Tag Archives: Paul Blackburn

Carl Larsen – Contributions to Books and Anthologies

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This index includes contributions to books and anthologies

1. FOUR NEW POETS, edited by Leslie Woolf Hedley
brautigan_fourSan Francisco: Inferno Press, 1957
First edition, perfect-bound illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8″, 34 pages.
Contributors include Martin Hoberman, Carl Larsen, Richard Brautigan, and James M. Singer. Brautigan’s first book appearance.

2. EYE POEMS, edited by E.V. Griffith
Eureka: Hearse Press, (c. 1960)
First edition, saddle-stapled wrappers in illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 16 pages, 100 numbered copies.
Contributors include Farley Gay, James M. Singer, Kenneth Lawrence Beaudoin, Carl Larsen, E.V. Griffith, Charles Shaw, Shirley Summerfruct, Mason Jordan Mason.

3. BEAT GENERATION COOK-BOOK, edited by Carl Larsen and James M. Singer Jr.
New York: 7 Poets Press, 1961
First edition, saddle-stapled sheets tipped in to illustrated wrappers, 5.75″ x 8.75″, 36 pages, offset printed. Includes printed ads for other 7 Poets Press books including Bukowski’s Longshot Poems for Broke Players.

4. 3 ONE ACT PLAYS, edited by Chris Torrance
Torrance: Hors Commerce Press, July 1964
First edition, side-stapled sheets in printed cover with library-tape binding, 8.5″ x 11″, 150 numbered copies.
Contributors include Kirby Congdon, Carl Larsen, d.a. levy.

New York: Vinatage Books, 1969
First edition, paperback original.
Contributors include: Carol Berge, Paul Blackburn, Grace Butcher, Diane Di Prima, Will Inman, Allen Katzman, Bob Kaufman, Tuli Kupferberg, Carl Larsen, d.a. levy, Clarence Major, David Meltzer, George Montgomery, Margaret Randall, Steven Richmond, Ed Sanders, William Wantling.

The Divers Press Checklist

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A. Books published by The Divers Press:

1. Blackburn, Paul. PROENSA
First edition:
Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, June 1953
Hand-sewn and bound into illustrated wrappers, 56 pages, 7.25″ x 11″, hand-set and printed by Mossén Alcover. (Woodward A18)

In the Divers Press Prospectus, Robert Creeley writes, “Proensa is a bilingual edition of the work of seven Troubadours (including Piere Vidal, Sordello, and Bertran de Born). So far as we know, it is the only book of its kind now available. The re-creation of a past time is never very simple, or as Blackburn wrote: ‘Pride, interest, self-love were all sins then. Today they have been transformed into virtues… All this means a problem in poetic craft, if one is so perverse as to attempt translation of medieval languages.’ Blackburn’s attempt succeeds in giving us poetry, not a trot.”

2. Creeley, Robert. THE KIND OF ACT OF
First edition:
Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, May 1953
Hand-sewn and bound into illustrated wrappers, 6.25” x 7.25”, 24 pages, 250 copies, hand-set and printed by Mossén Alcover. Cover by René Laubiès. (Novik A2)

In the Divers Press Prospectus, Robert Creeley writes, “The Kind of Act of is a collection of those poems written since the publication of Le Fou. I don’t know that they are better or worse, etc., but they came out of a time which was difficult, and needed statement of a kind which could hold both myself and them. The forms are, for the most part, tighter, i.e., more condensed.”

First edition:
Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, July 1953
Hand-sewn and bound into illustrated wrappers, 6.75” x 9”, 16 pages, 250 copies, hand-set and printed by Mossén Alcover. Cover by René Laubiès. (Wyatt A2)

An excerpt from a letter to Robert Creeley from William Carlos Williams upon receiving Eigner’s FROM THE SUSTAINING AIR: “Eigner’s book is charming. I haven’t got such a relaxed feeling from anything in years. There is no tension whatever, but a feeling of eternity. It is hard to say how he achieved this in the world today. As far as I can see it comes from a perfect ear… Let me see anything he writes, it is contagious…”

4. Olson, Charles. MAYAN LETTERS
First edition:
Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, January 1954
Sewn and perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 92 pages, 6.5″ x 8.5″, hand-set and printed by Mossén Alcover. Preface by Robert Creeley. Contains 17 letters from Charles Olson to Robert Creeley written between February 18 and July 1, 1951. (Butterick & Glover A9)

In the Divers Press Prospectus, Robert Creeley writes, “Mayan Letters… is an altogether rare instance of culture morphology at work. It insists on the full complex of attentions involved, and proves no art can sustain itself free of a basic human contact. Which comments belie, perhaps, the intensely human character of the letters themselves.”

5. Layton, Irving. IN THE MIDST OF MY FEVER
Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, February 1954
(Bennett & Polson A6)

6. Creeley, Robert. THE GOLD DIGGERS
First edition:
Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, February 1954
Sewn and perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 144 pages, 5” x 6.75”, 500 copies, hand-set and printed by Mossén Alcover. Cover by René Laubiès. (Novik A4)

7. Seymour-Smith, Martin. ALL DEVILS FADING
Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, Spring 1954

Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, May 1954

9. Kitasono, Katsué. BLACK RAIN: POEMS & DRAWINGS
First edition:
Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, August 1954

First edition:
Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, 1954
100 copies, published anonymously (Novik A5)

11. Woolf, Douglas. THE HYPOCRITIC DAYS
Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, January 1955

12. Blackburn, Paul. THE DISSOLVING FABRIC
First edition:
Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, March 1955
Sewn and perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 24 pages, 6.5” x 8”, hand-set and printed by Mossén Alcover. Cover by Dan Rice with silkscreen reporduction by Arthur Okamura. (Woodward A1)

13. Duncan, Robert. CAESAR’S GATE: POEMS 1949–1950
a. First edition, regular copies:
Palma de Mallorca: Divers Press, September 1955
Sewn and perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 24 pages, 6.75” x 8.75”, 200 copies, hand-set and printed by Mossén Alcover. Illustrated by Jess Collins. (Bertholf A8a)

b. First edition, numbered copies:
Palma de Mallorca: Divers Press, September 1955
Sewn and perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 24 pages, 6.75” x 8.75”, 10 copies, hand-set and printed by Mossén Alcover. Illustrated by Jess Collins. (Bertholf A8b)

c. First edition, lettered copies:
Palma de Mallorca: Divers Press, September 1955
Sewn and perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 24 pages, 6.75” x 8.75”, 3 copies, hand-set and printed by Mossén Alcover. Illustrated by Jess Collins. (Bertholf A8c)

B. Books designed and printed by The Divers Press:

1. Olson, Charles. IN COLD HELL, IN THICKET
Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, February 1953
Sewn and perfect-bound in illustrated wrappers, 62 pages, 7” x 8.5”, 500 copies, hand-set and printed by Mossén Alcover. Published as Origin 8 (Winter 1953) as part of the first series of Cid Corman’s long-running magazine. (Butterick & Glover A7)

2. Corman, Cid. THE PRECISIONS
New York: Sparrow Press, March 1955

3. Layton, Irving. THE BLUE PROPELLER
Montreal: Contact Press, 1955

C. The Divers Press ephemera:

Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, 1953
Single sheet measuring 13.75″ x 6″ folded twice to make a 6-page booklet, letterpress printed by Mossén Alcover. (Novik 101)

Note by Creeley: “Printing is cheap in Mallorca, and for a small press like our own it means freedom from commercial pressures. It means, too, that we can design our books in a way that we want, since they are handset and made with an almost forgotten sense of craft. Above all, it is our chance to print what we actually like and believe in.” Creeley goes on to list several titles, the first four from the press, noting prices and distributors.

Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, Spring 1954
Single sheet measuring 4.75″ x 11.5″ folded twice to make a 6-page booklet, letterpress printed by Mossén Alcover.

Lists multiple forthcoming and previously published books by The Divers Press and includes names and addresses of distributors including Black Mountain College and Raymond Souster in Toronto.

Black Mountain: Black Mountain College, 1955
Single sheet measuring 4.25″ x 6.25″, letterpress printed.

Text from Robert Duncan and Jess Collins holograph noting the various issues, limitations, and prices of the forthcoming book.

References consulted:

Bennett, Joy and James Polson. IRVING LAYTON: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 1935-1977
Montreal: Concordia University Libraries, 1979

Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1986

Butterick, George F. and Albert Glover. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS BY CHARLES OLSON
New York: The Phoenix Book Shop, 1967

Clay, Steven and Rodney Phillips. A SECRET LOCATION ON THE LOWER EAST SIDE: Adventures in Writing, 1960-1980
New York: New York Public Library / Granary Books, 1998

Kent: The Kent State University Press, 1973

San Diego: Archive for New Poetry, 1980

Berkeley: Oyez, 1970

The Divers Press

Prospectus of The Divers Press. Palma de Mallorca, 1953

Divers Press Checklist

[excerpt from Steve Clay and Rodney Phillips’ A SECRET LOCATION ON THE LOWER EAST SIDE. Granary Books, 1998]

Raising pigeons and chickens on a farm in Littleton, New Hampshire, Robert Creeley heard, through “a fluke of airwaves,” poet Cid Corman’s weekly radio program from Boston, “This Is Poetry.” Inspired, Creeley read on the program during a weekend in 1950 when he was showing chickens at the Boston poultry show. And so began a network of literary friendships that inspired a generation of poets (“A knows B, B knows C, and there begins to be increasing focus. And I think that we were curiously lucky that that focus was not literally a question of whether we were all living together or not.”). Galvanized, Creeley tried unsuccessfully to start his own little magazine, but ended up giving Cid Corman at Origin much of the material he had collected, including work by Denise Levertov, Paul Blackburn, and Charles Olson, to whom the first issue of Origin was devoted.

Against this background it is not surprising that Creeley, called “The Figure of Outward” by Olson, whom he met through Corman, would himself venture forth as a publisher in 1953 with Martin Seymour-Smith’s All Devils Fading. In addition to two volumes by Paul Blackburn and one each by Larry Eigner and Robert Duncan, in 1954 Creeley issued a volume of poems by Canadian poet Irving Layton and Japanese poet Katué Kitasono’s self-translated poems, Black Rain. The last volume he published, in 1955, was American novelist Douglas Woolf’s “painful rite of passage,” The Hypocritic Days. Creeley published his own The Kind of Act of in 1953 and A Snarling Garland of Xmas Verses and The Gold Diggers, both in 1954. In 1982, Creeley wistfully remembered the serious, edgy nature of the press: “I don’t recall that the Divers Press paid anybody anything—it was my first wife’s modest income that kept any of it going—and so our choices had to be limited to writers as existentially defined as ourselves.”

“What I felt was the purpose of the press has much to do with my initial sense of [The Black Mountain Review] also. For me, and the other writers who came to be involved, it was a place defined by our own activity and accomplished altogether by ourselves—a place wherein we might make evident what we, as writers, had found to be significant, both for ourselves and for that world—no doubt often vague to us indeed—we hoped our writing might enter… there had to be both a press and a magazine absolutely specific to one’s own commitments and possibilities. Nothing short of that was good enough.”

— Robert Creeley, Introduction to the AMS Press reprint (1969) of The Black Mountain Review

— Steve Clay and Rodney Phillips in A SECRET LOCATION ON THE LOWER EAST SIDE (Granary Books, 1998)


Fuck You/ a magazine of the arts

Fuck You/ a magazine of the arts, published by Ed Sanders from a “secret location on the Lower East Side” of New York City,  was a deliberately provocative mimeographed periodical that ran for 13 issues from 1962 to 1965. Each issue featured line drawings by Sanders and included contributions from such writers and artists as Tuli Kupferberg, Carol Bergé, John Wieners, Andy Warhol, Ray Bremser, Lenore Kandel, Charles Olson, Joel Oppenheimer, Peter Orlovsky, Philip Whalen, Allen Ginsberg, Herbert Huncke, Julian Beck, Frank O’Hara, Leroi Jones, Diane Di Prima, William Burroughs, Gary Snyder, Robert Kelly, Judith Malina, Carl Solomon, Gregory Corso, Robert Duncan, Robert Creeley, Michael McClure, Ted Berrigan, Joe Brainard, Gilbert Sorrentino, and many others.

1. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 1, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Ed Sanders, February 1962
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 26 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

From the Editors Note: “Send me your banned manuscripts, your peace-grams, your cosmic data, your huddled masses yearning to be free, your collections of freak-beams, plans for the pacifist holocaust, I lift my speedoprint mimeo beside the golden door…”

Jean Morton – “To Us”
Jean Morton – “Prayer”
Ed Sanders – “Soft-Man I”
Ed Sanders – “Soft-Man II”
Ed Sanders – “Soft-Man IIII”
Ed Sanders – “Soft-Man V”
Ed Sanders – “Soft-Man VI”
Allen Hoffman – “Hymn to Amun-Ra-Sanders, The Sun Disc”
Paul Berner – “Freak-Gram: Some Notes on Nonviolent Suicide”
Nelon Barr – “A Bouquet of Fuck Yous”

2. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 2, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Ed Sanders, April 1962
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 34 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

From the Editors Note: “Send me yr goddamn manuscripts. Cut me in on yr freak-beams. I’ll print anything.”

Margaret X – “Ronnie: An Unapproved Litany”
Eric Weinberger – “Brownsville Jail — Mar. 12, 1962”
Ed Sanders – “Cemetery Hill”
Ed Sanders – “Soft Man VII”
Ed Sanders – “Soft Man VIII”
Ed Sanders – “Soft Man IX”
Robert Brookings Gore – “Fishy”
Robert Brookings Gore – “What?”
Jim Forest – “Notes Written in the Night”
Nelson Barr – “Ash Wednesday Revisited”
Nelson Barr – “A Bouquet of Fuckyous, offering #2”

3. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 3, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Ed Sanders, June 1962
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 38 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

From the Editors Note: “Send me yr banned manuscripts, fire me yr cosmic data, visions of the incomprehensible, arcanics, outpukes from the jack-batty, notes from the all, I’ll print anything.”

Penny X – “Crotch Poem”
Al Fowler – “Poems, Wargasms, Hymns to Young Men & Women”
Ed Sanders – “Poems”
Ed Sanders – “Soft Man X”
Bob K – “Canticle”
John Harriman – “Two Poems While High”
Nelson Barr – “A Bouquet of Fuckyous”
Tuli Kupferberg – “Pacifist Primer”
Tuli Kupferberg – “6996th Psalm”
Tuli Kupferberg – “Cool”

4. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 4, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Ed Sanders, August 1962
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 54 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

From the Editor’s Note: “Send me yr bloody manuscripts! I’ll print anything”

Eric Weinberger – [untitled] “For me/ even for me…”
Carol Berge – “Lovesong”
Michael McClure – [untitled] “The mind pain comes over me…”
Taylor Mead – [untitled] “I can’t write…”
C.V.J. Anderson – “August Sixth for Reiko”
John Wieners – “Cocaine”
Ray Bremser – “Lacerations Manuscript”
Ed Sanders – “from On Guerilla Lovefare”
Tuli Kupferberg – “The Man with the Scissors”
John C. Harriman – “3 for Diane Wakoski”
Elin Paulson – [untitled] “in a forever eternity…”
John Keys – “Poem” [“what has made us…”]
John Keys – “New Age of Arm Lifting”
John Keys – “Remembrances of Things Past”
Steve Wever – [untitled] “Your Azzole is…”
Mary E. Mayo – “The Highlanders”
Jackson Mac Low – “Observations in My Neighborhood”
Nelson Barr – “Darkangelgirl”
Nelson Barr – “A Bouquet of Fuckyous, offering #4”

5. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 1, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Ed Sanders, December 1962
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 62 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

From the Editor’s Note: “Barf me your frick data. Retch me in on your bable vectors, your arcanics, your spew, I’ll print anything.”

Ed Sanders – “Fuck You, The Talk of the Town”
Charles Olson – “Three Poems from The Maximus Poems”
Lenore Kandel – [untitled] “to fuck with love…”
Al Fowler – “Heroin”
Al Fowler – “Takeoff”
Al Fowler – “Larson O.D.’s; Fowler Scare Shitless”
Al Fowler – “The Hip Lady Pacifist…”
Al Fowler – “Cock City”
Al Fowler – “Caroline”
Al Fowler – “Vision”
Barbara Moraff – [untitled] “Spaniel luz…”
Mark Samara – “Camping Out with Ed Sanders”
Ed Marshall – “Steps of Entering the Skin”
Bonnie Bremser – “Fowl-Play”
Millard Friedman – “Opening”
Ron Rice – [untitled] “Creation from zero…”
Charles Polandik – “Thru Service from New York to Chicago”
Joel Oppenheimer – “A Little Mayan Head”
John Keys – “Revision”
Kirby Congdon – [untitled] “I stagger under the boat…”
John Thomas – “Fat Dr. Bonelli”
Ed Sanders – “Blow Job Poem”
Mary Mayo – “Canticle”
Nelson Barr – “A Bouquet of Fuckyous”

6. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 2, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Ed Sanders, December 1962
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 68 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

From the Editor’s Note: “Skin me with your poetry, your banned manuscripts, your babble, plans for the pacifist holocaust, I’ll print anything.”

John Wieners – [untitled] “You talk of going…”
Tuli Kupferberg – “I Say”
Carol Berge – “How to Screw a Bear and Find God”
Taylor Mead – “from His Diary”
Paul Blackburn – “The One-Night Stand”
Barry Wallenstein – “Times of Our Time”
Ray Bremser – “Eternity Grinding Allen’s Giant Beyonds”
Ray Bremser – “Rolling with the Wind”
David Rattray – “In God We Trust”
John Keys – “Poem for Charles Olson come Summer”
Hank Dixon – “Billie the Kid Revisited”
Elin Paulson – “With Love Still”
Pasquale Cocco – [untitled] “I’d love to…”
Bob K. – “from Carolcurla”
Nelson Barr – “Call Me not Back”
Nelson Barr – “Another Bouquet of Fuckyous”
Al Fowler – “Babble”
Al Fowler – “I Want You”
Al Fowler – “Musee de Beaux Enfant”
Al Fowler – “Child”
Al Fowler – “Democracy”
Al Fowler – “Telephone Conversation”
Al Fowler – “The Room. Junk Withdrawal”

7. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 3, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Ed Sanders, May 1963
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 80 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

Ed Sanders – “Spurt Spurt”
Lenore Kandel – “Hero the Rider”
Rochelle Owens – “To an Arrogant Fart”
Peter Orlovsky – “Second Sex Experiment”
Jean Forest – “Queen #3”
Carol Berge – “The Love Hang”
Marc Samara – “Camping Out with Taylor Mead”
Joel Oppenheimer – “A Long Testament”
Ray Bremser – “The Cup of Sex”
Robert Kaye – “Mawdroogle”
John Thomas – “Okay Okay”
John Thomas – “For Basho”
Jay Socin – “Graffiti in a Public John”
Al Katzman – “Lament”
Barbara Moraff – “The Abdominal Snowman”
Barbara Moraff – [untitled] “during the past few months…”
Nancy Ellison – “Caca Caca”
John Keys – “Poem for the Aircraft”
Martin Segal – [untitled] “Here I have come…”
Taylor Mead – “Taylor Mead on Dope”
Jackson Mac Low – “19th Light Poem”
Szabo – “Poem for Marilyn”
Nelson Barr – “Bouquet of Fuckyous”

8. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, No. 5, Vol. 4, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Ed Sanders, Summer 1963
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 74 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

Ed Sanders – “Defiance”
Szabo – “Poem for Hustlers”
Lenore Kandel – “Grant Avenue”
Philip Whalen – “Duerden says: ‘Life is Therapy'”
Paul Blackburn – “Here They Go”
Joel Oppenheimer – “Public Affairs”
Joel Oppenheimer – “Poem in Praise of Perseverance”
John Harriman – “Antoninous Paper Number Two”
Barbara Moraff – [untitled] “im a hip song mistress…”
Barbara Moraff – [untitled] “ground like barren…”
Barbara Moraff – [untitled] “hiking out of sight…”
Barbara Moraff – [untitled] “the reactions…”
George Economou – “Carmen Mentulae”
Carol Berge – “An Answer to one of the Other Women”
Harry Fainlight – “42nd Street”
Rochelle Owens – “Manananimal”
George Montgomery – “Cockman”
Andrew Hoyem – “An Invocation to the Muse in her Low Haunts”
Al Fowler – “Junky II – Speedball”
Al Fowler – “Statutory Rape – (the plea)”
Al Fowler – “Junky”
Ed Sanders – “Three Poems from The Gobble Gang Poems”
Michael McClure – “Fuck Essay”
Nelson Barr – “A Bouquet of Fuckyous, offering #8”

9. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, Number 5, Volume 5, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Ed Sanders, December 1963
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 90 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

From the Editor’s Note: “Manuscripts! Manuscripts! puke us your spew, magic, music, loves, logoi, and vapours! Onward in the Re-vectors, all you blazing m.f.’s”

Ed Sanders – “Total Assault on the Culture”
Allen Ginsberg – “The Change: Kyoto-Tokyo Express July 18, 1963”
Isis – “Incantation for the REvival of the Dead Osiris”
Robert Kaye – “8th & 42nd”
Robert Kaye – “for Quang Duc”
Robert Kaye – [untitled] “under falling water…”
Robert Kaye – [untitled] “i’m dead…”
Lenore Kandel – “Love Fuck Poem”
Tuli Kupferberg – “A Black & White Manifesto”
Peter Orlovsky – “Allen Jerking Off on Bed”
Mary Mayo – “The Dream of the Starving Birds”
Robert Nichols – “Message”
Robert Nichols – “Bakhunin”
Diane Wakowski – “Ordinary Poem, to Bob”
Julian Beck – [untitled] “horse pimples…”
Julian Beck – “Anarchy”
Julian Beck – [untitled] “that the collective not be…”
John Keys – “Impressions Taken from the Same Canteen”
John Keys – “Erikson”
John Keys – “Lesson 2”
Jim Standish – “Three Poems from the Mushroom Poems”
Harry Fainlight – “O London”
Herbert Huncke – “The Party”
Nelson Barr – “Love Poem”
Nelson Barr – “A Bouquet of Fuck Yous, offering #9”

10. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, Number 5, Volume 6, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Ed Sanders, April/May 1963
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 108 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

From the Editor’s Note: “Manuscripts!! we need high level poetic data, music, criticism, reviews, surveys, stories, magic, etc…. while we exist we should like to puke forth some totally mind-stomping issues…”

Ed Sanders – “A Call to Action”
Harry Fainlight – “For the Ghost of Hart Crane”
Allen Ginsberg – “Walt Whitman”
Harry Fainlight – “Le Poete a Quatorze Ans”
Harry Fainlight – “Mescaline Notes”
Frank O’Hara – “Un Chant d’Amor”
Frank O’Hara – “In the Movies”
Peter Orlovsky – “Thank God….”
Ray Bremser – “Three Small Prater to the Genii”
Ray Bremser – “Frontal Phrenal Fit”
Al Fowler – [untitled] “are you going to the…”
Al Fowler – “Soup Poem”
Al Fowler – “My Last Shot of Stuff”
Szabo – “The Szabo Poems”
Diane Di Prima – “An Anniversary Poem, for Alan”
Diane Di Prima – “Take 3/16/61”
Diane Di Prima – “Take 3/15/61”
LeRoi Jones – “Houdini”
LeRoi Jones – “Letter to Elijah Muhammed”
LeRoi Jones – “Political Poem”
LeRoi Jones – “Double Feel”
Joel Oppenheimer – “Fragments of a Letter from New York to San Francisco”
Joel Oppenheimer – “For Our Cousins”
Joel Oppenheimer – “Where are My Glasses”
Joel Oppenheimer – “Balso’s Blues”
Carol Berge – “Chant for Half the World”
John Keys – “Star: Saskatchewan Two”
Nancy Ellison – [untitled] “i lie long mornings…”
Nancy Ellison – [untitled] “weed that hides rock…”
Nancy Ellison – [untitled] “i feel my body covered with dust…”
Nelson Barr – [untitled] “wingdlass, stingsalt skald’s brow hornhelmed…”
Nelson Barr – “A Bouquet of Fuckyou’s, offering #10”

11. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, Number 5, Volume 7, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Ed Sanders, September 1964
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 172 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art by Robert LaVigne and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

Ed Sanders – “Resistance against Goon Squads”
Charles Olson – “West Gloucester”
John Wieners – “The Imperatrice”
John Wieners – “Confession”
John Wieners – “Le Chariot”
John Wieners – [untitled] “And if to die…”
Robert Creeley – “Something”
Robert Creeley – “Two Times”
Allen Ginsberg – “from Long Unfinished Poem”
Robert Duncan – “Old Testament”
Robert Duncan – “New Testament”
William Burroughs – “Fluck you fluck you fluck you”
Norman Mailer – “The Executioner’s Song”
Gary Snyder – “Hymn to the Goddess San Francisco in Paradise”
Gregory Corso – “God is a Masturbator”
Philip Whalen – “Statement of Condition”
Philip Whalen – “The Great Beyond Denver”
Philip Whalen – “Papyrus Catalogue”
Philip Whalen – “Vector Analysis”
Philip Whalen – “Against the Magic War: An Open Letter to Robert Duncan”
Michael McClure – “Airs from a Forgotten Book”
Judith Malina – “On the Day of the Death…”
Harry Fainlight – “The Spider”
Robert Kelly – “In Commentary on the Gospel…”
Robery Kelly – “Poem for Ed Sanders”
Carl Solomon – “Nobody Tells Me the Truth Any More”
Carl Solomon – “Stringing Them Along”
Carl Solomon – “Relationships”
Carl Solomon – “The Delinquents”
Carl Solomon – “The Lunatic and Modern Art”
Arnaut Daniel – “Sirventes”
Arnaut Daniel – “Sirventes” (trans. Paul Blackburn)
Al Fowler – “Junky”
Al Fowler – “Larson O.D.’s; Fowler Scared Shitless”
Al Fowler – “Heroin”
Al Fowler – “Takeoff”
Al Fowler – “The Room. Junk Withdrawal”
Al Fowler – “Junky II – Speedball”
Antonin Artaud – [untitled] “The message of…” (trans. Robert Cordier)
Philip Lamantia – “Blue Grace”
Alden Van Buskirk – “The Ivory Bastard”
Alden Van Buskirk – “Kitchen”
Alden Van Buskirk – “Last Will And”
Alden Van Buskirk – “from Forest Park Fragments”
Alden Van Buskirk – “Lami, Leather Nightingale”

12. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, Volume 5, Number 8, edited by Ed Sanders
New York: Fug Press, March 1965
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 154 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art by Andy Warhol and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

Ed Sanders – “Fuck You – The Talk of the Town”
Lawrence Ferlinghetti – “To Fuck is to Love Again”
Michael McClure – “Poisoned Wheat”
Michael McClure – “Poem Cards”
Ed Sanders – “from the Gobble Gang Poems”
LeRoi Jones – “Word from the Right Wing”
LeRoi Jones – “Western Front”
Allen Ginsberg – “from Journals”
Allen Ginsberg – “Dream”
Ted Berrigan – “Sonnet III”
Ted Berrigan – “Sonnet LXVII”
Ted Berrigan – “Sonnet LXXVI”
Ted Berrigan – “Sonnet LXXVIII”
W.H. Auden -“A Gobble Poem”
Gerard Malanga – “Friends”
Vincent Ferrini – “IHS”
Peter Orlovsky – “Three Pages of Drawings with Notes…”
Harry Fainlight – “Street”
Gergory Corso – “At the Big A”
Claude Pelieu – “Four Shriek Pages…”
Al Fowler – [untitled] “man is the disconnected beast…”
Elise Cowan – [untitled] “A cockroach…”
Elsie Cowan – [untitled] “The first eye opens…”
Elsie Cowan – [untitled] “Easy to love…”
Elsie Cowan – [untitled] “I took the skin of corpses…”
John Keys – “The Relationships”
Robert Kaye – [untitled] “suffering cannot be merited…”
John Francis Putman – “Mythology”
John Francis Putman – “Freebie Peek at Remaindered Girlie Mags”
John Francis Putman – “All Saints Day”
Carol Berge – “Thank You”
Bill Fritsch – [untitled] “I stared into your…”
Al Katzman – “Directions I (for John Keys)”
Al Katzman – “The Bloodletting”
Gerard Malanga – “In the pores of his forehead…”
Gerard Malanga – “Some Thoughts of Jean Shrimpton”
Gerard Malanga – “Charles Olson among the White Trees”
Nancy Ellison – [untitled] “I sing the grave…”
Nelson Barr – “Guernica”

13. FUCK YOU/ A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, Volume 5, Number 9
New York: Ed Sanders, June 1965
First edition, side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 100 pages, mimeograph printed. Cover art and illustrations by Ed Sanders.

Ed Sanders – “Notes from the Editor”
Joe Brainard – untitled illustration
Pindar – “The First Olympian Ode”
Tom Veitch – “You Got a Point There, Pop”
Harry Fainlight – “Interregnum”
Harry Fainlight – “Image for Fowler”
Harry Fainlight – “The Question”
Harry Fainlight – “Cruising”
Harry Fainlight – “To Noreen”
Harry Fainlight – “Magic Song”
Gilbert Sorrentino – “from The Perfect Fiction”
John Wieners – “Memories of You”
Alden Van Buskirk – “The Pimple”
Szabo – [untitled] “Billy the Kid, the criminal…”
Taylor Mead – “My Monthly”
Robert Kelly – “Sporting News”
Lenore Kandel – “In the Comics”
David Henderson – [untitled] “David A. Wood…”
Al Fowler – [untitled] “night. in the orchards…”
Janine Pommey – “On Train From Living Theatre Heist to Paris”
Ted Berrigan – “Book Review”

References Consulted:

New York: New York Public Library / Granary Books, 1998

Marx, Jake. “Index to Fuck You / A Magazine of the Arts” in THE SERIF: QUARTERLY OF THE KENT STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, Volume VIII, Number 3
Kent: The Kent State University Libraries, September 1971

Online Resources:

· Boo-Hooray – Ed Sanders: Fuck You / A Magazine of the Arts

· From a Secret Location – Fuck You/ a magazine of the arts

· Reality Studio – Fuck You Press Archive

· Ubu Web – Fuck You: A Magazine of the Arts (1962-1965)

d.a. levy: Publications Edited and Published

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Section D:
This index includes publication edited and published by d.a. levy (excluding periodicals and serial publications: see Section E)

levy_fragmentsFirst edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 44 pages, 100 numbered and signed copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. The poet’s first book. (T&H P-01)

2. levy, d.a. VARIATIONS ON FLIP
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 36 pages, 100 numbered and signed copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-02)

levy_morewitha. First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 36 pages, 100 numbered and signed copies, letterpress printed in multiple colors by d.a. levy.
(T&H P-03)

b. Second printing, revised:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 21 pages, 100 copies, signed, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-16)

This printing includes poems in a different sequence than the first printing, plus one additional poem.

4. Beck, George Robert. DREAMS AT THE TEA-TABLE
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 32 pages, 100 numbered copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-04)

Second edition, first printing thus:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 40 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by d.a. levy. (T&H P-05)

This Renegade Press edition reprints the first section titled Purgatory and Carousels from the Free Lance Press edition of the same title printed in 1963; this edition also adds a new section, not in the first, titled Carousels.

6. Morris, Richard Allen. BRUSHED POEMS & A LITTLE PUTSCH
Second edition, first printing thus:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 24 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by d.a. levy. (T&H P-06)

This Renegade Press edition is a second printing after a self-published first printing by Morris in Pacific Beach, California.

7. Atkins, Russell. OBJECTS 2
a. First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 28 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by d.a. levy. (T&H P-07)

This Renegade Press edition includes three poems that appear in Objects (Eureka: Hearse Press, 1960) but is otherwise a different collection.

b. Second printing, revised:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 20 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-17)

This  printing has the sequence of poems changed from the first printing, plus added one poem.

8. Czaban, Jr., Lester. NIGHT GARDEN *
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Postcard, 3″ x 5″, letterpress printed and with a block print by d.a. levy. Published as the first “Un-‘Pop Art’ Postcard”. (T&H P-09)

First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Postcard, 3″ x 5″, letterpress printed and with a block print by d.a. levy. (T&H P-10)

First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Postcard, 3″ x 5″, letterpress printed and with a block print by d.a. levy. Published as the second “Un-‘Pop Art’ Postcard”. (T&H P-11)

11. levy, d.a. ANKARA
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Postcard, 3″ x 5″, letterpress printed and with a block print by d.a. levy. Published as the third “Un-‘Pop Art’ Postcard”. (T&H P-12)

12. levy, d.a. HAPPY HIROSHIMA DAY
First edition:
Cleveland: n.p., 1963
Folding card, 9″ x 3″, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-13)

First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 20 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by d.a. levy. (T&H P-14)

levy_ cornponeFirst edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1963
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5″ x 7.5″, 20 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-15)

First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 20 pages, 105 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Dedication: “for E.R. Lyon”. (T&H P-18)

16. Crews, Judson. SELECTED POEMS
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 4.75″ x 7″, 16 pages, 100 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Block prints by Lester Czaban Jr. (T&H P-19)

17. Katzman, Allan. THE BLOODLETTING
a. First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 6.5″, 16 pages, 100 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-20)

b. First edition, second printing:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled in wrappers made from maps, 4.5″ x 5.25″, 10 pages, 200 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy.
(T&H P-57)

18. Konyecsni, John. BIRDS *
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Postcard, 3″ x 5″, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Block print by John Konyecsni. (T&H P-21)

19. Czaban Jr., Lester. STEALING
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Postcard, 3″ x 5″, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Block print by Lester Czaban, Jr. (T&H P-23)

20. Levey, Charlene. ECSTATIC NOMAD *
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Postcard, 3″ x 5″, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Block print by Charlene Levey.
(T&H P-24)

21. Salamon, Russell. THE TRIAL *
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Postcard, 3″ x 5″, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Block print by Russell Salamon. (T&H P-25)

22. Keys, John. KEY’S
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 6.5″, 16 pages, 100 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-26)

23. levy, d.a. 5 CLEVELAND PRINTS
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Five prints laid into printed wrappers, 11.5″ x 6.75″, 50 copies, letterpress printed and with prints by d.a. levy. (T&H P-27)

24. levy, d.a. 6 CLEVELAND PRINTS, Volume 2
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Six prints laid into printed wrappers, 10″ x 6″, 50 copies, letterpress printed and with prints by d.a. levy. (T&H P-28)

25. Randall, Margaret. POEMS OF THE GLASS
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 5″ x 7″, 16 pages, 100 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Block prints by Cathy Crayton. Dedication: “for Sergio”. (T&H P-29)

26. Rasey, Dave. SUBWAYS
levy_subwaysFirst edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Side-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5″ x 7″, 12 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Block prints by A. Sypher (pseud. Marvin Malone). Dedication: “for Carol Bergé”. (T&H P-30)

27. Salamon, Russell. PARENT[HETICAL POP]PIES
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 4.75″ x 7″, 16 pages, 100 copies, letterpress printed and with block prints by d.a. levy. Dedication: “for Lewis Turco”. (T&H P-31)

a. First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 6″ x 7″, 16 pages, 105 copies, letterpress printed and with prints by d.a. levy. Dedication: “to the dope-freaks, poets, madmen & mother fuckers of the Lower East Side”. (T&H P-32)

b. First edition, second printing:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 4.5″ x 7″, 12 pages, letterpress printed and with block prints by d.a. levy. Dedication: “to the dope-freaks, poets, madmen & mother fuckers of the Lower East Side”. (T&H P-59)

29. Schramm, Irene. WHO IS DEAD
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.75″ x 8.5″, 16 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Dedication: “for ee”. (T&H P-33)

30. Taylor, Kent. ALEATORY LETTERS 
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Side-stapled and bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 6″ x 7″, 14 pages, 57 numbered copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy and Kent Taylor. Illustrated with block prints by Kent Taylor. (T&H P-39)

levy_farewellFirst edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1964
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 6″ x 6.25″, 14 pages, 105 copies, letterpress printed and with block prints by d.a. levy. Dedication: “for my brother, James”.
(T&H P-40)

32. [Polluted Lake Series] Atkins, Russell. DISTANT THE SOUND
levy_polluted01First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 4.25″ x 6″, 12 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Published as Polluted Lake Series, No. 1. (T&H P-43)

33. [Polluted Lake Series] Cook, Geoffrey A. [untitled] “WOUND…”
levy_polluted02First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 2″ x 5″, 16 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Published as Polluted Lake Series, No. 2. (T&H P-44)

34. [Polluted Lake Series] Albrecht, Erik K. [untitled] “OH4286AW…”
levy_polluted03First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 5″ x 4.5″, 12 pages,  letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by Dave Williams. Published as Polluted Lake Series, No. 3. (T&H P-45)

35. [Polluted Lake Series] Taylor, Kent. [untitled] “MIST…”
levy_polluted04First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 4.5″, 12 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Published as Polluted Lake Series, No. 4. (T&H P-46)

36. [Polluted Lake Series] Salamon, Russell. CONFLICT IN SONATA FORM
levy_polluted05First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 4.5″, 12 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Published as Polluted Lake Series, No. 5.
(T&H P-47)

37. [Polluted Lake Series] levy, d.a. “ASTER F…”
levy_polluted06First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 4.5″, 12 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Published as Polluted Lake Series, No. 6.
(T&H P-48)

38. [Polluted Lake Series] Morgan, Edwin. SCOTCH MIST
levy_polluted07First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled sheets bound in to printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 2″, 16 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Published as Polluted Lake Series, No. 7. (T&H P-49)

39. [Polluted Lake Series] Houedard, Dom Sylvester. VIENNA CIRCLES
levy_polluted08First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled sheets bound in to printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 2.5″, 12 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Dedication: “for Ernst Jandl”. Published as Polluted Lake Series, No. 8. (T&H P-50)

40. [Polluted Lake Series] Dogin, Sam. SHIT TARGET
levy_polluted09First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled and bound in wrappers made from wallpaper, 6″ x 8.75″, 2 pages, photocopy printed. Published as Polluted Lake Series, No. 9.
(T&H P-51)

41. [Polluted Lake Series] Cornillon, Susan Koppelman. SUSAN UNDER JOHN
levy_polluted10First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled in printed wrappers made from wallpaper, 5″ x 3.5″, 12 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Published as Polluted Lake Series, No. 10. (T&H P-52)

42. [Polluted Lake Series] Denis, Alan [pseud. d.a. levy]. SLEEP
levy_polluted11First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 4.5″ x 2″, 8 pages, letterpress and mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Published using levy’s pseudonym Alan Denis. Dedication: “for Saint Ronald Jump”. Published as Polluted Lake Series, No. 11. (T&H P-53)

43. [Polluted Lake Series] Dagmar. SHADOWS OVER LAKE ERIE
levy_polluted12First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled in wrappers made from wallpaper, 4.75″ x 4″, 8 pages, letterpress and mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Published as Polluted Lake Series, No. 12.
(T&H P-54)

44. Larsen, Carl. LEAH
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 10 pages, 100 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-58)

First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled in plain wrappers, 4 copies. (T&H P-60)

46. levy, d.a. CHALCHIHUITLICUE *
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 3 pages, 37 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Dedication: “for Carol Bergé”. (T&H P-61)

47. levy, d.a. 50 SECONDS TIL BLASTOFF *
First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 50 pages, 37 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-62)

48. levy, d.a. and Kent Taylor. FORTUITONS MOTHERFUCER
a. First edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1965
Side-stapled in printed wrappers with newspaper insert, 5.75″ x 8.5″, 10 pages, 75 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Note: cover variants exist in two different sizes and two different colored cover stocks. (T&H P-63)

levy_fortuitonsb. Facsimile edition:
Toronto: Letters Bookshop, 1995
Saddle-stapled in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 10 pages, 30 numbered copies, photocopy printed. 

49. [Ohio City Series] Szuter, Thom. SUMMER FROM UNDER A BUSH
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1965
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 3.5″, 28 pages, letterpress  printed by d.a. levy. Published as Ohio City Series, No. 1. (T&H P-64)

50. [Ohio City Series] Kent Taylor. [untitled] “OVER…”
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1965
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 3.5″, 14 pages, letterpress  printed by d.a. levy. Published as Ohio City Series, No. 2. (T&H P-65)

51. [Ohio City Series] Cornillon, Susan Koppelman. FUCK POEMS
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1965
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 7″, 10 pages, letterpress  printed by d.a. levy. Published as Ohio City Series, No. 3.
(T&H P-66)

52. [Ohio City Series] Nichol, bp. CYCLES ETC.
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1965
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 7″, 8 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Published as Ohio City Series, No. 4.
(T&H P-67)

53. [Ohio City Series] Albrecht, Eric K. WORDS AND NUMBERS
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1965
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 7″, 12 pages, letterpress  printed by d.a. levy. Published as Ohio City Series, No. 5.
(T&H P-68)

54. [Ohio City Series] levy, d.a. GOT BUTTER ON IT
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1965
Side-stapled sheets bound in to printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 7″, 12 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Dedication: “for Bud”. Published as Ohio City Series, No. 6. (T&H P-69)

55. [Ohio City Series] Dagmar. BIRMINGHAM BREAKDOWN
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1965
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 7″, 10 pages, letterpress and mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Published as Ohio City Series, No. 7.  (T&H P-70)

56. Bergé, Carol. LUMINA
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1965
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 5.75″ x 4.25″, 8 pages, 178 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy.  (T&H P-71)

57. Harris, Marguerite. MOON
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1965
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 5.25″ x 5.75″, 6 pages, 200 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy.
(T&H P-72)

58. Szuter, Thom. WINTER: 1965
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1965
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 5.75″ x 2.5″, 8 pages, 78 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-73)

First edition:
Cleveland: n.p., 1966
Side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 11 pages, 100 copies, spirit duplicator printed. (T&H P-74)

60. levy, d.a. WHITE LIGHT
levy_whitelightFirst edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 10″ x 3.75″, 26 pages, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Dedication: “for Sam Dogin”. (T&H P-75)

61. Taylor, Kent. LATE STATIONS
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 21 pages, 200 copies, letterpress and mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover block print by Carl Woideck, introduction by d.a. levy.
(T&H P-76)

62. [anthology] LONG DONGS, edited by d.a. levy
levy_longdongsFirst edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 30 pages, 300 copies, letterpress and mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by Beorna. Contributors include Joe Nickell, Steve Richmond,  Douglas Blazek. (T&H P-77)

First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in illustrated wrappers, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 22 pages, 250 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by Baldwin Ford, introduction by d.a. levy. (T&H P-78)

64. THE PARA-CONCRETE MANIFESTO, edited by d.a. levy *
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Single sheet, 8.5″ x 11″, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Contributors include d.a. levy, D.r. Wagner, Kent Taylor.
(T&H P-82)

65. levy, d.a. THE CEMENT FUCK
levy_cementFirst edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1966
Side-stapled and  bound in painted wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 20 pages, 110 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art  by Mara. Introduction by Khu-en-oho. Partial mimeograph stencil bound in. (T&H P-88)

levy_visualizedFirst edition:
Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1966
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 9″ x 5.75″, 12 pages, 115 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Dedicated “to americans dying in foreign countries when there are battles to be fought in america”. (T&H P-89)

67. levy, d.a. LINES FOR LADY JANE
First edition:
Cleveland: n.p., 1966
Side-stapled in card covers with unique painting tipped on to each copy, 5″ x 7″, 2 pages, mimeograph and letterpress printed with block prints and oil paint by d.a. levy. (T&H P-90)

68. levy, d.a. SCARAB
First edition:
Cleveland: n.p., 1966
Side-stapled and bound in printed card covers, 4.5″ x 7″, 12 pages, mimeograph and letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-91)

69. levy, d.a. HAPY HIROSHIMA DAY
First edition thus, second printing:
Cleveland: n.p., 1966
Single 6″ x 7″ sheet folded once to make four pages, letterpress printed and with a block print by d.a. levy. (T&H P-93)

70. Naville, Edouard. THE LITANY OF RA *
First edition:
Cleveland: n.p., 1966
Side-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 12 pages, 33 copies, mimeograph printed. Introduction by d.a. levy. (T&H P-94)

71. Barker, Richard. 3 POEMS
First edition:
Cleveland: n.p., 1966
Corner-stapled with illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 6 pages, 100 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by d.a. levy.
(T&H P-95)

levy_greattibetanFirst edition:
Swamp Erie, n.p., 1966
Side-stapled in printed wrappers, 5″ x 8″, 38 pages, 73 copies, mimeograph printed. Includes multiple sheets laid in with hand-written titling. Distributed by Ganglia Press as Singing Hands Series #3.
(T&H P-96)

Note: According to the Ganglia Press Index (Ganglia, Series 1, No. 8) this item was “printed in Cleveland by 7 Flowers Press & distributed by Ganglia”.

First edition:
Cleveland: 400 Rabbit Press, 1966
Side-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 5″ x 6″, 14 pages, 115 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by d.a. levy. Illustration by Dagmar. Contributors include Paul Blackburn, d.a. levy, W.E. Wyatt, Luis Garcia, Jerry Younkins, Allen Katzman, and Lyndon John Puw. (T&H P-101)

74. Rhody, Randy. PARACHUTES
levy_parachutesFirst edition:
Cleveland: 400 Rabbit Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in painted wrappers, 6.75″ x 8.5″, 6 pages, 125 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Unique water-color cover art by MaRa. (T&H P-102)

levy_16sloppyhaikuFirst edition:
Cleveland: 400 Rabbit Press, 1966
Side-stapled in illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 10 pages, 45 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by Al Diamonstein. Dedication: “for Eunice and Maia”. (T&H P-103)

76. levy, d.a. and D.r. Wagner. BLACK HAT AT THE END OF THE BAR
First edition:
Cleveland: 400 Rabbit Press, 1966
Side-stapled in hand-painted wrappers, 8.75″ x 5″, 26 pages, 120 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy with additional hand-written, hand-painted, and collage elements by d.a. levy and Mara. Text is co-authored by levy and Wagner. (T&H P-104)

77. Diamondstein, Al. DEATH TO ALL NON-BELIEVERS
First edition:
Cleveland: 400 Rabbit Press, 1966
Saddle-stapled in plain wrappers, 4.5″ x 2″, 20 pages, “approximately” 50 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-105)

78. 465, AN ANTHOLOGY OF CLEVELAND POETS, edited by d.a. levy
levy_465First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled in silk-screened cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 64 pages, 500 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover silkscreen by Ralph and Diedra Poplar. (T&H P-106)

Contributors include Russell Atkins, Judith Hawthorne Albrecht, Grace Butcher, Geoffrey Cook, John Cornillon, Susan Cornillon, Joel Marc Deutsch, Joel Friedman, Bennet Hassink, Walter R. Keller, Joyce Guion, T.L. Kryss, Jacob Leed, d.a. levy, Mara, Franklin W.W. Osinski, r.j.s., Thom Szuter, Kent Taylor, Don Thomas, Kathie Lenehan. Preface by Rene Char.

Note: 465 was the first address of Jim Lowell’s Asphodel Book Shop in The Arcade in Cleveland.

levy_undercoversa. First edition, regular copies:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in illustrated wrappers, 6″ x 8.5″, 18 pages, 500 copies, letterpress and mimeograph printed by d.a. levy.  Cover art by dagmar. Dedicated to Jim Lowell. (T&H P-107)

b. First edition, special copies:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in collaged and printed wrappers, 6″ x 8.5″, 18 pages, 65 special copies with “Freak” covers by the author, letterpress and mimeograph printed by d.a. levy.  Dedicated to Jim Lowell. (T&H P-107)

levy_greatmanFirst edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled in printed and collaged wrappers, 4.75″ x 2.5″, 6 pages, letterpress and mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Dedicated to Richard Allen Morris. (T&H P-108)

levy_nabotd2Second edition, revised:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in printed and hand-painted wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 56 pages, 210 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Unique cover painting by d.a. levy. This is the first 7 Flowers Press edition, but the second revised printing after the Free Lance Press edition (see A17). (T&H P-109)

82. levy, d.a. & D.r. Wagner. THE EGYPTIAN STROBOSCOPE 
a. First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in silk-screened wrappers, 8.5″ x 14″, 68 pages, 108 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by Grady Jones.
(T&H P-110) *

levy_egyptianb.First edition, second printing:
Cleveland: Grass Coin Publishing Company, 1967
Side-stapled in collaged wrappers, 8.5″ x 14″, 46 pages, 100 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by Dagmar. (T&H P-145)

“This is one of the publications seized by the cleveland police in the dec. 1966 blitz-bomb”.

83. Albrecht, Erik K. OCTOBER
a. First edition, regular copies
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 2.25″ x 6″, 12 pages, 100 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-111)

b. First edition, special copies
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 2.25″ x 6″, 12 pages, 20 special copies with cover art by Beorna, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. (not in T&H)

84. Atkins, Russell. SPYRYTUAL
levy_spyrytualFirst edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in printed wrappers, 4.25″ x 8.25″, 4 pages, 200 copies, letterpress and mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-112)

First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in illustrated wrappers, 4″ x 6″, 10 pages, 100 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Cover by Dana Crumb. (T&H P-113)

levy_poemsjacoba. First edition, regular copies:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in printed and illustrated wrappers, 6.5″ x 6″, 14 pages, 205 copies, letterpress printed and with block prints by d.a. levy. (T&H P-114)

b. First edition, special copies:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled  in hand-painted wrappers with library tape binding, 8.5″ x 11″, 20 pages, 5 copies, letterpress printed and with hand-painted cover and 3 full painted pages by d.a. levy. (not in T&H)

a. First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled in printed and painted wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 40 pages, 200 copies, mimeograph printed and with unique cover painting by d.a. levy. Introduction by D.r. Wagner. (T&H P-115)

levy_paideumicb. First edition, second printing :
Cleveland: The Grass Coin Publishing Co., 1967
Side-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 22 pages, 125 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by MaRa. Introduction by D.r. Wagner. (T&H P-148)

Note from the title page: “This volume of poems is one of the ‘allegedly obscene’ books seized by the cleveland police in december 1966. The city has continued its campaign to obliterate all non-aryan writings, intoxicants & spokesmen. This printing is in protest to the lack of intelligent police leadership.”

88. Bukowski, Charles. GENIUS OF THE CROWD
levy_geniusFirst edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled and bound in printed  and illustrated wrappers, 4.5″ x 6″, 22 pages, 103 copies, letterpress printed by d.a. levy. Prints by Paula Marie Savarino. (T&H P-117)

89. Montgomery, George. THE MARY-JANE PAPERS
levy_themaryjaneFirst edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled in illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 14″, 22 pages, 200 copies, mimeograph printed and with an introduction by d.a. levy. (T&H P-118)

90. Wood, Kay. GREENWOOD
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Side-stapled in illustrated wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 16 pages, 103 copies, letterpress and mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Block prints by Grady Jones. (T&H P-119)

91. Shulman, Matthew H. THE BALLAD OF NO BERETS
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1966
Broadside, 8″ x 10.5″, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-121)

92. 306, AN ANTHOLOGY OF CLEVELAND POETS, edited by d.a. levy
levy_306First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1967
Side-stapled in silk-screened cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 50 pages, 306 copies, mimeograph and spirit duplicator printed and with an introduction by d.a. levy. Original artwork by Mara. Cover photograph of Jim Lowell standing in front of the Asphodel book shop by Martin Szuter. (T&H P-124)

Contributors include Judith H. Albrecht, Marion Black, Joel Marc Deutsch, Joyce Guion, Tim Hall, T.L. Kryss, d.a. levy, RJS, Kent Taylor, Carl Woideck, MJW.

Note: 306 was the W. Superior address for the Asphodel Book Shop following the departure from The Arcade.

93. levy, d.a. KIBBUTZ IN THE SKY
levy_kibbutzFirst edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1967
Side-stapled in illustrated wrapper, 8.5″ x 11″, 13 pages, 150 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by j.r.s. (T&H P-132)

94. levy, d.a. KIBBUTZ IN THE SKY, BOOK II 
a. First edition, first printing *
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1967
Side-stapled in printed cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 8 pages, 200 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy.
(T&H P-133)

b. First edition, second printing
Cleveland: Free Love Press, 1967
Side-stapled in illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 8 pages, 200 copies, spirit duplicator printed by d.a. levy. (not in T&H)

levy_boxlunchFirst edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1967
Side-stapled sheets in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 10 pages, spirit duplicator printed by d.a. levy.
(Lowell A32, T&H P-134)

96. JAMES R. LOWELL DEFENSE FUND, edited by d.a. levy
First edition:
Cleveland: n.p., 1967
Corner-stapled in illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 4 pages, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy.
(T&H P-134)

Contributors include d.a. levy and Joe Brainard.

levy_weareonFirst edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1967
Side-stapled in hand-painted cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 14 pages, 250 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Unique cover art by Mara. (T&H P-138)

98. Shulman, Matt. FLAGS OF LONELINESS
levy_flagsFirst edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1967
Side-stapled and bound in wrappers made from Geology of Ohio map, 4.5″ x 6″, 8 pages, 200 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-139)

99. Wyatt, W.E. POEMS OF W.E. WYATT
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1967
Side-stapled in printed and illustrated cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 22 pages, 200 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Drawings by Mara.
(T&H P-140)

100. THREE POEMS BY CLEVELAND POETS, edited by d.a. levy
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1967
Side-stapled in hand-painted wrappers, 4.5″ x 5.5″, 4 pages, 86 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by Mara. (T&H P-141)

Contributors include Kent Taylor, Carl Woideck, and d.a. levy.

levy_thedayisa. First edition, hand-painted copies:
Cleveland: 7 FlowersPress, 1967
Side-stapled in hand-painted cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 40 pages, 150 copies, mimeograph printed and with cover art by d.a. levy. Introduction by T.L. Kryss, and “note by publisher” by d.a. levy.
(T&H P-142)

b. First edition, collage copies:
Cleveland: 7 FlowersPress, 1967
Side-stapled in original collage cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 40 pages, 150 copies, mimeograph printed and with cover art by d.a. levy. Introduction by T.L. Kryss, and “note by publisher” by d.a. levy.
(T&H P-142)

Note: the total print run is 150; no count or priority to hand-painted or collage cover copies.

levy_napalmFirst edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1967
Side-stapled and bound in silk-screened wrappers, 8.5″ x 11″, 16 pages, 275 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover silkscreen by T.L. Kryss. (T&H P-143)

103. Fowler, Gene. GENE FOWLER WRITES *
First edition:
Cleveland: 7 Flowers Press, 1967
Side-stapled, 8.5″ x 11″, 10 pages, 250 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. (T&H P-144)

Note: this is the first separate edition of this reprint from Poetry Newsletter: “Home Correspondence Course in Enlightenment”.

104. levy, d.a. POEM FOR JULIE
levy_poemforjulieFirst edition:
Cleveland: Grass Coin Publishing Co., 1967
Side-stapled in silk-screened cover, 8.5″ x 11″, 8 pages, 260 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover illustration after a photo by M.J. Roach. (T&H P-146)

105. POETRY SURVIVAL FUND, edited by d.a. levy
levy_poetrysurvivalFirst edition:
Cleveland: Grass Coin Publishing Co., 1967
Side-stapled in painted cover, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 6 pages, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by Joyce Guion. (T&H P-147)

Contributors include Grace Butcher, Cleo Malone, Basho, Joyce Guion, d.a. levy, D.r. Wagner.

106. SWAMP ERIE PIPE DREAM, Vol. 1, No. 1, edited by d.a. levy
First edition:
Cleveland: n.p., May 1967
Tabloid format, 11.5″ x 15.5″, 4 pages, offset printed.  (T&H P-153)

levy_tibetanstroboFirst edition:
Cleveland: Ayizan Press, 1968
Saddle-stapled in printed and illustrated wrappers, 7.5″ x 11.75″, 32 pages, 4000 copies (though 3000 are rumored to have been destroyed by the author), offset printed on newsprint. Dedicated to Allen Ginsberg, Alan Watts, Robert Aitken, Phillip Kapleau, Paul Reps, and Philip Whalen.  (Lowell A44, T&H P-174)

“An experiment in destructive writing other communications and concrete prose”.

108. Ferguson, Steve and Mara. FLOWERS FOR BRIAN SHERMAN
First edition:
Cleveland: Ayizan Press, 1968
Side-stapled sheets in silk-screened wrappers, 7″ x 8″, 10 pages, 150 copies, mimeograph printed by d.a. levy. Cover art by T. L. Kryss.
(T&H P-175)

[* not in archive]

d.a. levy

· Jim Lowell’s d.a. levy checklist

· Alan Horvath and Kirpan Press

References Consulted:

THE BUDDHIST THIRD CLASS JUNKMAIL ORACLE: The Art and Poetry of d.a. levy, edited by Mike Golden. NY: Seven Stories Press, 1999.

D.A. LEVY & THE MIMEOGRAPH REVOLUTION, edited by Larry Smith and Ingrid Swanberg. Huron: Bottom Dog Press, 2007

LOOKING FOR D.A. LEVY (RANDOM SIGHTINGS): THE D.A. LEVY BIBLIOGRAPHY, Volume 1 [1963-1966], edited by Kent Taylor and Alan Horvath. Vancouver: Kirpan Press, 2006

LOOKING FOR D.A. LEVY (RANDOM SIGHTINGS): THE D.A. LEVY BIBLIOGRAPHY, Volume 2 [1967-1968], edited by Kent Taylor and Alan Horvath. Vancouver: Kirpan Press, 2008

ZEN CONCRETE & ETC. BY D.A. LEVY, edited by Ingrid Swanberg. Madison: Ghost Pony Press, 1991

Online Resources:

· Cleveland Memory Project
· d.a. levy home page
· Deep Cleveland
· Literary Kicks

Some notes on printing methods:

The stencil duplicator or mimeograph machine is a low-cost duplicating machine that works by forcing black ink through a stencil onto levy_greattibetanpaper. The mimeograph process should not be confused with the spirit duplicator process.

Unlike spirit duplicators (where the only ink available is depleted from the master image), mimeograph technology works by forcing a replenishable supply of ink through the stencil master. In theory, the mimeography process could be continued indefinitely, especially if a durable stencil master were used (e.g. a thin metal foil). In practice, most low-cost mimeo stencils gradually wear out over the course of producing several hundred copies. Typically the stencil deteriorates gradually, producing a characteristic degraded image quality until the stencil tears, abruptly ending the print run. If further copies are desired at this point, another stencil must be made.

Spirit Duplicator:
A spirit duplicator (also referred to as a Ditto machine in North America, Banda machine in the UK or Roneo in Australia, France and South Africa) was a printing method invented in 1923. The term “spirit duplicator” refers to the alcohols which were a major component of the solvents used as “inks” in these machines.

The usual wax color was aniline purple (mauve), a cheap, moderately durable pigment that provided good contrast, but masters were also manufactured in red, green, blue, black, and the hard-to-find orange, yellow, and brown. All except black reproduced in pastel shades: pink, mint, sky blue, and so on.

Spirit duplicators had the useful ability to print multiple colors in a single pass, which made them popular with cartoonists. Multi-colored designs could be made by swapping out the waxed second sheets; for instance, shading in only the red portion of an illustration while the top sheet was positioned over a red-waxed second sheet. This was possible because the duplicating fluid was not ink, but a clear solvent.