. Many prominent underground, Beat and related writers of a usually modest reputation, but not always, contributed to it. These included Anselm Hollo, Alan Brownjohn, Charles Plymell, Jim Haynes, William Wantling, Douglas Blazek, Bill Butler, Carl Weissner, Claude Pélieu, Criton Tomazos, Robert Creeley, and Allen Ginsberg.
Tag Archives: My Own Mag
Michael McClure: Contributions to Periodicals
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Section C:
This index includes contributions to periodicals, and focuses primarily on the entries found in the Clements bibliography.
1. POETRY, Vol. 87, No. 4, edited by Henry Rago
Chicago: Poetry, January 1956
McClure contribution: “2 for Theodore Roetheke: Premonition”
(Clements C1)
Note: This is McClure’s first appearance in print.
2. SEMINA, No. 2, edited by Wallace Berman
Los Angeles: Wallace Berman, December 1957
McClure contribution: “I Wanted to Turn to Electricity”
(Clements C2)
3. ARK II / MOBY I, edited by Michael McClure and James Harmon
San Francisco: Ark, 1956-57
McClure contribution: “Canoe: Explication”, “Logos: Knout”
(Clements C3)
4. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Barney Rosset and Donald Allen
New York: Grove Press, 1957
McClure contribution: “Night Words: The Ravishing”, “Cat’s Air”, “The Rug”, “The”, “Note”, “The Robe”
(Clements C5)
5. BLACK MOUNTAIN REVIEW, No. 7, edited by Robert Creeley
Black Mountain: Black Mountain College, Autumn 1957
McClure contribution: “Poem”
(Clements C6)
6. MEASURE, No. 2, edited by John Wieners
San Francisco: Measure, Winter 1958
McClure contribution: “The Magazine Cover”, “One & Two”
(Clements C7)
7. CHICAGO REVIEW, Vol. 12, No. 1, edited by Irving Rosenthal
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Spring 1958
McClure contribution: “The Mess”, “7/26/57”, “Less Than Vanity”, “The Breech”
(Clements C8)
8. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 2, No. 6, edited by Barney Rosset and Donald Allen *
New York: Grove Press, Autumn 1958
McClure contribution: “Ode to Jackson Pollock”
(Clements C9)
9. YUGEN, No. 4, edited by LeRoi Jones and Hettie Cohen
New York: Yugen, 1959
McClure contribution: “The Chamber”
(Clements C11)
10. JABBERWOCK, American Issue, edited by Alex Neish
Edinburgh: University Renaissance Society, 1959
McClure contribution: “For Artaud”, “A Fantasy and Courtly Poem”, “Ode for Soft Voice, for Jo Ann”
(Clements C12)
11. YUGEN, No. 5, edited by LeRoi Jones and Hettie Cohen
New York: Yugen, 1959
McClure contribution: “Rant Block”
(Clements C13)
12. SEMINA, No. 4, edited by Wallace Berman
San Francisco: Wallace Berman, 1959
McClure contribution: “We’re in the Middle of a Deep Cloud”
(Clements C14)
13. BEATITUDE, No. 5, edited by John Kelly
San Francisco: John Kelly, June 1959
McClure contribution: “Lines from a Peyote Depression”
(not in Clements)
14. SEMINA, No. 5, edited by Wallace Berman
Larkspur: Wallace Berman, 1959
McClure contribution: “We are Impervious as the Skin of our Dreams”
(Clements C17)
15. THE GALLEY SAIL REVIEW, Vol. 2, No. 1, Issue No. 5, edited by David Rafael Wang
San Francisco: Galley Sail Publications, Winter 1959-1960
McClure contribution: “L’Etoile”
(Clements C15)
16. SIDEWALK, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Alex Neish
Edinburgh: Sidewalk, 1960
McClure contribution: “The Flower of Politics”
(Clements C16)
17. BIG TABLE, Vol. 1, No. 4, edited by Paul Carroll
Chicago: Big Table, Spring 1960
McClure contribution: “Two Poems from A Small Secret Book”
(Clements C18)
18. YUGEN, No. 6, edited by LeRoi Jones and Hettie Cohen
New York: Yugen, 1960
McClure contribution: “The Column”
(Clements C19)
19. BEATITUDE, No. 17, edited by Bob Kaufman
San Francisco: City Lights, Oct-Nov 1960
McClure contribution: “Oh Why Oh Why The Blasted Love The Huge Shape Change?” (from Dark Brown)
(Clements C20)
20. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 1, edited by Diane Di Prima and LeRoi Jones *
New York: The Floating Bear, February 1961
McClure contribution: “The Smile shall not be More Mutable than the Final Extinction of Meat”
(Clements C21)
21. NOMAD, No. 9, edited by Donald Factor and Anthony Linick
Culver City: Nomad, Summer 1961
McClure contribution: “High”, “From a Notebook”
(Clements C22)
22. THE FLOATING BEAR, No. 14, edited by Diane Di Prima and LeRoi Jones
New York: The Floating Bear, October 1961
McClure contribution: “!The Feast!”
(Clements C24)
23. THE OUTSIDER, No. 1, edited by Gypsy Lou and Jon Webb
New Orleans: Loujon Press, Fall 1961
McClure contribution: “Spontaneous Hymn to Kundalini”
(Clements C25)
24. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 5, No. 20, edited by Barney Rosset *
New York: Evergreen Review, Sep-Oct 1961
McClure contribution: “On Seeing Through Shelley’s Eyes The Medusa”
(Clements C26)
25. JOURNAL FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL BEINGS, No. 1, edited by Michael McClure, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and David Meltzer
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1961
McClure contribution: “Revolt”
(Clements C27)
26. KULCHUR, Vol. 2, No. 8, edited by Lita Hornick
New York: Kulchur Press, Winter 1962
McClure contribution: “Phi Upsilon Kappa”
(Clements C28)
27. FOOT, No. 2, edited by Richard Duerden and William Brown
San Francisco: Foot, 1962
McClure contribution: “The Surge”
(Clements C29)
28. PA’LANTE, No. 1, edited by Howard Schulman
New York: The League of Militant Poets, May 1962
McClure contribution: “Fidelio”, “Twigs”
(Clements C30)
29. EL CORNO EMPLUMADO, No. 3, edited by Sergio Mondragón and Margaret Randall
Mexico City: El Corno Emplumado, July 1962
McClure contribution: “Dear Jane”, “Drunk Writing”
(Clements C31)
30. ORIGIN, Second Series, No. 6, edited by Cid Corman
Kyoto: Cid Corman, July 1962
McClure contribution: “The Held Back Pain”
(Clements C32)
31. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 6, No. 25, edited by Barney Rosset
New York: Evergreen Review, Jul-Aug 1962
McClure contribution: “Drug Notes”
(Clements C33)
32. FUCK YOU / A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 4, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Fuck You Press, August 1962
McClure contribution: “The Mind Pain Comes Over Me and I Am Blunked”
(Clements C34)
33. TISH, No. 12, edited by Frank Davey
Vancouver: TISH, August 1962
McClure contribution: “Mad Sonnet”
(not in Clements)
34. THE NATION, Vol. 196, No. 3, edited by Carey McWilliams *
New York: The Nation, Jan 1963
McClure contribution: “The Human Face”
(Clements C35)
35. SEMINA, No. 8, edited by Wallace Berman
Los Angeles: Wallace Berman, 1963
McClure contribution: “Ghost Tantra (No. 14)”
(Clements C36)
36. THE OUTSIDER, No. 3, edited by Gypsy Lou and Jon Webb
New Orleans: Loujon Press, Spring 1963
McClure contribution: “Three Mad Sonnets”
(Clements C37)
37. POETRY, Vol. 102, No. 3, edited by Henry Rago
Chicago: Poetry, June 1963
McClure contribution: “The Child”, “Mad Sonnet”, “Mad Sonnet”
(Clements C38)
38. ARTFORUM, Vol II, No. 1, edited by John Irwin *
San Francisco: John Irwin, July 1963
McClure contribution: “Dog Star Man” [prose]
(Clements C39)
39. CITY LIGHTS JOURNAL, No. 1, edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti *
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1963
McClure contribution: “Notes on a Miniature Drama”
(Clements C40)
40. NORTHWEST REVIEW, Vol. 6, No. 4, , edited by Edward Van Aelstyn
Eugene: University of Oregon, Fall 1963
McClure contribution: “Artaud: Peace Chief”
(Clements C41)
41. FUCK YOU / A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 4, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Fuck You Press, c.1963
McClure contribution: “Fuck Essay”
(Clements C42)
42. NOW, No. 1, edited by Charles Plymell
San Francisco: Now, 1963
McClure contribution: “I, Michael McClure”, “Black and Yellow: Pansy”
(Clements C43)
43. EVERGREEN REVIEW, Vol. 8, No. 32, edited by Barney Rosset *
New York: Grove Press, Apr-May 1964
McClure contribution: “The Growl”
(Clements C44)
44. JOGLARS, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by Clark Coolidge and George Palmer
Providence: Joglars, Spring 1964
McClure contribution: “Sanza 13” from Love Lion Book
(Clements C46)
45. FILM CULTURE, No. 32, edited by Jonas Mekas
New York: Film Culture, Spring 1964
McClure contribution: “Defense of Jayne Mansfield”
(Clements C47)
46. GNAOUA, No. 1, edited by Ira Cohen
Tangier: Gnaoua, Spring 1964
McClure contribution: “The Beast Sound: Nine Poems”
(Clements C48)
47. CLEFT, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Bill McArthur
Edinburgh: Cleft, May 1964
McClure contribution: “Ghost Tantra 50”
(Clements C49)
48. KULCHUR, Vol. 4, No. 14, edited by Lita Hornick
New York: Kulchur Press, Summer 1964
McClure contribution: “Reason”
(Clements C50)
49. IMAGO, No. 1, edited by George Bowering
Alberta: Imago, 1964
McClure contribution: “Three Poems from The Beast Sound”
(Clements C51)
50. FUCK YOU / A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 7, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Fuck You Press, Sep 1964
McClure contribution: “Airs from a Forgotten Book”
(Clements C52)
51. NOW NOW, [Now, No. 2], edited by Charles Plymell
San Francisco: Ari Publications, 1965
McClure contribution: “Love Lion, Lioness”
(Clements C53)
52. DIMAS, No. 3, edited by Alan Jay Arikian
Elmhurst: Dimas, Feb 1965
McClure contribution: “For Me”, “For a Drawing by Bruce Conner”, “Only Simplicity”, “The Convertible”
(Clements C54)
53. THE SAN FRANCISCO KEEPER’S VOICE, Vol. 1, No. 2, edited by Alexander Weiss
San Francisco: Alexander Weiss, Feb 1965
McClure contribution: “Ghost Tantra 15”
(Clements C55)
54. MY OWN MAG, No. 11, edited by Jeff Nuttall
Barnet: Jeff Nuttall, Feb 1965
McClure contribution: “Dream Tables, No. 1 & 2”
(Clements C56)
55. C, A JOURNAL OF POETRY, Vol. 1, No. 10, edited by Ted Berrigan
New York, Feb 1965
McClure contribution: “Ghost Tantra #9”
(Clements C57)
56. FUCK YOU / A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 8, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Fuck You Press, March 1965
McClure contribution: “Poem Cards”
(Clements C58)
57. FUX!, No. 1, edited by Robert Branaman
San Francisco: Ari Publications, Spring 1965
McClure contribution: “Wondersmitten! Trancelike! Profound!”
(Clements C60)
58. SIGMA PORTFOLIO, No. 21, edited by Alexander Trocchi
London, 1965
McClure contribution: “Revolt”
(Clements C61)
[* not in archive]